Contact Report 722

From Future Of Mankind
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This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
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  • Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)
    pp. TBD-TBD [Contact No. TBD - TBD from TBD to TBD] Stats | Source

  • Date/time of contact: Thursday, 08th August 2019
  • Translator(s): DeepL Online Translator, Stephen Lane (UK)
  • Date of original translation: 28 February 2020
  • Corrections and improvements: Stephen Lane
  • Contact person(s): Ptaah


Billy talks in the greatest detail yet about the effects of overpopulation.

Contact Report 722 Translation

Hide EnglishHide Swiss-German

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch
Seven hundred and twenty-second contact Siebenhundertzwanzig Sekunden Kontakt
Thursday, 08th August 2019

Thursday, 08. August 2019



What your friend writes about the climate demonstrators and Greta Thunberg is correct, and I also have something to say about that, namely that I tried to observe the child, the demonstrators and various government figures in order to judge their attitude, nature and behaviour. Unfortunately, my findings in this regard are not good, for in the meantime Greta has succumbed to a delusion of importance and arrogance, which was to be feared from the very beginning, as you yourself predicted. Neither the child nor those demonstrating about the climate have a clue as to why they actually go out into the streets and shout. The same goes for the rulers, who now only want to stir things up, speak big words and make themselves important, because the protests of the demonstrators have put them in fear that they could be verbally or physically attacked, or that they could lose their well-paid office, their reputation and their power. Which is why in fact, as Ernst writes, it is important to speak enlighteningly about how he is asking you to.

Was dein Freund bezüglich der Klimademonstranten und Greta Thunberg schreibt, hat seine Richtigkeit, wozu auch ich noch etwas zu sagen habe, und zwar, dass ich mich darum bemüht habe, das Kind, die Demonstranten und diverse Regierungspersonen zu beobachten, um deren Gesinnung, Wesen und Verhalten zu beurteilen. Meine diesbezüglichen Feststellungen sind leider nicht des Guten, denn inzwischen ist Greta einem Wahn des Wichtigseins und der Überheblichkeit verfallen, was aber schon von Anfang an zu befürchten war, wie du ja auch selbst vorausgesagt hast. Weder das Kind noch die bezüglich des Klimas Demonstrierenden haben eine Ahnung davon, wofür sie eigentlich auf die Strassen gehen und herumschreien. Gleichermassen gilt das für die Regierenden, die sich jetzt nur darum regen, grosse Worte reden und sich wichtig machen, weil sie durch die Proteste der Demonstranten in Angst verfallen, dass sie verbal oder tätlich angegriffen werden könnten, oder dass sie ihr gutbezahltes Amt, ihr Ansehen und ihre Macht verlieren könnten. Tatsächlich so, wie Ernst schreibt, weshalb es wichtig ist, darüber aufklärend zu reden, wie er dich dazu auffordert.



I thought so too, but I would like to ask you something first, namely whether it would be appropriate and whether you could agree to first quote some of your father Sfath's predictions before we come to the actual conversation. In addition, you have recently said that the time has come for Sfath's early statements to be initiated and fulfilled in the connection that also relates to epidemics and pandemics. In addition, by transporting goods with trucks, passenger cars, parcel post, ships, railways and airplanes from Africa or the south of Europe as well as from the American continent and from Asia, insects, creatures and animals etc. are to be brought into Europe, which can cause diseases, epidemics and infections etc.. These are predictions that I have known from Sfath since the 1940's, about which I have also written, and which will inevitably come true, but it is my interest to know what you think about what is going on, that all exotic plants should be destroyed and exterminated in Switzerland, including all those that have not been invasive and have been settled in Switzerland for decades or for one, two or three centuries, and thrive well without spreading?

Das habe ich auch gedacht, doch möchte ich dich zuerst etwas fragen, nämlich ob es angebracht wäre und du dich damit einverstanden erklären könntest, zuerst einmal etwas von den Voraussagen deines Vaters Sfath anzuführen, ehe wir zum eigentlichen Gespräch kommen. Zudem hast du letzthin gesagt, dass nun die Zeit naht, dass sich die frühen Aussagen von Sfath auch in der Beziehung anbahnen und zu erfüllen beginnen, die sich auch auf Epidemien und Pandemien beziehen. Dabei sollen zudem durch Warentransporte mit Lastwagen, Personenautos, Paketpost, Schiffe, Eisenbahn und Flugzeugen aus Afrika oder dem Süden von Europa sowie aus dem amerikanischen Kontinent und aus Asien Insekten, Getier und Tiere usw. nach Europa eingeschleppt werden, die Krankheiten, Seuchen und Infektionen usw. hervorrufen können. Das sind zwar Voraussagen, die ich schon seit den 1940er Jahren von Sfath kenne, worüber ich auch geschrieben habe und die sich unweigerlich erfüllen werden, doch geht mein Interesse eigentlich dahin, was du dazu meinst bezüglich dem, was kursiert, dass in der Schweiz alle exotischen Pflanzen vernichtet und ausgerottet werden sollen, und zwar auch alle jene, die nicht invasiv und schon seit Jahrzehnten oder seit einem, zwei oder drei Jahrhunderten in der Schweiz angesiedelt wurden und gut gedeihen ohne auszuwuchern?



This is indeed the case, as you say, because various insects, animals, plants and creatures etc. have been brought into Europe, among other things, but also non-invasive plants such as shrubs, bushes and trees have always been legally imported, which thrive well in Switzerland and throughout Europe and cause no invasive problems whatsoever. And this is so contrary to the untrue claims of 'info Flora', whose claims and information I see from time to time at 'info Flora', which is the 'Swiss Flora National Data and Information Centre', which keeps a blacklist of plants that are supposed to be invasive or otherwise harmful to the native flora. What 'info Flora' refers to as invasive neophytes does not always correspond to reality, but corresponds to unfounded illogical assumptions and unrealistic fears as well as hysteria and stupidity due to a misunderstanding of the laws of nature and of the concern for invasive neophytes and exotic plant genera and species.

