Wendelle Stevens

From Future Of Mankind

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Wendelle C. Stevens (1923-2010) was an investigator and researcher of UFO’s. His interest grew and he inevitably gathered such precise knowledge and clarifications of high-secret military as well as military findings concerning unidentified flying objects, that the state itself at a national level in the USA, feared that he could divulge what he had learnt to the general public and spread the truth. He was however too honourable and gentlemanly to ever cause a fuss about it, but they made cutbacks to his freedom of expression anyway just as a precautionary measure.[1]

  • Eventually he amassed the largest private collection of UFO photographs in the world.[2]

The first and probably the most thorough investigation into the Billy Meier case was carried out by Wendelle Stevens and his team including Tom Welch, Lee Elders and Brit Elders in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s.[3]

Short Biography

Wendelle Stevens (image credit: Maritza Keefe)

Born and raised in 1923 in Round Prairie, Minnesota, United States of America, Wendelle Stevens enlisted in the Army shortly after high school. He graduated from the Lockheed Aircraft Maintenance & Repair School, Aviation Cadet Training and Fighter Pilot Advanced Training as a very young 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army Air Corps. After that he attended the first Air Corps Flight Test Pilot School at Kelly Field, where he learned to fly all the aircraft of the Air Corps at the time, as well as a few US Navy aircraft. During his long career in the military, one of his assignments was the supervision of a highly classified team of technical specialists who were installing hi-tech data collecting equipment aboard the

Wendelle Stevens as a Major at the Wright Air Development Center in Dayton, Ohio.

SAC B-29s of the Ptarmigon Project – a research project which was photographing and mapping every inch of the Arctic land and sea area. This equipment was designed to capture, record & analyze all EMF emissions in the Arctic, photograph all anomalous phenomena, and record all disturbances in the electrical and engine systems of the aircraft – looking for external influences caused by UFOs. The data was then couriered nightly to Washington. He retired from the USAF in 1963 and worked for Hamilton Aircraft until 1972.

Unable to possess any of this information for himself, Stevens began his own research and collection effort, eventually amassing the largest private collection of UFO photographs in the world. He began to publish reports on the events, and wrote many illustrated articles for many UFO publications. Disenchanted with the dearth of detail on contact events reported in books and journals of the time, he began preparing detailed reports of his own, self-funded, investigations. His most famous one was the Billy Meier case. He has published more than 22 books.

Wendelle Stevens was actively involved in ufology for 54 years, first as Director of Investigations for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in Tucson, Arizona, where he retired. Wendelle was a founder of the International UFO Congress and was a director since its inception.

In December 1997 he received an award for lifetime achievement at the First World UFO Forum in Brazilia, capital of Brazil. Towards the end of his life, he transferred his extensive photo collection, library and archives to Open Minds Productions.

UFO research pioneer, Wendelle Stevens passed away on 7th September, 2010 at 4:44 pm in Tucson, Arizona from respiratory failure.[4]

Video: Wendelle Stevens Opinion on The Meier Case

Wendelle convinced himself that ‘The Meier Case’ is authentic because he researched it and visited Eduard in Switzerland, up to 13 times.[citation needed





(FOM Note: Readers are welcome to write up and submit the transcripts of these video’s and include them here for the readers posterity, if you would like to)

Research efforts

Unable to possess any of this information for himself, Stevens began his own research and collection effort, eventually amassing the largest private collection of UFO photographs in the world. He began to publish reports on the events and wrote many illustrated articles for many UFO publications.[5]

Upon finding out about the Billy Meier UFO case he visited Billy at his home in Switzerland several times before deciding he had seen and heard enough credible and convincing evidence and events to warrant a full scientific investigation.[6]

conclude his team’s findings.

Contact Report Translations

In 1979 Wendelle Stevens acquired 1,800 pages from Eduard in the form of 18 volumes of 100 pages each, the entire first edition German contact notes, Semjase Kontakt Berichte 1st Edition, which he then produced Message from the Pleiades with.

