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| '''This is an authorised and official translation of FIGU material by a member of FIGU. It has been approved for this website by [[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]]'''
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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

* Contact Reports volume: 1
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* Page number(s): Unknown
* Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 1 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1)
* Date/time of contact: Monday, February 3, 1975, 10:10 p.m.
* Pages: 31–34 [Contact No. [[The_Pleiadian/Plejaren_Contact_Reports#Contact_Reports_1_to_500|1 to 38]] from 28.01.1975 to 13.11.1975] [[Contact_Statistics#Book_Statistics|Stats]] | [ Source]<br>
* Translator(s): Unknown
* Date and time of contact: Monday, 3rd February 1975, 22:10 hrs
* Date of original translation: Unknown
* Translator(s): Benjamin Stevens
* Corrections and improvements made: N/A
* Date of original translation: N/A
* Contact person: Semjase
* Corrections and improvements made: Stefan Zutt, Joseph Darmanin, James Moore
* Contact person(s): [[Semjase]]
<ul><li class="responsive-image-shadow" style="float:right; display:inline-block">[[File:Kontakberichte_Block_1_Front_Cover.jpg|link=|160px|right]]</li></ul><br clear="all"/>

=== Synopsis ===
== Synopsis ==

In the second contact Semjase expresses how spiritually developed Billy already is. She also speaks of ET visitors to Earth and the variety of reasons they travel here; she again mentions negative ETs and their behaviour towards Earth humans, and also confirms the names of several fraudulent ET contactees and one true contactee, Kenneth Arnold, who actually saw Plejaren beamships during one of his sightings.
<div align="justify">'''This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and may contain errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes, etc., will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!'''</div>

'''This is the entire contact.'''
==Contact Report 2==
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== Contact Report 2 Translation ==
| <span class="btnHideEnglish mw-ui-button">Hide English</span>
| <span class="btnHideHigh-German mw-ui-button">Hide High German</span>
Second Contact
{| class="line-break1" style="text-align:justify" id="collapsible_report"
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| <div>English Translation</div>
1. You astonished me after my first try, because your receptivity for my thoughts was much greater than we had calculated.
| <div>Original High German</div>
|- class="heading1 no-line-break"
2. We really should long be used to surprises from you, for you have always shown over the years that you think far.
| Second Contact
| Zweiter Kontakt
3. Though your thought processes are often extreme, they do get to the point of the matter and find solutions to problems that remain closed to your contemporaries.
|- class="heading1 no-line-break"
| Monday, 3rd February 1975, 22:10 hrs
4. Actually you surprised me on my first visit when you remained silent and did not ask any questions when I gave you my various explanations.
| Montag, 3. Februar 1975, 22.10 h
|- class="bold line-break3"
5. I am thinking about the discussion on space, time and null-time.
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
6. At least there I thought you would have a question.
|- class="no-line-break"
| 1. You astonished me after my first attempt, for your receptiveness to my thoughts was much greater than we had calculated.
7. Then I took the liberty to explore your thoughts and found that you really had no question, because you understood my clarification – even more than what I said to you.
| 1. Du hast mich in Erstaunen versetzt nach meinem ersten Versuch, denn deine Aufnahmebereitschaft für meine Gedanken war viel grösser, als wir dies errechnet hatten.
8. Even for me, your way of thinking in spiritual and material regards is enormous and phenomenal, which I have never before noticed in any other Earth human.
| 2. Actually, we should have been used to surprises with you for a long time, because in the course of the years you have proven time and again that you think very far.
| 2. Eigentlich sollten wir bei dir schon längst an Überraschungen gewohnt sein, weil du im Laufe der Jahre immer wieder bewiesen hast, dass du sehr weit denkst.
9. All of them, until now, were knowledgeable and capable of thinking only in one direction, or three maximum, while you are capable of thinking in any form you wish.
| 3. Even though your thought processes are often very extreme, they nevertheless get to the heart of the matter and find solutions to problems that remain locked away from your contemporaries.
