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[[Category:Meier Encyclopedia]]
[[Category:Meier Encyclopedia]]
Lists of content about and associated with overpopulation.

Overpopulation occurs when a species population exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. Planets with a 13k km diameter have around a 500 million individual carrying capacity, assuming they wish to retain all existing species that evolved there before them for posterity and aim to successfully manage their existence. It can result from an increase in births (fertility rate), a decline in the mortality rate, an increase in immigration, an unsustainable biome, depletion of resources or several other reasons. Moreover, it means that if there are too many folk in the same habitat, those folk are limiting the availability of resources available for other folk to survive. Thriving, prospering and growing; flourishing, slows, even ceases without anyone knowing about it nor what it was like before; in societies where overpopulation is a subject that too few dare address and where there is an absence of public dialogue about the progression of time and/or commentary is silenced for whatever reason. There are many reasons why so few dare speak about it and that its never been addressed publicly in most countries; one of those reasons is the inevitable conversation of having to exist with less and the uncomfortable manoeuvres folk will have to make in silence to palliate the effects of more for less.
Earth is overpopulated, folks are in denial about it, the facts havn't been examined and myths have been adopted.

==Remedial advice==
<small>[[Arahat Athersata]] Copyright 1975/2004 by Billy Meier. Source: [[Arahat Athersata (book)]] - [http://shop.figu.org/product_info.php?products_id=29&language=en German Original Book] pps 21-25, v. 1-44 - see [[Books]]</small>
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| <br><big>'''Arahat Athersata - Overpopulation (Excerpt)'''</big><br><br>
| <br><big>'''Arahat Athersata - Überbevölkerung (Auszug)'''</big><br><br>
|22. All those who administrate the fate of the Earth, the responsible ones, they have a regulation to issue and be concerned for its success, that no family begets more than three descendants distributed over a ten year duration.
|22. Alle jene, welche die Geschicke der Erde verwalten, die Verantwortlichen, haben eine Regelung zu erlassen und auf ihren Erfolg bedacht zu sein, dass keine Familie mehr als drei Nachkommen zeugt verteilt auf zehn Jahre Dauer.
<span class="mw-customtoggle-remedoverp"><small><small>[continue reading]</small></small></span>
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|23. No male-human life-form under thirty life-years shall beget descendants, and likewise not over forty life-years.
|23. Keine männlich-menschliche Lebensform soll unter dreissig Lebenjahren Nachkommen zeugen, ebenso nicht über vierzig Lebenjahren.
|24. As the first recommendation it shall be valid, that in the exorbitantly overpopulated states an absolute regulation for a birth-stop for a duration of seven years is issued, through which the population-size decimates itself in natural succession.
|24. Als erstes Gebot soll aber gelten, dass in masslos überbevölkerten Staaten eine absolute Regelung für einen Geburtenstopp für die Dauer von sieben Jahren erlassen wird, wodurch sich die Bevölkerungszahl in natürlicher Befolgung dezimiert.
|25. The sustainable population size for the Earth may be calculated according to the number of square kilometers of prolific land (fertile to bring forth much and continuously fruit).<ref>close relative word is "arable"</ref>
|25.  Die für die Erde tragbare Bevölkerungszahl mag nach der Quadratkilometerzahl fruchtbaren Landes berechnet werden.
|26. This counts also for each individual country, and each individual state.
|26. Dies ergibt sich ebenso für jedes einzelne Land, jeden einzelnen Staat.
|27. The truth of the natural law for nourishment and preservation of life is, that per square-kilometer of prolific land just (no more than) 12 human life-forms are permitted to be calculated.
|27. Die Wahrheit des natürlichen Gesetzes zur Ernährung und Erhaltung des Lebens ist die, dass pro Quadratkilometer fruchbaren Landes nur 12 menschliche Lebensformen berechnet werden dürfen.
|28. A square-kilometer of prolific land is able to nourish 12 human life-forms without worry, next to all the present animals of the free nature and the animals of human needs, without that the human with his "orderly" sense-of-disorder "has to" bring "order" in the wilderness of nature and into the actual natural order.
|28. Ein Quadratkilometer fruchtbaren Landes vermag 12 menschliche Lebensformen sorgenfrei zu ernähren, nebst allen gegebenen Tieren der freien Natur und den Tieren menschlicher Bedürfnisse, ohne dass der Mensch mit seinem <ordnenden> Unordnungssinn <Ordnung> in den Wildbestand der Natur und in die eigentliche Naturorgnung bringen <muss>.
|29. Any famines will be remedied and various diseases will be muffled as germs, when this law is followed and heeded.
|29. Jegliche Hungersnöte werden behoben und vielerlei Krankheiten werden im Keime erstickt, wenn dieses Gesetz befolgt und beachtet wird.
|30. Thereby, also the problems of the environment-pollution and air-pollution will be solved, next to the many other cohesive problems.
|30. Dadurch werden aber auch eure Probleme der Umwelt- und Luftferschmutzung gelöst, nebst vielen anderen damit zusammenhängenden Problemen.
|31. Wars and other collateral excesses will be reduced in the greatest measure, and the Earth-human learns again, that the person next to him is in truth his fellow person, and that among each other the humans are reliable upon each other.
|31. Kriege und andere gleichlaufende Ausschreitungen werden in Grössten Massen vermindert, und der Erdenmensch lernt wieder, dass ihm sein Nächster in Wahrheit sein Nächster ist und dass die Menschen untereinander aufeinander angewiesen sind.
|32. The love and harmony will attain their validity again, and peace will make a return on the Earth.
|32. Die Liebe und Harmonie wird wieder ihre Gültigkeit erlangen, und Frieden wird einkehren auf der Erde.
|33. Therefore the first recommendation of the day<ref>English equivalent idiom is "order of the day"</ref> and all time, is that the human population size is held and reduced back to a standard measure, because the unsolvable problems rest in the earthy overpopulation of the human life-form.
|33. Daher ist es das erste Gebot der Stunde und aller Zeit, dass die menschliche Bevölkerungszahl in genormten Mass gehalten und darauf zurückreduziert wird, denn die unlösbaren Probleme ruhen in der irdischen Überbevölkerung der menschlichen Lebensform.
|34. The way to the fulfilment is far and hard, and first the reason must be victorious in Earth-humans.
|34. Der Weg zun Ziel ist weit und hart, und erst muss die Vernunft im Erdenmenschen siegen.
|35. Still the named way is in truth the only one that leads to the fulfilment, because there is no second way and no way of compromises.
|35. Doch der gennante Weg ist in Wahrheit der einzige, der zum Ziele führt, denn es gibt keinen Zweitweg und auch keinen Weg des Kompromisses.
|36. The human of the Earth shall therefore be concerned that the named way is pursued and leads back himself and the Earth to a natural normality.
|36. Der Erdenmensch sei daher darauf bedacht, dass er den genannten Weg beschreitet und sich selbst, wie die Erde, zurückführt zur natürlichen Normalität.
|37. Among the earth-humans there is no equality, rather only differenceness everywhere.
|37. Unter den erdenmenschen gibt es keine Gleichheit, sondern nur Unterschiedlichkeit überall.
|38. From human to human this differenceness is taken into account, which splits and separates one from another.
|38. Von Mensch zu Mensch ist dieser Unterschiedlichkeit Rechnung zu tragen, die sie untereinander spaltet und trennt.
|39. The powerful rules over the weak and threatens him in his existence.
|39. Der Machtvolle regiert über den Schwachen und bedroht ihn in seiner Existenz.
|40. The mighty does not exercise his might according to the natural order, which says that the strong govern the weak instructively and protect him from injustice and evil, as this can be seen in free nature.