The main source for listings in Contacts 3-9, 11-106 & 115 is Wendelle Stevens' 4-volume "Message From The Pleiades: the Contact Reports of Eduard Billy Meier", an incomplete (sections critical of religion & politics have often been excluded; see MFTP4 pg.49), edited and often incorrect English-language translation of the original German-language Contact Reports [the CD-ROM reissues of MFTP1 & MFTP2 are unexpurgated but do not contain all the Stevens annotation material; also the photos are cropped differently with the edges containing more photo material than the print version]. Information given for Contacts 107-114 & 116-present is based on rough machine-translated excerpts of German-language excerpts often found in the FIGU Bulletins, and from skimming the German-language Contact Reports for names, places, and other nouns [readily identifiable to the compiler]; these are not meant to reflect the full contents of any given Contact Report. Full informational reliability on any given topic, quotation or event can only be had from a careful reading of the German-language Contact Reports, "Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte" & "Semjase-Bericht", available from FIGU (Freie Interessengemeinschaft fur Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien [The Free Community of Interests in Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies]): The origin of the English-language translation in Stevens' books (published 1988-1995) is as follows, to the best of my reasoning with the information provided. The original English-language translation of the Contact Reports was done "by a young German college student who spent a great deal of time at the Meier home, living with them and observing the various witnesses in their daily lives, and seeking very careful explanations. His translations were then checked and approved, as he proceeded, by both the others at the home and by Eduard Meier himself." (MFTP preface). Stevens purchased an edited variation (MFTP2 pg.151) of this translation in 1979 as a "standard approved 1,800 pages in 100-page booklets" (MFTP4 pg.403), which had been "copied by Amata Stetter, who partly changed the meaning unauthorized and also copied wrong" (Meier, MFTP4 pg.404). The errors in the previously approved copies were discovered by FIGU circa 1992, "accordingly we had to correct and to print everything again" (Meier, MFTP4 pg.404). Take into consideration that there are not only omissions in the Stevens books, but also, more crucially, interpretation, translation and various clerical errors throughout (sentence numbering, spelling, numerical, etc.).[7]

Research Professor Emeritus James Deardorff (Oregon State University) donated a copy of the 1,800 pages of unapproved (by Stevens) English translations (author unidentified) provided to Stevens by one of the early translators to Billy Meier UFO Research source. Which they have refered to as ‘UET-WS’ (Unapproved English Translations of Wendelle Stevens). Presumably these 4 versions of English translations were made during the period from 1979 to the early 1980s. Deardorff told them that he got these translations somewhere around 1985-1986 from a person named Roberta Brooks who at that time worked at the ‘American Office of FIGU’ situated in Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA. Wendelle has published two editions of the translations of the 1,800 pages. The first edition contained 4 volumes published between 1988 and 1995 and the second edition which contained 2 volumes was published in e-book format only in 2004 & 2005. The second edition contains information that has been expurgated and censored in the first edition because it was considered to be libellous under US law.


Unfortunately many small mistakes occurred in the original translations which have since been documented in notes included in various Contact Reports. However since then, translators have come along to offer better translations and mostly these little mostly minor mistakes have since been corrected. Wendelle Stevens done ever so well to make those translations at the time he did, and they were very well appreciated around the world.

Conviction and prison sentence

This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.

Contact Report 709 (Excerpt)

Source: Contact Report 709, FIGU Bulletin 104, FIGU Bulletin 104 (German) (External)

