
From Future Of Mankind


Force-Justifying text test - this forces the text up to the edge of the table border, it is a test to see if it makes unreasonable line-breaks and strange line-spacing anomalies and if it looks ok to see if it can be implemented equitably i.e. without having to spend years going line by line through the archive to change the text to justify. There are several variations below. Text justification is demonstrated on line 8, it creates big spaces between the words. Normal mediawiki alignment line-breaks when it can't fit the words in without adding spaces, usually this is handled quite well.

What do you think?

One of the initial observations about justified text is that the English is much less likely to align with the German word position by word position, if someone was comparing where words were on one side compared to the other, with justified text it is less intuitive because it forces the words to space and separate at different intervals. One solution put forward to deal with this was to make the German column width slightly longer than the English column width, see Var 10

Consider https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographic_alignment#Problems_with_justification

Using FIGU fonts: to use FIGU fonts we have to know the exact font type-face used in the printed books, this can be obtained from the PDF reader software, it might be ‘Univers’ -check. It could be either uploaded to the website or retrieved from an external server which ever is faster were it used, if it is a paid/licenced font -check. Then it cannot be hosted and used here unless this is paid because FIGU may have licenced its use but Future Of Mankind has not. It may have group licence in which case can be, or just for the German text depending on the T&C’s of the agreement with FIGU. If it is used however, then every visitor to the website will download this font to their temporary internet files in the background and this is a consideration because it may be a large font file -check.






Univers-Light.ttf - not free, trying out 'Oswald'


VAR 1 Justified text, rounded with british and swiss + link to wikipedia

British English Swiss German

Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact

Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
2. But I see that your condition is not exactly that of good well-being. 2. Wie ich aber sehe, ist dein Zustand nicht gerade der des guten Wohlbefindens.
3. Also from Cladena-Aikarina I should greet you, to which she says that she is very attached to you in love, while from Zafenatpaneach I should bring you a greeting and wish you a good recovery. 3. Auch von Cladena-Aikarina soll ich dich grüssen, wozu sie sagt, dass sie dir sehr in Liebe verbunden ist, während ich dir auch von Zafenatpaneach ein Grusswort bringen und dir gute Genesung wünschen soll.


Oh, thank you very much, Florena, and for the kind greetings, good words and wishes also my thanks to Ptaah, Aikarina and Zafenatpaneach. Please give her my regards, too. Oh, lieben Dank, Florena, und für die lieben Grüsse, guten Worte und Wünsche auch meinen Dank an Ptaah, Aikarina und Zafenatpaneach. Lasse sie bitte auch von mir grüssen.


4. I'll be happy to convey your thanks to them. 4. Gerne werde ich ihnen deinen Dank überbringen.
5. But look here, from what you have designed and what I have transmitted to Ptaah, he has made the representation shown here, which he has made for your information booklet 'FIGU-Time Sign' for expansion and clarification. I will transfer to your computer the representation as it was transmitted to me by Ptaah, so you will have an exact reproduction in which nothing can be changed: 5. Doch sieh hier, aus dem, was du entworfen hast und was ich Ptaah übermittelt habe, fertigte er die hier abgelichtete Darstellung an, die er für eure Informationsschrift ‹FIGU-Zeitzeichen› zur Erweiterung und Klarlegung angefertigt hat. Die Darstellung, wie sie mir Ptaah übermittelt hat, werde ich dir in deinen Computer übertragen, folglich du eine exakte Wiedergabe haben wirst, an der nichts zu verändern ist:
Organ for free, politically independent views and opinions on world affairs. Organ für freie, politisch unabhängige Ansichten und Meinungen zum Weltgeschehen.
According to the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' of 10th December 1948, 'Article 19 Freedom of expression and information': Laut ‹Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte› vom 10. Dezember 1948, ‹Artikel 19 Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit›:
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas by any means of communication, regardless of frontiers. Jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung; dieses Recht umfasst die Freiheit, Meinungen unangefochten anzuhängen und Informationen und Ideen mit allen Verständigungsmitteln ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.
Statements and opinions do not necessarily have to be identical with the FIGU ideas, interests, teachings and missionary material. Aussagen und Meinungen müssen nicht zwingend mit dem FIGU-Gedanken-, Interessen-, Lehre- und Missionsgut identisch sein.
6. The whole is to serve, as he expressly explained, that those objectors who misunderstand and insult free, politically independent views and opinions as political expressions and machinations learn to understand that such views and opinions correspond to rational and rational ways of viewing and judging as well as, under certain circumstances, to ways of giving advice which are in no way politically formed and therefore neither can nor may be understood in this form. 6. Das Ganze soll dazu dienen, wie er ausdrücklich erklärte, dass jene Beanstandenden, die freie, politisch unabhängige Ansichten und Meinungen als politische Äusserungen und Machenschaften missverstehen und beschimpfen, verstehen lernen, dass solcherart Ansichten und Meinungen verstandes- und vernunftträchtigen Betrachtungs- und Beurteilungs- sowie unter Umständen Ratgebungsweisen entsprechen, die in keiner Weise politisch geformt sind und also weder in dieser Form verstanden werden können noch dürfen.
7. The desire of Ptaah for his design is that nothing be changed in this representation, neither in the designed form of the arrangement nor in the size and colouring. 7. Das Begehr von Ptaah zu seinem Entwurf ist, dass an dieser Darstellung nichts geändert wird, und zwar weder an der entworfenen Form der Aufstellung noch bezüglich der Grösse und der Einfärbung.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 2 Justified text, rounded + link to wikipedia