|40. Der Mächtige übt seine Macht nicht in natürlicher Ordnung aus, die besagt, dass der Starke über den Schwachen belehrend regiert und ihn vor Unbill und Übel schützt, wie dies in der freien Natur ersehen werden kann.
|41. In nature, the equality of every life-form stipulates the right of the stronger to govern, teach and protect.
|41. In der Natur bedingt die Gleichheit jeder Lebensform das recht des Stärkeren, der regiert, belehrt, und schützt.
|42. But with the human, an account is made of the differenceness, and skillfulness and cleverness, with which the weaker are oppressed and exploited.
|42. Beim Menschen aber wird der Unterschiedlichkeit Rechnung getragen und der Geschicklichkeit und Klugheit, mit denen die Schwächeren unterdrückt und ausgebeutet werden.
|43. But the one oppressed by the stronger wraps himself in a cloak of humility, of slavishness and acquiescence, and thereby loses any initiative to rebel against the unfairness and the desire for dominion of the one who is stronger, while the stronger one establishes himself in his position of might even more.
|43. Der dem Stärkeren Unterlegene aber hüllt sich ein in ein Kleid der Demut, des Hörigseins und der Ergebenheit und verliert dadurch jegliche Initiative, sich gegen Ungerechtigkeiten und die Herrschsucht des Stärkeren aufzulehnen, während sich der Stärkere noch mehr in seine Machtposition hineinlebt.
|44. From these different dispositions, the humanly leadership and the crass inequality among human beings grow out.
|44. Aus diesen unterschiedlichen Veranlagungen heraus erwächst die menschliche Führung und die krasse Ungeichheit unter den Menschenwesen.
<div style="float:right"><br><br>[[File:Sex_education.jpeg|thumb|320px|right|<small><small>1+1=3 ~Human Beings are unlike Octopus, Squid, Salmon and Mayflies whose parents die after the birthing process.</small></small>]]</div>
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'''Q: What does this have to do with UFO's?'''<br>
A: They only get in contact with an individual from Earth on the condition that the person has executed studies in all spheres for decades. See [[Why Billy Meier?]].
==Contraceptive options==
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File:overpopulation5.jpg|<small>Other options</small>
==List of Articles related to Overpopulation==
==List of Articles related to Overpopulation==
* [[Overpopulation Crusade]]
<small>Source: mixed origination</small>
* [[Overpopulation Crusade]] - ''A Crusade Against Overpopulation''
[[File:Red-flags.jpg|thumb|right|<small><small>A red flag used as a warning of danger.</small></small>]]
: [[Overpopulation Crusade#An Extensive_and_Threatening_Topic_Nobody_Dares_to_Address|An Extensive and Threatening Topic Nobody Dares to Address]]
: [[Overpopulation Crusade#An Extensive_and_Threatening_Topic_Nobody_Dares_to_Address|An Extensive and Threatening Topic Nobody Dares to Address]]
* [[Overpopulation Bomb]]
* [[Overpopulation Bomb]]
* [[What is the true cause of climate change?]]
* [[Warning to all the governments of Europe!]]
* [[Parenthood and the Desire to Have a Baby]]
* [[Where are you going humanity?]]
* [[How To Create Peace And Harmony On Earth]]
* [[Human being of the Earth]]
* [[The Crime Against All Life]]
* [[A Word To Mankind]]
* [[Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth (5th July, 1951)]]
* [http://www.ufofacts.me.uk/index.php/earth/investigation/visual-overpopulation UFO Facts: Visual Overpopulation (External)] – ''Before and after satellite images with explanations.''
* [http://www.ufofacts.me.uk/index.php/earth/investigation/once-again-overpopulation UFO Facts: Once again – Overpopulation (External)] – ''Further explanatory facts, statistics and commentary.''
* [http://www.ufofacts.me.uk/index.php/earth/investigation/plajaren-vs-earth-population-no-s UFO Facts: Plejaren Population Figures Vs Earth Human Population Figures (External)]  – ''Comparative analysis of interesting facts.''
* [http://www.ufofacts.me.uk/index.php/earth/investigation/overpopulation UFO Facts: Overpopulation (External)] – ''interesting selection of excerpts.''
===Explosion breakthrough===
According to academically accredited individuals who while know lots about the education system know minimally anything about prehistory, say around 108 thousand million individuals have ever lived on our planet. Assuming we did go by their flimsy conjecture that history began just after the end of [[Atlantis]], i.e. last ice age, about 13,000 years ago, or roughly about when the last wave of anatomically modern humans arrived in spaceships, globalised and war. This would mean that today’s population makes up some 6.5% of the total ever born, then it's a population explosion, even if we use the academics counting method, which is a thousand million humans short.
The explosive breakthrough of overpopulation over the course of a few decades, also means we're genetically modified as a legacy from ancient times, see [[Ageing]]. And that our civilisation is not a real civilisation at all unfortunately, but something more like a binge. It’s probably important that you increase all your generative honourable and dignified values as high as you can possibly get them, because with a population size this more swollen than usual, the value of your existence has decreased dramatically and this consequence will arrive out of the blue.
===Listen to the science and scientists===
Rodney Lynn, a private school headteacher / principal of Coffs Harbour Christian Community Primary School in New South Wales, Australia, branded Greta Thunberg “a little girl with mental problems" in his newsletter to parents, because he’s a Christian religion representative and the parents pay to reject their self-responsibility associated with climate change resulting from overpopulation, because they believe in God and worship a book which tells them to in Genesis 9:7 “be fruitful and multiply; spread out across the earth and multiply upon it.” See Postnatal depression, affects more than 1 in every 10 women within a year of giving birth https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/post-natal-depression/ In reading many conservative critics opinions, many focused on personal characteristics, rather than message. The message was simple. Listen to the science and scientists who are in strong, general agreement about the impact of climate change as a result of ‘overpopulation in combination with the local star’s increased activity’. Very few critics actually address the subject. Some critics, instead of focusing on and replying to the message about the threats of climate change as a consequence of ‘human overpopulation in combination with the local star’s increased activity’, chose to focus on the messenger, Greta herself. Calling her “mentally ill,” one religiose critic even went so far as to suggest she was some sort of a parentally-controlled pawn in a vast global conspiracy. It shows a stunning amount of discrimination, stigma, simple lack of respect, and an inability to argue from the facts when someone brings in another person’s mental health status if that status has little to do with the topic at hand.
Abandon traditions and listen to the scientists.
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[[File:Rumlikon.jpg|thumb|right|<small><small>Statistics collected by extraterrestrials and [[FIGU]]</small></small>]]
===Growth charts and data arrangements===
===Growth charts and data arrangements===
* [[Overpopulation Calculations 2009]]
* [[Overpopulation Calculations 2009]]
* [[Overpopulation Crusade#Earth Population Growth Chart]]
* [[Overpopulation Crusade#Earth Population Growth Chart]]
====Various presentations of different kinds of information====
* [[Interpretation of the Population Table 2009]]
* [http://au.figu.org/overpopulation.html Overpopulation au.figu.org] ''external link.''
* [http://ca.figu.org/overpopulation.html Overpopulation ca.figu.org] ''external link.''
* [http://www.figu.org/ch/ueberbevoelkerung German: Überbevölkerung figu.org] ''external link.''
* [http://de.figu.org/ueberbevoelkerung German: Überbevölkerung de.figu.org] ''external link.''
