This article is not an official FIGU publication.
Evolution: (lat. Evolvere = roll up) development. Every lifeform is included within the Natural Creative Law of development (Evolution). In spiritual, consciousness-related and in a material way. However every lifeform has its own specific evolution.
Evolution is also developing powers, force, abilities and skills that dont exist yet, and developing powers, force, abilities and skills that are already present, in either conscious-active or subconscious-passive slumbering form.[1]
Evolution is not necessarily guaranteed and must be worked at.
Evolution is not simply an accumulation of chance and chaos. It is in laws and recommendations, in the external storage banks and in our conscious memory, just as it is in the subconscious memory and in the countless forms of consciousness, unconsciousness and sub-consciousness, etc.
Everywhere, everything is well ordered. Natural Law and regulation and principles prevail.[citations needed]
Evolution in the Contact Reports
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
During contact 217 dated 8th May, 1987. Quetzal explains to Billy how Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong. Darwin filed monkey bones to prove his theory that man should descended from the monkey.
- Listed in reference to a readers question in Contact Report 673
Earlier conversations about Darwin and his falsification, regarding man descended from the ape:
- Semjase 7th Contact from 25th February 1975 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Contact Reports, Volume 1) Contact Report 007
- Quetzal 217th Contact from 8th May, 1987. (Plejadisch-Plejarische Contact Reports, Volume 5) Contact Report 217
- Ptaah 250th Contact from 26th October 1994 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Contact Reports, Volume 7) Contact Report 250
- Ptaah 367th Contact from 9th September 2004 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Contact Reports, Volume 9) Contact Report 367
- Ptaah 437th Contact from 18th November 2006 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Contact Reports, Volume 11) Contact Report 437
- Ptaah 476th Contact from 3rd February 2009 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Contact Reports, Volume 12) Contact Report 476
(FOM Note: This doesn't mean evolution itself is wrong, in fact evolution, it's very right. It means Charles Darwin committed fraud with his bone collection at some stage to convince his fellow scientists of the day that he had found all the missing links to justify the broader conclusion that the local Earth natives came from monkeys not space. When we can quite clearly see (2025) that anatomically modern humans as distinguished from archaic humans such as Neanderthals and Middle and Lower Paleolithic hominins, descended from extraterrestrials during a more recent stage of prehistory. We can and must surely still credit Charles Darwin and the many others who have brought out all the facts about evolution out of the woodwork, especially seeing as how religiose Earth is. They have been ever so brave in the face of such adversity (70%-90% religious majority on Earth) to fathom many of these key principles and facts of evolution, and many of us would continue to respect them even if there was fraud and fudging of the data, we could forgive them for it, even if we did think it had been unnecessary - but perhaps even it was necessary to bring it to the attention of the world.)
Billy Meier knows the real evolution
The God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity and Creation pages have tables on them with all the different types of material evolution and the Human Being page has many sequences of seven which unravel other aspects of evolution, related specifically to Consciousness Evolution. The information given about taxonomy is another area of evolution which is given, and the Spirit teaching itself contains all sorts of other aspects and facts about evolution e.g. the creative-natural laws and natural laws etc. The Earth Event Timeline is another way of seeing evolution in a more logical way i.e. without primates for millions years then 10,000 years of history - and Contact Report 251 provides a more historical background to the evolution we have on Earth, the ageing page contains yet another factoring of evolution on Earth specifically which makes Billy Meier the most robust evolution realist author. There is also other excerpts in the Contact Reports which contains pieces of information about other more detailed aspects, for when those who have a more in depth question arises. We know Eduard knows about the real evolution information because it is logical when taken together as one, it makes sense and much of the information has originated from the Plejaren Federation who have a life expectancy which is in the order of magnitude ten times ours on Earth, giving them longer to know things for sure. All this by the way is how we know for sure that Billy Meier despite the photos in his collection which have defamed him, has the absolute knowledge and knowledge given to him by extraterrestrials, as fantastic as that might read on the face of it initially. It is said on the The History Of Man page that the first extraterrestrial colonisation of Earth was 387,000 BCE, and if that's interested you, maybe the Malona and Mars pages will open up to you too, and while you're at it may as well take a look at Planets because Earth isn't the sort of world which would at this stage develop higher civilisations because the atmospheric composition isn't quite good enough as Malona air was. The Great Pyramid, The Great Deluge, The Destroyer comet etc., etc.
Book: God-delusion and God-delusion insanity (Book)
Source: Book, 'God-delusion and God-delusion insanity'
Thereby one must take great care that the principle of cause-effect-evolution, in other words, of causality, and how it works, is correctly understood."