Das ist tatsächlich so, wie du sagst, denn es sind unter anderem diverse Insekten, Tiere, Pflanzen und Getier usw. nach Europa eingeschleppt worden, wie aber auch seit jeher legal nicht invasive Pflanzen, wie Sträucher, Büsche und Bäume eingeführt wurden, die in der Schweiz und auch in ganz Europa gut gedeihen und keinerlei invasive Probleme verursachen. Und dies ist so entgegen den unwahren Behauptungen von <info Flora>, deren Behauptungen und Informationen ich von Zeit zu Zeit bei <info Flora> einsehe, bei dem es sich um das <Nationales Daten- und Informationszentrum der Schweizer Flora> handelt, das eine schwarze Liste über Pflanzen führt, die angeblich invasiv oder sonstwie für die heimische Pflanzenwelt schädlich sein sollen. Was von <info Flora> alles als invasive Neophyten bezeichnet wird, stimmt nicht in jedem Fall mit der Wirklichkeit überein, sondern entspricht unbegründeten unlogischen Annahmen und irrealen Ängsten sowie einer Hysterie und Dummheit infolge eines Missverstehens bezüglich der Naturgesetze sowie der auf auswuchernde invasive Neophyten resp. auf exotische Pflanzengattungen und Pflanzenarten bezogenen Bedenklichkeit.

The non-invasive neophytes, which have long since become accustomed to the Swiss and European climate and which are harmless and well-established for the indigenous native plant world, are now to be destroyed and exterminated. This is absolutely ill-considered and absurd, especially because these plants will find new growth sites in Europe in a completely natural way in the coming times as a result of the unstoppable change in the climate. And this will happen by a natural flight of seeds and a natural immigration by bringing in and carrying along or transferring by exotic animals, birds and creatures etc., which are also migrating, various genera and species. So it is also for this reason a nonsense to destroy and exterminate non-invasive foreign or exotic and already settled plants, because sooner or later the change and the natural resettlement will take place inexorably one way or the other. The nonsense of annihilation and extermination of non-invasive plants, such as bushes, shrubs and trees, which have been thriving in Switzerland and throughout Europe for a long time and which have become accustomed and acclimatised, is based on a pathologically founded hysteria and stupidity of the non-use of intellect and rationality.

Die nicht invasiven und schon längst sich im schweizerischen und europäischen Klima eingewöhnten und für die einheimische Grundpflanzenwelt ungefährlichen und gutgedeihenden Neophyten nun vernichten und ausrotten zu wollen, ist absolut unbedacht und unsinnig, und zwar insbesondere auch deshalb, weil diese Pflanzen in kommenden Zeiten infolge der nicht mehr aufzuhaltenden Veränderung des Klimas auf völlig natürliche Weise in Europa neue Wachstumsorte finden werden. Und dies wird geschehen durch einen natürlichen Samenflug und eine natürliche Einwanderung über ein Einbringen und Mittragen resp. Übertragen durch ebenfalls einwandernde exotische Tiere, Vögel und Getier usw. mancherlei Gattungen und Arten. Also entspricht es auch aus diesem Grund einer Unsinnigkeit, nicht invasive fremde resp. exotische und bereits angesiedelte Pflanzen zu vernichten und auszurotten, weil der Wandel und die natürliche Neuansiedelung früher oder später unaufhaltsam so oder so erfolgen wird. Die Unsinnigkeit einer Vernichtung und Ausrottung nicht invasiver Pflanzen, wie Büsche, Sträucher und Bäume, die schon seit langen Zeiten in der Schweiz und in ganz Europa gedeihen und sich eingewöhnt und akklimatisiert haben, beruht in einer pathologisch fundierten Hysterie und Dummheit des Nichtgebrauchens von Verstand und Vernunft.



Thank you, then that is also clear. But why I wanted to talk to you today and why I will do it now, that concerns on the one hand what my friend Ernst would like to do, and I could mention some of what I learned from your father Sfath in the 1940s.

Danke, dann ist damit auch das klar. Weshalb ich nun aber heute mit dir reden wollte und es nun auch tun werde, das betrifft einerseits das, was mein Freund Ernst gerne möchte, und dazu könnte ich etwas davon anführen, was ich in den 1940er Jahren von deinem Vater Sfath gelernt habe.



What my father taught you then regarding the emerging and now actually badly arising climate change should actually be discussed, and I would like to add something from his annals. His predictions, as he taught you in this regard, have for a long time shown the correctness of his warnings, which I know from his annals. With regard to all the destruction of and on the Earth, of nature and of all life of fauna and flora, of the atmosphere and the climate by the irresponsible machinations of the far too extensive mass of Earthly humanity, respectively the overpopulation, damages arose which cannot be repaired. And all these Earthly human irresponsibilities continue in undiminished fashion and are getting worse and worse with every single Earthly man being born anew. Therefore it is most urgently necessary to mention facts about this which are disputed by a certain part of irresponsible climatologists, environmental protection organisations, geologists and agriculturalists etc. who dispute reality and its truth, because they do not treat the facts at all or only superficially.

Was dich damals mein Vater bezüglich des aufkommenden und sich nun tatsächlich in schlimmer Weise ergebenden Klimawandels lehrte, das sollte tatsächlich zur Sprache kommen, wobei ich aus seinen Annalen etwas dazu beifügen möchte. Seine Voraussagen, wie er dich diesbezüglich lehrte, zeitigen schon seit langem die Richtigkeit seiner Warnungen, die ich aus seinen Annalen kenne. Hinsichtlich all der Zerstörungen an und auf der Erde, an der Natur und an allem Leben der Fauna und Flora, der Atmosphäre und dem Klima durch die verantwortungslosen Machenschaften der viel zu umfangreichen Masse Erdenmenschheit resp. der Überbevölkerung, entstanden Schäden, die nichtwiedergutgemacht werden können. Und all diese erdenmenschlichen Verantwortungslosigkeiten gehen in unverminderter Weise weiter und werden zudem immer schlimmer, und zwar mit jedem einzelnen neu geborenwerdenden Erdenmenschen. Daher ist es dringendst notwendig, darüber einmal Fakten zu nennen, die von einem gewissen, die Wirklichkeit und deren Wahrheit bestreitenden Teil verantwortungsloser Klimatologen, Umweltschutzorganisationen, Geologen und Agrologen usw. bestritten werden, weil sie die Fakten nicht oder nur oberflächlich behandeln.



Of course, you can recite something from the annals of your father Sfath if you want.

Du kannst natürlich etwas aus den Annalen von deinem Vater Sfath rezitieren, wenn du willst.



That's what I'd like to do, and to reproduce what you have recently corrected together, if you find it on your computer and I can read it to you.

Das will ich gerne tun und das wiedergeben was ihr letzthin gemeinsam korrigiert habt, wenn du es mir aus deinem Computer heraussuchst und ich es vorlesend wiedergeben kann.



Of course... just a moment, that's what you mean, or...?

Natürlich, … nur einen Moment, … die, das meinst du wohl, oder?