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 3 Justified text

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 4 normal text alignment - testing Oswald font family

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 5 normal text alignment, italic worded numbers, no vertical-align-top

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 6 normal text alignment, no formatting worded numbers, no vertical-align-top

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06 Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr
Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 7 with padding

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 8 with indent

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 9 - Dan's preference

English German
Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
8. Also, as he desires, the lines must remain arranged according to the arrangement of the sentence structure which he bindingly prescribes, as must the typeface, i.e. the overview must therefore correspond overall to the finished representation as he prescribes it. 8. Auch muss, wie er begehrt, die Liniengebung nach der von ihm verbindlich vorgegebenen Anordnung der Satzstrukturierung angeordnet bleiben, wie auch das Schriftbild, folglich also die Übersicht gesamthaft der gefertigten Darstellung entsprechen soll, wie er sie vorgegeben hat.

VAR 10 Justified text, rounded with british and swiss + link to wikipedia
ratio of 47:53, this aligns the sentences up, please try 46:54 and 45:55 etc., alignment suitability varies - 47:53 seems most successful.

British English Swiss German

Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact

Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
2. But I see that your condition is not exactly that of good well-being. 2. Wie ich aber sehe, ist dein Zustand nicht gerade der des guten Wohlbefindens.
2. But I see that your condition is not exactly that of good well-being. 2. Wie ich aber sehe, ist dein Zustand nicht gerade der des guten Wohlbefindens.
3. Also from Cladena-Aikarina I should greet you, to which she says that she is very attached to you in love, while from Zafenatpaneach I should bring you a greeting and wish you a good recovery. 3. Auch von Cladena-Aikarina soll ich dich grüssen, wozu sie sagt, dass sie dir sehr in Liebe verbunden ist, während ich dir auch von Zafenatpaneach ein Grusswort bringen und dir gute Genesung wünschen soll.


Oh, thank you very much, Florena, and for the kind greetings, good words and wishes also my thanks to Ptaah, Aikarina and Zafenatpaneach. Please give her my regards, too. Oh, lieben Dank, Florena, und für die lieben Grüsse, guten Worte und Wünsche auch meinen Dank an Ptaah, Aikarina und Zafenatpaneach. Lasse sie bitte auch von mir grüssen.


4. I'll be happy to convey your thanks to them. 4. Gerne werde ich ihnen deinen Dank überbringen.
5. But look here, from what you have designed and what I have transmitted to Ptaah, he has made the representation shown here, which he has made for your information booklet 'FIGU-Time Sign' for expansion and clarification. I will transfer to your computer the representation as it was transmitted to me by Ptaah, so you will have an exact reproduction in which nothing can be changed: 5. Doch sieh hier, aus dem, was du entworfen hast und was ich Ptaah übermittelt habe, fertigte er die hier abgelichtete Darstellung an, die er für eure Informationsschrift ‹FIGU-Zeitzeichen› zur Erweiterung und Klarlegung angefertigt hat. Die Darstellung, wie sie mir Ptaah übermittelt hat, werde ich dir in deinen Computer übertragen, folglich du eine exakte Wiedergabe haben wirst, an der nichts zu verändern ist:
Organ for free, politically independent views and opinions on world affairs. Organ für freie, politisch unabhängige Ansichten und Meinungen zum Weltgeschehen.
According to the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' of 10th December 1948, 'Article 19 Freedom of expression and information': Laut ‹Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte› vom 10. Dezember 1948, ‹Artikel 19 Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit›:
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas by any means of communication, regardless of frontiers. Jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung; dieses Recht umfasst die Freiheit, Meinungen unangefochten anzuhängen und Informationen und Ideen mit allen Verständigungsmitteln ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.
Statements and opinions do not necessarily have to be identical with the FIGU ideas, interests, teachings and missionary material. Aussagen und Meinungen müssen nicht zwingend mit dem FIGU-Gedanken-, Interessen-, Lehre- und Missionsgut identisch sein.
6. The whole is to serve, as he expressly explained, that those objectors who misunderstand and insult free, politically independent views and opinions as political expressions and machinations learn to understand that such views and opinions correspond to rational and rational ways of viewing and judging as well as, under certain circumstances, to ways of giving advice which are in no way politically formed and therefore neither can nor may be understood in this form. 6. Das Ganze soll dazu dienen, wie er ausdrücklich erklärte, dass jene Beanstandenden, die freie, politisch unabhängige Ansichten und Meinungen als politische Äusserungen und Machenschaften missverstehen und beschimpfen, verstehen lernen, dass solcherart Ansichten und Meinungen verstandes- und vernunftträchtigen Betrachtungs- und Beurteilungs- sowie unter Umständen Ratgebungsweisen entsprechen, die in keiner Weise politisch geformt sind und also weder in dieser Form verstanden werden können noch dürfen.

