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From Future Of Mankind
m Text replacement - "light years" to "light-years"
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| So stieg mein Wissen um das Schöpferische, Geistige und Bewusstseinsmässige sowie um die schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote immer weiter an, woraus sich ergab, dass diese Dinge zum überwiegenden Teil meines Lebens wurden. Das wiederum führte dann dazu, dass ich mir meiner selbst bewusst wurde und erkannte, dass ich auf diesem Gebiet hier auf der Erde eine Mission zu erfüllen hatte, die von bedeutender Wichtigkeit für die Evolution der Erdenmenschen in geistig-bewusstseinsmässiger Hinsicht ist. Also begann ich das Wie, Wo und Warum dieser Tatsache zu ergründen und fand heraus, dass ich in dieser Mission schon seit vielen Jahrmillionen und gar Jahrmilliarden tätig war, über unzählige Reinkarnationen hinweg. Ich erkannte, dass ich ein gelehrter und belehrter Künder war in Sachen 'Lehre des Geistes', 'Lehre des Bewusstseins', 'Lehre der schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote' und 'Lehre der Evolution' usw. Und diesen Weg musste ich beschreiten. Ich musste den Weg der Missionserfüllung gehen, doch dazu bedurfte ich erstlich einer grossen Hilfe von Wesenheiten, die nicht irdischer Natur waren, sondern hoher geistförmiger sowie auch materiell-ausserirdischer Natur. Also ergab es sich im Laufe der Zeit, dass mir diese Hilfe zuteil wurde, so ich meine Mission zu erfüllen beginnen konnte. Und diese Hilfe kam, als ich noch ein kleiner Junge war, der noch nicht einmal zur Schule ging. Sie kam aus den Tiefen des Weltenraumes in Form eines Ausserirdischen, der mein erster hoher Lehrer war und durch den ich in kurzer Zeit ein immenses Wissen erlangte im Bezuge auf die Schöpfung und ihre Gesetze und Gebote sowie die Naturgesetze und die Fakten und Zusammenhänge des Geistes und des materiellen Bewusstseins usw.
| So stieg mein Wissen um das Schöpferische, Geistige und Bewusstseinsmässige sowie um die schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote immer weiter an, woraus sich ergab, dass diese Dinge zum überwiegenden Teil meines Lebens wurden. Das wiederum führte dann dazu, dass ich mir meiner selbst bewusst wurde und erkannte, dass ich auf diesem Gebiet hier auf der Erde eine Mission zu erfüllen hatte, die von bedeutender Wichtigkeit für die Evolution der Erdenmenschen in geistig-bewusstseinsmässiger Hinsicht ist. Also begann ich das Wie, Wo und Warum dieser Tatsache zu ergründen und fand heraus, dass ich in dieser Mission schon seit vielen Jahrmillionen und gar Jahrmilliarden tätig war, über unzählige Reinkarnationen hinweg. Ich erkannte, dass ich ein gelehrter und belehrter Künder war in Sachen 'Lehre des Geistes', 'Lehre des Bewusstseins', 'Lehre der schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote' und 'Lehre der Evolution' usw. Und diesen Weg musste ich beschreiten. Ich musste den Weg der Missionserfüllung gehen, doch dazu bedurfte ich erstlich einer grossen Hilfe von Wesenheiten, die nicht irdischer Natur waren, sondern hoher geistförmiger sowie auch materiell-ausserirdischer Natur. Also ergab es sich im Laufe der Zeit, dass mir diese Hilfe zuteil wurde, so ich meine Mission zu erfüllen beginnen konnte. Und diese Hilfe kam, als ich noch ein kleiner Junge war, der noch nicht einmal zur Schule ging. Sie kam aus den Tiefen des Weltenraumes in Form eines Ausserirdischen, der mein erster hoher Lehrer war und durch den ich in kurzer Zeit ein immenses Wissen erlangte im Bezuge auf die Schöpfung und ihre Gesetze und Gebote sowie die Naturgesetze und die Fakten und Zusammenhänge des Geistes und des materiellen Bewusstseins usw.
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| In the course of time I became acquainted with the history of the past of my spirit form, which over many billions of years and reincarnations had appeared again and again as a new personality on different worlds of different galaxies in the wide universe as a teacher and missionary in matters of the teaching of the spirit, the creation, the life, the creative-natural laws and commandments and the evolution. I recognised that the earliest personality of my spirit form was called Nokodemjon and had already entered the pure spirit plane Arahat Athersata, but from there it returned to the material worlds and began the instructive mission that continues to this day and will continue for a very long time to come. Over the course of further Nokodemjon reincarnations i.e. my spiritual form, I became other personalities, who e.g. bore names like Henok and Enoch etc., and who were born again and again as new personalities until today, whereby however the spiritual form always remained the same. And so for the time being, the present, the last rebirth of this spirit form is my current personality, as 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, to whom I am teaching the doctrine of the spirit among earth people as an announcer of modern times, and to whom I am a contact person on earth to folks of extraterrestrial origin, namely to extraterrestrials who call themselves Plejaren in their own language, while they are called Pleiadians in the earthly languages. Their home worlds are the Pleiades, which are located about 80 light years beyond our known Pleiades in another dimensioned universe, in another space-time-structure, shifted to our universe by a fraction of a second. The Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus, which are located in our universe are 62 million years old and still much too young, and as blazing fireballs, incapable of carrying any material or immaterial forms of life - not even purely spiritual ones.