Yes, but let me find it myself ... yes ... on these pages it must be somewhere ...

Ja, doch lass mich es selbst suchen … ja … auf diesen Seiten muss es irgendwo sein …



It's from May 1946, there has ...

Das ist vom Mai 1946, da hat …



Yeah, and I've already found what I'm looking for. So I want to read it out right away:

Ja, und ich habe schon gefunden was ich suche. Also will ich es sogleich vorlesen:

… in the future very many people will turn into enemies among themselves, and more and more towards the inability to live and indifference in every way, from which work shyness, fraud and thievery will arise and many criminals will become burglars, murderers and robbers. Others, on the other hand, will be attacked again, as from time immemorial, by boundless hatred against acquaintances, friends, family members and against neighbours, people of other faiths, strangers, foreigners and other peoples. The racial madness built up in the Nazi Empire will continue in an expanding way and will be carried far into the 3rd millennium, whereby many innocent people will continue to be murdered worldwide by various racial madness movements. In the coming decades and also well into the 3rd millennium, many people will become degenerate blind fanatic believers and heirs of religions and sects, bloodthirsty, dehumanized and murdering family honour fanatics, as well as murder delusional believers of worldwide terror organizations. And from these many murderers will emerge, especially from the 1990's and well into the 3rd millennium, who as individuals or in groups carry out assassinations, murder actions and suicide attacks and in this way murder masses of innocent people - women, children, young people and men of all ages. In this way, terrorism will spread throughout the world, causing many deaths of innocent and uninvolved people, which will briefly affect the thoughts and feelings of many Earthly human beings, but will not really make them pensive, as has always been the case. Even the most gruesome, murderous and catastrophic events and occurrences touch, seize and stimulate people in their thoughts and feelings as they have always done for only a short time, after which everything is quickly forgotten again, without any actual, profound upheaval and shaking in their senses taking place, which could lead to at least an attempt to do something to counter the evils. And this also refers to the fact that people live indifferently into the day and into time and do not make any serious thoughts about life, all events, everything that exists as well as all essentials of life. On the other hand, it also refers to the fact that in the coming times, well into the 3rd millennium, as a result of the rapid departure and passing away of thoughts and feelings concerning bad events and facts, such as catastrophic human degenerations, deadly and destructive events and degenerating machinations as a result of overpopulation, will result in ever worse consequences. And through the unstoppably increasing overpopulation, malignant, dramatic and mutating changes as well as death and destructive factors, will arise in the future on the planet, the seas and all continental waters, as well as on the land and in all forms of life. The health capacity and behaviour of people will also degenerate into disease and harm, leading to many and varied deaths, and the climate will be adversely affected and catastrophically altered by the effects of irresponsible practices arising from overpopulation. And for all fauna and flora, for the planet itself, as well as for all things of life and existence of all things, the result is that ultimately the destructive effects in every respect are no longer controlled, can no longer be reversed, can no longer be stopped, and thus the entire Earthly existence is called into question. And if mankind of the Earth does not bring to a halt the growth of the degenerating overpopulation to avoid further disaster in this way and to reduce the already existing one then the last catastrophe of extinction will be unavoidable. But if catastrophic events now appear, like murder and mass murder by individuals or groups, which are caused by terrorism or by depressive, jealous, hate afflicted, criminal, mentally or consciously ill people, then many governing and other responsible persons of all states will also be affected by it. But the majority of them - as since time immemorial - will only express dishonest, unrelated and hypocritical condolences and other great words when murderous acts are committed by individuals or entire groups. No matter whether the acts are committed by perpetrators who are depressed or suffering from mental illness, the confused, the hated, racists or terrorists, it will not matter, because as a rule - as has always been the case - the condolences and sympathies of rulers and other responsible persons will only be false, deceptive and illusory, and foreign to sincerity and honest compassion. Therefore, the appearance and presence of the rulers, state powers and those responsible at the scene of bad events will be just as useful only for themselves and for the preservation of their office as their words and promises, which for those who are suffering will be nothing but deceit, cunning, deceitfulness, deception and empty words, as has been the case from time immemorial. And just as the majority of those in authority and all the other responsible persons will only make empty promises and stupid speeches in the many and varied murder incidents by individual perpetrators or by terrorist groups, this will also be the case in many other relationships. So it will happen in the same way in the coming decades and far into the third millennium, when the natural disasters that are already looming on the horizon today will occur, the origin of which will be traced back to the machinations of overpopulation that destroy nature as well as planets and the climate. Everything will be irreparable and, in addition, will claim human lives, cause enormous destruction and ultimately lead to the fact that distress, misery, diseases, epidemics, lack of space, food and water will spread over the whole Earth and mankind in such a way that nothing can be done to counteract it. And when this time comes, when Earthly mankind does not return in a foreseeable and useful time to the way of sound mind and reason, then there will be no more help. This also means that if the growth of overpopulation is not stopped and is not rigorously reduced by a birth control and brought to a normal and planetary level in the foreseeable future, if a worldwide state of peace, comprehensive freedom and security for the planet and its nature as well as for all life is not finally created, then an end to the advanced civilizations of Earthly mankind will be inevitable. It will still take time until then, but it will be inevitable if the overpopulation and everything else will not stop the entire Earthly life of the planet and all living beings that endanger it. Unfortunately, this will not be the case in the coming decades and well into the 3rd millennium, even if you write your letters and send them to all governments, media and important organizations. But as you do your work, gradually people will come together, group themselves together and learn your teachings worldwide, strive to follow them, learn to live and spread them, from which the hope will arise that in 800 to 900 years very many people will slowly make an effort to consciously use their intellect and reason and turn to the teachings which you will henceforth write down, spread and teach people on a large scale. But you must know that this will be an exceptionally difficult and very arduous task and work, which you will have to fulfil in a world that is very hostile to you with regard to your mission, because in this world people have been misled, made unfree, oppressed and enslaved by religions and sects, as well as falling prey to know-it-alls, habits, self-importance, vices and addictions, as well as vanity, megalomania and delusions of grandeur in many ways, etc. And as it has been in this respect up to now, it will continue to be so in the future, and to an ever-increasing extent, because as a result of the still for a long time inexorably increasing overpopulation, it is clear that in the decades to come, up to the third millennium, there will be an increase in the number of people living in the world. As a result of the still for a long time inexorably rising overpopulation, it is clear that in the coming decades up to the third millennium, as well as far into the present, more and more people will fall prey to alcohol, drugs and jealousy, greed for money, violence, sexual abuse of children, abuse of children and women, rape and prostitution, which will be permitted and taxed by the state in the future, all of which will become major problems. In the future there will be more and more people who are confused in their consciousness as well as those who suffer from disorders of the psyche, who will suffer from severe depressions and many other diseases of a damaged consciousness and a damaged psyche. The origins will be rooted in the many effects and things of the overflowing overpopulation, such as in fanatically degenerating political, religious, sectarian delusions, in religious and sectarian superstition (delusions), in delusions, fantasies and illusions caused by alcohol and drugs, unrealities, illusions, deceptions, visions, wishful thinking, delusions and suggested delusions of unscrupulous seducers. The rapidly increasing overpopulation will also have very lasting bad and evil effects on morality as well as on people's behaviour, illnesses and sufferings, as will be the case, for example, with regard to anancastic neuroses, obsessions, morbid passions, as well as manias, excessive desires and addictions, which will also include frenzy, raving madness and foolhardiness, anger, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessional neurosis and so on. And the overpopulation will also bring about an effeminacy of thoughts, feelings and the psyche, the body and the instability of life in general, so that even small tensions and efforts will lead to hot flushes, fever, delusion and breakdown. But it will also result in strange imaginations, delusional phenomena, fantasies, unrealities and dizziness. In the coming decades and well into the 3rd millennium, countless people will become addicted to pathological thoughts, feelings and thus to confusion of consciousness and severe mental disorders, which will result in the future in a reduction of life control and quality of life, and this will be due to a loss of control of life. The lack of interest in life, lack of courage to face life and tedium of life will also spread far and wide and lead to many suicides. Extensive disinterestedness and indifference with regard to one's own development of consciousness, personal values of well-being, education, self-knowledge and self-esteem will also become the order of the day, especially for many younger people. And what will be related to one's own person in terms of indifference will also be transferred to others and will increasingly prevent and ultimately dissolve connecting relationships between people. As a result, unrelated conditions will arise not only in society, but also in families, acquaintances, friendships and partnerships, making people alien, meaningless and indifferent to each other, and consequently making everyone go their own way. In the future, however, it will also be the case that many people will fall prey to a noncontrol and atrophy of mind and reason, as a result of a degenerative destructive change in the perception, understanding and processing ability of consciousness. And this will already begin to take place in the course of the next decades, which will have a particularly negative impact on young and younger people in terms of their negative lifestyle and regression.