And Var 11

Six Hundred Thirtieth Contact / Sechshundertdreissigster Kontakt

Sunday, 11th October 2015, 08:26

Florena: Florena:
1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you. 1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.

Further Reading images test

Adding in an interchangeable image spot, for different images on different pages using the template markup, so we can add images from pinterest which are relevant to the page - test

Links and navigationFuture f Mankind

  • Ufo_154.jpg
Contact Report Index Meier Encyclopaedia
n A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Links and navigationFuture f Mankind

  • 18m1975.jpeg
Contact Report Index Meier Encyclopaedia
n A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Links and navigationFuture f Mankind

  • Self_parking_ale-inn.jpeg
Contact Report Index Meier Encyclopaedia
n A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Links and navigationFuture f Mankind

  • Meier-08.jpg
Contact Report Index Meier Encyclopaedia
n A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


<span style="float:left">'''Links and navigation'''</span><span style="float: right; text-align: right; font-size: 1.45em; font-variant: small-caps; padding: 0 0.75em 0 0; line-height: 0.8; color: #001133; font-family: 'Linux Libertine','Times New Roman',serif;">Future [[File:FIGU.png|link=Photo_Gallery|30px]]f Mankind</span><br>
{| style="width:103%;"
| style="width:90%; vertical-align: top;" | <div style="column-count:4;-moz-column-count:4;-webkit-column-count:4; width: 110%; text-align:justify;">
<div id="mf-mainsections" title="Navigation List"><small>
* [[Eduard Albert Meier|Eduard Meier]], [[Biography|Bio]], [[Why Billy Meier?|Why him?]]
* [[Interviews with Billy|Interviews]], [[The Witnesses|Witnesses]]
* [[Spirit Teaching]], [[An_Introduction_To_The_Spirit_Teaching|Introduction]]
* [[FIGU]], [[FIGU News]] and [[SSSC]]
* [[Books]], [[Booklets]], [[His Work]], [[Short_Bibliography|Biog]]
* [[Contact Reports]], [[The_Sfath_Contact_Reports|Sfath's]], [[The_Asket_Contact_Reports|Asket's]]
* [[FIGU Bulletins]]
* [[FIGU Open Letters]], [[Letters from Billy|from Billy]]
* [[FIGU Special Bulletins]]
* [[FIGU Zeitzeichen]]
* [[Special:RecentChanges|Recent Changes]]
* [[Special:Search|Search]]
* [[Photo Gallery]], [[Art Gallery]]
* [[Overpopulation]]
* [[Prophecies and Predictions]]
* [[Peaceful Music]]
* [[Audio Evidence]]
* [[Expert Opinions]] and [[Scientific Facts And Theories Corroborated|Science]]
* [[Photographic Evidence]]
* [[Physical Evidence]]
* [[Earth Event Timeline]]
* [[Psyche]], [[Consciousness]] and [[Ratio]]
* [[Beamship]]s, [[Atlantis]], [[Planets]]
* [[Learning German]]
* [[Downloads]], [[Video]], [[Audio]]
* [[FIGU - related terms|FIGU terms]], [[Downloads#Other_Authors|Other Authors]]
* [[Reincarnation]], [[Human Being|Human]], [[Human_Brain|Brain]]
* [[Spirit]], [[Supernatural]], [[Telepathy]]
* [[Evolution]], [[Creation]], [[Religion]]
* [[Gaiaguys Web]], [[TJResearch]]
* [[Telekinesis]], [[Psychotelekinesis]]
* [[Unconsciousness]], [[Materialkinesis]]
* [[Bigfoot_or_Sasquatch|Bigfoot]], [[Easter Island]], [[The Great Pyramid|Pyramids]]
* [[The_Block_of_Mentality|Block of Mentality]], [[Placebo]]
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| style="width:10%;" |
<div align="center"><ul> 
<li style="display: inline-block; padding:-6px;">[[File:Ufo_154.jpg|frameless|Middle|110px]] 
{| style="width: 100%;"
|- align=left
! '''Contact Report Index''' !! '''Meier Encyclopaedia'''
|- style="line-height: 1.0;"
| style="width: 50%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: auto;" | <small>[[index#n|'''n''']]  [[index#A|'''A''']]  [[index#B|'''B''']]  [[index#C|'''C''']]  [[index#D|'''D''']] [[index#E|'''E''']]  [[index#F|'''F''']]  [[index#G|'''G''']]  [[index#H|'''H''']]  [[index#I|'''I''']] [[index#J|'''J''']]  [[index#K|'''K''']]  [[index#L|'''L''']]  [[index#M|'''M''']]  [[index#N|'''N''']] [[index#O|'''O''']]  [[index#P|'''P''']]  [[index#Q|'''Q''']]  [[index#R|'''R''']]  [[index#S|'''S''']] [[index#T|'''T''']]  [[index#U|'''U''']]  [[index#V|'''V''']]  [[index#W|'''W''']]  [[index#X|'''X''']] [[index#Y|'''Y''']]  [[index#Z|'''Z''']]</small>
| style="width: 50%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: auto;" | <small>'''[[0-9]] [[A]] [[B]] [[C]] [[D]] [[E]] [[F]] [[G]] [[H]] [[I]] [[J]] [[K]] [[L]] [[M]] [[N]] [[O]] [[P]] [[Q]] [[R]] [[S]] [[T]] [[U]] [[V]] [[W]] [[X]] [[Y]] [[Z]]'''</small>