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch

Excerpt from the 709th contact conversation

Auszüge aus dem 709. Kontaktgespräch
from 29th of July, 2018

vom 29. Juli 2018


Unfortunately, the Earth people are so involved in all the lies and slander in connection with the so-called UFOs, as well as with our contacts and with the false and various lying accusations against Wendelle Stevens, that they consider the lies and slander as truth and are no longer able to recognise the effective real reality and its truth. And as far as the investigation into the false accusations against him were concerned at the time, it corresponds to the fact that our very precise findings have shown that the whole thing was based on slander coordinated by the state in order to silence him in several respects. The whole thing was on the one hand related to his knowledge of high-secret military clarifications and military findings concerning unidentified flying objects, of which it was feared that he could divulge it and spread the truth, but which he never had in mind to do in the preservation of his honour and duty of confidentiality. On the other hand, he could not be allowed to continue his public activities in such a way that he would have been able to provide the irrefutable evidence for the correctness of the contacts between you and us, to which he would have contributed as a result of ...... ...which was the reason why he did everything he could to get Lee and Brit Elders and the 'Savadove Young Films' crew to do the contact film work. However, Wendelle Stevens kept his promise and remained silent until his death that he would ........., in which he also kept the irrefutable evidence of our existence and our contacts with you as securely as the ......... which should have been handed over to the US government if our attempts to contact it had come about, but which was not the case for reasons known to you. So Wendelle Stevens kept all the important documents that were provided with our security equipment, but through which we carried out the destruction of the entire material when we realised that it was impossible for us to contact the US government. For reasons unknown to us, however, some information had penetrated, which is why the U.S. intelligence services, the U.S. military, and the U.S. government followed certain clues that led to harassment of Wendelle Stevens and ultimately led to him being falsely accused of sexual intercourse with minors, convicting him, and imprisoning him. Leider sind die Erdenmenschen derart in all die Lügen und Verleumdungen im Zusammenhang mit den sogenannten UFOs verstrickt, wie auch hinsichtlich unserer Kontakte sowie mit den falschen und diversen lü- genhaften Anschuldigungen gegen Wendelle Stevens, dass sie die Lügen und Verleumdungen als Wahrheit erachten und die effective reale Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit nicht mehr zu erkennen vermögen. Und was die damaligen Nachforschungen bezüglich der falschen Anschuldigungen gegen ihn betrifft, entspricht es der Tatsache, dass unsere äusserst genauen Erkenntnisse ergeben haben, dass das Ganze auf Verleumdungen beruhte, die von staatlicher Seite koordiniert waren, um ihn in mehrfacher Hinsicht zum Schweigen zu bringen. Das Ganze war einerseits auf sein Wissen entsprechend hochgeheimer militärischer Abklärungen und militäri- scher Erkenntnisse in puncto unidentifizierter Flugobjekte bezogen, wovon befürchtet wurde, dass er es preis- geben und die Wahrheit verbreiten könnte, was er aber in Erhaltung seiner Ehre und Schweigepflicht nie im Sinn hatte zu tun. Anderseits durfte auch nicht sein, dass er weiterhin öffentlich derart tätig war, dass er die unumstösslichen Beweise für die Richtigkeit der Kontakte zwischen dir und uns hätte erbringen können, wozu er ja infolge ... ... ... in der Lage gewesen wäre, was ja auch der Grund dafür war, dass er alles veranlasste, damit er sowie Lee und Brit Elders und die ‹Savadove Young Films›-Crew die Arbeit bezüglich des Contact- Films durchführen konnten. Wendelle Stevens hielt jedoch sein Versprechen und schwieg darüber bis zu sei- nem Ableben, dass er ... ... ..., wobei er auch die unwiderlegbaren Beweise für unsere Existenz und unsere Kontakte mit dir ebenso derart sicher verwahrte wie auch die ... ... ..., die an die Regierung der USA hätten aus- gehändigt werden sollen, wenn unsere Kontaktversuche zu ihr zustande gekommen wären, was jedoch aus dir bekannten Gründen nicht der Fall war. Wendelle Stevens verwahrte also die gesamten wichtigen Unterlagen, die mit unserer Sicherheitsapparatur versehen waren, durch die wir jedoch die Zerstörung des gesamten Mate- rials durchführten, als wir erkennen mussten, dass eine Kontaktaufnahme mit der Regierung der USA für uns unmöglich wurde. Aus uns unbekannten Gründen waren jedoch irgendwelche Informationen durchgedrungen, weshalb die US-Geheimdienste, die US-Militärs und US-Regierung gewissen Hinweisen folgten, die Drangsalie- rungen gegen Wendelle Stevens zur Folge hatten und letztendlich dazu führten, ihn unter falsche Anschuldi- gung bezüglich sexueller Handlungen mit Minderjährigen zu stellen, ihn gefangen zu setzen und ins Gefängnis zu bringen.

Light Years by Gary Kinder

A description of Wendelle Stevens found in a book called Light Years written by Gary Kinder which is about Billy Meier.