* [http://at.figu.org/ueberbevoelkerung German: Überbevölkerung at.figu.org] ''external link.''
<sup>STATISTICS COLLECTED BY THE BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION (BBC) A PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTER.<br><small>The BBC will be commissioning programme content related to the subject of human overpopulation indefinitely, because it’s a public service broadcaster.</small></sup>
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p075tsy2 BBC: Climate Change - The Facts, with Sir David Attenborough (Trailer) (External)]
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/topics/Human_overpopulation BBC: Programmes topic ‘Human Overpopulation’ archive (External)]
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-47910600 BBC News: Can you spot ocean plastics from space? (External)]
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46118103 BBC News: Remarkable decline in global fertility rates (External)]
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-48113663/leuser-rainforest-are-palm-oil-farmers-shooting-orangutans BBC News: Deforestation palm oil farmers shoot orangutans (External)] - <small>(FOM Note: for fast food: [https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/corpmcd/scale-for-good/our-food/palm-oil.html McDonalds Corporate: Palm Oil (External)])</small>
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-48117678 BBC News: Scientists find cocaine and long since banned pesticides inside shrimps in England countryside rivers (External)]
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-29108330 BBC News: Intersex fish and hormones from the contraceptive pill in the effluent from sewage treatment works (External)]
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-48113661/leuser-rainforest-from-poacher-to-animal-protector BBC News: “I’ve killed hundreds of endangered birds” (External)] - ''Chinese demand for “red ivory”, helmeted hornbill bird beaks.''
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-48151530/meet-the-scientists-studying-seal-poo BBC News: Meet scientists who study mammal poos (External)] - ''They say pellets help keep log of what's happening in environment.''
<sup><small>A QUOTE</small></sup><br>
''“Governments have focused on climate change far more than they have focused on loss of biodiversity or land degradation,"'' IPBES' chairman, Prof Sir Bob Watson, told the BBC. ''"All three are equally important to human wellbeing."''<ref>https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-48104037</ref> - <small>(FOM Note: but didn’t mention ‘overpopulation’, did he)</small>
[[File:Meier-10.jpg|thumb|right|<small><small>Extraterrestrials have seen other overpopulated worlds - highly recommend avoiding it</small></small>]]
===Presentations revolving around Overpopulation===
* [http://au.figu.org/overpopulation.html au.figu.org: Overpopulation (External)]
* [http://ca.figu.org/overpopulation.html ca.figu.org: Overpopulation (External)]
* [http://www.figu.org/ch/ueberbevoelkerung figu.org: Überbevölkerung (German) (External)]
* [http://de.figu.org/ueberbevoelkerung de.figu.org: Überbevölkerung (German) (External)]
* [http://at.figu.org/ueberbevoelkerung at.figu.org: Überbevölkerung (German) (External)]
* [https://nebula.wsimg.com/290bf7cbce427845d70e69d94af2800f?AccessKeyId=C0F879B9BB56750BC6EE&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 ca.figu.org: Overpopulation presentation (Powerpoint) (Part 1) (External)]
* [https://nebula.wsimg.com/9c86e7fc07176afb499d78b75d9b646d?AccessKeyId=C0F879B9BB56750BC6EE&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 ca.figu.org: Overpopulation presentation (Powerpoint) (Part 2) (External)]
* [[Interview with Billy (1988)]]
* [[Interview with Billy (2011)]]
* [[Prophecies and Predictions]]
* [[What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively]]
* [[Open Letter To All Fellow Men]]
* [[Climate change - The facts and an important Plea]]
* [[What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!]]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSxQZJ0AvKM FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada: Destruction of the Environment as a Consequence of Overpopulation (Youtube)]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - NumbersUSA.com (Youtube)]
* [https://youtu.be/UNfyu2vYnu8 Överbefolkning | Förklaring och lösning (Swedish) (Youtube)]
'''Q: Is overpopulation destroying the planet?'''<br>
A: No, ‘destroying’ isn’t the right wording, it’s a ‘destruction’ of the environment and ‘damaging’ the planet. But it’s also a destruction and a damaging of many other pertinent things that matter to human beings too, not only the climate and environment. You could say it’s ‘destroying’ rare endangered species, but also that it’s ‘destroying’ the delicate balance of good interpersonal relationships between human beings, possibly one may say that it’s ‘destroying’ the normal pacing of change with regards to the climate i.e. climate change. But no, this community revolves around the truth, [[Earth]], the planet, will continue on for millions of years, assuming we don’t genuinely destroy it, see [[Malona]]. The thing we’re concerned with as [[Human Being]]s is among many things the environment, health of the atmosphere and the life it supports, because as human beings that is what matters to us, we live in that thin filament between the rock and space where air among other things is that we need. At any rate the planet itself changes over long periods of time and is subject to ‘planetary evolution’.
'''Q: How is overpopulation a religion related issue?'''<br>
A: Religious folks say breed freely without limitation, don’t use a condom etc., and they account for some estimate of 70% of all human beings alive on Earth at any one time, controlling the world’s wealth due to their thousands of years legacy of controlling majority, with a very tight close alliance with governments and lawmakers. If we’re going to get overpopulation under control it’s going to be their ideologies which come into focus first.
:'''Q: But China considers itself an irreligious nation and they’re overpopulated?'''<br>A: True, but a government like China’s is tantamount to not thinking for themselves independently anyway, their government encourages excessive breeding which is tantamount to a religious world view, i.e. they have unexamined beliefs which keep them fettered, passing the blame over to some imaginary force, indefinite growth, not planning for a future etc.
==List of Contact Reports related to Overpopulation==
==List of Contact Reports related to Overpopulation==
<small>Source: [[Contact Reports]] published by [[FIGU]], see [[Contact_Statistics#Book_Statistics|contact books]], originally Swiss; translated as a worldwide community, see [[Contact_Reports#Translations|translations]] and [https://www.figu.org/ www.figu.org]</small>
* [[Contact Report 675]]
: Basically, it is not the size of the planet that is important for a certain number of human or human-like forms of life, but the land masses and their fertility factors.
* [[Contact Report 121]]
: A planet of one of the Centaurus groups, in the future from our perspective, lives with an overpopulation, comprising about 120 thousand million individuals.
* [[Contact Report 150]]
: Each planet always provides its life-forms with enough natural energy sources that don't entail risk. A stipulation for this however is that the planet is disposed to a normal population-size and doesn't become subject to overpopulation.
* [[Contact Report 154]]
: Earth human beings act wrongfully, ignoring even destroying their determinations, usually leading to descendants who weren't determined to be produced. Growing up without a father/mother and/or wrong father/mother, where a false non-determined marriage is entered or by just as wrong a foster father/mother. This then often leads to children being abused by their forced parents, even killed, but in the very least case they simply find disdain or expulsion. Simply called “uncaring parents” but these descendants largely finding no connection in their families, environment, society and civilization, can be determined descendants of overpopulation. Not finding their way in the world within a natural framework, some go on to operate illegally, become terrorists, anarchists, turn the world and the social order upside down with murder, mayhem and violence, or with sectarianism and fanaticism.
