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Reincarnation is a central tenet of all major Indian religions, namely Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism but they differ considerably from the explanations of Billy Meier.

For example the spirit form (also known as the creation energy) of a human being will always reincarnate into the body of a human being. More specifically into the human embryo when the heart begins to beat on the 21st day after conception. A cat spirit form will reincarnate into a cat embryo. A whale spirit form into a whale embryo etc.

Questions Answered By Billy

Remembering past lives

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

This refers to the science and knowledge of reincarnation: was there any specific spiritual Science which dealt and showed humans or for that matter Plejaren the ways of remembering reincarnated past lives to develop in each new life when becoming physical again, is it a possibility?

The reason for the question is because in my outside readings there has been claim of such Science but through Vatican/Christian laws or otherwise, they have either destroyed the books for the sake of taking this power away from humans.

Answer: Such science was never present or taught on Earth. Such claims most probably are simply based on new-age nonsense.

Of course, the functioning of reincarnation is a part of the spiritual teachings (and is explained within it).

However, on other planets there certainly may be teachings/science regarding remembrance of reincarnations.[1]

Pure spirit-forms

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

As I understand it, once a person dies on a planet, he will then reincarnate on this same planet.

For beings that have evolved beyond the need for physical bodies are they also obligated to stay in the region of their homeworlds, or do they have the choice to move throughout the universe?

Answer: Hi Scott,

The beings you mentioned are pure spirit-forms (Reingeistformen). Their realm is extended throughout the Universe. (Arahat Athersata is the lowest of those realms.) They are not bound to a system or planet anymore.[2]

Reincarnating onto star ships

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

If a slow moving (primitive) space ship takes several generations to reach it's destination planet, and during this journey babies are born in this ship (therefor increasing it's population), where would the spirit-forms come from?

Answer: Hi Jean Pierre,

The spirit-forms would come from the nearest planet that is inhabited by human beings (where the people are at least as highly developed/evolved as the people in the space ship).[3]

Further Reading

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