Second band evidence navigation

This navigation template is only to be used on pages deemed second band evidence pages. First band evidence pages are all the pages currently listed under the evidence menu. Second band evidence pages are special rare information pages, which typically are only found by those seeking more information about the much broader evidence for e.g. ancient historical finds, archeology, ancient language pages, information about DNA and special information about legacy info, e.g. avocado, yeti, horse, our beauty, our behaviour, special earth species not indigenous but what we think are etc., it’s called ‘second band evidence’ because only long term readers who have got through it all already, adjusted over some time to a different way of looking at the world, will be looking for the second level of info, but certainly will be doing that we know there are many of these persons looking around the website for this special info, we’ll try and get all the good stuff into a short navigation list.

Second band evidenceFuture f Mankind

We’re currently making a few new navigation listings (where it is useful and warranted) which batch subject pages up together, e.g. the meditation navigation listing as seen on Meditation page. Because, folks that look to find specific information, tend to want more of that subject and this also is a good way of ensuring the whole website (quite extensive and few realise how deep it goes) gets a good look. Currently there are already many listings pages e.g. Contact Reports, FIGU Bulletins etc., but some subjects need their own page navigation under the Further Reading section, as see on Meditation Basics etc.

Test notes;, Shasta photos and What I Have To Say photos,



Biblical clarification trailFuture f Mankind

  • 'Original sin' (Genesis 3)
  • 'Egypt's nine plagues' (Exodus 7:14 to 10:29)
    “seven biblical plagues”, Contact Report 150
  • David chosen by God (Samuel 16:1-13)
  • 'Joseph'(s), 'Jacob', 'Mary' (Maria), 'Reuben' (Genesis 37:18-20 to 48:1-22 Exodus 13:19 Joshua 24:32)
    Nokodemjon, Jmmanuel
  • "Zaphnath-Paaneah" (Hebrew: צָפְנַת פַּעְנֵחַ Ṣāfnaṯ Paʿnēaḫ) (Genesis 41:45)
  • 'Antichrist', '666' (John 1 to 2)
    European Union
  • 'False Prophets' (pseudokhristos)
    Edgar Cayce


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* 'Creation universal' (Genesis 1:1-25)<br>[[The Talmud of Jmmanuel - Creation]], [[Creation]], [[Creation|Universal-Consciousness]], [[The Laws and Directives of Creation]], [[Creation Evolution]], [[Consciousness]], [[Consciousness Evolution]], [[Sfath's Explanation]], [[Index]]

* 'Creation of mankind' (Genesis 1:26-31)<br>[[The Talmud of Jmmanuel - The Human Being and Creation]], [[Understanding The Term Creation]], [[Creation's Love]]

* 'Adam' (Genesis 2:7-8)<br>''“Adam” meant 'Earth human being''', [[Contact Report 230]], [[Contact Report 251]], [[Contact Report 009]], [[OM - The Book of Books - The Book of Truth]], [[Contact Report 007]], [[What's Wrong With Christianity?]], [[Index]].