* [[Contact Report 163]]
: If insects stay in their old habitats for a long time then it would mean extinction for them. However their natural instincts warn them of this, they start to feel their present habitat is becoming dangerous and that an overpopulation of their species is taking place. From there arises in them a peculiar urge to master the beginning goal, to let themselves rise high into the air, being driven away by the wind in the thousands and millions as gigantic swarms by those prevailing winds to their new habitat.
* [[Contact Report 215]]
: Plejaren wish for us that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth. Thus an effective worldwide birth control must be enforced, because only through this can a too excessive overpopulation be avoided, with its subsequent further privation, criminality, hate against fellow man, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources, new diseases, epidemics and misery etc., i.e. to avoid and contain that direction of negative growth.
* [[Contact Report 229]]
: More folks are hit by lightning as a result of overpopulation. It's a numbers thing.
* [[Contact Report 236]]
: The ancestors of Chinese and Japanese folks (newest residents of Earth, 25,978 years ago from 1990) about two and a half million years ago, were forced to emigrate to a planet in the Lyra system because of overpopulation.
* [[Contact Report 440]]
: Human overpopulation has inevitably changed the behaviour of migratory birds, we've destroyed the regions where birds naturally infected with the H5N1 virus live, subsequently they've sought other regions to continue nourishment; coming into contact with other diverse migratory birds, leading to the spreading out of the epidemic, to domestic poultry and mammals.
* [[Contact Report 241]]
: Mentions a document which was written called "Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation".
* [[Contact Report 246]]
: Terrestrials are incredibly volatile, domineering, arrogant and unsettled. For this reason it cannot be confirmed whether another worldwide inferno won't be triggered at a later date. It's therefore imperative that a multinational armed unit be established in accordance with Henok's old prescribed system and be deployed to intervene in every country, to create peace and order when wars or revolutions loom or break out. To countries with despots, dictators and the like, who perpetrate their inhumane deeds. Responsible for fighting crime and the organised crime systems, and play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation.
* [[Contact Report 249]]
: When humans on a planet proliferate excessively, nature and life autonomously interferes, leading to the forced curbing of surplus life-forms. Such a curbing and elimination of excess life-forms, in this case human beings, ensues first and foremost through epidemics, because human beings become frail, if not incapable of living, due to their bodies, organs and immune system becoming too weak. Nature and life additionally retaliates against excesses in human beings through catastrophes, by way of the elements of nature, and other things.
* [[Contact Report 251]]
: The old genetic manipulations of the Earth human being have made our negative characteristics particularly forceful and unnaturally aggressive. Such behavioral characteristics has led to overpopulation, as well as every other type of ensuing ill, including religious-sectarian insanity and imbecility that is frequently fanatical in character. Putting the Earth-humans genetics back to normal again might help.
* [[Contact Report 357]]
: There's a solid and strong link between the ceaselessly growing overpopulation and the worldwide unemployment, apathy of humans to one another, disappearing of good interpersonal relationships and the mistreatment of children.
* [[Contact Report 434]]
: Sample: "and negative consequences of overpopulation thus the vitality of a rigorous birth control. ...retaliation, jealousy, war, and destruction would gradually disappear, and overpopulation and environmental degradation, along with many other ills,..."
* [[Contact Report 444]]
: Sample: "useless anyway because they would not remedy the basic problem, namely overpopulation ... ...misery, and so forth, is clearly identifiable with the incessantly growing overpopulation."
* [[Contact Report 481]]
: Sample: "reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of C ...olutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regul..."
* [[Contact Report 482]]
: Sample: "catastrophes, is only their very own fault, which is founded in the rampant overpopulation. Admittedly, worldwide, there is talk about climate change; also at the cli ...oncerning descendents can play any role in this at all. As a result of the overpopulation, created by the Earth human beings, and the climatic catastrophe which is t..."
* [[Contact Report 564]]
: Sample: "which as a result only could have occurred if the rapidly increasing overpopulation would have been stemmed and prevented. Only in this way would it still have ... etc., the blame for the total climate disaster, but not the mass of human overpopulation and its degenerations and criminal machinations against the planet ..."
* [[Contact Report 582]]
: Sample: "refugees, economic refugees and criminals. Of course, that the overpopulation plays an essential role with the entirety of the immigrants..."
* [[Contact Report 583]]
: Sample: "They also talk further about overpopulation and its manifold deadly effects infringement into every concern. ...egard to the malicious consequences that will originate from the worldwide overpopulation, which idiotically and irresponsibly is continuing to breed and always ...."
* [[Contact Report 589]]
: Sample: "the link between overpopulation and climate change, the specifics of the Earth-humans exclusivity to holder ...rth, namely in reference to their irresponsible perspective of breeding to overpopulation with all its arising machinations regarding the global destruction of natur..."
* [[Contact Report 662]]
: Demagogy is the secret weapon that always brings the most success for liars and slanderers among good believers, because they are tired of thinking or even lazy about thinking and can neither enable themselves nor pick themselves up to get to the bottom of a matter by self-initiative.
[[File:Pistonengine.png|thumb|right|<small><small>A piston moves enclosed inside a tight ring as it expands and contracts. It aids the transformation of heat energy as a force of hot momentum in a reciprocating friction, like sex addiction.</small></small>]]
* [[FIGU Bulletin 056]] - ''The World Requires Wise Advisors''
: Wars are stirred up and led through the state powers who are criminals against humanity, in which criminality and overpopulation know no more bounds, in which nature and the climate are destroyed through the fault of humans, as well as that they themselves are misled through religions and sects, [attention] most urgently required - as never before
* [[FIGU Bulletin 001]]
: Additionally, FIGU intensively preoccupies itself with the following vital issues: the fight against overpopulation; the fight against abuse of children and for human rights; the protection of animals; and the fight to save the Earth; lives, plants, humans and animals. FIGU has assumed a monumental and costly task for the benefit of humans, the planet and all floral and faunal life-forms...
* [[FIGU Bulletin 002]]
: 19th August 1995, speaker presentation by Elisabeth Moosbrugger on the subject of Overpopulation.
* [[FIGU Bulletin 004]]
: The measures pertaining to the halting of births, as BEAM delineated and FIGU now disseminates, are outlined in the FIGU pamphlet 'A Crusade Against Overpopulation' (FOM Note: see lists above). However, the measures do not apply to a few indigenous tribes, for they have always abided by their own established practices and conditions for birth control. The following report serves to illuminate one aspect in the thinking processes of such tribes: ...
