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[[Category:Spirit Teaching]]
[[Category:Spirit Teaching]]
Here are the 12 recommendations from the [[Petale]] level as transmitted to Billy on the 16th of October 1975, and sourced here from the [[Books|book]] [[Decalog]].
Here are the 12 recommendations from the [[Petale]] level as transmitted to Billy on the 16th of October 1975, and sourced here from the [[Books|book]] [[Decalog]]. A similar page is available if you prefer, [[The Twelve Commandments]]. The reason these are recommendations and not commandments: there are many walks of life, styles, attitudes, perspectives, situations, ideologies, temperaments, mentalities, etc., and we’re neither convincing you or forcing you to do anything, you have to make your own way in life, make your own luck, and the only reason these things can be recommended in the first instance is because they’ve been tried out.

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# You shall have no other powers and no gods, idols and saints next to [[Creation]].
# You shall have no other powers and no gods, idols and saints next to [[Creation]].
# You shall keep holy the name of Creation and not abuse this name.
# You shall keep good the name of Creation and not abuse this term.
# You shall make every day into a day of celebration and hallow it (control it).
# You shall make every day into a day of celebration and hallow it (control it).
# You shall not break your bond with Creation, including this: You shall not commit adultery.
# You shall not break your bond with Creation, including this: You shall not commit adultery.
# Honour Creation just as you honour, respect and love your father and mother.
# Honour Creation just as you honour, respect and love your mother and father.
# You shall not kill in depravity.
# You shall not kill in depravity.
# You shall not rob and expropriate.
# You shall not rob and expropriate.
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==Christian Frehners opinions==

If one ponders these "principal recommendations" which were transmitted to the people on [[Earth]] by the [[Petale]] spirit level, one inevitably will come to the realisation that an immeasurable amount of precious thoughts and ideas are hidden behind these recommendations, which in the daily routine can show one the path to a life that is righteous and responsible. Alone the sixth recommendation is so very profound and far-reaching-from the eradication of floral and faunal species to the psychic and consciousness-related "murder" of fellow-men-that there is no room in these short explanations to deal with everything in detail.
If one ponders these "principal recommendations" which were transmitted to the people on [[Earth]] by the [[Petale]] spirit level, one inevitably will come to the realisation that an immeasurable amount of precious thoughts and ideas are hidden behind these recommendations, which in the daily routine can show one the path to a life that is righteous and responsible. Alone the sixth recommendation is so very profound and far-reaching-from the eradication of floral and faunal species to the psychic and consciousness-related "murder" of fellow-men-that there is no room in these short explanations to deal with everything in detail.
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''Christian Frehner''
''Christian Frehner''

==Vernaculars and what they mean in British English==
==Further Reading==
'''Questions FAQ'''<br>
<div style="column-count:3;-moz-column-count:3;-webkit-column-count:3">
<div id="mf-mainsections" title="secondNavigation List"><small>
* [[The Twelve Commandments]] - ''for theists''
* [[The Twelve Recommendations]] - ''for atheists''
* [[Petale]]
* [[Decalog]], [[Dekalog Dodekalog]]
* [[Christianity]]

What are these vernaculars you have chosen to use and are you aware and or sufficiently qualified in what they mean in British English?.<br>
* [[A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom]]
* [[Acceptance and Tolerance]]
* [[An Introduction To The Spirit Teaching]]
* [[Seven Principles for the Aspiring One]]
* [[Self-Knowledge]]

~ ''and''<br>
* [[Basic Rules of Man]]
* [[Being Oneself]]
* [[Compassion]]

Are you sure you are competent enough to offer English language text to British English speakers, are you aware of these various definitions and have you successfully acknowledged the meaning.
* [[Consciousness Related Values]]
* [[Creation's Love]]
* [[Desiderata (Desirable and Vital Items)]]

{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 20px;"
* [[Doing Something for the Neighbour]]
* [[Doubt as a Shortcoming]]
| <small>''Cambridge Dictionary; British English: '''Creation'''</small><br>
* [[Faith (Belief) and God]]
:<small><small>the act of creating something, or the thing that is created</small></small>
* [[Goblet of the Truth (book)|Goblet of the Truth]]
* [[Happiness, Gewalt and other Behavioural-patterns of the Human beings]]
* '''Creation''' - May we ask why exactly you have decided to associate the word creation with the entire universe. In Britain we simply call the entire universe, the universe.<br>The synonymous usage of the word Creation as meaning the universe or universal consciousness means that we cannot possibly under any circumstances follow the second recommendation making the recommendations immediately redundant. "You shall keep holy the name of Creation and not abuse this name." In Britain the folk on a daily basis action or process the bringing of something into existence, whether thats ‘job creation’, ‘creation of a coalition government’, teaching a class in school by painting a whiteboard etc.<br>But also in Britain the word creation when associated with the universe in the way that you have decided to associate it is associated with an act of God. Yet on the [[God]] page its explained that the Big Bang did not come about through the strength or might of God. Which aside attracting atheists to your creative written works, has created a paradox in what you are trying to explain. So why do you not use the word universal-consciousness you have used elsewhere. Is it because you conceal the agenda to stimulate the Christianity church in ways it has never been boosted before, getting wishful with that which you hope to achieve, or is it that you are as an organisation wholly ignorant of the meaning of these terms in other languages. Is it then any wonder why your level of success in other nations has not been appropriated correctly and a wrong measure of success has be calculated.<br>Please can you explain correctly what the word 'Creation' means in German, so that we can, for you, select the correct word to use in English, unless you are sure already what it means, in which case the statement is clear, you have created a paradox and a Christian religion stimulus booster package unlike one that has ever been experienced before, a legitimacy to the church that has never before seen. Please could you make it clearer if these were your intentions or whether in sincerity you were ignorant.
* [[Have No Doubt...]]
* [[Homosexuality - What is its Cause?]]
* [[Human Beings Without Work Or Other Valuable Activity Go to Seed]]
* [[Ideas of Partnership]]
* [[Ignorance, Problems, Frustration and Gewalt]]
* [[In Praise of Love, Truth and Wisdom]]
* [[Life And Death Are Inherent To Each Other]]
* [[Life in Spiritual and Physical]]
* [[OM]]
* [[Progress]]
* [[Punishment Must Be]]
* [[Sapere Aude (Dare to Exercise Reason)]]
* [[Sects: Main Religions as Mother Sects and their "Advisors on Sects"]]
* [[Silent Devotion]]
* [[Spirit Lessons]]
* [[The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings]]
* [[The Laws and Directives of Creation]]
* [[The Philosophy of Life]]
* [[The Reality and its Truth]]
* [[The Seven Steps of Education]]
* [[The Wrong Way]]
* [[Thoughts about Worries of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow]]
* [[To Be of Equal Value]]
* [[Understanding The Term Creation|Understanding The Term "Creation"]]
* [[What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!]]
* [[What the Human Seeks]]
* [[Working upon Goodness]]

