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Telepathy (from the Ancient Greek τῆλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθος, pathos or -patheia meaning "feeling, perception, passion, affliction, experience") is the Pure spiritual or material consciousness-related energetic-oscillation based means of understanding, transmission and communications process.[1]

The location of the Pineal Gland within The Human Brain.


Its the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our traditional sensory channels or physical interaction. It is explained by Billy and the Plejaren to be associated with the correct function of the pineal gland (the gland; epiphysis cerebri [pineal body]), which is situated on the upper section of the diencephalon (mid-brain or between brain) which, in the centre of the brain, perceives visual stimuli, and so forth, whereby, however, the precondition must always be that the human being has not allowed the capacity of this factor to atrophy (partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body).

The fact is that the pineal gland is able to detect Feinstoffsinnlich, electromagnetic fields in a completely different frequency range, that is to say, to -like a sensor -track and recognise them, and thereby receive information. That functions equally in regard to a look which "bores" into the back, or into the nape of the neck, when, as a result of and the thought-vibrations of the person who is the observer, the fact of the look directed at the back, or at the nape of the neck, is recognised by the pineal gland and this information reaches the Consciousness.

The fluidal vibrations of the world of thoughts have nothing to do with the Supernatural because there is no Supernatural -{only natural}. The fluidal vibrations of the thoughts are based on a factor which is called Feinstoffsinnlich", not, however, "supernatural", because the supernatural does not exist, and, indeed, because that which is Feinstoffsinnlich can be perceived with the seventh sense, or, with the spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling, consequently it therefore lies far above that which can be perceived by means of the material Senses. Unfortunately, the human being assumes there are only five Senses (hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling,) although seven exist, whereby the two further ones are spiritual-fine-sensitive feeling and feeling, whereby the latter is associated with the instinct and is fundamentally bound with the world of thoughts.

Billy’s words of warning to your care

“And the fact is, the firmer the identity of a human being, the more stable becomes the state of his Psyche, consequently he separates himself from other states of the psyche and, in this regard, becomes practically unassailable. Exactly that, however, is a condition, if the feinstoffsinlich abilities are to be quite consciously refined, because a burdening of the psyche would have disastrous consequences. Thus the consciously refined feinstoffsinnlich abilities require a healthy and strong psyche. ... The more stably the state of the psyche has been formed, the less the danger exists that a defective ability of feinstoffsinnlich perception can occur,… Therefore, it is absolutely necessary - for the conscious and deliberate learning of feinstoffsinnlich perception, and its utilisation - that the whole world of the consciousness - as well as the world of thoughts and feelings, and of the psyche - are in immaculate condition, otherwise dangers, in regards to confusion, and so forth, are evoked, which can neither be seen clearly nor prevented.”[2]

Telepathy in the Contact Reports

In contact 2 dated Monday, 3rd February, 1975. Semjase said the following to Billy related to Telepathy.


28. Certainly there are such beings who communicate only telepathically.

29. However, their method of communication was telepathic from the very beginning, or else, they simply allowed their spoken language to become neglected.

30. But as far as we know, no beings who communicate only telepathically have ever come into terrestrial space.[3]

Pineal Gland

Increasing Positive Good Lifestyle - Pineal gland activity

  • The darkness of night and staying outside during the day help the pineal gland find the right rhythm, as does normal physical movement, a warm bath before going to bed, and sleeping in a cool, darkened room.[4][5]
  • Meditation has an extremely beneficial effect on the brain activity, but – and this fact alone is already enough reason to be meditatively active – the meditative brain activity is the intrinsic primordial state of the brain. Since time immemorial, however, the human being has disregarded it, and this primordial state is downright overpowered by Gewalt by the world of thought and feelings, pertaining to the normal waking state. The human being is a balanced Wesen when both hemispheres of the brain are in equilibrium. This balanced state causes a dissolving of inner tensions. Through that, the pineal gland is also increasingly supplied with energy, and perceptions can be more freely picked up and interpreted. And exactly that is the desirable state of the pineal gland. In practice that means: in order to direct our thinking along the right lines - so that corresponding feelings arise from them, which in turn make us calm and balanced - we can trust the intelligence of our consciousness. You may remember, in the section about thinking, it is written, “All thoughts, feelings, emotions, as well as electromagnetic forces and vibrations direct us – and they are produced by the consciousness-block!”[6]

Increasing Positive Good Diet, Health - Pineal gland activity

As outstandingly arranged by nature, there are special foods, which are considered melatonin-enriching and act favourably on the pineal gland.[7]

  • Oats
  • Sweet corn
  • Rice
  • Ginger
  • Bananas
  • Barley

The essential amino acid tryptophane[8] positively influences the melatonin level.

Foods rich in tryptophane are:

  • Spirulina
  • Seaweed
  • Cottage cheese
  • Pumpkin kernels
  • Chicken and Turkey meat (Eating a normal amount of meat is normal for omnivores[9])
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts
  • Milk
  • Yoghurt

  • The herbal blend of marigolds and St. John’s wort, used in the same proportions as tea (a teaspoon of the herbal blend to one cup of water), raises the melatonin level just as much.[10]

  • Inhaling[11] Neroli oil[12], an essential oil, slows down the brain currents and thus stimulates the pineal gland function.[13]

Decreasing Negative Bad Lifestyle - Pineal gland activity

Clearly, there are also components which have a damaging effect and which are to be avoided:

Some medicines disturb the activity of the pineal gland.[14]

  • [Citations needed]

Electro smog[15] disturbs the normal activity of the pineal gland.