..."Lou Zinsstag and Wendelle Stevens had never met, though they frequently had exchanged photographs and information on UFO cases. During his thirty years of collecting and investigating, Stevens had acquired a reputation for having a knowledgeable eye when it came to analysing photographs. Zinsstag knew of that reputation, and in the summer of 1976, she had written to Stevens, telling him briefly about the Meier case and mentioning the photographs taken by this one-armed, unemployed security guard. Prior to her letter, Stevens had heard nothing of the Meier case, but he knew Zinsstag by reputation as well as through correspondence, and he doubted her fascination with the case was unfounded.

Though she was vague about their content, Zinsstag had twelve photographs she wanted Stevens to see; and instead of sending them by mail as she had often done in the past, she wanted to bring them herself from Switzerland to Stevens' home in Tucson.

In early September 1976, Zinsstag flew to the United States, accompanied by Timothy Good, to meet with some of the more prominent figures in American UFOlogy, and to conduct research on George Adamski. On the prearranged day, she called Stevens from the Greyhound bus station in Tucson, and Stevens picked them up, got them checked into a motel, then drove them out to his house. They first wanted to see Stevens' UFO library, which took up an entire wall of the living room, and another wall in his small study. In addition to the 700 volumes on UFOs collected from all over the world, thirty blue binders containing Stevens' collection of nearly 3,000 UFO photographs stood side by side in three tight rows.

Briefly, they discussed various cases, but Zinsstag cut short the small talk when she pulled a folder from her satchel. As Timothy Good remembered, "Lou brought a sort of 'dossier' on Meier." Inside the folder lay a large envelope, which she opened carefully, then slid out a small stack of 5 X 7 photos. As she began laying out each photograph neatly on Stevens' dining room table, Stevens took one look and whispered, "I have nothing in my collection that even comes near the quality of these prints."

When Stevens examined a UFO photograph, he looked first for relative focus, then for distance greying. "Distance attenuation is what I call it," he explained. "The further away an object is, the more moisture, smoke, and dust there will be in the atmosphere between it and the lens. [continue reading]

Source: Light Years Gary Kinder PDF (external), see Downloads.

Commemoration and celebration of his life

Source: FIGU Special Bulletin 57 Translation (Excerpt)

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch

Handwriting tells - by Ruth Skylar Khan

Was die Handschrift verrät - von Ruth Skylar Khan
Certified master graphoanalyst Zertifizierte Grapho-Analystin (master graphoanalyst)
Translation: Mariann Uehlinger Mondria Übersetzung: Mariann Uehlinger Mondria
In Memoriam Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.)

Zum Andenken an Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.)

Our friend Wendelle Stevens, UFO research pioneer, passed away 7th September, at home in Tucson. A service with full military honours was held at Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fort Huachuca, on 16th September. Unserer Freund, Wendelle Stevens, UFO-Forschungspionier, starb am 7. September 2010 in seinem Haus in Tuscon, Arizona. Eine Gedenkfeier mit allen militärischen Ehren fand am 16. September im Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fort Huachuca statt.
A long time resident of Tucson, Stevens was one of the most respected researchers in the field of unidentified flying objects. Some twenty years ago he hosted the very first ever UFO World Congress in Tucson. It attracted people from the North and South Americas, Europe, and Asia. He is considered by far the most influential investigative reporter on the subject. Stevens, der viele Jahre in Tucson lebte, war einer der angesehensten Forscher im Bereich der unbekannten fliegenden Objekte. Vor etwas mehr als 20 Jahren veranstaltete er den ersten UFO-Weltkongress in Tucson, der Menschen aus Nord- und Südamerika, Europa und Asien anzog. Er gilt als der bei weitem einflussreichste Berichterstatter auf diesem Gebiet.

