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Solved: <span style="color:crimson">In dispute</span>
Solved: <span style="color:crimson">In dispute</span>

Class: ''Theoretical''
Class: ''Speculative''

[[Meier Encyclopedia]] page(s):<br><small>[[Lifestyles and Health]]</small>
[[Meier Encyclopedia]] page(s):<br><small>[[Lifestyles and Health]]</small>

Revision as of 10:30, 4 November 2019

This article is not an official FIGU publication.


We are, by nature, pattern-seekers. Patterns are the only real tool we have to make sense of the world. We study patterns everywhere: science, history, literature etc. We are so good at finding patterns that we “find” them when they aren’t there. Mysteries entertain our interests because we cannot find the pattern, and we want to. We are attracted to mysteries because we want to resolve them.

Every solution to every problem is simple. It's the distance between the two where the mystery lies. A riddle is a statement, question or phrase which has a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved. A controversy is a state of prolonged public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of conflicting opinion or point of view. A mystery is something strange or not known that hasn't as yet been explained or understood, and an enigma is something that is mysterious which seems impossible to understand completely.

Exploratory research
Helps to identify and define a problem or question.
Constructive research
Tests theories and proposes solutions to a problem or question.
Empirical research
Tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence.

List of mysteries and enigmas

Mysteries, enigmas, controversies and scientific interests, which are compelling and engaging.

Ancient 4th/5th planet

Asteroid belt an exploded planet

Fictional CGI

Solved: In dispute

Class: Hypothetical

Meier Encyclopedia page(s):
Polar Axis Shift
The Destroyer

Contact Report discussion(s):
Contact Report 004
Contact Report 251

Solar system, planets, asteroid belt.

The asteroid belt was a planet.

The asteroid belt as we know it today was formerly a planet, which was more so habitable than Earth. The human inhabitants at that time exploded the planet in a war.

Scientific and academic community:
Theories and scholarly investigations:
Phaeton (hypothetical planet) (Wikipedia)
Planet V (hypothetical planet) (Wikipedia)
Titius-Bode law (Wikipedia)


Genetically modified

Earth humans are genetically interesting

Fictional CGI

Solved: In dispute

Class: Theoretical

Meier Encyclopedia page(s):
Ageing - big list
Human Being

Contact Report discussion(s):
Contact Report 184
Contact Report 222
Contact Report 251

'Original Sin', ageing, short history, life expectancy, unusually mightful aggression.

Our evolution has been rapidly accelerated with several abnormal features.

We've evolved normally, but genetically modified in ancient times' recent civilisation very short in terms of applicable history, rapidly accelerated series of events. The stages of a human life on Earth are much quicker, and in closer spaced succession than is (would be) the case for normal human beings, and is the case for normal civilisations in the universe. We're also very beautifully proportioned genetically as a human race. Evolution tends to require many millions of years and Earth is also not particularly suitable for developing human life, at this stage of its evolution, compared with other worlds, the sun is a dying one. The full consequences of gene-editing babies are uncertain, but the effects are permanent. Any modifications are passed on down through the generations, introducing a lasting change to the human race. But the science is so new that it is unknown whether it is safe, and there may be unintended consequences of altering seemingly simple parts of human DNA. Scientists are not yet aware that we are already a prehistoric-gene-edited human race on Earth, and when they begin to take a more active interest in it, will discover it’s actually been an open-secret for a long time.

Scientific and academic community:
Theories and scholarly investigations:
Human genetics (Wikipedia)
DNA sequencing (Wikipedia)
Original sin (Wikipedia)


Tunguska event spaceship

A colossal explosion occured in Siberia 1908


Solved: In dispute

Class: Speculative

Meier Encyclopedia page(s):
Tunguska event
The Bardan

Contact Report discussion(s):
Contact Report 428
The Asket Contact Reports

Other pages(s):
FIGU Bulletin 59

Large explosion, extraterrestrials, eyewitnesses, hypotheses.

A Bardan ship self-destructed in Russia, 30th June 1908, later becoming known as the Tunguska event.

The great space ship which at that time suffered a breakdown and was destroyed, out of which the so-called Tunguska event resulted, belonged to folks who live in a distant galaxy and in our space-time configuration. Christianity, was brought to their home worlds hundreds of years ago (during Earth's recent medieval stage) by some of their earlier space travellers, which quickly spread out, leading to grave religious wars. When finally order could again be created, the space travellers were forbidden to make any further penetrations into the terrestrial air space, thus the explosion.

Scientific and academic community:
Theories and scholarly investigations:
Tunguska event (Wikipedia).


Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti

Shy animal-like beings live on Earth too


Solved: In dispute

Class: Controversy

Meier Encyclopedia page(s):
Bigfoot or Sasquatch

Contact Report discussion(s):
Contact Report 260
Contact Report 009

Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Abominable Snowman, DNA, folklore, animal-like beings.