10. You really hardly lag behind us at all if we disregard what you call book or school learning.
| 3. Auch wenn deine Gedankengänge oft sehr extrem sind, treffen sie doch den Kern der Sache und finden Lösungen für Probleme, die deinen Zeitgenossen verschlossen bleiben.
11. As you yourself always say, this type of knowledge is not of great importance, but only spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom are the decisive ones, as you have already recognized long ago.
| 4. Actually, you already amazed me on my first visit in that you remained silent and did not ask when I gave you the various explanations.
| 4. Eigentlich hast du mich bei meinem ersten Besuch schon in Verwunderung gesetzt darum, dass du geschwiegen und nicht gefragt hast, als ich dir die verschiedenen Erklärungen gab.
12. And you are truly eminent in your knowledge; you do not lag behind us in that respect – quite the contrary.
| 5. With this, I am thinking of the explanation about space, time, and null time.
| 5. Dabei denke ich an die Erklärung über Raum, Zeit und Nullzeit.
You are embarrassing me, Semjase. Everything seems to be praise and flattery today. I do not like this because it seems primitive to me. So, please, drop it.
| 6. At least there, I thought that you would have a question.
| 6. Zumindest hier dachte ich, dass du eine Frage hättest.
| 7. But then I took the liberty of researching in your thoughts and found that you really had no question because you understood my explanation – even more than I told you.
13. You are very frank, as we are used to from you.
| 7. Dann aber erlaubte ich mir, in deinen Gedanken zu forschen und fand, dass du wirklich keine Frage hattest, weil du meine Auslegung verstandest – sogar mehr als ich dir sagte.
14. However, I do not want to praise and flatter you, for we have long ago passed this stage as well.
| 8. Even for me your mode of thinking with regard to the spiritual and material directions is tremendous and phenomenal, which I have not yet found with any Earth-human.
| 8. Selbst für mich ist deine Denkweise in bezug der geistigen und materiellen Richtungen ungeheuer und phänomenal, was ich noch bei keinem Erdenmenschen festgestellt habe.
15. I am only giving you clear, factual statements, just as you yourself enjoy making them.
| 9. So far, they have all been knowing and able to think only in one or at most three directions, whereas you are able to think in all kinds of forms.
| 9. Alle waren sie bisher nur in einer oder in maximal drei Richtungen wissend und denkfähig, während du jedoch in allen beliebigen Formen zu denken vermagst.
Then I am content and at peace.
| 10. You really take second place to us in hardly anything, if one disregards the knowledge that you call book knowledge or school knowledge.
| 10. Du stehst uns wirklich kaum in etwas nach, wenn man von dem Wissen absieht, das du Bücher- oder Schulwissen nennst.
| 11. As you yourself always say, however, this kind of knowledge is not of very great importance, rather only the spiritual knowledge and the spiritual essence of wisdom are decisive, as you have already recognised for a long time.
16. So you no longer think I am primitive?
| 11. Wie du selbst immer sagst, ist diese Art Wissen aber nicht von sehr grosser Bedeutung, sondern nur das geistige Wissen und die geistige Weisheit sind ausschlaggebend, wie du schon lange erkannt hast.
| 12. And you are truthfully great in your knowledge; in which you do not lag behind us – quite the contrary.
| 12. Und du bist in deinem Wissen wahrhaftig gross; worin du uns nicht nachstehst – ganz im Gegenteil.
Certainly not – but why don't you search for it in my thoughts? Or should I perhaps apologize for saying this?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
17. I do believe you and do not expect an apology from you.
| You are embarrassing me, Semjase. Everything from you today seems to be just geared towards praise and flattery. I do not love that because it seems primitive to me. So please no more.
| Du bringst mich in Verlegenheit, Semjase. Alles scheint heute bei dir nur auf Lob und Schmeichelei ausgerichtet zu sein. Das liebe ich nicht, denn es erscheint mir primitiv. Lass das also bitte.
18. Apologies are only empty words and seldom represent the real sentiments behind them.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
19. On the other hand, I do not perceive your words as an offense, because I know very well that you only say what you sense or feel.