This is the text I wanted to bring into our conversation. This is because there is a little more on this subject in this part of my father's annals, which you have not called up, and that is the following:

Your life will be a struggle because there will be repeated attacks on your life, but you will have to take care of them yourself to parry them, because nobody will be able to help you. Between them many adversaries will publicly try to cover you with lies and slander, while they superficially feign hypocrisy, but underhandedly try to inflict lies, deceit, dishonesty and unrighteousness on you. Unfortunately, this will also be your wife, although you cannot avoid marriage with her, because only through this unwanted union will you find the final step to the fulfilment of your task and through which you will learn much that you will need for it. This will be the real reason that will break through your memory again and again inexorably, drowning out all your inner distress, covering it up and distracting you from everything that will then constantly overload and fill you up and be ever present. But only then will you then be unstoppably ready to break through the piled up confusion and, even if it is sometimes only suggestive, show your smile and humour, which will stand above everything and make you invulnerable and exalted, whereby you can look down on everything without evil impulses, how your wife humiliates you, but turns herself into dry dust and for a long time will no longer bear her own created misery and flee in cowardice. What should be mentioned in addition to this, refers to statements by my father Sfath, which he gave you in the autumn of 1948, which you then wrote, worked out and sent to several newspaper editorial offices as predictions on a Saturday and Sunday in 1949. The date was 13 and 14 May. I want to send you your predictions the day after tomorrow, Saturday, so that you can retrieve them and write them down, so that you can publish them. Even then, as I have read in my father's annals, you have, through his help, gained insight into many false machinations of those unjust people in the governments and authorities, who have been damaging the people and have continued to do so ever since. And I think that you should say something about this again today, because since 1949, things have got a lot worse in this regard.