Most scientists only know about the evolution of nature, and they do not even always know that correctly, but they are basically on the right path, contrary to the Creationists who totally go astray. It obviously does not appear to be clear to them that everything spiritual and material – therefore all things of all existence in that which is spiritual, physical and conscious – is integrated into evolution. Actually, the following forms of evolution exist:
Forms of Evolution
Creation evolution | spirit-energetical evolution of Creation |
conscious evolution of the consciousness |
human life-form Only the human being evolves by means of the conscious evolution of the consciousness |
instinct evolution |
Life-forms of animals and other creatures |
impulse evolution Adaptation evolution, respectively, assimilation evolution |
plant life-forms |
energy evolution Transformation evolution, respectively, conversion evolution |
sand, stones, crystals, gasses, liquids, etc. |
micro-evolution Compatibility evolution and mutation evolution |
bacterium, bacillus, virus |
intelligence evolution (not to be equated with the human beings’ consciousness-evolution) |
higher species of animals, such as apes, dolphins, horses, ravens, pigs, goats, parrots, buffalo and other kinds of cattle, bears, camels, donkeys, beasts of prey, elephants, dogs, cats, sheep, and so forth. |
The Creation Universal Consciousness is not simply an accumulation of chance and chaos. It is in its laws and recommendations, in the external storage banks and in our conscious memory, just as it is in the subconscious memory and in the countless forms of consciousness, unconsciousness and sub-consciousness, etc. Everywhere, everything is well ordered. Law and regulation and principles prevail.
What use is a discovery to the scientists if they cannot include it in a bigger whole in order to draw right conclusions because they have a completely false picture of the Creation Universal Consciousness? Since the following seven principles of all existence are, for the time being, only explained in the Spiritual Teaching, but are very important in the drawing of conclusions, they shall be named here. Spiritual Teaching, Spirit-Lesson no. 127, Die Sieben Prinzipien aller Existenz (The Seven Principles of All Existence), Sieben Prinzipien der Wahrheit des Lebens im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten sind gegeben in aller Existenz (Seven Principles of the Truth of Life in the Spiritual, Physical and Conscious are given in all Existence). Nokodemjon-Henoch
Source: Book, 'God-delusion and God-delusion insanity'
The Seven Principles of All Existence
Source: see Human Being page.
1. Das erste Prinzip fundiert in der Existenz des allumfassenden Geistigen des schöpferischen, allbelebenden Geistes, im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.
1. The first principle is based in the existence of the all-embracing spirit of the creational, all-enlivening spirit, in that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material.
2. Das zweite Prinzip fundiert in der Gleichheit und Gleichwertigkeit aller Dinge des Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, so also alle Dinge sowohl des Geistigen als auch des Materiellen in Gleichheit und Gleichwertigkeit gegeben sind.
2. The second principle is based on the equality and equal value of all things which are spiritual, physical and conscious, thus all things which are spiritual, as well as those which are material, exist in equality and in equal value.
3. Das dritte Prinzip ist die alluniverselle und allexistenzielle Schwingung aller Formen des Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.
3. The third principle is the all-universal and all-existential vibration of all forms of that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material.
4. Das vierte Prinzip ist die Zweipoligkeit aller Dinge alles Existenten, und so also die Gegenpoligkeit aller geistigen und materiellen Werte und Faktoren in ihrer Zusammengehörigkeit.
4. The fourth principle is the bipolarity of all things in everything which exists, and thus the existence of opposite poles in all spiritual and material values and factors in its togetherness.
5. Das fünfte Prinzip ist das Gleichmass aller Dinge im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.
5. The fifth principle is the consonance of all things in the spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material.
6. Das sechste Prinzip ist das Gesetz des Zusammenhanges aller in Erscheinung tretenden Vorkommnisse und Geschehen, so also im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also gegeben in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.
6. The sixth principle is the law of the connection of all occurences and events which come about, so, therefore, in that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus given in everything spiritual and material.
7. Das siebente Prinzip ist das der allumfassenden Evolution aller Dinge aller Existenz im Geistigen, Physischen und Bewussten, und so also in allem Geistigen und Materiellen.
7. The seventh principle is that of the all-embracing evolution of all things of all existence in the spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus in everything spiritual and material.
Common misconceptions
List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why
- Power struggles and lust for power is characteristic of the human form of life in its course of evolution.[2]
- Each universe brings forth a universal prophet who is repeatedly materializing again as a human being in order to help the various humankinds speeding up evolution. That’s a normal occurrence.[3]
Further Reading
- Evolution
- Cause-Effect Evolution
- Spirit-Energetical Evolution
- Creation Evolution
- Consciousness Evolution
- Consciousness
- Unconsciousness
- Subconsciousness
- Instinct Evolution
- Impulse Evolution
- Adaptation Evolution
- Assimilation Evolution
- Energy Evolution
- Transformation Evolution
- Conversion Evolution
- Micro-Evolution
- Compatibility Evolution
- Mutation Evolution
- Intelligence Evolution
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