Born in 1923 in Round Prairie, Minn., Stevens enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1941 and was transferred to the Air Corps in 1942. He was trained as a fighter pilot and served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. Later, Lt. Col. Stevens was reassigned to Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) at Wright Field. JJFO projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book were also under ATIC at that time. Geboren 1923 in Round Prairie, Minnesota, verpflichtete sich Stevens 1941 bei der US-Armee und wurde 1942 ins Fliegerkorps versetzt. Er wurde als Jagdflieger ausgebildet, und während des Zweiten Weltkrieges leistete er Dienst am pazifischen Kriegsschauplatz. Später wurde Lt. Col. Stevens dem Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) bei Wright Field zugeteilt. Die UFO-Projekte Sign, Grudge und Blue Book gehörten damals auch zum ATIC.
In 1947, Stevens was sent from ATIC to the Alaskan frontier. It was there that he first encountered stories of UFOs and became interested in the subject that would eventually become a lifelong quest. A little known fact about the man is that when Stevens was serving in the USAF, he was ordered to attend military language school at MAAG (military assistance and advisory group) and then was sent to serve as a major in the Bolivian Air Force. Subsequently, he was bestowed the honour of becoming a Caballero del Condor de los Andes by order of the government of Bolivia. 1947 wurde Stevens von ATIC an die Front in Alaska versetzt. Dort begegnete er erstmals Geschichten über UFOs und begann sich dafür zu interessieren, woraus letztlich eine lebenslange Suche wurde. Nur wenig bekannt ist, dass Stevens den Befehl erhielt, die militärische Sprachschule der MAAG (military assistance and advisory group) zu besuchen, während er in der USAF (US Air Force) diente. Anschliessend wurde er nach Bolivien versetzt, um als Major in der Bolivianischen Luftwaffe zu dienen. In der Folge erhielt er im Auftrag der Bolivianischen Regierung die Auszeichnung Caballero de Condor de los Andes.
Stevens retired from the USAF in 1963 and worked for Hamilton Aircraft until 1972. According to a pilot attending the service, Stevens was also a test pilot, due to his fearless attitude and vast flying experience. "Wendelle survived six plane crashes that were not considered survivable” said his friend of 40 years. It was not until his retirement from the USAF that Stevens dedicated his life to ongoing investigations of crashes and sightings of UFOs. He tirelessly travelled around the world to interview and research reports throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, South America and China. Stevens zog sich 1963 aus dem Dienst der US-Luftwaffe zurück und arbeitete bis 1972 für Hamilton Aircraft. Gemäss einem Piloten, der an der Gedenkfeier teilnahm, war Stevens aufgrund seiner Furchtlosigkeit und grossen Flugerfahrung auch Testpilot. «Wendelle hat sechs Flugzeugabstürze überlebt, die als nicht überlebbar betrachtet wurden», sagte sein Freund, der mit ihm 40 Jahre befreundet war. Erst nach dem Ausscheiden aus der US-Luftwaffe widmete Stevens sein Leben den laufenden Ermittlungen von UFO-Abstürzen und UFO-Sichtungen. Er reiste unermüdlich in der Welt umher, um Menschen zu befragen und Berichte zu erforschen, und zwar sowohl in den Vereinigten Staaten wie auch in ganz Europa, Kanada, Südamerika und China.
In his 56 years of UFO and ET contact research, he has collected more than 4,000 photographs of actual unidentified flying objects. In den 56 Jahren, während denen er UFO-Sichtungen und Kontakte Ausserirdischer erforschte, sammelte er mehr als 4000 Photographien aktuell unbekannter fliegender Objekte.
Stevens has supplied many of the UFO pictures seen in movies and UFO magazines. Stevens lieferte viele der UFO-Bilder, die in Filmen und UFO-Magazinen gesehen werden können.
"Wendelle has forgotten more about UFOs than I will ever know!" said host Bob Brown of the latest UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nev. «Wendelle hat viel mehr über UFOs vergessen, als ich jemals wissen werde», sagte Bob Brown, Veranstalter des letzten UFO Kongresses in Laughlin, Nevada.
Wendelle Stevens has written and co-authored more than 20 books on extensive UFO contact cases, and lectured widely on investigations. Wendelle Stevens hat mehr als 20 Bücher über umfangreiche UFO-Kontakt-Fälle geschrieben und mitverfasst und hielt an zahlreichen Orten Vorträge über die Ermittlungen.
Among the many books authored by Stevens are UFO Contact from the Pleiades (and subsequent Supplementary Investigation) about the famous Eduard 'Billy' Meier case in Switzerland. Stevens was a contributor to the UFO Crash at Aztec, N.M. book. He wrote UFO Contact from Reticulum, and many more. Following is an exemplar of Wendelle Steven's Handwriting, submitted in 2009 for graphological analysis. Zu den vielen Büchern, die Stevens hervorbrachte, gehörten ‹UFO Contact from the Pleiades› (und anschliessende Nachforschungen) über den berühmten Eduard-‹Billy›-Meier-Fall in der Schweiz. Stevens war Mitwirkender des Buches ‹UFO Crash at Aztec, New Mexico› und er hat ‹UFO Contact from Reticulum› geschrieben und viele andere.