| In the course of time I became acquainted with the history of the past of my spirit form, which over many billions of years and reincarnations had appeared again and again as a new personality on different worlds of different galaxies in the wide universe as a teacher and missionary in matters of the teaching of the spirit, the creation, the life, the creative-natural laws and commandments and the evolution. I recognised that the earliest personality of my spirit form was called Nokodemjon and had already entered the pure spirit plane Arahat Athersata, but from there it returned to the material worlds and began the instructive mission that continues to this day and will continue for a very long time to come. Over the course of further Nokodemjon reincarnations i.e. my spiritual form, I became other personalities, who e.g. bore names like Henok and Enoch etc., and who were born again and again as new personalities until today, whereby however the spiritual form always remained the same. And so for the time being, the present, the last rebirth of this spirit form is my current personality, as 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, to whom I am teaching the doctrine of the spirit among earth people as an announcer of modern times, and to whom I am a contact person on earth to folks of extraterrestrial origin, namely to extraterrestrials who call themselves Plejaren in their own language, while they are called Pleiadians in the earthly languages. Their home worlds are the Pleiades, which are located about 80 light-years beyond our known Pleiades in another dimensioned universe, in another space-time-structure, shifted to our universe by a fraction of a second. The Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus, which are located in our universe are 62 million years old and still much too young, and as blazing fireballs, incapable of carrying any material or immaterial forms of life - not even purely spiritual ones.
| Im Laufe der Zeit lernte ich die Geschichte der Vergangenheit meiner Geistform kennen, die über viele Jahrmilliarden und Reinkarnationen hinweg immer wieder als neue Persönlichkeit auf verschiedenen Welten verschiedener Galaxien im weiten Universum in Erscheinung getreten war als Lehrer und Missionsausübender in Sachen der Lehre des Geistes, der Schöpfung, des Lebens, der schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote und der Evolution. Ich erkannte, dass die früheste Persönlichkeit meiner Geistform den Namen Nokodemjon trug und bereits eingegangen war in die Reingeistebene Arahat Athersata, von wo aus sie jedoch in die materiellen Welten zurückkehrte und die belehrende Mission begann, die bis heute andauert und noch sehr lange Zeit andauern wird. Im Laufe weiterer Reinkarnationen wurde Nokodemjon resp. seine Geistform zu anderen Persönlichkeiten, die z.B. Namen wie Henok und Henoch usw. trugen und die bis in die heutige Zeit immer wieder als neue Persönlichkeiten geboren wurden, wobei jedoch die Geistform immer dieselbe blieb. Und so ist die vorerst gegenwärtig letzte Wiedergeburt dieser Geistform meine Persönlichkeit als 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, der ich als Künder der Neuzeit neuerlich die Lehre des Geistes belehre unter den Erdenmenschen, und der ich eine Kontaktperson auf der Erde zu Menschen ausserirdischer Herkunft bin, und zwar zu Ausserirdischen, die sich selbst Plejaren nennen in ihrer eigenen Sprache, während sie in den irdischen Sprachen Plejadier genannt werden. Ihre Heimatwelten sind die Plejaren resp. Plejaden, die sich rund 80 Lichtjahre jenseits unserer bekannten Plejadengestirne in einem andersdimensionierten Universum befinden, in einem zu unserem Universum um einen Sekundenbruchteil verschobenen anderen Raum-Zeit-Gefüge. Die sich in unserem Universum befindenden Plejadengestirne im Sternbild Stier nämlich sind mit 62 Millionen Jahren noch viel zu jung und als lodernde Feuerbälle unfähig, irgendwelche materielle oder immaterielle Lebensformen zu tragen - auch keine rein geistigen.
| Im Laufe der Zeit lernte ich die Geschichte der Vergangenheit meiner Geistform kennen, die über viele Jahrmilliarden und Reinkarnationen hinweg immer wieder als neue Persönlichkeit auf verschiedenen Welten verschiedener Galaxien im weiten Universum in Erscheinung getreten war als Lehrer und Missionsausübender in Sachen der Lehre des Geistes, der Schöpfung, des Lebens, der schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote und der Evolution. Ich erkannte, dass die früheste Persönlichkeit meiner Geistform den Namen Nokodemjon trug und bereits eingegangen war in die Reingeistebene Arahat Athersata, von wo aus sie jedoch in die materiellen Welten zurückkehrte und die belehrende Mission begann, die bis heute andauert und noch sehr lange Zeit andauern wird. Im Laufe weiterer Reinkarnationen wurde Nokodemjon resp. seine Geistform zu anderen Persönlichkeiten, die z.B. Namen wie Henok und Henoch usw. trugen und die bis in die heutige Zeit immer wieder als neue Persönlichkeiten geboren wurden, wobei jedoch die Geistform immer dieselbe blieb. Und so ist die vorerst gegenwärtig letzte Wiedergeburt dieser Geistform meine Persönlichkeit als 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, der ich als Künder der Neuzeit neuerlich die Lehre des Geistes belehre unter den Erdenmenschen, und der ich eine Kontaktperson auf der Erde zu Menschen ausserirdischer Herkunft bin, und zwar zu Ausserirdischen, die sich selbst Plejaren nennen in ihrer eigenen Sprache, während sie in den irdischen Sprachen Plejadier genannt werden. Ihre Heimatwelten sind die Plejaren resp. Plejaden, die sich rund 80 Lichtjahre jenseits unserer bekannten Plejadengestirne in einem andersdimensionierten Universum befinden, in einem zu unserem Universum um einen Sekundenbruchteil verschobenen anderen Raum-Zeit-Gefüge. Die sich in unserem Universum befindenden Plejadengestirne im Sternbild Stier nämlich sind mit 62 Millionen Jahren noch viel zu jung und als lodernde Feuerbälle unfähig, irgendwelche materielle oder immaterielle Lebensformen zu tragen - auch keine rein geistigen.