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
20. To your fellowmen your words may sound offensive, but only because they do not know and understand that you are speaking only from your feelings, guided by your own knowledge and wisdom.
| 13. You are very open, as we are used to from you.
| 13. Du bist sehr offen, wie wir es von dir gewohnt sind.
21. Because of this, a lot must also seem very primitive, even stupid, to you.
| 14. But I do not want to praise or flatter you, as we too have long gone beyond those things.
22. But always remember, the majority of your fellowmen are incapable of thinking and acting in a spiritual manner because they have never learned how to do that and they are still too much entangled in the web of purely human urges, wishes and hopes, among other things.
| 14. Doch will ich dich nicht loben und dir nicht schmeicheln, denn auch wir sind längst über diese Dinge hinaus.
23. If I want to investigate your thoughts, then I do it only if it appears important to me.
| 15. I am only making clear observations that correspond to the facts, just the way you like to make them yourself.
| 15. Ich mache nur klare Feststellungen, die den Tatsachen entsprechen, gerade so, wie du es selbst zu machen beliebst.
24. It is neither our ways nor our desire to simply penetrate the thoughts of others unless it is really important.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
25. Besides, none of us have the right to penetrate into the personal secrets of others.
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
26. If one penetrates the thoughts of another person, the danger always exists of discovering more than was actually intended.
| Then I am relieved and satisfied.
| Dann bin ich beruhigt und zufrieden.
27. Were we also to ignore this law, we would be able to decipher even your most intimate thought processes and secrets, and you could not amaze and astonish us again and again.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
What about this claim by so-called UFO contactees who pretend their friends from the stars only communicate telepathically amongst themselves?
| 16. Do you now no longer think that I am primitive?
| 16. Denkst du nun nicht mehr, dass ich primitiv bin?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
28. Certainly there are such beings who communicate only telepathically.
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
29. However, their method of communication was telepathic from the very beginning, or else, they simply allowed their spoken language to become neglected.
| Certainly not – but why do you not search for that in my thoughts? Or should I perhaps apologise?
| Sicher nicht – doch warum forschst du denn nicht in meinen Gedanken danach? Oder soll ich mich vielleicht entschuldigen?
30. But as far as we know, no beings who communicate only telepathically have ever come into terrestrial space.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
31. On the other hand, it must be noted that these so-called UFO contactees who claim such things, with certainty, have never had contact with human or other beings from outer space.
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
32. They are simply frauds and charlatans.
| 17. But I do believe you, and I do not expect an apology from you.
| 17. Ich glaube dir doch, und eine Entschuldigung erwarte ich nicht von dir.
| 18. Apologies are only empty words anyway and seldom reveal the true mentality.
I have been thinking over the notion that most of these so-called UFO contactees are only frauds and charlatans. On what fact do you base your statement?
| 18. Entschuldigungen sind sowieso nur leere Worte und legen selten die wahre Gesinnung dar.
| 19. On the other hand, I do not perceive your words as an insult, because I know exactly that you only say what you perceive or feel.
| 19. Andererseits empfinde ich deine Worte nicht als Beleidigung, weil ich ganz genau weiss, dass du nur das sagst, was du empfindest oder fühlst.
33. On pure facts that may be proven anytime:
| 20. To your fellow human beings, your words may seem insulting, but only because they do not know and, thus, are not able to recognise that you speak exactly according to your feelings, which are guided by your knowledge and your essence of wisdom.
34. All of those would-be contactees are implying that we are on a mission for God and the Christian religion; a malicious lie without a trace of truth.
| 20. Für deine Mitmenschen mögen deine Worte beleidigend wirken, doch nur darum, weil sie nicht wissen und also nicht zu erkennen vermögen, dass du genau nach deinen Gefühlen sprichst, die aus deinem Wissen und deiner Weisheit heraus geführt werden.
| 21. Therefore, many things must also seem very primitive and even lowly intelligent to you.
| 21. Daher muss dir vieles auch sehr primitiv erscheinen und sogar dumm.
