"We are only here in order to fulfil our mission and the prevention of the catastrophe and to prepare you for your difficult assignment as prophet. For further things, like help with evolution and so forth, other forms of life from your own universe are responsible, who will initially called themselves Pleiadians. Already for millennia, they supervise the Earth and keep those space-faring races in check who wish evil for you Earth humans and want to gain control over Earth humanity with the employment of religion and all the related deceptions, hallucinations, and trickery with which they buoy up the Earth humans with false promises." Asket, February 1953
Eduard Meier first communicated with extraterrestrials from 1942 to 1953 with Sfath, an older gentlemen from Erra(Pleiades / Plejaren).
Subsequent contacts then emerged from 1953 to 1964 with Asket, a woman who originates from the DAL Universe.
Eduard since 1975 to the 3rd of February 2017, then had 1704 personal and 1294 telepathic contacts [continue reading]
...with Pleiadian/Plejaren/Plejadisch-plejarische extraterrestrials and federated member contact persons; members of their Federation from other worlds. Which became the better known worldwide famous publicised, scrutinised and criticised texts, after the internet was invented. It is still ongoing and the plan is to continue for the foreseeable future. Of those contacts, at least 671 are presented as contact reports which if translated into English from German and already presented on this website then may be read below.[1]
Contact Statistics contains details of Plejaren members and other Federation personnel and book statistics.
Translation FAQ[Show/Hide]
Q:Why have the new translations not been added and updated yet?
A: See Contributing content and read the section below about the voluntary nature of translating and updating the wiki’s content.
Q: Why does FutureofMankind place the original German text on the right and English on the left, when some of the other websites do it the other way?
A: FutureofMankind is an English language website, in English we read from left to right. It's promotional of the original German text when each English sentence is followed by the German and not the edge of the screen. It's not ignored as readily, especially where we've been able to align sentences. It may also maintain the standard of established literary wiki agreements. However the arrangement may be associated with driving on the left where the shaking of hands using the right hand is generally considered proper etiquette, it is unclear exactly why placing the original German on the right feels correct, but it feels right to read it that way to us.
Q: Why has all this information about Billy Meier spanning decades been unloaded here on the FutureofMankind wiki, often without explanations about where it originated from, who translated it, when and why and a guide on how to do everything?
A: At first its recommended that you not concern much about your unknowing. It’s a community of independent individuals and you will have to make your own mind up and form your own opinions about everything eventually. Its international so eventually may have to learn about the different standards and methods and how they've been combined and formed over time and may have to search for sources and references all on your own if you want more information about a specific subject that interests you, just as all those that came before you had to do to develop an understanding of all the whys and wherefores of everything and how to slowly learn how to use the site. Your on your own.
Q: Why is the abbreviation “resp.” used in translations, when it has no meaning to native speakers and doesn't derive from English. And what does it mean?
A: It throws new readers off, but after a dozen encounters the probable meaning becomes reasonably clear. The writer is explaining something and reinforcing that explanation. It could mean; that is; i.e.; or; rather; also; and; also known as; more precisely; more precisely known as; with respect to; in respect of, etc.
The term “resp.” is an "English" abbreviation which is not English, so does not appear in dictionaries. It seems to be quite often used by native German speakers when writing in English, when they want to use respectively as a conjunction and not as an adverb. In German, instead of bzw., a writer can also use respektive as a conjunction; this explains the mistake.
Initially appearing to be a common mistake, however “resp.” is used in Billy Meier’s original German source text, so translators have probably been muddled as to how to present it, and translators have therefore tended to opt to retain it and incorporate it into the English translation.
Apparently the abbreviation viz. for videlicet, should be used if the writer intends it to mean "namely", but it may sometimes mean that too. As we know in English the rule for using the word “respectively” is that it means "in the order given" or “in the order described” etc. In other words if you list, or mention two or more things, you are then able to end the sentence with "respectively", as a means of encouraging the reader / person to maintain the proportions and sequencing given by you.
With translations, and that is just how it is with the available translations of Billy Meier works. Occasionally "respectively" is placed before the end or even mid list. It may be used as an instruction like for example “you need a spanner resp. a tool, in the tool box” where it's being used to imply; go and get it, do it now at that location. It might also be being used when it has nothing to do with an ordered listing. I mean you wouldn't say “I have a cat and a dog respectively” would you. You might say something like “I like my cat, dog, rabbit, hamster respectively” perhaps. “It’s a feline i.e a cat”. “My cat behaves like other animals sometimes e.g like a rabbit and a dog, when I think about it that way”.
The translation effort tends to be voluntary (few exceptions),[5] which unfortunately tends to often be forgotten, under-appreciated or is simply not known to new readers. It requires devotion and translation skill by individuals all over the world and developing the skills necessary to translate to a professional comprehensive standard takes time and dedication. Without this voluntary free of charge work effort, individuals in the English speaking world and Anglosphere,[6] as it is for the other languages, would have only poorly translated texts; we wish therefore to express our gratitude and appreciation to them, we are all very thankful to those few individuals who have put in that effort, thank you for all the work, time and effort.
[continue reading]
The translations may contain errors (as indicated at the top of contact report pages) even though meticulous efforts have been made to remove all of them; which is why the original German book source text tends to be included side by side with the English translation where possible and available. The layout on this website and others of having original text beside the translation additionally lends itself well to individuals independently fathoming a meaning which may not have been successfully passed across and transferred over the language barrier or been understood by the translator, without necessarily having to embroil others and the original translators to obtain those meanings. The meaning behind those complicated sentences and paragraphs can be garnered independently.
According to all observations, examinations and analysis we (Plejaren) have come to the unanimous decision that henceforward you from the Mother Centre[8] shall not make any further translations, also not into the English language.
Gemäss allen Betrachtungen, Abklärungen und Analysen sind wir zum einstimmigen Beschluss gelangt, dass ihr künftighin von eurer Seite des Mutter-Centers aus keinerlei Übersetzungen mehr durchführen sollt, auch nicht in die englische Sprache.
It (English) doesn't correspond to a true language, but only to a halfway acceptable auxiliary world-language that was disseminated world-wide through dishonest machinations from the USA with the aid of British English and other languages, whereby the deeper sense is to turn the terrestrial peoples into English-speaking ones, by using this meagre means of communication.
Diese entspricht keiner eigentlichen Sprache, sondern nur einer halbwegs annehmbaren Welthilfssprache, die durch unlautere Machenschaften von den USA aus mit Zuhilfenahme des britischen Englisch und anderer Sprachen weltweit verbreitet wurde, wobei der tiefere Sinn darin liegt, die irdischen Völker mit diesem ärmlichen Verständigungsmittel englischsprachig zu machen.
See main page of http://www.billymeiertranslations.com/ for an explanation about translations into other languages and the reason the German language is included with the English (or any language its translated into).
Nevertheless it's appreciated that it will continue to be read in English, the FIGU dictionary http://dict.figu.org/ has been established to help readers and translators choose the appropriate synonym and definition to use.
↑Some of the books about Billy Meier written by some authors which have been sold and made a profit and have therefore contained translations which have been paid for, however the quality often of these translations have not been good because they have been translated by independents and have not utilised the resources of the FIGU dictionary and been printed before they have been checked by the community and perhaps rushed into print. So another way of saying that is that volunteers have then later had to rectify the mistakes in those translations regardless of how popular or profitable those books by those authors may have been.