Revision as of 21:39, 2 March 2022

...according to Islam, I am a religious non-believer and, from the perspective of Christianity, a heretic and atheist, or, from a different and sectarian perspective, one who is lost and a candidate for Hell and so forth, because I distance myself from all religious and sectarian belief.

As a result, I have not succumbed to the God delusion, which is hammered, in an indoctrinating manner, into the believers, through the false teachings of religions and all their sects.

Billy, Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam, June 2010


The short biography page offers a brief text about the course of the life of 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier. Brief biographical extracts can also be found below. [show / hide]

  • Biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else. Lengthier biographies are available on the Downloads page under ebooks and 'relevant books by other authors' section.
  • Autobiography is an account of a person's life written by that person. Several of Billy's books are autobiographical but most have not been translated from German, see
  • Interviews are face to face recorded discussion. They are typically informal in a casual setting with Billy, both because we and he himself prefers it that way and its more comfortable. The Interviews with Billy page has some. However Billy has given more formal interviews for television and media in the past, see downloads, ebooks, 'relevant newspaper and magazine articles by other authors' section for a limited selection and other are available on Youtube.
  • Memoirs is a historical account or autobiography written from personal knowledge. See Books section and Less of these texts have been translated into English because Eduard's written works about humanity have been deemed a higher translation priority divvied among the limited number of translators that exist. If you can read German, enjoy a much richer account of Billy's interesting life.

Who is Billy Meier?