* 'Eve' (Genesis 2:20-25)<br>''"Eva"'', [[Contact Report 009]], [[Contact Report 251]]

* 'Garden of Eden' (Genesis 3)<br>[[Contact Report 251]], [[Contact Report 031]]

* 'Original sin' (Genesis 3)<br>[[Ageing]]

* '144,000' (Revelation 14:4–5, Luke 12:32)<br>[[Interview_with_Billy_(1988)#4th_Question]], [[Reincarnation#The_Codex_and_the_144k]]

* 'Noah's flood' (Genesis 6 to 8)<br>[[Contact Report 039]], [[Contact Report 150]], [[Contact Report 248]], [[Index]]

* 'Sodom and Gomorrah' (Genesis 18:16 to 19:29)<br>[[Contact Report 230]], [[Contact Report 215]], [[Warning to all the governments of Europe!]], [[Contact Report 202]], [[Contact Report 248]], [[My first UFO sighting and the first subsequent contact]], [[Index]]

* 'Israel' (Genesis 34, 35 and 37)<br>[[The Talmud of Jmmanuel - Prophecy]], [[Jmmanuel]], [[To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth:]], [[Contact Report 248]], [[Sohar]], [[What's Wrong With Christianity?]], [[Prophetien und Voraussagen (Book)]]

* 'Moses' (Exodus 2:1-10 to 2:11-25, 3:1 to 4:17)<br>[[Moses]], [[Contact Report 214]], [[Contact Report 224]], [[Contact Report 251]], [[FIGU Bulletin 061]], [[The Laws and Directives of Creation]], [[Asket's Explanations - Part 6]], [[Contact Report 150]]

* 'Egypt's nine plagues' (Exodus 7:14 to 10:29)<br>''“seven biblical plagues”'', [[Contact Report 150]]

* 'Passover' (Exodus 12:1-20)<br>[[Clarification of a Defamatory Claim]], [[What's Wrong With Christianity?]], [[About Suicide]]

* 'The Exodus' (Exodus 12:31-51)<br>[[Contact Report 214]], [[Contact Report 251]], [[Plejares]]

* 'The Ten Commandments' (Exodus 20:1-17)<br>[[The Twelve Commandments]] or if prefer [[The Twelve Recommendations]]

* 'Jericho' (Joshua 6)<br>[[Contact Report 212]]

* David chosen by God (Samuel 16:1-13)<br>[[God]]

* David and Goliath (Samuel 17)<br>''"colossi, giants, titans"'', [[Contact Report 236]], [[Contact Report 175]], [[Contact Report 007]], [[Interview with Billy (1988)]], [[Interview with Billy (1998)]], [[The History Of Man]]

* 'Elijah' (Kings 18:17-40)<br>[[Elia]], [[Henoch]], [[Predictions of the Prophet Elia]]

* 'Ezekiel' (Ezekiel 37:1-14)<br>[[Contact Report 182]]

* 'Daniel' (Daniel 1:1-16)<br>[[Contact Report 212]]

* 'Jesus Christ' (Matthew 1:1 to 2:23 Luke 1:26-56 and 2:1-52)<br>[[Jesus Christ]], [[Jmmanuel]], [[Clarification of a Defamatory Claim]], [[What's Wrong With Christianity?]]

* 'Sermon on the mount' (Matthew 5:1 to 7:29)<br>[[The Talmud of Jmmanuel - Sermon on the Mount]], [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]]

* 'feeding five thousand' (Matthew 14:15-21 Luke 9:12-17)<br>[[Contact Report 207]], [[Index]], [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]]

* 'Last supper' (Matthew 26:14-29 Mark 14:12-25 Luke 22:8-38 John 13:1 to 17:26)<br>[[Index]], [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]]

* 'crucifixion' (Matthew 27:11-54 Mark 15:1-39 Luke 23:1-47 John 18:28 to 19:30)<br>[[Contact Report 213]], [[Contact Report 236]], [[FIGU Bulletin 003]], [[FIGU Special Bulletin 035]], [[Asket's Acquaintanceship]], [[Contact Report 225]], [[Asket's Explanations - Part 5]], [[Index]], [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]], [[Contact Report 150]], [[And there shall be peace on earth...]], [[Death, Afterlife and Rebirth]], [[What's Wrong With Christianity?]]