… es wandeln sich zukünftig sehr viele Menschen zu Feinden unter sich, wie auch immer mehr zur Lebensunfähigkeit und Gleichgültigkeit in jeder Weise, woraus auch Arbeitsscheue, Betrügerei und Dieberei entstehen und viele Kriminelle zu Einbrechern, Mordenden und Raubenden werden. Andere wiederum werden, wie schon von alters her, neuerlich von grenzenlosem Hass wider Bekannte, Freunde, eigene Familienangehörige und gegen Nachbarn, Andersgläubige, Fremde, Ausländer und andere Völker befallen. Der im Nazireich aufgebaute Rassenwahn wird sich in erweiternder Weise fortsetzen und weit ins 3. Jahrtausend hineingetragen, wodurch weltweit weiterhin durch verschiedenste Rassenwahnbewegungen sehr viele unschuldige Menschen ermordet werden. Viele Menschen werden in den kommenden Jahrzehnten und ebenfalls weit ins 3. Jahrtausend hinein zu ausgearteten blindfanatischen Gläubigen und Hörigen von Religionen und Sekten, blutheischenden, entmenschten und mordenden Familienehre-Fanatikern, wie auch zu Mordwahngläubigen von weltweit agierenden Terrororganisationen. Und aus diesen werden auch viele Mordtäter hervorgehen, besonders ab den 1990er Jahren und bis weit ins 3. Jahrtausend hinein, die als einzelne oder in Gruppen Attentate, Mordaktionen sowie Selbstmordattentate verüben und in dieser Weise massenweise unbeteiligte unschuldige Menschen ermorden – Frauen, Kinder, Jugendliche und Männer jeden Alters. In dieser Weise wird der Terrorismus weltweit um sich greifen und viele Tode über unbeteiligte und unschuldige Menschen bringen, was zwar viele der irdischen Menschheit in ihren Gedanken und Gefühlen kurzzeitig betroffen, jedoch nicht wirklich nachdenklich machen wird, wie dies seit jeher so gewesen ist. Selbst grauenvollste, mörderische und katastrophalste Geschehen und Vorkommnisse berühren, ergreifen und regen die Menschen in ihren Gedanken und Gefühlen wie seit eh und je nur kurze Zeit an, wonach alles schnell wieder vergessen wird, ohne dass ein eigentliches, tiefgründiges Aufwühlen und Erschüttern in ihrem Sinnen zustande kommt, was dazu führen könnte, mindestens versuchsweise etwas zu tun, um den Übeln entgegenzuwirken. Und dies bezieht sich auch darauf, dass die Menschen gleichgültig in den Tag und in die Zeit hineinleben und sich keinerlei ernsthafte Gedanken bezüglich des Lebens, aller Geschehen, alles Existierenden sowie aller Lebenswichtigkeiten machen. Anderseits bezieht es sich auch darauf, dass in den kommenden Zeiten, bis weit ins 3. Jahrtausend hinein, sich infolge des schnellen Hinweggehens und Vergehens der Gedanken und Gefühle bezüglich schlimmer Geschehen und Tatsachen, wie katastrophale menschliche Ausartungen, tödliche und zerstörende Geschehen und ausartende Machenschaften infolge der Überbevölkerung, immer schlimmere Folgen ergeben werden. Und durch die unaufhaltsam steigende Überbevölkerung werden sich künftighin bösartige, dramatische und mutierende Veränderungen sowie tod- und zerstörungsbringende Faktoren am Planeten, den Meeren und allen Festlandgewässern, wie auch am Land und an allen Lebensformen ergeben. Auch das Gesundheitsvermögen und die Verhaltensweisen der Menschen werden krankheits- und schadenbringend ausarten und zu vielen und vielartigen Toden führen, wie auch das Klima durch Auswirkungen von aus der Überbevölkerung hervorgehenden verantwortungslosen Machenschaften beeinträchtigt und katastrophenheraufbeschwörend verändert wird. Und bei der gesamten Fauna und Flora, beim Planeten selbst sowie bezüglich aller Dinge des Lebens und der Existenz aller Dinge ergibt sich, dass schlussendlich die destruktiven Auswirkungen in jeder Beziehung nicht mehr kontrolliert, nicht mehr rückgängig gemacht und nicht mehr aufgehalten werden können und dadurch die gesamte irdische Existenz in Frage gestellt wird. Und wenn die Menschheit der Erde nicht dazu gebracht wird, das Wachstum der ausartenden Überbevölkerung zu stoppen, um in dieser Weise weiteres Unheil zu vermeiden und das bereits bestehende zu reduzieren, dann wird die letzte Katastrophe des Untergangs nicht zu vermeiden sein. Wenn nun aber katastrophale Geschehen in Erscheinung treten, wie Mord- und Massenmordtaten durch einzelne Personen oder durch Gruppierungen, die terroristisch bedingt sind oder durch depressive, eifersüchtige, hassbefallene, kriminelle, an der Psyche oder im Bewusstsein erkrankte Menschen, dann werden davon auch viele Regierende und sonstig Verantwortliche aller Staaten betroffen sein. Doch deren Gros wird – wie seit alters her – nur unehrliche, beziehungslose und scheinheilige Beileidsbezeugungen und sonstig grosse Worte von sich geben, wenn durch einzelne Menschen Mordtaten oder durch ganze Gruppen Mordaktionen ausgeführt werden. Dabei wird es keine Rolle spielen, ob die Taten durch depressive oder anderswie im Bewusstsein oder an der Psyche erkrankte Täter oder Täterinnen, Verwirrte, Hassgestresste, Rassisten oder Terroristen ausgeübt werden, denn in der Regel werden – wie seit jeher – die Beileidbezeugungen und Anteilnahmen der Regierenden und sonstig Verantwortlichen nur Lug, Trug und Schein und der Aufrichtigkeit sowie des ehrlichen Mitgefühls fremd sein. Also wird das Erscheinen und Präsentwerden der Regierenden, Staatsmächtigen und Verantwortlichen an schlimmen Geschehensorten ebenso nur für diese selbst und zum Erhalt ihres Amtes von Nutzen sein wie auch ihre Worte und Versprechungen, die für die Leidbetroffenen nur Betrug, List, Lüge, Täuschung und leere Worte sein werden, wie dies schon seit jeher so gehalten wird. Und wie das Gros der Staatsgewaltigen und all die anderen Verantwortlichen bei den vielerlei in Erscheinung tretenden Mordgeschehen durch einzelne Täter oder Täterinnen oder durch terroristische Gruppen nur leere Versprechungen machen und dumme Reden führen werden, wird dies auch in vielen anderen Beziehungen sein. Also wird es sich in den kommenden Jahrzehnten und weit ins 3. Jahrtausend hinein in gleicher Weise zutragen, wenn sich die bereits zur heutigen Zeit anbahnenden Naturkatastrophen ergeben, deren Ursprung auf die natur- sowie planeten- und klimazerstörenden Machenschaften der Überbevölkerung zurückführen wird. Alles wird nicht wieder gutzumachen sein und zudem Menschenleben fordern, ungeheure Zerstörungen hervorrufen und letztlich dazu führen, dass sich Not, Elend, Krankheiten, Seuchen, Platzmangel, Nahrungs- und