'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM), the controversial author and teacher, was born in Bülach, Switzerland on the 3rd of February, 1937 and currently resides at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center (SSSC), Hinterschmidrüti, Switzerland, which he helped build and establish. For over 80 years he has been regularly communicating face to face and telepathically with extraterrestrial human beings, inadvertently educating him, and publishing that information in glorious detail. As might be envisaged over such a brilliant quantity of time for an unprecedented UFO related happening; they've managed to explain everything in full, clarifying the entire story, with extraordinarily interesting facts, opinions and perspectives emerging over the decades. Making him a thoroughly interesting gentleman. It has all been inciting enough to initiate many thousands of readers from around the world to read into everything and take interest in his story and life. He's had a life rich with all manner of experiences and accomplishments, in many countries, many of which were difficult, many thoroughly normal and boring too, nonetheless personally important and useful for his evolution and mission in life. He is among the very few individuals who have put their entire life out into the public domain, nevertheless he's a relatively private man who averts showmanship - a reasonable amount of his written works have a somewhat serious tone, dealing with substantial matters of importance and worth.

Eva Bieri sums it up best, in her article A Word About Billy

Keyword Index:

"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

BEAM at times in his life

In pictures...

About himself, in his own words

Billy Meier himself about his Mission

Translation source: - adjusted

Hide EnglishHide Swiss-German
British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch

Billy Meier himself about his Mission

Billy Meier selbst über seine Mission

From a very early age, my special interests were about life in all aspects. This included the connections with nature and everything creative in general, which of course incorporated profound philosophical aspects of life. However the creative in and of itself in particular, was of very special value to me, as it represented the most important field of thought for me. So at every possible opportunity I delved into these wide-ranging issues and came across questions that could not be answered by the adults, or only partially and never satisfactorily - until I found the answers myself, worked them out for myself, but this was also appearing more and more often through inspirational forces. Mein ganz spezielles Interesse galt schon von sehr früher Kindheit an dem Leben in allen seinen Belangen. Dazu gehörten auch die Zusammenhänge mit der Natur und allem Schöpferischen überhaupt, worin natürlich auch tiefgründige philosophische Aspekte miteinbezogen waren. Das Schöpferische an und für sich sowie im besonderen jedoch war von ganz speziellem Wert für mich, so es für mich das hauptsächlichste Gedankengebiet darstellte. So vertiefte ich mich bei jeder möglichen Gelegenheit in diese weitumfassenden Belange und stiess auf Fragen, die mir von den Erwachsenen nicht oder nur teilweise und nie befriedigend beantwortet werden konnten - bis ich dann eben jeweils die Antworten selbst fand, herausgearbeitet aus mir selbst, jedoch auch immer öfter in Erscheinung tretend durch irgendwelche inspirative Kräfte.
So my knowledge about the creative, spiritual and conscious, as well as about the creative laws and commandments, increased more and more, from which it resulted that these things became to predominate a part of my life. This in turn led me to become aware of myself and to realise that I had a mission to fulfil in this field here on earth, which is of great importance for the evolution of the earth folk in a spiritual-conscious way. So I began to fathom the how, where and why of this fact and found out through this that I had already been active in this mission for many millions, even thousands of millions of years, over countless incarnations. I realised that I was a learned and instructed teacher in matters related to the 'teaching of the mind', 'teaching of consciousness', 'teaching of the creative-natural laws and commandments' and 'teaching of evolution' etc., and this was the path I had to take. I had to go the way of mission fulfilment, but first of all I needed a great help from human beings that were not of earthly nature, but of high spiritual as well as of a material-external nature. So in the course of time I was given this help so that I could begin to fulfil my life's mission. This help came when I was a little boy who didn't even go to school. It came from the depths of another world's space, in the form of an extraterrestrial, who became my first high teacher and through whom I gained in a short time an immense knowledge in relation to creation and its laws and commandments as well as the laws of nature and the facts and connections of mind and material consciousness, etc. So stieg mein Wissen um das Schöpferische, Geistige und Bewusstseinsmässige sowie um die schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote immer weiter an, woraus sich ergab, dass diese Dinge zum überwiegenden Teil meines Lebens wurden. Das wiederum führte dann dazu, dass ich mir meiner selbst bewusst wurde und erkannte, dass ich auf diesem Gebiet hier auf der Erde eine Mission zu erfüllen hatte, die von bedeutender Wichtigkeit für die Evolution der Erdenmenschen in geistig-bewusstseinsmässiger Hinsicht ist. Also begann ich das Wie, Wo und Warum dieser Tatsache zu ergründen und fand heraus, dass ich in dieser Mission schon seit vielen Jahrmillionen und gar Jahrmilliarden tätig war, über unzählige Reinkarnationen hinweg. Ich erkannte, dass ich ein gelehrter und belehrter Künder war in Sachen 'Lehre des Geistes', 'Lehre des Bewusstseins', 'Lehre der schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote' und 'Lehre der Evolution' usw. Und diesen Weg musste ich beschreiten. Ich musste den Weg der Missionserfüllung gehen, doch dazu bedurfte ich erstlich einer grossen Hilfe von Wesenheiten, die nicht irdischer Natur waren, sondern hoher geistförmiger sowie auch materiell-ausserirdischer Natur. Also ergab es sich im Laufe der Zeit, dass mir diese Hilfe zuteil wurde, so ich meine Mission zu erfüllen beginnen konnte. Und diese Hilfe kam, als ich noch ein kleiner Junge war, der noch nicht einmal zur Schule ging. Sie kam aus den Tiefen des Weltenraumes in Form eines Ausserirdischen, der mein erster hoher Lehrer war und durch den ich in kurzer Zeit ein immenses Wissen erlangte im Bezuge auf die Schöpfung und ihre Gesetze und Gebote sowie die Naturgesetze und die Fakten und Zusammenhänge des Geistes und des materiellen Bewusstseins usw.
In the course of time I became acquainted with the history of the past of my spirit form, which over many billions of years and reincarnations had appeared again and again as a new personality on different worlds of different galaxies in the wide universe as a teacher and missionary in matters of the teaching of the spirit, the creation, the life, the creative-natural laws and commandments and the evolution. I recognised that the earliest personality of my spirit form was called Nokodemjon and had already entered the pure spirit plane Arahat Athersata, but from there it returned to the material worlds and began the instructive mission that continues to this day and will continue for a very long time to come. Over the course of further Nokodemjon reincarnations i.e. my spiritual form, I became other personalities, who e.g. bore names like Henok and Enoch etc., and who were born again and again as new personalities until today, whereby however the spiritual form always remained the same. And so for the time being, the present, the last rebirth of this spirit form is my current personality, as 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, to whom I am teaching the doctrine of the spirit among earth people as an announcer of modern times, and to whom I am a contact person on earth to folks of extraterrestrial origin, namely to extraterrestrials who call themselves Plejaren in their own language, while they are called Pleiadians in the earthly languages. Their home worlds are the Pleiades, which are located about 80 light-years beyond our known Pleiades in another dimensioned universe, in another space-time-structure, shifted to our universe by a fraction of a second. The Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus, which are located in our universe are 62 million years old and still much too young, and as blazing fireballs, incapable of carrying any material or immaterial forms of life - not even purely spiritual ones. Im Laufe der Zeit lernte ich die Geschichte der Vergangenheit meiner Geistform kennen, die über viele Jahrmilliarden und Reinkarnationen hinweg immer wieder als neue Persönlichkeit auf verschiedenen Welten verschiedener Galaxien im weiten Universum in Erscheinung getreten war als Lehrer und Missionsausübender in Sachen der Lehre des Geistes, der Schöpfung, des Lebens, der schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote und der Evolution. Ich erkannte, dass die früheste Persönlichkeit meiner Geistform den Namen Nokodemjon trug und bereits eingegangen war in die Reingeistebene Arahat Athersata, von wo aus sie jedoch in die materiellen Welten zurückkehrte und die belehrende Mission begann, die bis heute andauert und noch sehr lange Zeit andauern wird. Im Laufe weiterer Reinkarnationen wurde Nokodemjon resp. seine Geistform zu anderen Persönlichkeiten, die z.B. Namen wie Henok und Henoch usw. trugen und die bis in die heutige Zeit immer wieder als neue Persönlichkeiten geboren wurden, wobei jedoch die Geistform immer dieselbe blieb. Und so ist die vorerst gegenwärtig letzte Wiedergeburt dieser Geistform meine Persönlichkeit als 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier, der ich als Künder der Neuzeit neuerlich die Lehre des Geistes belehre unter den Erdenmenschen, und der ich eine Kontaktperson auf der Erde zu Menschen ausserirdischer Herkunft bin, und zwar zu Ausserirdischen, die sich selbst Plejaren nennen in ihrer eigenen Sprache, während sie in den irdischen Sprachen Plejadier genannt werden. Ihre Heimatwelten sind die Plejaren resp. Plejaden, die sich rund 80 Lichtjahre jenseits unserer bekannten Plejadengestirne in einem andersdimensionierten Universum befinden, in einem zu unserem Universum um einen Sekundenbruchteil verschobenen anderen Raum-Zeit-Gefüge. Die sich in unserem Universum befindenden Plejadengestirne im Sternbild Stier nämlich sind mit 62 Millionen Jahren noch viel zu jung und als lodernde Feuerbälle unfähig, irgendwelche materielle oder immaterielle Lebensformen zu tragen - auch keine rein geistigen.