* 'Empty tomb' (Matthew 28 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 20:1 to 21:15)<br>[[Contact Report 311]], [[Index]], [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel]], [[The Talmud of Jmmanuel - Introduction]], [[Contact Report 213]], [[The Earth Human Speaks Of A Love That He Does Not Know]]






Reality Check?
We're living in an age of instability and we can’t edit the false information on the internet, but we won’t stand aside either. Reality check aims to weigh in on the battle over lies, distortions and exaggerations, fact check and debunk deliberately misleading and false stories masquerading as real.
Claim: "We haven’t seen them"
Reality: There are many ways we have seen them. Our DNA is similar, we look similar, our very distant ancestors are theirs, all of Earth's best languages originally developed from those brought here from space. The creative-natural laws are uniform across the universe, which never change, thus we experience the same reality as them, are under the same principles of reality, subject to the same fundamental forces, exposed to the same scientific factors etc., thus languages are only ever as expansive as they ever are because there is only ever so many things to ever have to communicate, genetics is only ever as uniform as it ever is because there are only so many natural laws and creative-natural laws which factor. There are many additional ways we have seen them which has more hazardous cautioned wording; instead check for yourself so that it isn't taken out of context.

We all have a little belief, at least somewhere, that there is life beyond our planet. While we have not been able to rightly access when and where to look for it, many Earthly people have claimed of having alien or UFO encounters. This suggests that the aliens have already found us. We haven’t seen them, but there is one man who claims to have contact with extraterrestrials. The man is an 82-year-old, Swiss Citizen, Billy Eduard Albert Meier. He calls the extraterrestrials, he contacts with, the Plejaren.

According to Billy, his first encounter with the extraterrestrials occurred in the year 1942. Born in the year 1937, in the town of Bulach in the Swiss Lowlands, Billy was only five then. He met an elderly extraterrestrial human being called Sfath with whom his contact lasted till the year 1953. After that, for the next eleven years (1953-1964), he was in contact with the extraterrestrial woman named Asket. He did not remain in contact from 1964-74 with anyone; however, in the year, 1975, he came in contact with the granddaughter of Sfath, named, Semjase.

Albert spent the majority of his life traveling and seeking spiritual exploration. He covered around 45 countries in 12 years. Overall these years of him remaining in contact with the extraterrestrials, he has collected many controversial pictures. These pictures are controversial because some of them showed alleged spaceships and Plejaren. The Plejaren

According to Bill Meier, the Plejaren is the name of an extraterrestrial race. All of them whom he had been in contact with since the year 1942 are the Plejaren.

As the story goes, the Plejaren have always allowed him to photograph and film their spaceships, which he called “beamships.” Billy confirms that Plejaren hail from a planet, known as Erra. It has a population of around 500 million with its size being only a little smaller than Earth. He has named those extraterrestrials “the Plejaren” because their planet is located in the Pleiades star system. The Plejaren could live for more than 1000 years due to their genetic factors.

Reality Check?
Claim: "They withdrew themselves"
Reality: They havn't withdrawn since 1995 evidently because the communications have not only continued since, but became even more in-depth, detailed, educational and explanatory than before.
Claim: "They had the purpose of visiting Earth"
Reality: Their purpose has never been 'just to visit' the Earth, because visitors don't establish themselves properly like they have for thousands of years. Visitors don't communicate with individuals spaced several hundred years apart and impart such a colossal quantity of knowledge, throughout a worlds entire known history.

Meier says that these extraterrestrials had their secret stations on Earth, located in places like Switzerland, North America, and Asia. There was almost the population of 2862 extraterrestrials, stationed on Earth, until in 1995, they withdrew themselves. The aliens had the purpose of visiting the Earth. They wanted to communicate the universal “teachings of the spirit” to the people; however; they left owing to the future events, unspecified.

Reality Check?
Claim: "Meier says that these extraterrestrials..."
Reality: The Contact Reports are conversations, this means the extraterrestrials representing themselves say...

Evidence of Photographs

Reality Check?
Claim: "Some of the photos show alien spacecraft floating above the Swiss countryside"
Reality: The beamship design is not 'alien' by any means, it's an agreeable design devised repeatedly by scientists the universe over. Flight and floating denotes suspension or gliding, the beamship is more of a repulsion.

He has collected the photos of the UFOs between the years the 1970s and 1980s. As stated earlier, some of them show alien spacecraft floating above the Swiss countryside. The spaceships appearing in the photos are disk-shaped, with the diameters ranging between 7 meters and 21 meters. As stated by Billy, the beamships are made up of metal like copper, silver, and nickel. Their beamships are also capable of time travel and can be used for universal space travel.