Bigfoot or Sasquatch are said to be hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wilderness and leave footprints.

In ancient times when they had reached the genetic engineering stages of their evolution, they started creating mutated beings, each according to their own race as well as variously completely new forms of life, which included those which were of dwarf like stature (unrelated), gigantic (unrelated) and the animal-like beings (relevant). There are four distinct groups,[citation needed] and in various parts of the world.

Scientific and academic community:
Theories and scholarly investigations:
Bigfoot (Wikipedia)
Yeti (Wikipedia)
Youtube channel: Sasquatch Ontario (Youtube external link)


Apollo 11 prerecorded

Apollo 13 successful, then all hypnotised and murdered.


Solved: In dispute

Class: Crime Conspiracy

Meier Encyclopedia page(s):
The High Council
Moon (Earth)

Contact Report discussion(s):
Contact Report 240

USA nationally funded space programme, fraud, deception.

The NASA moon landings all happened after Apollo 11.

The story goes that the secret service in the USA went around murdering for decades upto the present. Apollo 11 was prerecorded in a studio, then Apollo 13 planted the evidence for 11, a nearish match, to convince future programmes by other nations that it all really happened. Afterwards the astronauts and personnel were thoroughly deluded by a team of mystics, clairvoyants and hypnotists with a cocktail of drugs until they believed it themselves. Then that team of deluders were all murdered, and later, one by one the astronauts were murdered by secret service methods, when and if they ever came to their senses. The only way to definitively prove any of it, would be by meticulously mapping each and every footprint, motion, movement of Apollo 11 by the footage, overlaying that data onto real satellite and new visit data, before it‘s disturbed. Both footage and reality should be exactly identical. Meier wasn’t granted permission to release information about it, until time had passed and the original assassination personnel had themselves died, so as not to get anyone in trouble with that organisation, or cause a war. Post-2004 several explanations emerged from FIGU which were interesting, any lines of enquiry were followed up and subsequently the ‘lost’ Apollo footage was again found, published, digitised and republished for historical posterity. The newly digitised footage allowed a closer look than the third-generation had. Then additional aspects began being investigated by a new generation. Most was thoroughly debunked by those who didn’t realise Apollo 11 was the only counterfeit and thus spent a lot of their documentary time with real evidence, instead of focusing exclusively on Apollo 11, the only fraud. The thorough debunking was played up by commentators and journalists who mixed-in as usual, the full blend ‘A in with B’ of Apollo evidence and astronauts with Apollo 11 alone’ to hogwash any claim of hoax. The murderers and hypnotists were unfortunately not investigated because few ever read FIGU, which itself is considered a hoax.

Scientific and academic community:
Theories and scholarly investigations:
Moon Landing conspiracy theories (Wikipedia).


Legionella from space

Legionnaires disease originates from radioactive space

Fictional CGI

Solved: In dispute

Class: Speculative

Meier Encyclopedia page(s):
Lifestyles and Health

Contact Report discussion(s):
Contact Report 154

Legionaires disease, radiation, bacterium, germs, Jmmanuel’s prophecy

Legionella germ bacteria is very fond of chemically and radioactively contaminated atmospheres such as Earths surrounding space, originates from space.

Legionnaires disease is an epidemic, which doesn't come from the Earth, it was driven here as tiny particles from outer space, as it is written in Jmmanuel’s prophecy, which says that epidemics from the space above will fall to the Earth. Nevertheless, it is bound to a very specific climate, whereby it cannot multiply and spread out in the warm sunshine or in very cold weather. Great heat kills it when it can’t remain in running bloodstreams, but great cold freezes it, so it solidifies very quickly, but at a certain temperature, it awakens back to life. On the Earth, the essential climate for this bacterium only prevails in air-conditioning shafts. There, these deadly bacteria can live and multiply exceedingly, but they only become dangerous and deadly to human beings through a metamorphosis, through a transformation process that only comes about through the poisoned, polluted, and contaminated air. Once they have transformed themselves, they can then be driven through the air currents of the air conditioners, in order to arrive into the human living spaces, after they have become immune to greater heat influences. Once they arrive into the air of a living space of human beings, they become inhaled by the human beings, by what means the deadly bacteria arrive into the respiratory organs and into the lungs, in which the germs spread very quickly and cause deadly or at least life-threatening inflammations, after which the germs then transfer immediately into the bloodstreams and also pursue their work of destruction there. Here, again, the blame lies with those who are responsible for the fact that poisons and radioactivity arrive into the earthly atmosphere.

Scientific and academic community:
Theories and scholarly investigations:
Legionnaires disease (Wikipedia)
Legionella (Wikipedia)
Ecological distribution of Legionella pneumophila (ASM)


Further Reading

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