Wassermangel derart über die gesamte Erde und die Menschheit ausbreiten, dass allem nichts mehr entgegengesetzt werden kann. Und wenn diese Zeit kommt, wenn die irdische Menschheit nicht in absehbarer und nützlicher Frist auf den Weg des gesunden Verstandes und der Vernunft zurückkehrt, dann wird es keine Hilfe mehr geben. Das heisst auch, wenn das Wachsen der Überbevölkerung nicht gestoppt und nicht durch eine Geburtenregelung rigoros reduziert und in absehbarer Zeit auf einen normalen und planetengerechten Stand gebracht wird, nicht endlich ein weltweiter Friedenszustand, umfängliche Freiheit und eine umfassende Sicherheit für den Planeten und dessen Natur sowie für alles Leben geschaffen wird, dann wird ein Ende der Hochkulturen der irdischen Menschheit unumgänglich sein. Bis dahin wird es zwar noch dauern, doch wird es unausweichlich sein, wenn nicht die Überbevölkerung und alles sonstig das gesamte irdische Leben des Planeten und aller Lebewesen Gefährdende gestoppt wird. Leider wird das jedoch in den kommenden Jahrzehnten und auch noch weit ins 3. Jahrtausend hinein nicht der Fall sein, und zwar auch dann nicht, wenn du deine Schreiben verfasst und an alle Regierungen, Medien und wichtigen Organisationen senden wirst. Es werden sich aber, wenn du deine Arbeit tust, nach und nach Menschen zusammenfinden, sich gruppieren und weltweit deine Lehre lernen, sie zu befolgen bemühen, zu leben lernen und zu verbreiten beginnen, woraus die Hoffnung hervorgehen wird, dass in 800 bis 900 Jahren sehr viele Menschen sich langsam bemühen werden, ganz bewusst ihren Verstand und ihre Vernunft zu nutzen und sich der Lehre zuzuwenden, die du fortan in grossem Umfang niederschreiben, verbreiten und den Menschen lehren wirst. Doch du musst wissen, dass dies eine ausnehmend schwere und sehr schwierige Aufgabe und Arbeit sein wird, die du in einer dir bezüglich deiner Mission sehr feindlich entgegentretenden Welt zu erfüllen hast, weil in dieser die Menschen durch Religionen und Sekten irregeführt, unfrei, geknechtet und versklavt, wie aber auch der Besserwisserei, Gewohnheiten, der Eigenherrlichkeit, Lastern und Süchten sowie der Eitelkeit, dem Grössenwahn und dem Wahnglauben in mancherlei Hinsicht usw. verfallen sind. Und wie es diesbezüglich bisher war, wird es auch zukünftig sein, und zwar in sich stetig steigerndem Mass, denn infolge der noch lange Zeit unaufhaltsam steigenden Überbevölkerung ergibt sich, dass in den kommenden Jahrzehnten bis ins 3. Jahrtausend, wie noch weit in dieses hinein, immer mehr Menschen der Alkohol-, Drogen- und Eifersucht, der Geldgier, Gewalttätigkeit, dem sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch, den Kindes- und Frauenmisshandlungen und Vergewaltigungen, wie auch der zukünftig staatlich erlaubten und besteuerten Prostitution verfallen, wobei all diese Ausartungen zu grossen Problemen werden. Zukünftig treten auch immer mehr bewusstseinsverwirrte wie auch an der Psyche erkrankende Menschen in Erscheinung, die an schweren Depressionen und vielen anderen Krankheiten eines geschädigten Bewusstseins und einer geschädigten Psyche leiden werden. Die Ursprünge dafür werden in den vielartigen Auswirkungen und Dingen der überbordenden Überbevölkerung fundieren, wie z.B. in einem fanatisch ausartenden politischen, religiösen, sektiererischen Wahn, im religiösen und sektiererischen Aberglauben (Wahnglauben), in durch Alkohol und Drogen hervorgerufenen Wahnerscheinungen, Hirngespinsten und Illusionen, Irrealitäten, Sinnestäuschungen, Trügereien, Wahnvisionen, Wunschbildern, Trugbildern und suggerierten irren und wirren Eingebungen gewissenloser Verführer. Die rasant ansteigende Überbevölkerung wird sich auch sehr nachhaltig schlecht und übel auf die Moral sowie auf Verhaltensweisen, Krankheiten und Leiden der Menschen auswirken, wie sich das z.B. ergeben wird in bezug auf anankastische Neurosen, Getriebenheiten, krankhafte Leidenschaften, wie auch hinsichtlich Manien, masslosen Begehren und Süchten, wobei auch Raserei, Tobsucht, Tollheit und Tollkühnheit, Wut, Zwangserkrankung, Zwangsneurose und Zwangsstörung usw. dazugehören werden. Und die Überbevölkerung wird auch eine in der Menschheit allgemein um sich greifende Verweichlichung der Gedanken, Gefühle und der Psyche, des Körpers sowie der Lebensunbeständigkeit mit sich bringen, dass selbst kleine Anspannungen und Anstrengungen zu Hitzewallungen, Fieber, Wahn und Zusammenbruch führen. Es werden sich daraus aber auch seltsame Einbildungen, wahnkranke Erscheinungen, Hirngespinste, Irrealitäten und Schwindel ergeben. In den kommenden Jahrzehnten und bis weit ins 3. Jahrtausend hinein werden unzählige Menschen krankhaften Gedanken, Gefühlen und damit Verwirrungen des Bewusstseins und schweren psychischen Störungen verfallen, die sich zukünftig durch eine Minderung der Lebensbeherrschung und Lebensqualität ergeben, und zwar durch eine Lebensverweichlichung. Auch Lebensinteressenlosigkeit, Lebensmutlosigkeit und Lebensüberdrüssigkeit werden weit um sich greifen und sich ausbreitend zu vielen Selbstmorden führen. Auch eine umfängliche Interesselosigkeit und Gleichgültigkeit bezüglich der eigenen Bewusstseinsentwicklung, der persönlichen Werte des Wohlbefindens, der Bildung, Selbsterkenntnis und des Selbstwertes werden besonders bei vielen jüngeren Menschen zur Tagesordnung gehören. Und was bezüglich der Gleichgültigkeit auf die eigene Person bezogen sein wird, wird auch auf andere übertragen werden und verbindende Beziehungen zwischen den Menschen immer mehr verhindern und diese schlussendlich auflösen. Dadurch entstehen nicht nur in der Gesellschaft beziehungslose Zustände, sondern auch in den Familien, in Bekanntschaften, Freundschaften und Partnerschaften, wodurch sich die Menschen fremd, bedeutungslos und gleichgültig werden und folglich alle ihre eigenen Wege gehen. Es wird zukünftig aber auch sein, dass viele Menschen einer Nichtbeherrschung und Verkümmerung von Verstand und Vernunft verfallen, und zwar infolge einer ausartenden destruktiven Veränderung der Auffassungs-, Verstehens- und Verarbeitungsfähigkeit des Bewusstseins. Und dies wird sich schon im Laufe der nächsten Jahrzehnte anbahnen, was sich besonders bei jungen und jüngeren Menschen bezüglich ihrer negativen Lebensführung und Zurückbildung beeinträchtigend zum Ausdruck bringen wird. …