Reality Check?
Claim: "One of the high-quality images shows a spacecraft named Apollo-Soyuz 1975 which can be seen docking"
Reality: This image is among the very lowest-quality in the entire collection and it has been repeatedly stated for decades that it was maliciously counterfeited by a third-party, who had nothing to do with FIGU.

In one of the high-quality images, there is a spacecraft named Apollo-Soyuz 1975 which can be seen docking. While many believe that this image isn’t fabricated, there have been many investigations held on the man and his evidence.

Reality Check?
Claim: "The UFO community largely ignored Lt Col Wendelle Stevens findings"
Reality: The vast majority of investigators throughout all the decades since have read Wendelle Stevens reports. It is true that the so-called "UFO community" have however broadly ignored the 40 year running 'Billy Meier UFO case', largely because it's ideologically opposed to the fraud they're doing.

A retired Lt Col Wendelle Steven along with an American team conducted the onsite investigation. They reached the conclusion that the case was genuine; however, the UFO community largely ignored his findings.

Well, there are many skeptics and ufologists that characterize Billy Meier as a fraud man. They suggest that he used the spaceship models to hoax the photographs. Some of them employed techniques used in the pre-digital age of film special effects and produced the recreations of Meier’s images. Evidence of Metal Samples and Recordings

Other evidence such as metal samples and sound recordings of the extraterrestrials have been, too, presented by the Swiss man. A chemist who tested them actually stated that those metal samples were unusual. They were pure to such an extent that as soon as they were exposed to intense light from the microscope, the metal oxidized rapidly or broke down which was something not very ordinary.

While the metal samples examination could convince the skeptics, those who inspected the sound recording had a different view.

Apparently, in the year 1976, Meier made a six-minute sound recording of a UFO. Well, according to the investigators, this sound recording possessed no usual characteristics, they had the sound of the conventional aircraft sounds. The truth

Reality Check?
Claim: "His ex-wife Kalliope revealed he used ‘old fashioned tricks’ and regular household items to create the models."
Reality: His ex-wife Kalliope Meier is a key witness with years of thorough testimony reports which attest that it all really happened and couldn't have been a trick. She didn't hold a grudge against her husband, instead she never loved him and was using him to escape her excessively religious family. She probably found it fascinating how after so many decades the false information and made up stories were far more popular than the actual documented evidence and real happenings, quite boring comparatively, and decided to play up to this 'secondary narrative' by sceptical reporters who had never actually investigated it, to see what would happen and be made out of it. She offered a small quantity of malicious quotes and it went around the world. Eduard was told by Plejaren this would happen years before and had to keep silent about it, because such sceptical intrigues has been tremendously valueable to the mission, it's really defined the actual narrative against the wishful fantasy one and has been very reinforcing to those who have genuinely looked into it. An aspect of the 'mission' of the extraterrestrials has been to explain and demonstrate to us that we've deceived ourselves very badly e.g. with religion, politics and about why we have a very short life expectancy. This type of negative sceptical exposure has been valueful in demonstrating this Earth human behaviour of creating fictional narratives to mould it wishfully into how we want it to be rather than how it actually is and has been. Apparently this is why we've forgotten and destroyed all history and records of history and have religion explain it with creationism instead.

Meier might have used the ‘old fashioned tricks’ such as photographic cutouts or foreground miniatures to craft the fake photographs. He might have used items like trash can lids, carpet tacks, and other such objects available in the house to create the models. The truth was revealed by his wife Kalliope, who after breaking up bitterly with the man, stated that he used to cover his acquaintances in tanning paper to fool people.

Well, it isn’t very clear if Billy Meier lied all his life, or his wife is doing it for the grudges she held against her husband; thus, the topic is highly controversial.

Reality Check?
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Tests for collapsible rows

See the common.js for the code added there - I have not got the time to look through this in meticulous detail at the moment.

The short answer is wikipedia says it's not possible after many tests and why they don't do it because it breaks many things about the table.

Collapse column B only
Col A Col B Col C
Row 1 Data A1 Data B1 Data C1
Row 2 Data A2 Data B2 Data C2
Row 3 Data A3 Data B3 Data C3
Collapse column B only
Col A Col B Col C
Row 1 Data A1 Data B1 Data C1
Row 2 Data A2 Data B2 Data C2
Row 3 Data A3 Data B3 Data C3

Do not collapse first column
Col A Col B Col C
Row 1 Data A1 Data B1 Data C1
Row 2 Data A2 Data B2 Data C2
Row 3 Data A3 Data B3 Data C3
Do not collapse first column
Col A Col B Col C
Row 1 Data A1 Data B1 Data C1
Row 2 Data A2 Data B2 Data C2
Row 3 Data A3 Data B3 Data C3

Testing two tables next to each other with individual collapse

This is a broken example, where the two tables are floated beside one another. It's a very bad idea to do this, because on some browsers and setups the tables may be placed one after the other instead of beside one another, and it might need some extra javascript to get the collapse button inside the table header and expand to 100% after selecting. This method is bad for another that we would have edit the contact report into two tables and this would take too long. - But it gives us an idea of what we want to achieve.