* [[Christian Frehner]]

Latest revision as of 08:27, 10 May 2019

Here are the 12 recommendations from the Petale level as transmitted to Billy on the 16th of October 1975, and sourced here from the book Decalog. A similar page is available if you prefer, The Twelve Commandments. The reason these are recommendations and not commandments: there are many walks of life, styles, attitudes, perspectives, situations, ideologies, temperaments, mentalities, etc., and we’re neither convincing you or forcing you to do anything, you have to make your own way in life, make your own luck, and the only reason these things can be recommended in the first instance is because they’ve been tried out.

Cambridge Dictionary; British English: Recommendation
a suggestion that something is good or suitable for a particular purpose or job.
advice telling someone what the best thing to do is.
the person or thing that has been suggested as the best choice.

Recommendations for the personal benefit of human beings.

To observe these recommendations may facilitate a more rapid progression on the path of the individuals evolution.

Additionally, individual human beings who acknowledge and observe these recommendations may well go onto being perceived as a good example to their fellow countrymen.

English Version:

  1. You shall have no other powers and no gods, idols and saints next to Creation.
  2. You shall keep good the name of Creation and not abuse this term.
  3. You shall make every day into a day of celebration and hallow it (control it).
  4. You shall not break your bond with Creation, including this: You shall not commit adultery.
  5. Honour Creation just as you honour, respect and love your mother and father.
  6. You shall not kill in depravity.
  7. You shall not rob and expropriate.
  8. You shall not bear false witness against the truth, Creation and life.
  9. You shall never, never speak an untruth.
  10. You shall not greedily covet material wealth and your neighbour's possessions.
  11. Do not curse the truth.[1]
  12. Never, never put Creation's recommendations and Creation's laws into unworthy cults.

Original German:

  1. Du sollst keine anderen Mächte und keine Götter, Götzen und Heilige neben der Schöpfung haben.
  2. Du sollst den Namen der Schöpfung heilig halten und ihn nicht missbrauchen.
  3. Du sollst jeden Tag zum Feiertag machen und ihn heiligen (kontrollieren).
  4. Du sollst nicht brechend warden im Bunde mit der Schöpfung, darin enthalten: Du sollst nicht Ehebrechen.
  5. Ehre die Schöpfung, gleich wie du Vater und Mutter ehrest, achtest und liebst.
  6. Du sollst nicht töten in Ausartung.
  7. Du sollst nicht raubend und enteignend sein.
  8. Du sollst nicht falsch zeugen wider die Wahreit, die Schöpfung und das Leben.
  9. Du sollst nie und nie sprechen die Unwahrheit.
  10. Du sollst nicht begehren in Habsucht nach materiellen Schätzen und dem Besitztum des Nächsten
  11. Fluche nicht der Wahrheit
  12. Lege die Schöpfungsgebote und Schöpfungsgesetze nie und nie in unwerte Kulte.

If one ponders these "principal recommendations" which were transmitted to the people on Earth by the Petale spirit level, one inevitably will come to the realisation that an immeasurable amount of precious thoughts and ideas are hidden behind these recommendations, which in the daily routine can show one the path to a life that is righteous and responsible. Alone the sixth recommendation is so very profound and far-reaching-from the eradication of floral and faunal species to the psychic and consciousness-related "murder" of fellow-men-that there is no room in these short explanations to deal with everything in detail.

It is important to know the following: So-called "Creative recommendations" do exist if they are, or have been, derived from "Creative laws" or "laws of Creation", respectively. Basically, recommendations result from all laws, no matter from where the latter originate. These Creative laws and recommendations, which can be called "the laws and recommendations of life", serve for the purpose of enabling, preserving and supporting life. To observe these Creative recommendations is the duty of every knowledgeable and responsible human being, because in this way alone, peace and harmony may be achieved and secured in the long term among all people and with the whole of nature.

Christian Frehner

Further Reading

Links and navigationFuture f Mankind

  • Source:

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  1. Further information: Dekalog_Dodekalog