The most common sources of wireless electrosmog are:
The most common sources of radiation that may impair the sensitivity of the Pineal Gland are:

  • Cordless phones,
  • Cordless baby alarms,
  • Mobile/cellular phone masts/towers/transmitters
  • Television,
  • Computers,
  • Clock radios,
  • Water beds,
  • Some energy-saving lamps.[16]
  • Some types of artificial light.[17]

The production of melatonin is disturbed at a distance of less than one to three metres from the source of the smog.

Circadian rhythm

Simple: Any biological process that displays an endogenous [inside an organism], entrainable [process that carries over] oscillation [swinging over time] of about 24 hours [for Earth, other Planets may vary, develop longer or shorter circadian rhythms depending on orbit around central star].

The term circadian comes from the Latin circa, meaning "around" (or "approximately"), and diēm, meaning "day".

The formal study of biological temporal rhythms, such as daily, tidal, weekly, seasonal, and annual rhythms, is called chronobiology.

Processes with 24-hour oscillations are more generally called diurnal rhythms; strictly speaking, they should not be called circadian rhythms unless their endogenous [inside the organism] nature is confirmed.

The classic phase markers for measuring the timing of a mammal's circadian rhythm are:

  • melatonin secretion by the pineal gland,
  • core body temperature minimum,
  • plasma level of cortisol.

Light resets the biological clock in accordance with the phase response curve[18]. Depending on the timing, light can advance or delay the circadian rhythm. Both the PRC and the required illuminance vary from species to species and lower light levels are required to reset the clocks in nocturnal rodents than in humans.

The valuable part
  • The human body produces its own (endogenous) melatonin starting about two hours before bedtime, provided the lighting is dim. This is known as dim-light melatonin onset, DLMO. This stimulates the phase-advance portion of the PRC and helps keep the body on a regular sleep-wake schedule. It also helps prepare the body for sleep.
  • Health problems can result from a disturbance to the circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms also play a part in the reticular[19] activating system, which is crucial for maintaining a state of consciousness. A reversal in the sleep–wake cycle may be a sign or complication of uremia, azotemia or acute renal [kidneys] failure.[medical citation needed]
  • Obesity and diabetes are associated with lifestyle and genetic factors. Among those factors, disruption of the circadian clockwork and/or misalignment of the circadian timing system with the external environment (e.g., light-dark cycle) might play a role in the development of metabolic disorders.[medical citation needed]
  • Shift-work or chronic jet-lag have profound consequences on circadian and metabolic events in the body. In humans, shift-work that favours irregular eating times is associated with altered insulin sensitivity and higher body mass. Shift-work also leads to increased metabolic risks for cardio-metabolic syndrome, hypertension, inflammation. Disruption to rhythms usually has a negative effect. Many travellers have experienced the condition known as jet lag, with its associated symptoms of fatigue, disorientation, and insomnia.[medical citation needed]
  • A number of other disorders, for example bipolar disorder and some sleep disorders such as delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), are associated with irregular or pathological functioning of circadian rhythms.[medical citation needed]
  • Disruption to rhythms in the longer term is believed to have significant adverse health consequences on peripheral organs outside the brain, in particular in the development or exacerbation of cardiovascular disease. Blue LED lighting suppresses melatonin production five times more than the orange-yellow high-pressure sodium (HPS) light; a metal halide lamp, which is white light, suppresses melatonin at a rate more than three times greater than HPS.
  • Depression symptoms from long term night-time light exposure can be undone by returning to a normal cycle. Or may take a year perhaps more.[medical citation needed]

Decreasing Negative Bad Diet, Poor Health - Pineal gland activity

Clearly, there are also components which have a damaging effect and which are to be avoided:

Addictive substances, such as, for example

  • Nicotine
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

Source from FIGU books.

Further Reading


  2. FIGU Special Bulletin, Nr. 38, page 33
  3. Contact_Report_002
  4. from the book, “Secret Energy of Life”, from Gerhard H. Eggetsberger
  5. [
  6. [
  7. [
  8. Its essential [1] in humans, meaning the body cannot synthesize it and thus it must be obtained from the diet.
  9. a consumption classification for humans that have the capability to obtain energy and nutrients from materials originating from plant and animal origin. Often, omnivores also have the ability to incorporate food sources such as algae, fungi, and bacteria into their diet as well.
  10. [ or Pineal Gland
  11. as a light smell in the air as fumes, a light vapour generally in the environments air
  12. it takes at least 1,000 pounds of orange blossom flowers just to make one pound of neroli oil
  13. [
  14. [
  15. Electrosmog is the invisible electromagnetic radiation resulting from the use of both wireless technology and mains electricity.
  16. Long term exposure to low levels of UV radiation add a very small percentage to the lifetime risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) but could lead to an increase in the number of SCCs in the population.
  17. Exposure to light at night while awake, such as in shift work, may be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and also cause sleep, gastrointestinal, mood and cardiovascular disorders. However, these effects are due to the disruption of the natural circadian rhythm, regardless of the type of illumination.
  18. A phase response curve (PRC) illustrates the transient change in the cycle period of an oscillation induced by a perturbation as a function of the phase at which it is received. PRCs are used in various fields; examples of biological oscillations are the heartbeat, circadian rhythms, and the regular, repetitive firing observed in some neurons in the absence of noise.
  19. The term "reticulum" means "netlike structure," which is what the reticular formation resembles at first glance. It has been described as being either too complex to study or an undifferentiated part of the brain with no organization at all.