British English

Six Hundred and Twenty-seventh Contact
Saturday, 26th September 2015, 14:06

1. Here I am, dear father friend ... and I greet you and bring you a good word from Ptaah with his wish that it may be well with you.
2. But I see that your condition is not exactly that of good well-being.
2. But I see that your condition is not exactly that of good well-being.
3. Also from Cladena-Aikarina I should greet you, to which she says that she is very attached to you in love, while from Zafenatpaneach I should bring you a greeting and wish you a good recovery.

Oh, thank you very much, Florena, and for the kind greetings, good words and wishes also my thanks to Ptaah, Aikarina and Zafenatpaneach. Please give her my regards, too.

4. I'll be happy to convey your thanks to them.
5. But look here, from what you have designed and what I have transmitted to Ptaah, he has made the representation shown here, which he has made for your information booklet 'FIGU-Time Sign' for expansion and clarification. I will transfer to your computer the representation as it was transmitted to me by Ptaah, so you will have an exact reproduction in which nothing can be changed:
Organ for free, politically independent views and opinions on world affairs.
According to the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' of 10th December 1948, 'Article 19 Freedom of expression and information':
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas by any means of communication, regardless of frontiers.
Statements and opinions do not necessarily have to be identical with the FIGU ideas, interests, teachings and missionary material.
6. The whole is to serve, as he expressly explained, that those objectors who misunderstand and insult free, politically independent views and opinions as political expressions and machinations learn to understand that such views and opinions correspond to rational and rational ways of viewing and judging as well as, under certain circumstances, to ways of giving advice which are in no way politically formed and therefore neither can nor may be understood in this form.
Swiss German

Sechshundertsiebenundzwanzigster Kontakt
Samstag, 26. September 2015, 14.06 Uhr

1. Da bin ich, lieber Vaterfreund, … und ich grüsse dich und bringe dir auch ein gutes Wort von Ptaah mit seinem Wunsch, dass es dir wohl ergehen möge.
2. Wie ich aber sehe, ist dein Zustand nicht gerade der des guten Wohlbefindens.
2. Wie ich aber sehe, ist dein Zustand nicht gerade der des guten Wohlbefindens.
3. Auch von Cladena-Aikarina soll ich dich grüssen, wozu sie sagt, dass sie dir sehr in Liebe verbunden ist, während ich dir auch von Zafenatpaneach ein Grusswort bringen und dir gute Genesung wünschen soll.

Oh, lieben Dank, Florena, und für die lieben Grüsse, guten Worte und Wünsche auch meinen Dank an Ptaah, Aikarina und Zafenatpaneach. Lasse sie bitte auch von mir grüssen.

4. Gerne werde ich ihnen deinen Dank überbringen.
5. Doch sieh hier, aus dem, was du entworfen hast und was ich Ptaah übermittelt habe, fertigte er die hier abgelichtete Darstellung an, die er für eure Informationsschrift ‹FIGU-Zeitzeichen› zur Erweiterung und Klarlegung angefertigt hat. Die Darstellung, wie sie mir Ptaah übermittelt hat, werde ich dir in deinen Computer übertragen, folglich du eine exakte Wiedergabe haben wirst, an der nichts zu verändern ist:
Organ für freie, politisch unabhängige Ansichten und Meinungen zum Weltgeschehen.
Laut ‹Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte› vom 10. Dezember 1948, ‹Artikel 19 Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit›:
Jeder Mensch hat das Recht auf freie Meinungsäusserung; dieses Recht umfasst die Freiheit, Meinungen unangefochten anzuhängen und Informationen und Ideen mit allen Verständigungsmitteln ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.
Aussagen und Meinungen müssen nicht zwingend mit dem FIGU-Gedanken-, Interessen-, Lehre- und Missionsgut identisch sein.
6. Das Ganze soll dazu dienen, wie er ausdrücklich erklärte, dass jene Beanstandenden, die freie, politisch unabhängige Ansichten und Meinungen als politische Äusserungen und Machenschaften missverstehen und beschimpfen, verstehen lernen, dass solcherart Ansichten und Meinungen verstandes- und vernunftträchtigen Betrachtungs- und Beurteilungs- sowie unter Umständen Ratgebungsweisen entsprechen, die in keiner Weise politisch geformt sind und also weder in dieser Form verstanden werden können noch dürfen.