The overall impression of Wendelle's personality and character from the handwriting submitted reveals him to be a man of integrity. Der aus Wendelle Stevens Handschrift vermittelte Gesamteindruck seiner Persönlichkeit und seines Charakters zeigt ihn als einen Mann der Integrität.
Angularity and size of the communication letters m, n, h and r reveal the researcher in Wendelle. He prefers to investigate for himself and draw conclusions based on firsthand experience rather than on what someone else tells him. He relies on his own efforts to report research findings in a forthright manner. Selfreliance is evidenced in the underlining of the signature. Die Winkligkeit und Grösse der verbindenden Buchstaben m, n, h und r offenbaren den Forscher in Wendelle. Er zieht es vor, selbst zu recherchieren und Schlüsse zu ziehen aufgrund von Erster-Hand-Erfahrungen, statt aus dem, was andere ihm erzählen. Wenn er in seiner offenen und ehrlichen Weise über Forschungsergebnisse berichtet, stützt er sich auf eigene Bemühungen. Ein Unterstreichen der Unterschrift beweist Eigenständigkeit.
The body of text is mostly print-writing which allows for control in an otherwise spontaneous personality. A rightward slant, combined with heavy pen pressure, are indicators that impulses may be restrained when necessary and dealt with at an appropriate time and place. Der Textkörper ist grösstenteils in Druckschrift, was bei einer sonst spontanen Persönlichkeit Kontrolle ermöglicht. Eine Rechtsneigung, zusammen mit einem festen Druck der Feder, sind Indikatoren, dass Impulse wenn nötig zurückgehalten werden können, um sich zur geeigneten Zeit und am geeigneten Ort damit zu befassen.
Down strokes in the writing are straight and devoid of tremor, thus telling us that the writer is positive in the statements he makes and also that he enjoyed good health at the age of 86, the time when the specimen was penned. Die Abwärtsstriche in der Handschrift sind gerade und zitterfrei, was uns sagt, dass der Schreiber bestimmt ist in seinen Aussagen, und auch, dass er im Alter von 86 Jahren – als die Schriftprobe geschrieben wurde – eine gute Gesundheit genoss.
The forward slant in the body of writing is mirrored in the signature. He consistently takes into consideration the thoughts and feelings of other beings. He is reliable and dependable. Die Vorwärtsneigung im Schriftkörper ist auch in der Unterschrift zu sehen. Ständig berücksichtigt er die Gedanken und Gefühle anderer Menschen. Er ist vertrauenswürdig und verlässlich.
The overall impression of this interesting handwriting is that one can be assured of accurate reporting and descriptions in Wendelle's books and articles. Several books are out of print and some have become collectors' items. Der Gesamteindruck dieser interessanten Handschrift ist der, dass man sicher sein kann, in Wendelles Büchern und Artikeln akkurate Berichterstattungen und Beschreibungen vorzufinden. Manche Bücher sind vergriffen und manche sind Sammlerstücke geworden.
As you read Wendelle's handwritten message, you will find the answer to the question of whether UFOs are real and where we Earthlings may be headed in the near future. Beim Lesen von Wendelles handgeschriebener Botschaft werden Sie die Antwort zur Frage finden, ob UFOs real sind und wohin wir Erdlinge in der nahen Zukunft unterwegs sein werden.
We are grateful to Wendelle's immense contributions in the world of UFOs and wish him Bon Voyage through space and time, and may we meet again somewhere soon, perhaps in a parallel Universe! Wir sind Wendelle dankbar für seine grossen Beiträge in der Welt der UFOs und wünschen ihm gute Reise durch Zeit und Raum, und mögen wir uns bald wieder irgendwo begegnen, vielleicht in einem ParallelUniversum!

Further Reading

  • Towards the end of his life, he transferred his extensive photo collection, library and archives to Open Minds Productions.[citation needed

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