by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier

SSSC, 19th January 2005, 00:15 Billy

Source: - BEAM Portal
Translation source: - FIGU-Landesgruppe Australia FLAU Bulletin Number 21, July 2019

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch

Good Work ...

Gutes Wirken ...

When I had to struggle with hindrances of every kind, when I very arduously confronted my existence, when the powers of my thoughts and feelings and the powers of my will and of the body threatened to leave me, the morale and all hope began to sink and in me everything became very and endlessly difficult for me to persevere in life and to unwaveringly do my duty and fulfil my responsibility, then I searched for my most secret fine-spiritual perceptions and feelings, which whispered to me like a quiet breath, that down here on Earth there are unspeakably few glad and satisfied human beings, because they are all pursued by immeasurable grief and anguish and also problems and worries, which they are not able to master. How very much worse off than I – so the cognition always grew in me – must these human beings be. However, like me, they all can only find their way out of all their hardship if they do good work in themselves, if they devote themselves to reflection and, through this, to the source of cognition, which produces a liberation from all hardships and evils, from grief, anguish, problems and worries. This cognition rests in the real visualisation of all things, that everything is worth living, namely, both the negative and the positive and that only the living of that which is pleasant and also that which is unpleasant makes life worth living and brings immeasurable experiences, living-experiences and values. The mission of life, namely, to evolve in consciousness, and the fulfilment of this mission, is the wellspring from which the sorrowful, the grief-stricken as well as the anguish-plagued, the problem-afflicted and the work-burdened and worry-sick human being constantly produces new powers, moments of calm and recovery, joy, love, harmony and peace. This is my cognition and it teaches me that, when good is consciously done, then that which is good becomes ever-present. Wenn ich mit Hindernissen aller Art zu ringen hatte, wenn ich mich sehr mühsam meinem Dasein entgegenstemmte, wenn mich die Kräfte meiner Gedanken und Gefühle und die Kräfte meines Willen und des Körpers zu verlassen drohten, die Moral und alle Hoffnung zu sinken begannen und in mir alles sehr und unendlich schwer wurde, um im Leben auszuharren und unbeirrt meine Pflicht zu tun und meine Verantwortung wahrzunehmen, dann suchte ich nach meinen geheimsten Empfindungen und Gefühlen, die mir wie ein leiser Hauch zuflüsterten, dass es hienieden auf Erden unsagbar wenige frohe und zufriedene Menschen gibt, weil sie alle von unermesslichem Gram und Kummer sowie von Problemen und Sorgen verfolgt werden, denen sie nicht Herr zu werden vermögen. Wie sehr viel schlimmer als ich – so wuchs stets die Erkenntnis in mir – müssen doch diese Menschen dran sein. Doch wie ich, können sie alle aus ihrem ganzen Ungemach nur herausfinden, wenn sie in sich Gutes wirken, wenn sie sich der Besinnung und sich durch diese der Quelle der Erkenntnis hingeben, die eine Befreiung von allen Nöten und Übeln, von Gram, Kummer, Problemen und Sorgen schafft. Diese Erkenntnis ruht in der realen Veranschaulichung aller Dinge, dass alles lebenswert ist, und zwar sowohl das Negative wie auch das Positive, und dass erst das Ausleben des Erfreulichen wie Unerfreulichen das Leben lebenswert macht und unermessliche Erfahrungen, Erlebnisse und Werte bringt. Die Mission des Lebens, nämlich im Bewusstsein zu evolutionieren, und die Erfüllung dieser Mission ist die Quelle, aus der der sorgenvolle der gramgebeugte sowie der kummergeplagte, der problembedrückte sowie der arbeitsbelastete und sorgenkranke Mensch stetig neue Kräfte, Augenblicke der Ruhe und Erholung, der Freude, Liebe, Harmonie und des Friedens schöpft. Das ist meine Erkenntnis, und diese lehrt mich, dass, wenn bewusst Gutes gewirkt wird, dann das Gute allgegenwärtig wird.