What about the other contactees?
| 22. Always keep in mind, however, that the majority of your fellow human beings cannot think spiritually and cannot act in this form because they have never learned this and are still too caught up in the web of purely human instincts, wishes, hopes, and so on.
| 22. Bedenke jedoch immer, dass das Gros deiner Mitmenschen nicht geistig zu denken und in dieser Form nicht zu handeln vermag, weil es dies nie erlernt hat und noch zu sehr in den Geflechten der rein menschlichen Triebe, Wünsche und Hoffnungen usw. gefangen liegt.
35. Although many frauds exist, there are many who really have had, and continue to have, contact with us.
| 23. If I want to research your thoughts, then I do so only when it seems important to me.
| 23. Wenn ich in deinen Gedanken forschen will, dann tue ich das nur dann, wenn es mir wichtig erscheint.
36. But a great many of those have never had more than just visual contact with us.
| 24. It is not the manner or the desire of us simply to penetrate into the thoughts of others when this is really not important.
37. Contactees, therefore, who have only seen our beamships from a distance and were often able to take pictures as well.
| 24. Es ist nicht die Art und das Verlangen von uns, einfach in die Gedanken anderer zu dringen, wenn dies wirklich nicht wichtig ist.
38. Only very few of them have had personal contact with us, which is the case even now.
| 25. Moreover, we all have no right to penetrate into the personal secrets of others.
| 25. Ausserdem haben wir alle kein Recht, in die persönlichen Geheimnisse anderer einzudringen.
39. Most of them wrap themselves in silence, in fear of their fellowmen.
| 26. If one penetrates into the thoughts of others, then there is always the danger that one will learn more from it than was originally intended.
40. Frequently, beings from alien races have also come to your Earth and carried out their expeditions here.
| 26. Dringt man nämlich in die Gedanken anderer ein, dann besteht immer die Gefahr, dass man mehr daraus erfährt, als eigentlich vorgesehen war.
41. They gathered various things that could be of service to their investigations.
| 27. Therefore, if we, too, would disregard this recommendation, then we ourselves would know how to interpret your very last thought processes and secrets, and you would not always be able to astonish and amaze us over and over again.
| 27. Würden daher auch wir dieses Gebot missachten, dann wüssten wir selbst deine allerletzten Gedankengänge und Geheimnisse zu deuten, und du vermöchtest uns nicht immer und immer wieder in Erstaunen und Verwunderung zu versetzen.
42. And it will always happen time and again that such beings come here and perform their studies.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
43. They come from the most diverse worlds and systems.
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
44. They are often still new to space travel and perform their expeditions to expand their knowledge and understanding.
| What about so-called UFO contactees claiming that their friends from the stars would only communicate telepathically between themselves?
| Was hat es denn damit auf sich, wenn sogenannte UFO-Kontaktler behaupten, dass ihre Sternenfreunde unter sich selbst nur telepathische Kommunikation betreiben würden?
45. It can also happen that they unintentionally come into contact with Earth people but then never return again.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
46. They are not power hungry or the like because they are glad to finally have serenity and order in their own worlds.
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
47. It can also happen here and there that they overpower some people from Earth, bring them into their beamships, examine them carefully with their instruments, and conduct a most detailed study of their anatomy.
| 28. Certainly there are such creatures, who only communicate telepathically.
| 28. Sicher gibt es derartige Geschöpfe, die sich nur telepathisch verständigen.
48. Without exception though, they let these human beings go again, for they do not wish to harm them.
| 29. However, their communication was telepathic from the very beginning, or else they quite simply let their spoken language wither away.
49. They are often more humane beings than man on Earth.
| 29. Ihre Verständigung war jedoch von Urbeginn an telepathisch oder sie liessen ihre Sprache ganz einfach verkümmern.
50. Unfortunately however, there are also some rather barbaric beings traveling through space who come to Earth here and there.
| 30. To our knowledge, however, Earth's space has never been approached by <span class="WD-Wesen">Wesen</span> whose means of communication were purely telepathic.
| 30. Unseres Wissens jedoch wurde der irdische Raum niemals von Wesen angesteuert, deren Kommunikationsmittel rein telepathisch waren.