* [[FIGU Bulletin 006]]
: The fact cannot be ignored that humans are becoming ever frailer and are losing much of their former resistance to disease. This is brought about by the sheer mass and breeding of human overpopulation. A false type of humanitarianism results, whereby even the severest crime against body and life is viewed and prosecuted as a triviality -- or not prosecuted at all. This increasing human frailty, a weakening of the body in every way, affects every organ and consciousness. It attacks the fetus in the mother’s womb and may lead to physical, psychical, and consciousness-related diseases and mutilations. Until now our highly esteemed intelligent psychologists, psychiatrists and medical doctors have failed to recognize this fact --- or they deny it and assert that such a claim is preposterous. In their stubbornness they simply are too “small of mind” and weak in consciousness to recognise and comprehend the truth.
* [[FIGU Bulletin 007]]
: ...apparently in disgust with the terrestrial governments' deaf ears upon which the warnings had fallen regarding Earth's overpopulation and overindustrialisation.
* [[FIGU Bulletin 010]]
: Q&A: In your Overpopulation brochure #3, page 9, you state a family of 5 requires 1 hectare [approx. 2.5 acres] of land to feed itself, maintain a garden, and allow for freedom of movement. But in the next sentence you say that 1 kilometer<sup>2</sup> (km<sup>2</sup>) = [0.39 mile2] should be calculated for every 12-person group. - ''answered''
* [[FIGU Special Bulletin 032]]
: ...the origin of everything is overpopulation, which however, neither humanity nor the responsible scientists, authorities and governments want to accept as true. The more humans there are, the bigger becomes the entire environmental problems, of interpersonal relationships, humans living together, illnesses, epidemics and criminality as well as wrongdoing and wars, and so forth. And what is resolved, and eventually implemented, regarding climate protection and so forth, ends in a farce because the responsible ones are so stupid that they cannot think into the future, consequently, they do not see that their resolved and perhaps implemented measures, are only a drop of water on an ever increasingly hot stone.
==Further associated reading==
* [[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]
: Sample: "Fundamentally, god is an invention of the human being, respectively, of the human brain, whereby, in the human being, over millions of years, the imaginary divinity has been inherited in a form of schizophrenic, epileptic delusion and has established itself in the temporal lobes as well as in the parietal lobes. Religious experiences which arise thereby constitute forms of schizophrenic delusion and are the result of a genetically inherited religious belief."
* [[The Laws and Directives of Creation]]
: Sample: Arahat Athersata and the Plejaren repeatedly advise us in particular about our out-of-control overpopulation problem and, as of 1975, recommended a strict, humane plan of world-wide birth control (which we arrogantly and self-destructively ignored, and continue to ignore. Countries like Australia even promote the growth of our population for economic reasons even as our water and other resources are increasingly reduced and contaminated!)."
* [[Akart]]
: Sample: "and in the end an oxygen and atmospheric collapse occurred. Only 116 million were able to be rescued and resettled on other worlds by the Plejaren."
* [[Afterlife]]
: Sample: "Is there a new calculation for reincarnating lives in the present time ? I assume that spirits are coming back into new lives sooner than the standard lifetime plus one half, because of overpopulation. ANSWER: Yes, they are coming back sooner."
[[File:Glass ’O’ Wasser Doctor Please.jpg.jpg|thumb|right|<small>The sand and gravel filtering of water helped with life confidence probably, like the condom did help</small>]]
* Water filtering and increased confidence of not passing away
* Condoms and increased confidence of not passing away during childbirth or of sexual infections and sexual diseases
* [[Reincarnation]]
: Sample: "The resulting effect of overpopulation on reincarnation. It causes a new consciousness and new personality to incarnate with the reincarnation of the spirit-form only a very short time after death and time in the beyond unfortunately."
* [[What the Plejaren Wish for Earth Humans]]
: Sample: "We wish that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth and, in this regard, effective worldwide birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow men, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources to the utmost, as well as new diseases, epidemics and misery be avoided and contained."
* [[Progress]]
* [[How can you be sure of the authenticity of the Meier case?]]
: Sample: "His stance on the overpopulation issue – a taboo subject, has brought him no fame or favour."
* [[The Power of the Thoughts, Feelings and the Psyche]]
* [[World Peace and Multinational Peace-Fighting Troops]]
* [[Attacking questions from Japan]]
: Sample: "unreasonable, unlawful and despicable manner, which resulted in an overpopulation of planet Kudra, whose inhabitants could no longer feed and sustain ..."
* [[Lifestyles and Health]]
* [[Arahat Athersata (book)]]
* [[Great Journey]]
: Sample: "on July 17, 1975 during my great journey, in fact already is to have threatened an approximately Earth sized planet named Akart through overpopulation stupidity, because in 1975 already 23 billion human beings lived there. To my knowledge the inhabitants of Akart belong to your federation, as well as others from other regions there. Also Kohun and Athar."
* [[Pope Francis]]
* [[Ageing]]
* [[Index]]
Overpopulation means it’s time to see Bigfoot again. [[Bigfoot or Sasquatch]]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld7y3R7BW-4
==FIGU Opinion survey==
<small>Source: http://www.figu.org/ch/node/3623 (German)</small>
FIGU Switzerlands online survey on the theme of overpopulation.
* http://www.figu.org/ch/node/3623 (German language only)
It is designed to gage public opinion on the matters associated with overpopulation. There are 25 questions with selection choices of "yes" or "no" ("ja" oder "nein").
==Common misconceptions==
<small>[[List of common misconceptions|List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject]]<br>
[[List of common misconceptions#Explanation|Explanation about the broad subject of why]]</small>
* There is a piece of conjecture which indicates that overpopulation occurs when there is no real civilisation there.
* [[BEAM]], [[FIGU]] and [[Plejaren]] don’t use this term “New World Order” NWO, because it is too fanatically out of character with their writing and explanation style. However, managing overpopulation globally for the first time would be hypothetically a form of ''new world order'' you could say, and this is what has been proposed in some way or another as a viable solution, even if we can’t compare any pre-existing talk with it. The Plejaren say that normally worlds are happy about the prospect of globalisation,<sup>[citation needed]</sup> presumably because it’s been a normal speed of change, adjustment and has not been forced into position within just one generation but instead gradually merged over many generations. But on Earth we’re already genetically modified as a legacy from the previous civilisation causing a reduced life expectancy, see [[ageing]], and unfortunately a subsequent malady to that is a feverish need to breed to excess, to overpopulate and destroy the climate, pollute environment, breaking the previously short lived history in a sort of delirious rebellion to our own rapidly accelerated progress and have too many beliefs for a healthy human population presently. But in a contact report in the low 700’s<sup>[citation needed]</sup> more details were given about energy spheres that arrived on [[Erra]] ~50,000 years ago which changed the way they thought about things - but the Plejaren weren’t genetically modified like we are.
==Further Reading==