Das ist der Text, den ich wünschte in unser Gespräch einzubringen. Dies darum, weil diesbezüglich noch etwas weiter dazu in diesem Teil in meines Vaters Annalen themafremd aufgeführt ist, was du aber nicht abgerufen hast, und zwar folgendes:

Dein Leben wird ein Kampf sein, denn es werden sich immer wiederholende Angriffe auf dein Leben ergeben, wofür du aber selbst besorgt sein musst, um sie zu parieren, denn niemand wird dir dabei helfen können. Dazwischen werden viele Widersacher öffentlich versuchen, dich durch Lügen und Verleumdungen zu überdecken, während sie dir vordergründig heucheln, hinterhältig jedoch versuchen werden, dir Lug und Betrug, Unredlichkeit und Unrechtschaffenheit zuzuschieben. Leider wird das auch deine Frau sein, wobei du jedoch der Ehe mit ihr nicht ausweichen kannst, weil du nur durch diese von dir ungewollte Verbindung den endgültigen Schritt zur Erfüllung deiner Aufgabe finden und wodurch du vieles lernen wirst, dessen du für diese dann bedarfst. Das wird der eigentliche Grund sein, der bei dir immer wieder unaufhaltsam in Erinnerung durchbrechen und all deine innere Not übertönen, überdecken und dich von allem ablenken wird, was dich dann laufend überladen und vollschütten und immer gegenwärtig sein wird. Aber nur dadurch wirst du dann unaufhaltsam bereit sein, durch den aufgehäuften Wirrwarr durchzubrechen und, wenn es auch manchmal nur andeutungsweise ist, dein Lächeln und deinen Humor zeigen, die über allem stehen werden und dich unverwundbar und erhaben machen, wodurch du ohne böse Regungen auf alles herabschauen kannst, wie dich deine Frau erniedrigt, sich selbst jedoch zu trockenem Staub macht und auf lange Zeit ihr eigens erschaffenes Elend nicht mehr ertragen und in Feigheit fliehen wird. Was darüber hinaus noch zu erwähnen ist, das bezieht sich auf Erklärungen meines Vaters Sfath, die er dir im Herbst 1948 gegeben hat, die du dann im Jahr 1949 an einem Samstag und Sonntag als Voraussagen geschrieben, ausgearbeitet und an mehrere Zeitungsredaktionen gesendet hast. Das Datum war der 13. und 14. Mai. Diese deine Voraussagen will ich dir übermorgen Samstag noch übermitteln, damit du sie abrufen und niederschreiben kannst, um das Ganze dann vielleicht auch noch zu veröffentlichen. Schon damals hast du, wie ich in meines Vaters Annalen gelesen habe, durch seine Hilfe auch Einblicke erhalten hinsichtlich vieler falscher Machenschaften jener Unrechtschaffenen in den Regierungen und Behörden, die volksschädigend gewirkt haben und seither weiterhin wirken. Und dazu, denke ich, solltest du auch in heutiger Zeit wieder einmal etwas sagen, denn seit 1949 hat sich diesbezüglich das Ganze vielfach verschlimmert.



I know what you said earlier, but I didn't want to write that down regarding... well, I didn't want to write that down. I can still remember my prediction from 1949, and perhaps it would be good if you could send it to me and I could write it down. And perhaps it would also be good if I follow your advice and once again talk turkey about how I did it in 1949 and sent it to various newspapers, which of course never published anything, because they were probably too cowardly to do so, as usual, and also with regard to my predictions. But as for what else you read, I think it is good that you repeated your father's predictions. But the majority of stubborn Earthlings talk into the wind of the desert, because they are only concerned with themselves, their own well-being, their pleasure, their own possessions and wealth, and every personal advantage. However, little or no thought is given to the well-being of all humanity, the Earth, its nature, fauna and flora, the atmosphere and climate, nor to the well-being of the next person in one's own family. That is why more and more family quarrels are taking place, whereby more and more often whole families are exterminated by murder and manslaughter. In addition to this, we have elements in the world's leaderships that are incapable of governing, such as in the EU dictatorship in particular, and especially in Germany, although the worst creature in this respect is currently ruling the USA, namely Donald Tramp Trump, who is causing an extremely threatening uproar throughout the world, just as most of his predecessors did. And if this madman and psychopath, who provokes worldwide political unrest and damages the financial and merchandise economy, as well as spreading threats and creating disaster and terror, is not stopped, then the lousy guy will manage that the Earth will have a war-like and violent clash. But this is obviously not noticed or even tolerated by all the power possessed around him - as it is also the case on the whole chain of countries of the Earth - because all of them are equally possessed by their power. For in truth there are only a few in all the governments of all the states of the Earth who really do not bask in the obsession of power. But they hold themselves back and do not dare to openly express their true opinion because they are afraid of losing their office. And while I am at it I can talk about what you think I should say about it again like in 1949. In the meantime I have learned a lot about the same thing, so I will now explain it as follows:

What I have to say now will not please the majority of rulers and authorities around the world, because, as usual, I do not hold back with what is reality and truth, not even towards the rulers and authorities. And when I target the majority of power-obsessed, self-important, arrogant, mendacious, alien-to-the-people, and effectively incapable of governing, and talk about these things, then I am effectively referring only to these fallible people who belong to this majority. So I am not talking about the people-oriented righteous of any government and officials who do their best and are unfortunately in the minority in relation to the wrong-doers. The righteous, who unfortunately do not have the chance to make a move and, so to speak, have to parry under the unjustly created power, cannot do all that they want to do for the good and the best, because they are disregarded by the power-obsessed and are prevented from acting according to the right understanding, reason, logic, people and government. It must also be clear, however, that all the fallible members of the clique of unrighteous rulers and public officials of both sexes have the audacity to pretend to be righteous and close to the people in order to appear to belong to the righteous minority. And this they do for their own personal benefit and for their own choice, in such a way as to betray the electorate by lying, deceiving, and empty, false, and unredeemable promises, and to make themselves popular, good, and progressive, in order to get at the helm of the government or the rudder of a civil servant. And if they succeed in their deceitful hypocrisy, then they use their gained position contrary to what they have populistically and lyingly promised the electorate to acted out, which is very easy for the power-obsessed, because the majority of the people are accompanied by psychological poverty of education and simplemindedness and become enslaved to the power-hungry for their empty and deceitful-lying promises. As a result of this, all those obsessed with power, who are hostile to the people, hostile to freedom and cause unrest, strife and unfreedom among the people, as well as those who are tax-paying, regularly come to the helm of the government and into official positions, and can work as they wish, doing harm and harming the people. Of course it will be so that all the wrong-doers, power-mad and self-important people in the governments and civil servants - who as usual are good believers in religion and God - will find my words offensive and will deny them, because they do not stand by the truth and do not want to admit it, which undoubtedly corresponds to their bad character traits and is to be objected to. This is exactly what I am doing with regard to all those governments and authorities which, as such, are exercising their power and self-importance to the detriment of the citizens and the whole of the national population, but which, as a result of their inability to deal with financial matters, are also accumulating absurd mountains of debt which the people have to pay for. The fact is that states and their populations are largely misgoverned by those incapable of government, just as many of those incapable of governance are not able to carry out their duties in the manner demanded by the people. Instead of striving for peace and treating all people equally, they, like the majority of peoples, are malicious and devious in their religious beliefs towards those of other faiths and express their personal and collective religious hatred. And they do this also with regard to their xenophobia, namely in the name of their delusional God and his alleged love, as well as their alleged love and humanity, which they play greasily to the outside world, but immediately let their hatred and all their evil violence against people of other faiths, people of a different colour and strangers break through as soon as even the slightest thing happens that does not suit them. And the more profoundly they have fallen into their delusional belief in God, the more malicious and worse they bring their hatred against people of different faith, people of a different colour and strangers, to full blast. They resort to weapons and violence and do not shrink back from murder and manslaughter. And their role models are the unrighteous, power-hungry rulers and civil servants who are elected by them and who create strife, unrest, lack of freedom and ever increasing tax burdens for the people in their own country. This, while in their megalomania and power madness - coupled with cowardly fear - they have nonsensical walls and death fences erected around their states, either to prevent their own people from leaving the dictatorship at home, or to prevent people of different faith, different colour and other foreigners from entering the country. In their own country, the civil and political rights of their own people are stifled by the unrighteous and power-mad governments and civil servants, and the economy and trade with the whole world is affected. But social and cultural human rights are also either being affected or completely stifled, including freedom of speech and opinion, etc., which is why hardly anyone or no one dares to speak and describe openly what corresponds to the effective reality and truth. This, as is the case in many countries, particularly in terms of policies which, as is the case with many governmental decrees and judicial decisions, are directed against the freedom of the individual or even against the whole people and against justice. All unjustly created governments and officials, however, also use their obsession with power to terrorize other states, threatening them with bold demands and driving their peoples into the greatest distress with trade and economic wars, as is done with punitive duties and sanctions. Especially sanctions are to be understood as particularly criminal and inhuman machinations, because they are not only directed against the rulers, who are in a clinch with another government imposing sanctions, because basically the whole people is always affected, who effectively did not or cannot do anything to provoke or abolish this nonsense. And such sanctions are not only mindless, unreasonable and inhumane, but they are also clearly a crime, because the populations of sanctioned states lose their rights to acquire the necessary necessities of life. Therefore, it is a fact that only criminal and inhuman and humanly degenerated elements, as miserable rulers, use their power mania to impose sanctions on other states. And if we look at all earthly governments and organizations, which are usually led by people who are afflicted with religious delusion and who believe in God, we can see that these rulers or despots act out their vengeance against other leaders who do not follow the demands but keep their own freedom of decision. And for this they are punished by the despots with sanctions, but these do not affect the rulers of the foreign states in any way, but rather their populations, who have nothing to say and are not involved in the governmental machinations and are therefore innocent of the whole thing. Effectively, sanctions are dirty political machinations of a coercion that are downplayed as a penalty. The point is that foreign states, to whom unfulfillable demands are made, disregard them, so that they are then forced by sanctions to comply with and fulfil the demands of the foreign state. This criminal behaviour, which is politically called <procedure and negative reinforcement of the demand>, corresponds to nothing other than a malicious coercion and thus an injustice of the utmost gravity, which also creates evil hostility. Responsibility for exercising and imposing sanctions lies primarily with the US despots who are incapable of governing, the elements of the EU dictatorship who are also incapable of governing, and the despotic leadership clique of the UN Security Council and the United Nations, respectively, in decisions or resolutions taken within the framework of the Common Foreign or Security Policy (CFSP). The basis of a sanction is an embargo, which is based on a state prohibition that no trade may be conducted with a certain state that is to be forced to fulfil a demand by means of a sanction. However, the imposition of sanctions by a state also leads to the retention or confiscation of foreign property, especially merchant ships. Well, in the relationships I've mentioned, I'm talking exclusively about those governments and authorities which are to be classified in the aforementioned division and whose actions and activities give rise to the complaint. In doing so, of course, I can only object to and despise their rotten thinking, their dishonesty, their wrong actions, their selfishness and self-importance, as well as their entire inhumane behaviour and thus their mis-shapen, lousy and miserable character, but not them as a human being whom I have to respect, honour and dignify and never condemn and must never do so. In contrast to those character flawed and egoists who stand in governments and public authorities and exercise their injustice to their personal addiction to the exercise of power, self-exaltation and self-congratulation, the righteous stand in contrast to those who are not. These are all others, but as a minority, namely the righteous and honest, who exercise their offices with honour and dignity and for the good of the people, and who on the one hand are to be regarded as conscientiously superior to the unrighteous, dishonest and people-damaging, and on the other hand are also worthy of great thanks being expressed to them in an honourable and dignified manner. As a rule, the majority is only eager to indulge in the exercise of power, self-importance, braggadocio and adoration and cheering by its followers. This is because the majority is unable to fulfil the duties of government or office, because they lack the necessary knowledge of government and leadership, the know-how of the authorities and the necessary expertise. And since this is the case, it costs all taxpayers immense state expenses for the stupidity and ignorance of the majority of the rulers and public officials, because the majority of them are divided into individuals, and their simplicity and lack of leadership, as well as the lack of important expertise, are nothing more than rivets and zeroes. But this is being made up for at the taxpayer's expense by hiring lobbyists to act as advisors to those who are incapable of government and authority, for horrendous salaries. This is because, as a rule, those in power who are elected by parties and not directly by the people are absolutely incapable of governing and making decisions for the good of the people, as is the case with all governments and authorities around the world. So it is the case that the majority of those who exercise governmental and official power are on the one hand enormously mismanaged, but on the other hand can only be at the helm, because lobbyists act in an advisory capacity as saviours in times of need and are actually those who are in this way in principle the conductors of government and authorities. Because of their ignorance of governmental and official leadership, they have no choice but to consult the lobbyists who advise them, who curry favour with government and official officials and who are in fact the real government and official leaders. And they are paid incredibly high fees for their advice out of taxpayers' money, which ultimately runs into millions. This is precisely because the parties, etc. and the people, in their stupidity, are catapulting rivets and zeros into governments and authorities, who in their stupidity could only speak empty words, if they were capable of doing so at all - if they are not crazy dictatorial powers, who indulge in despotism from the bottom up. But governmental and official rivets and zeros, however big-mouthed, high-handed, powerful and arrogant they may be in their stupidity, like the old and new EU dictatorship powers, especially those in Germany, France and the USA, can only hold and keep their posts and collect high salaries because they waste millions of Euros of state money to keep their personal office through their expensive lobbyist advisors and also to let their state govern. It doesn't matter whether it is the highest state <leaders> themselves in this respect, such as a high-handed EU dictator president or his equally green-eared zero, who has already spent millions of tax euros on her advisors as a result of her incompetence as 'Minister of War' in Germany, it doesn't matter. This is also the case with her subsequent rivet, who is just as naive and nevertheless one day s

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