Jim Dilettoso

From Future Of Mankind

Jim Dilettoso is a computer expert[1] and North American media-friendly boffin, who has had considerable involvement in the Billy Meier UFO case some years ago. He has over 100 projects and 20 years experience in CAD engineering and communications installation. He was one of the early pioneers in Computer Aided Design systems with experience in systems design and application engineering. He was a founder of the Arizona State University Computer Institute and served as its CAD and AI Director from 1984 to 1989. While in that post he also served as the NASA Industrial Application Center Technology Director. Jim has hosted news segments on Discovery Channel, Fox Network, MTV and A&E from his Village Labs, a 21st century lab that investigates all things new under the Sun.[2]

Jim Dilettoso on FOX 10 News (Youtube external links)


FIGU Bulletin 001

FIGU Bulletin 008

Analysis of IIG's Meier Case explanations

How can you be sure of the authenticity of the Meier case?

Photo Analysis from the Preliminary Investigation Report

The camera never lies?, Brookesmith, Peter, UFO updates mailing list, internet, January 1997
Excerpt: "At a lecture at the UFO '80 symposium held in Oakland, California, in August 1980, Jim Dilettoso of Genesis III said that 'z-scale contouring' and 'edge identification' tests were run on the pictures. The only drawback to this is that these are simply colour contouring techniques (and can be used to analyse 'density' at each point of an image - its lightness or darkness). They are _not _light distortion tests, such as edge enhancement, which might reveal the information Genesis III claim to have gained by the techniques. Dilettoso also (perhaps rather rashly) took exception to a Ground Sauser Watch (GSW) colour contouring of one of the Meier pictures. This shows a similar level of light reflectivity on both the ground and the Pleiadean spacecraft - indicating that _something_ is wrong with the photograph, since the materials at the claimed distances, should reflect (and so colour contour) differently. Dilettoso's objection was unfortunate, since even Genesis III's computer-generated picture shows both the craft and its background in the same colour contour."

The Meier Case: UFO Contactee Revealed?, Hesemann, Michael, Magazin 2000plus, Vol. 10, pp. 64-71, October 1998

A refutation of false claims and distortions by Korff, Deardorff, James, Internet, January 1996

An Open Letter to the UFO Community, Kinder, Gary, MUFON UFO Journal, No. 228, pp. 3-8, April 1987

Rare Archives

Light Years by Gary Kinder - J

A description of Jim Dilettoso found in a book called Light Years written by Gary Kinder; in section J.

"Puzzled over how to analyse the Meier evidence and how to capture the scientists and their work on film, John Stefanelli had looked for a consultant. In Phoenix, he located a sound and light technician, Jim Dilettoso. Short, gaunt, and mercurial, the twenty-eight-year-old Dilettoso was involved in myriad projects in the entertainment industry staging sound and light shows with lasers, computers, and sound digitizers. A friend had recommended him because the young technician had been a part-time consultant for a documentary film on the testing of the Shroud of Turin, the 2,000-year-old funeral sheet that purportedly had covered the body of the crucified Christ; Stefanelli wanted to subject the Meier photos to the same computerized image analysis as that performed on the shroud.

At their first meeting, Stefanelli showed Diletto so six of the photographs of extraterrestrial spacecraft allegedly taken by Meier "Good special effects," thought Dilettoso. "I was trying to figure out how I would make them. Couldn't be models because of the properties of the edges and the reflective surface. No, I'd build a rigid structure out of aluminum or titanium, shaped like a flying saucer, actual size twenty feet, and fill it with helium like a Goodyear Blimp. That was just my initial reaction. Later, I came to find out that the cost is tremendous, or it doesn't look real."

Further Reading