Latest revision as of 09:40, 30 August 2023

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Lists of content about and associated with overpopulation.


Earth is overpopulated, folks are in denial about it, the facts havn't been examined and myths have been adopted.

Remedial advice

Arahat Athersata Copyright 1975/2004 by Billy Meier. Source: Arahat Athersata (book) - German Original Book pps 21-25, v. 1-44 - see Books

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch

Arahat Athersata - Overpopulation (Excerpt)

Arahat Athersata - Überbevölkerung (Auszug)

22. All those who administrate the fate of the Earth, the responsible ones, they have a regulation to issue and be concerned for its success, that no family begets more than three descendants distributed over a ten year duration. 22. Alle jene, welche die Geschicke der Erde verwalten, die Verantwortlichen, haben eine Regelung zu erlassen und auf ihren Erfolg bedacht zu sein, dass keine Familie mehr als drei Nachkommen zeugt verteilt auf zehn Jahre Dauer.

[continue reading]

23. No male-human life-form under thirty life-years shall beget descendants, and likewise not over forty life-years. 23. Keine männlich-menschliche Lebensform soll unter dreissig Lebenjahren Nachkommen zeugen, ebenso nicht über vierzig Lebenjahren.
24. As the first recommendation it shall be valid, that in the exorbitantly overpopulated states an absolute regulation for a birth-stop for a duration of seven years is issued, through which the population-size decimates itself in natural succession. 24. Als erstes Gebot soll aber gelten, dass in masslos überbevölkerten Staaten eine absolute Regelung für einen Geburtenstopp für die Dauer von sieben Jahren erlassen wird, wodurch sich die Bevölkerungszahl in natürlicher Befolgung dezimiert.
25. The sustainable population size for the Earth may be calculated according to the number of square kilometers of prolific land (fertile to bring forth much and continuously fruit).[1] 25. Die für die Erde tragbare Bevölkerungszahl mag nach der Quadratkilometerzahl fruchtbaren Landes berechnet werden.
26. This counts also for each individual country, and each individual state. 26. Dies ergibt sich ebenso für jedes einzelne Land, jeden einzelnen Staat.
27. The truth of the natural law for nourishment and preservation of life is, that per square-kilometer of prolific land just (no more than) 12 human life-forms are permitted to be calculated. 27. Die Wahrheit des natürlichen Gesetzes zur Ernährung und Erhaltung des Lebens ist die, dass pro Quadratkilometer fruchbaren Landes nur 12 menschliche Lebensformen berechnet werden dürfen.
28. A square-kilometer of prolific land is able to nourish 12 human life-forms without worry, next to all the present animals of the free nature and the animals of human needs, without that the human with his "orderly" sense-of-disorder "has to" bring "order" in the wilderness of nature and into the actual natural order. 28. Ein Quadratkilometer fruchtbaren Landes vermag 12 menschliche Lebensformen sorgenfrei zu ernähren, nebst allen gegebenen Tieren der freien Natur und den Tieren menschlicher Bedürfnisse, ohne dass der Mensch mit seinem <ordnenden> Unordnungssinn <Ordnung> in den Wildbestand der Natur und in die eigentliche Naturorgnung bringen <muss>.
29. Any famines will be remedied and various diseases will be muffled as germs, when this law is followed and heeded. 29. Jegliche Hungersnöte werden behoben und vielerlei Krankheiten werden im Keime erstickt, wenn dieses Gesetz befolgt und beachtet wird.
30. Thereby, also the problems of the environment-pollution and air-pollution will be solved, next to the many other cohesive problems. 30. Dadurch werden aber auch eure Probleme der Umwelt- und Luftferschmutzung gelöst, nebst vielen anderen damit zusammenhängenden Problemen.
31. Wars and other collateral excesses will be reduced in the greatest measure, and the Earth-human learns again, that the person next to him is in truth his fellow person, and that among each other the humans are reliable upon each other. 31. Kriege und andere gleichlaufende Ausschreitungen werden in Grössten Massen vermindert, und der Erdenmensch lernt wieder, dass ihm sein Nächster in Wahrheit sein Nächster ist und dass die Menschen untereinander aufeinander angewiesen sind.
32. The love and harmony will attain their validity again, and peace will make a return on the Earth. 32. Die Liebe und Harmonie wird wieder ihre Gültigkeit erlangen, und Frieden wird einkehren auf der Erde.
33. Therefore the first recommendation of the day[2] and all time, is that the human population size is held and reduced back to a standard measure, because the unsolvable problems rest in the earthy overpopulation of the human life-form. 33. Daher ist es das erste Gebot der Stunde und aller Zeit, dass die menschliche Bevölkerungszahl in genormten Mass gehalten und darauf zurückreduziert wird, denn die unlösbaren Probleme ruhen in der irdischen Überbevölkerung der menschlichen Lebensform.
34. The way to the fulfilment is far and hard, and first the reason must be victorious in Earth-humans. 34. Der Weg zun Ziel ist weit und hart, und erst muss die Vernunft im Erdenmenschen siegen.
35. Still the named way is in truth the only one that leads to the fulfilment, because there is no second way and no way of compromises. 35. Doch der gennante Weg ist in Wahrheit der einzige, der zum Ziele führt, denn es gibt keinen Zweitweg und auch keinen Weg des Kompromisses.
36. The human of the Earth shall therefore be concerned that the named way is pursued and leads back himself and the Earth to a natural normality. 36. Der Erdenmensch sei daher darauf bedacht, dass er den genannten Weg beschreitet und sich selbst, wie die Erde, zurückführt zur natürlichen Normalität.
37. Among the earth-humans there is no equality, rather only differenceness everywhere. 37. Unter den erdenmenschen gibt es keine Gleichheit, sondern nur Unterschiedlichkeit überall.
38. From human to human this differenceness is taken into account, which splits and separates one from another. 38. Von Mensch zu Mensch ist dieser Unterschiedlichkeit Rechnung zu tragen, die sie untereinander spaltet und trennt.
39. The powerful rules over the weak and threatens him in his existence. 39. Der Machtvolle regiert über den Schwachen und bedroht ihn in seiner Existenz.
40. The mighty does not exercise his might according to the natural order, which says that the strong govern the weak instructively and protect him from injustice and evil, as this can be seen in free nature. 40. Der Mächtige übt seine Macht nicht in natürlicher Ordnung aus, die besagt, dass der Starke über den Schwachen belehrend regiert und ihn vor Unbill und Übel schützt, wie dies in der freien Natur ersehen werden kann.
41. In nature, the equality of every life-form stipulates the right of the stronger to govern, teach and protect. 41. In der Natur bedingt die Gleichheit jeder Lebensform das recht des Stärkeren, der regiert, belehrt, und schützt.
42. But with the human, an account is made of the differenceness, and skillfulness and cleverness, with which the weaker are oppressed and exploited. 42. Beim Menschen aber wird der Unterschiedlichkeit Rechnung getragen und der Geschicklichkeit und Klugheit, mit denen die Schwächeren unterdrückt und ausgebeutet werden.
43. But the one oppressed by the stronger wraps himself in a cloak of humility, of slavishness and acquiescence, and thereby loses any initiative to rebel against the unfairness and the desire for dominion of the one who is stronger, while the stronger one establishes himself in his position of might even more. 43. Der dem Stärkeren Unterlegene aber hüllt sich ein in ein Kleid der Demut, des Hörigseins und der Ergebenheit und verliert dadurch jegliche Initiative, sich gegen Ungerechtigkeiten und die Herrschsucht des Stärkeren aufzulehnen, während sich der Stärkere noch mehr in seine Machtposition hineinlebt.
44. From these different dispositions, the humanly leadership and the crass inequality among human beings grow out. 44. Aus diesen unterschiedlichen Veranlagungen heraus erwächst die menschliche Führung und die krasse Ungeichheit unter den Menschenwesen.

1+1=3 ~Human Beings are unlike Octopus, Squid, Salmon and Mayflies whose parents die after the birthing process.

Q: What does this have to do with UFO's?
A: They only get in contact with an individual from Earth on the condition that the person has executed studies in all spheres for decades. See Why Billy Meier?.

Contraceptive options

List of Articles related to Overpopulation

Source: mixed origination

A red flag used as a warning of danger.
An Extensive and Threatening Topic Nobody Dares to Address

Explosion breakthrough

According to academically accredited individuals who while know lots about the education system know minimally anything about prehistory, say around 108 thousand million individuals have ever lived on our planet. Assuming we did go by their flimsy conjecture that history began just after the end of Atlantis, i.e. last ice age, about 13,000 years ago, or roughly about when the last wave of anatomically modern humans arrived in spaceships, globalised and war. This would mean that today’s population makes up some 6.5% of the total ever born, then it's a population explosion, even if we use the academics counting method, which is a thousand million humans short.

The explosive breakthrough of overpopulation over the course of a few decades, also means we're genetically modified as a legacy from ancient times, see Ageing. And that our civilisation is not a real civilisation at all unfortunately, but something more like a binge. It’s probably important that you increase all your generative honourable and dignified values as high as you can possibly get them, because with a population size this more swollen than usual, the value of your existence has decreased dramatically and this consequence will arrive out of the blue.

Listen to the science and scientists

Rodney Lynn, a private school headteacher / principal of Coffs Harbour Christian Community Primary School in New South Wales, Australia, branded Greta Thunberg “a little girl with mental problems" in his newsletter to parents, because he’s a Christian religion representative and the parents pay to reject their self-responsibility associated with climate change resulting from overpopulation, because they believe in God and worship a book which tells them to in Genesis 9:7 “be fruitful and multiply; spread out across the earth and multiply upon it.” See Postnatal depression, affects more than 1 in every 10 women within a year of giving birth https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/post-natal-depression/ In reading many conservative critics opinions, many focused on personal characteristics, rather than message. The message was simple. Listen to the science and scientists who are in strong, general agreement about the impact of climate change as a result of ‘overpopulation in combination with the local star’s increased activity’. Very few critics actually address the subject. Some critics, instead of focusing on and replying to the message about the threats of climate change as a consequence of ‘human overpopulation in combination with the local star’s increased activity’, chose to focus on the messenger, Greta herself. Calling her “mentally ill,” one religiose critic even went so far as to suggest she was some sort of a parentally-controlled pawn in a vast global conspiracy. It shows a stunning amount of discrimination, stigma, simple lack of respect, and an inability to argue from the facts when someone brings in another person’s mental health status if that status has little to do with the topic at hand.