SSSC, 19th January 2005, 00:15 Billy

SSSC, 19. Januar 2005, 00.15 h Billy

by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier

Light Years by Gary Kinder (Excerpt)

The Men (L-R) Lee Elders, Wendelle Stevens, Eduard Meier, Tom Welch

A description of Eduard Meier found in a book called Light Years written by Gary Kinder which is all about him and his life; in section One A.

"History first mentions the village of Hinwil, Switzerland in a document dated 745. Thirty miles southeast of Zurich, it nestles in a landscape of rolling green hills pocketed by large islands of forest a hundred feet tall, with the Alps rising in the distance. Hinwil itself, perhaps, would disappoint the tourist looking for the charm of alpine architecture: though chalk-white chalets shuttered in green rise from the village core and scatter among the hills, many stark buildings constructed of concrete have risen in their midst. They resemble not so much the quaint cottages in travel brochures as they do utilitarian apartment buildings erected in the 1950s and '60s in the United States.

But a short distance from the village center, along the street Wihaldenstrasse, stands a three-story farmhouse built a hundred years ago. During the mid-1970s, summer grape vines climbed the sunny south wall of the old house. Flowers filled a stone water trough to the north near the entrance, and small birds fluttered in an aviary built of wood and wire. To the south and east of the house lay a small green field, and to the north and west stood more of the cold, institutional apartment buildings.

The community of Hinwil had acquired the old farm years before and built the surrounding apartments to house senior citizens. Though the farmhouse someday soon would be torn down to make room for more apartments, the community now rented the house for a nominal sum to an unemployed night watchman, Eduard Meier. Meier lived in the house with his Greek wife, Kaliope, nicknamed Popi, and three small children-a girl, Nina, a boy, Atlantis, and the baby, Bashenko. They had been living in the house since December 1973 though they had lived elsewhere in Hinwil for two years.

Meier, a man of thirty-seven, had a sixth-grade education. He was not a very big man, maybe five feet, seven inches tall, but he was thick-chested and strong. His face was handsome, set off by unusual greenish-hazel eyes. According to village records, Meier's professions were "bird breeder, iron layer, night watchman." He held a permit to carry a gun because he had once worked as night security in a factory.

[continue reading]

In a former house, a tiny three-room row house contiguous to the Hinwil village museum,

Meier had kept a cage out back filled with nearly two hundred birds. He had been employed then as a night guard and, consequently, was often at home during the day. But many people in the neighbourhood avoided talking to Meier because he was "different." He spoke a great deal about Moses and said things other people did not understand. Julios and Erika Kagi knew the Meiers better than other neighbours did because they had a daughter the same age as Nina and the two girls often played together. "He had a terrific fantasy," remembered Erika Kagi, "and I could not agree with his philosophy. But he was not a bad person. He was not even odd; he just had his own ideas and believed whatever he said." Said another neighbor, "Meier lives the way he wants to and does not adapt to anyone else's way of living."

Meier had only one arm. His left arm had been severed just above the elbow in a bus accident in 1965, as he traveled from India, through Turkey, and back to Switzerland. Still, when part of the barn adjacent to the small house collapsed, Julios Kagi saw Meier rebuild the wall alone by holding the boards in place with his shoulder stump while he positioned and pounded nails with his one hand. "He was faster with one hand than other people are with two," recalled Kagi.

Again out of a job, Meier now supported his family on the 700 francs provided him every month by the government for the loss of his arm. To supplement their income, the Meiers kept chickens in the attic of the old farmhouse, and Popi sold eggs to the neighbors. To neighbors living in the apartment buildings overlooking the front door of the farmhouse, Meier seemed to be always home. In a culture that values hard work and conformity, the neighbors saw him as a singular and idle man, often lost in thought, as though the weight of the world rested upon his shoulders, and they began to talk.

Then, on the afternoon of 28 January, 1975, a cold day but warmer than most at that time of the year, Eduard Meier left the farmhouse on his moped, towing a tiny wagon behind him. He wound through the streets of Hinwil, steering with one hand, the empty left sleeve of his leather jacket jerking in the wind. Working his way out of town, he eventually came to a country road, which he followed for a time, then disappeared into the forest of a nature conservancy. A few hours later, he returned to the farmhouse without telling anyone where he had been.