51. Many among them are power hungry and evil.
| 31. On the other hand, it has to be noted that these so-called UFO contactees, who claim such things, have certainly never been in contact with human or other <span class="WD-Wesen">Wesen</span> from outer space.
52. It can happen, that they kidnap and abduct human beings from Earth (as well as from planets in other systems) and bring them to their home planets.
| 31. Andererseits ist zu beachten, dass diese sogenannten UFO-Kontaktler, die derartiges behaupten, mit Sicherheit niemals mit Menschen oder anderen Wesen aus dem Weltenraum in Verbindung gestanden haben.
53. These poor creatures then lead a life there as objects of exhibition or are used for experiments.
| 32. They are simply deceivers and charlatans.
| 32. Sie sind einfach Betrüger und Scharlatane.
54. Man on Earth and inhabitants of other worlds must be wary of these beings, for in their viciousness they often use great force.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
55. Feelings and other human traits and sentiments are often foreign to them; thus, a human life is nothing of value to them.
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| I have thought about the notion that the vast majority of these so-called UFO contactees are supposed to be nothing but deceivers and charlatans. On what fact is this your claim based?
| Ich habe mir Gedanken darüber gemacht, dass die grosse Masse dieser sogenannten UFO-Kontaktler nur Betrüger und Scharlatane sein sollen. Auf welche Tatsache stützt sich diese deine Behauptung?
That's all very interesting, Semjase, but somehow I have known this for a long time already.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
56. For sure, I know that you think very far.
| 33. On pure facts that can be proven at any time:
| 33. Auf reine Tatsachen, die jederzeit zu beweisen sind:
| 34. All the wannabe contactees allude to our being on a mission for God and the Christian religion – a malicious lie that is devoid of any truth.
Well, okay, now please tell me one thing: You already have spoken several times of frauds and charlatans who have gone public with their fantastic UFO contact tales, and continue to do so. Can you give me some names?
| 34. Alle die Möchtegern-Kontaktler spielen darauf an, dass wir in einer Mission zu Gott und der christlichen Religion stehen würden; eine bösartige Lüge, die jeder Wahrheit entbehrt.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
57. Absolutely, but you know most of them by name.
|- class="no-line-break"
| What about the other contactees?
| Wie verhält es sich denn mit anderen Kontaktlern?
|- class="bold line-break2"
Nevertheless, please give me at least a few.
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 35. Despite the many deceivers and charlatans, there are many who have really had or still have contact with us.
58. As you wish—with whom should I begin?
| 35. Trotz den vielen Betrügern und Scharlatanen gibt es viele, die wirklich Kontakt mit uns hatten oder noch haben.
| 36. But countless of them have never had more than just visual contact with us.
| 36. Unzählige unter ihnen aber haben niemals mehr als nur Sichtkontakt mit uns gehabt.
First of all, I would be interested to know about Kenneth Arnold. Am I correct that he was not a fraud?
| 37. Thus contactees who only saw our beamships from a distance and were also often able to photograph them.
| 37. Kontaktler also, die nur aus der Ferne unsere Strahlschiffe sahen und oft auch zu photographieren vermochten.
59. Certainly, this man was no fraud, for he really had seen our beamships.
| 38. But only very few had personal contact with us, and that is still the case even today.
| 38. Persönlichen Kontakt mit uns hatten aber nur sehr wenige, und das ist auch heute noch so.
60. Many other pilots have encountered our beamships or alien ones as well.
| 39. Most of them, however, wrap themselves in silence because they fear their fellow human beings.
61. The greatest fraud, however, was the man who called himself Karl Michalek.
| 39. Die meisten von ihnen hüllen sich jedoch in Stillschweigen, weil sie sich vor ihren Mitmenschen fürchten.
62. And on the same level was the man who became world-famous by the name of George Adamski.
| 40. Already often, <span class="WD-Wesen">Wesen</span> from foreign races have come to your Earth and have undertaken their expeditions here.
| 40. Schon oft sind auch rassenfremde Wesen auf eure Erde eingedrungen und haben hier ihre Expeditionen unternommen.
63. His so-called colleagues or friends belong in the same category also.
| 41. They collected various things that could be of service to their investigations.