Abandon traditions and listen to the scientists.

Statistics collected by extraterrestrials and FIGU

Growth charts and data arrangements

The BBC will be commissioning programme content related to the subject of human overpopulation indefinitely, because it’s a public service broadcaster.

“Governments have focused on climate change far more than they have focused on loss of biodiversity or land degradation," IPBES' chairman, Prof Sir Bob Watson, told the BBC. "All three are equally important to human wellbeing."[3] - (FOM Note: but didn’t mention ‘overpopulation’, did he)

Extraterrestrials have seen other overpopulated worlds - highly recommend avoiding it

Presentations revolving around Overpopulation

Q: Is overpopulation destroying the planet?
A: No, ‘destroying’ isn’t the right wording, it’s a ‘destruction’ of the environment and ‘damaging’ the planet. But it’s also a destruction and a damaging of many other pertinent things that matter to human beings too, not only the climate and environment. You could say it’s ‘destroying’ rare endangered species, but also that it’s ‘destroying’ the delicate balance of good interpersonal relationships between human beings, possibly one may say that it’s ‘destroying’ the normal pacing of change with regards to the climate i.e. climate change. But no, this community revolves around the truth, Earth, the planet, will continue on for millions of years, assuming we don’t genuinely destroy it, see Malona. The thing we’re concerned with as Human Beings is among many things the environment, health of the atmosphere and the life it supports, because as human beings that is what matters to us, we live in that thin filament between the rock and space where air among other things is that we need. At any rate the planet itself changes over long periods of time and is subject to ‘planetary evolution’.

Q: How is overpopulation a religion related issue?
A: Religious folks say breed freely without limitation, don’t use a condom etc., and they account for some estimate of 70% of all human beings alive on Earth at any one time, controlling the world’s wealth due to their thousands of years legacy of controlling majority, with a very tight close alliance with governments and lawmakers. If we’re going to get overpopulation under control it’s going to be their ideologies which come into focus first.

Q: But China considers itself an irreligious nation and they’re overpopulated?
A: True, but a government like China’s is tantamount to not thinking for themselves independently anyway, their government encourages excessive breeding which is tantamount to a religious world view, i.e. they have unexamined beliefs which keep them fettered, passing the blame over to some imaginary force, indefinite growth, not planning for a future etc.

List of Contact Reports related to Overpopulation

Source: Contact Reports published by FIGU, see contact books, originally Swiss; translated as a worldwide community, see translations and www.figu.org

Basically, it is not the size of the planet that is important for a certain number of human or human-like forms of life, but the land masses and their fertility factors.
A planet of one of the Centaurus groups, in the future from our perspective, lives with an overpopulation, comprising about 120 thousand million individuals.
Each planet always provides its life-forms with enough natural energy sources that don't entail risk. A stipulation for this however is that the planet is disposed to a normal population-size and doesn't become subject to overpopulation.
Earth human beings act wrongfully, ignoring even destroying their determinations, usually leading to descendants who weren't determined to be produced. Growing up without a father/mother and/or wrong father/mother, where a false non-determined marriage is entered or by just as wrong a foster father/mother. This then often leads to children being abused by their forced parents, even killed, but in the very least case they simply find disdain or expulsion. Simply called “uncaring parents” but these descendants largely finding no connection in their families, environment, society and civilization, can be determined descendants of overpopulation. Not finding their way in the world within a natural framework, some go on to operate illegally, become terrorists, anarchists, turn the world and the social order upside down with murder, mayhem and violence, or with sectarianism and fanaticism.
If insects stay in their old habitats for a long time then it would mean extinction for them. However their natural instincts warn them of this, they start to feel their present habitat is becoming dangerous and that an overpopulation of their species is taking place. From there arises in them a peculiar urge to master the beginning goal, to let themselves rise high into the air, being driven away by the wind in the thousands and millions as gigantic swarms by those prevailing winds to their new habitat.
Plejaren wish for us that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth. Thus an effective worldwide birth control must be enforced, because only through this can a too excessive overpopulation be avoided, with its subsequent further privation, criminality, hate against fellow man, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources, new diseases, epidemics and misery etc., i.e. to avoid and contain that direction of negative growth.
More folks are hit by lightning as a result of overpopulation. It's a numbers thing.
The ancestors of Chinese and Japanese folks (newest residents of Earth, 25,978 years ago from 1990) about two and a half million years ago, were forced to emigrate to a planet in the Lyra system because of overpopulation.
Human overpopulation has inevitably changed the behaviour of migratory birds, we've destroyed the regions where birds naturally infected with the H5N1 virus live, subsequently they've sought other regions to continue nourishment; coming into contact with other diverse migratory birds, leading to the spreading out of the epidemic, to domestic poultry and mammals.
Mentions a document which was written called "Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation".
Terrestrials are incredibly volatile, domineering, arrogant and unsettled. For this reason it cannot be confirmed whether another worldwide inferno won't be triggered at a later date. It's therefore imperative that a multinational armed unit be established in accordance with Henok's old prescribed system and be deployed to intervene in every country, to create peace and order when wars or revolutions loom or break out. To countries with despots, dictators and the like, who perpetrate their inhumane deeds. Responsible for fighting crime and the organised crime systems, and play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation.
When humans on a planet proliferate excessively, nature and life autonomously interferes, leading to the forced curbing of surplus life-forms. Such a curbing and elimination of excess life-forms, in this case human beings, ensues first and foremost through epidemics, because human beings become frail, if not incapable of living, due to their bodies, organs and immune system becoming too weak. Nature and life additionally retaliates against excesses in human beings through catastrophes, by way of the elements of nature, and other things.
The old genetic manipulations of the Earth human being have made our negative characteristics particularly forceful and unnaturally aggressive. Such behavioral characteristics has led to overpopulation, as well as every other type of ensuing ill, including religious-sectarian insanity and imbecility that is frequently fanatical in character. Putting the Earth-humans genetics back to normal again might help.
There's a solid and strong link between the ceaselessly growing overpopulation and the worldwide unemployment, apathy of humans to one another, disappearing of good interpersonal relationships and the mistreatment of children.
Sample: "and negative consequences of overpopulation thus the vitality of a rigorous birth control. ...retaliation, jealousy, war, and destruction would gradually disappear, and overpopulation and environmental degradation, along with many other ills,..."
Sample: "useless anyway because they would not remedy the basic problem, namely overpopulation ... ...misery, and so forth, is clearly identifiable with the incessantly growing overpopulation."
Sample: "reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of C ...olutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regul..."
Sample: "catastrophes, is only their very own fault, which is founded in the rampant overpopulation. Admittedly, worldwide, there is talk about climate change; also at the cli ...oncerning descendents can play any role in this at all. As a result of the overpopulation, created by the Earth human beings, and the climatic catastrophe which is t..."
Sample: "which as a result only could have occurred if the rapidly increasing overpopulation would have been stemmed and prevented. Only in this way would it still have ... etc., the blame for the total climate disaster, but not the mass of human overpopulation and its degenerations and criminal machinations against the planet ..."
Sample: "refugees, economic refugees and criminals. Of course, that the overpopulation plays an essential role with the entirety of the immigrants..."
Sample: "They also talk further about overpopulation and its manifold deadly effects infringement into every concern. ...egard to the malicious consequences that will originate from the worldwide overpopulation, which idiotically and irresponsibly is continuing to breed and always ...."
Sample: "the link between overpopulation and climate change, the specifics of the Earth-humans exclusivity to holder ...rth, namely in reference to their irresponsible perspective of breeding to overpopulation with all its arising machinations regarding the global destruction of natur..."
Demagogy is the secret weapon that always brings the most success for liars and slanderers among good believers, because they are tired of thinking or even lazy about thinking and can neither enable themselves nor pick themselves up to get to the bottom of a matter by self-initiative.
A piston moves enclosed inside a tight ring as it expands and contracts. It aids the transformation of heat energy as a force of hot momentum in a reciprocating friction, like sex addiction.
Wars are stirred up and led through the state powers who are criminals against humanity, in which criminality and overpopulation know no more bounds, in which nature and the climate are destroyed through the fault of humans, as well as that they themselves are misled through religions and sects, [attention] most urgently required - as never before
Additionally, FIGU intensively preoccupies itself with the following vital issues: the fight against overpopulation; the fight against abuse of children and for human rights; the protection of animals; and the fight to save the Earth; lives, plants, humans and animals. FIGU has assumed a monumental and costly task for the benefit of humans, the planet and all floral and faunal life-forms...
19th August 1995, speaker presentation by Elisabeth Moosbrugger on the subject of Overpopulation.
The measures pertaining to the halting of births, as BEAM delineated and FIGU now disseminates, are outlined in the FIGU pamphlet 'A Crusade Against Overpopulation' (FOM Note: see lists above). However, the measures do not apply to a few indigenous tribes, for they have always abided by their own established practices and conditions for birth control. The following report serves to illuminate one aspect in the thinking processes of such tribes: ...
The fact cannot be ignored that humans are becoming ever frailer and are losing much of their former resistance to disease. This is brought about by the sheer mass and breeding of human overpopulation. A false type of humanitarianism results, whereby even the severest crime against body and life is viewed and prosecuted as a triviality -- or not prosecuted at all. This increasing human frailty, a weakening of the body in every way, affects every organ and consciousness. It attacks the fetus in the mother’s womb and may lead to physical, psychical, and consciousness-related diseases and mutilations. Until now our highly esteemed intelligent psychologists, psychiatrists and medical doctors have failed to recognize this fact --- or they deny it and assert that such a claim is preposterous. In their stubbornness they simply are too “small of mind” and weak in consciousness to recognise and comprehend the truth.
...apparently in disgust with the terrestrial governments' deaf ears upon which the warnings had fallen regarding Earth's overpopulation and overindustrialisation.
Q&A: In your Overpopulation brochure #3, page 9, you state a family of 5 requires 1 hectare [approx. 2.5 acres] of land to feed itself, maintain a garden, and allow for freedom of movement. But in the next sentence you say that 1 kilometer2 (km2) = [0.39 mile2] should be calculated for every 12-person group. - answered
...the origin of everything is overpopulation, which however, neither humanity nor the responsible scientists, authorities and governments want to accept as true. The more humans there are, the bigger becomes the entire environmental problems, of interpersonal relationships, humans living together, illnesses, epidemics and criminality as well as wrongdoing and wars, and so forth. And what is resolved, and eventually implemented, regarding climate protection and so forth, ends in a farce because the responsible ones are so stupid that they cannot think into the future, consequently, they do not see that their resolved and perhaps implemented measures, are only a drop of water on an ever increasingly hot stone.