Several days passed, during which the neighbours saw Meier dawdling around the house, seemingly as always without purpose. Then, one afternoon, he again pulled his moped from a storage room, pedalled it down the driveway until the tiny motor kicked over, and rode through the village out into the country. Soon, he was lost from view in another of the islands of forest surrounding Hinwil. When he returned, as before, he told no one where he had been or why he had been there. But the Swiss are observant and curious people, and the neighbours noted his peculiar comings and goings.

Within weeks, Meier was travelling regularly into the forest, guiding his moped with one hand, the tiny wagon behind. Each trip seemed to take him along a new path in a new direction through town and out into the country highways, often for as long as an hour. Later, many of his trips took him into the hills. Sometimes, he would disappear in the early afternoon and not be seen again before supper; other times, he would sneak from the house at one or two in the morning and not return till dawn.

"He had to go away again and again," Popi remembered. "He would come home for five minutes, fix himself a cup of coffee, and hop, he was gone again. It was bad at night. You'd be sleeping peacefully and the kids were quiet in bed. All of a sudden, he would get up, get dressed, and be gone. You know? You think your husband is lying in bed next to you, but he is gone. I did not know anything. All he said was that he was going to work."

As the weeks passed, Meier's journeys through town and into the forests began to occur three, four, even five times a week. And his frequent departures rubbed against the grain of order and routine so conscientiously observed by his neighbours. The more he disappeared, the more they talked.

"The people in the neighbourhood didn't know any thing about what was going on," said Popi, "but they were very curious. They could tell me, to the minute, when he left on his moped and when he came back. It was always the same questions. 'Why did he come home so late?' Sometimes he got up in the middle of the night and left, so they would hear the moped. And when he did this, it was even worse with the people the next day. 'Why did he leave last night?' 'Where did he go?' I would say nothing. I wasn't interested. They are just Schnuriwiiber [gossips]."

On clear nights, neighbours living in the apartment building just above the farmhouse saw Meier standing in the alleyway to the west and watching the sky through binoculars for hours. On nights when he did not leave the house, neighbours to the east saw a light burning on the second floor late into the night.

A week, a month, maybe two months passed, Popi could not remember. Then, one afternoon, as the two of them stood in the small living room on the second floor of the house, her husband handed her photographs.

"What do you think of this?" he asked.

But Popi only stared at the pictures.

"I was shocked," she recalled, "because I saw something completely new, and I did not want to believe that this existed. He said nothing at all. Didn't explain. Not one word." Her husband merely picked up the pictures and left the room, as Popi yelled at him for wasting his time taking pictures when money for the family was so scarce.

Meier next took the photographs to his friend Jakobus Bertschinger, whom he had met while working at the Piatti gravel pit years earlier. Though Jakobus was twelve years younger than Meier, the two men had struck up a lasting friendship. They spent much time together, talking about Meier's experiences during the twelve years he had travelled back and forth through India and the Middle East. But Jakobus, too, seemed confused by the photographs Meier showed to him. He even laughed, but he promised to help his friend in any way he could. With a loan from Jakobus, Meier placed a small classified ad in the German publication Esotera. The ad solicited people interested in forming a group to discuss natural life, logic, and truth-things "metaphysical."

Several more months passed. Through the summer and fall of 1975, the neighbours along Wihaldenstrasse watched Meier continue his frequent trips into the foothills and forests at all times of the day and night. On his little green moped, he often was seen at the edge of the open road, putt-putting along, twenty, maybe twenty-five miles an hour, passed constantly by the much larger and faster automobiles. But then, something new entered Meier's routine: one Saturday afternoon, a half-dozen cars appeared at the farmhouse and remained till late at night.

The neighbours did not understand why people came to see this man. He was poor and handicapped, with an unkempt wife who spoke little of their language. He did not work, and his habits seemed strange. But over the weeks and months, not only did the visitors continue to come, but their numbers increased. In the tiny parlor on the second story, the man with the single arm and unusual hazel eyes spoke to these people for hours. When they left, the neighbours heard Popi screaming at him. For many months, the neighbours watched Meier disappear frequently at odd hours and saw the cars on Saturday afternoons filling the narrow alleyway, running alongside No. 10 Wihaldenstrasse, and spilling onto the streets of Hinwil."

by Gary Kinder

Source: Light Years Gary Kinder PDF (external)

BEAM at other times in his life

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