
From Future Of Mankind

This article is not an official FIGU publication.


The Planets page brings together Eduard Meiers information and links to many pages on this website, to the source information in his books and brings encyclopaedia information into position along side it.

Planets, Planetary Evolution and the Evolution requisites for life on Planets, in the known universe. For Humanoid civilization (usually found on Planets) see Humanoid lifeforms in the known universe.

Encompassing Universes, Galaxies, Stars, Comets, Dimensions, to illustrate the Planets relationship to the rest of the Universe/Creation, including the various forms of Evolution to bring subjects, topics and areas of knowledge together in this way.

There are numerous discussions regarding various different planets in the contact reports. As well as specific information about what constitutes a planet, the stages of developmental evolution of life on any given planet. Planets of our past, like Malona, as well as our future.[1] Planet-Planets[2], Planets in other star systems, like the Lesa Star System, Planets in time shifted dimensions, Erra, in past galaxies, Lyren galaxy and of course in our own times galaxy the Milky way (as Earth people have designated it), other present time galaxies such as the Nepon Galaxy and even other universes. Such as our own DERN universes slightly younger twin, the DAL, where planet Akon is said to be located.

Uncomplicated Introduction to Planets

In Contact Report 589, Ptaah by way of describing the breadth of damage to Earth, provides a synopsis of 7 of the interdependent self-governing planetary systems science sphere boundaries in the process.
[show/hide - extract from contact report 589]

Independent-study Complicated Introduction to Planets

As complicated as you like it.

List of planets

Sol star system

Source: Sol star system


Plejaren Federation

Source: Plejaren Federation


Other Worlds


Comets and Meteors

Source: Comets



Extract from Contact Report 224 [show/hide]

Extract from FIGU Special Bulletin 032 [show/hide]

Rayleigh Scattering

Theoretically Billy has talked about green atmosphere somewhere.[citation needed]

Planetary Evolution


FIGU Forum Planet Related Questions Answered by Billy


Further Reading