Further associated reading

Sample: "Fundamentally, god is an invention of the human being, respectively, of the human brain, whereby, in the human being, over millions of years, the imaginary divinity has been inherited in a form of schizophrenic, epileptic delusion and has established itself in the temporal lobes as well as in the parietal lobes. Religious experiences which arise thereby constitute forms of schizophrenic delusion and are the result of a genetically inherited religious belief."
Sample: Arahat Athersata and the Plejaren repeatedly advise us in particular about our out-of-control overpopulation problem and, as of 1975, recommended a strict, humane plan of world-wide birth control (which we arrogantly and self-destructively ignored, and continue to ignore. Countries like Australia even promote the growth of our population for economic reasons even as our water and other resources are increasingly reduced and contaminated!)."
Sample: "and in the end an oxygen and atmospheric collapse occurred. Only 116 million were able to be rescued and resettled on other worlds by the Plejaren."
Sample: "Is there a new calculation for reincarnating lives in the present time ? I assume that spirits are coming back into new lives sooner than the standard lifetime plus one half, because of overpopulation. ANSWER: Yes, they are coming back sooner."
File:Glass ’O’ Wasser Doctor Please.jpg.jpg
The sand and gravel filtering of water helped with life confidence probably, like the condom did help
  • Water filtering and increased confidence of not passing away
  • Condoms and increased confidence of not passing away during childbirth or of sexual infections and sexual diseases
Sample: "The resulting effect of overpopulation on reincarnation. It causes a new consciousness and new personality to incarnate with the reincarnation of the spirit-form only a very short time after death and time in the beyond unfortunately."
Sample: "We wish that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth and, in this regard, effective worldwide birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow men, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources to the utmost, as well as new diseases, epidemics and misery be avoided and contained."
Sample: "His stance on the overpopulation issue – a taboo subject, has brought him no fame or favour."
Sample: "unreasonable, unlawful and despicable manner, which resulted in an overpopulation of planet Kudra, whose inhabitants could no longer feed and sustain ..."
Sample: "on July 17, 1975 during my great journey, in fact already is to have threatened an approximately Earth sized planet named Akart through overpopulation stupidity, because in 1975 already 23 billion human beings lived there. To my knowledge the inhabitants of Akart belong to your federation, as well as others from other regions there. Also Kohun and Athar."


Overpopulation means it’s time to see Bigfoot again. Bigfoot or Sasquatch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld7y3R7BW-4

FIGU Opinion survey

Source: http://www.figu.org/ch/node/3623 (German)

FIGU Switzerlands online survey on the theme of overpopulation.

It is designed to gage public opinion on the matters associated with overpopulation. There are 25 questions with selection choices of "yes" or "no" ("ja" oder "nein").

Common misconceptions

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why

  • There is a piece of conjecture which indicates that overpopulation occurs when there is no real civilisation there.
  • BEAM, FIGU and Plejaren don’t use this term “New World Order” NWO, because it is too fanatically out of character with their writing and explanation style. However, managing overpopulation globally for the first time would be hypothetically a form of new world order you could say, and this is what has been proposed in some way or another as a viable solution, even if we can’t compare any pre-existing talk with it. The Plejaren say that normally worlds are happy about the prospect of globalisation,[citation needed] presumably because it’s been a normal speed of change, adjustment and has not been forced into position within just one generation but instead gradually merged over many generations. But on Earth we’re already genetically modified as a legacy from the previous civilisation causing a reduced life expectancy, see ageing, and unfortunately a subsequent malady to that is a feverish need to breed to excess, to overpopulate and destroy the climate, pollute environment, breaking the previously short lived history in a sort of delirious rebellion to our own rapidly accelerated progress and have too many beliefs for a healthy human population presently. But in a contact report in the low 700’s[citation needed] more details were given about energy spheres that arrived on Erra ~50,000 years ago which changed the way they thought about things - but the Plejaren weren’t genetically modified like we are.

Further Reading

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  1. close relative word is "arable"
  2. English equivalent idiom is "order of the day"
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-48104037