64. This means those around him who pretended having had contact with us.
| 41. Sie sammelten verschiedene Dinge, die ihren Untersuchungen dienlich sein konnten.
65. Other names are lesser known, but are of a certain importance because they are frauds: Harushi Tsukamoto, Jerrold Baker, R. O. Schmidt, C. A. Anderson, Angelucci, and many, many more.
| 42. And it will also happen again and again that such <span class="WD-Wesen">Wesen</span> will come here and pursue their studies.
| 42. Und es wird auch immer wieder vorkommen, dass solche Wesen herkommen und ihre Studien betreiben.
| 43. They come from the most diverse worlds and systems.
Thank you, that's already enough. Are they really all frauds?
| 43. Sie kommen von den verschiedensten Welten und Systemen.
| 44. They are often still new in the field of travel in outer space and, therefore, carry out expeditions to expand their knowledge and cognisance.
| 44. Oft sind sie noch neu im Bereiche der Weltraumfahrt und führen deshalb zur Erweiterung ihres Wissens und ihrer Kenntnisse Expeditionen durch.
66. Absolutely, and you know that as well as I do.
| 45. Thereby it can happen that they unintentionally come into contact with the Earth-humans, only to in such a case never come back again.
| 45. Dabei kann es dann auch vorkommen, dass sie mit den Erdenmenschen ungewollt in Kontakt treten, um dann aber niemals wieder herzukommen.
You're right, but how can one prove that they are frauds?
| 46. They do not crave power and the like, as they are glad that they finally have serenity and order in their own worlds.
| 46. Es gelüstet sie nicht nach Macht und dergleichen, denn sie sind froh, dass sie auf ihren eigenen Welten endlich Ruhe und Ordnung haben.
| 47. With them, it can also happen that every now and then they take some Earth-humans, bring them into their beamships, and examine them very closely with their apparatuses and determine their anatomy most exactly.
67. We could prove it, but you should not attempt this because man on Earth is very difficult to convince of the truth.
| 47. Bei ihnen kann es auch vorkommen, dass sie sich hie und da einiger Erdenmenschen bemächtigen, sie in ihre Strahlschiffe bringen und mit ihren Apparaturen sehr genau untersuchen und genauestens deren Anatomie feststellen.
68. His consciousness-related intelligence is too limited for that.
| 48. However, they let these human beings go again without exception, as they do not want to harm them.
| 48. Doch lassen sie diese Menschen ausnahmslos wieder gehen, denn sie wollen ihnen nichts Böses tun.
69. One day, he must discover the truth by himself, and only then he will accept it as knowledge.
| 49. They are often more humane <span class="WD-Wesen">Wesen</span> than the Earth-human.
70. At present, those individuals who are the least agreeable to recognize and disseminate the truth will be those who had allowed themselves to be deceived by frauds and charlatans for decades, and who had sacrificed millions for the dissemination of the deceitful stories and books.
| 49. Sie sind oft humanere Wesen als der Erdenmensch.
71. Their world would collapse, for they would have to acknowledge having been deceived and lose face in front of everyone.
| 50. But unfortunately, rather barbaric <span class="WD-Wesen">Wesen</span> also travel outer space and come to Earth every now and then.
| 50. Leider befahren aber auch recht barbarische Wesen den Weltenraum und kommen hie und da zur Erde.
| 51. Many among them are power-hungry and evil.
That makes sense, but how should I deal with it? They will not believe me when I reveal the truth.
| 51. Viele unter ihnen sind machtgierig und böse.
| 52. With them, it can happen that they kidnap and abduct Earth-humans (also other planetary human beings of other systems) and bring them to their home planets.
| 52. Bei ihnen kann es vorkommen, dass sie Erdenmenschen (auch andere Planetenmenschen anderer Systeme) rauben und entführen und sie auf ihre Heimatplaneten bringen.
72. Do not be concerned, because you belong to a circle of human beings who think and will help you.
| 53. There, these poor creatures then lead lives as exhibition and experiment objects.
73. I will give you the names of those who are important to you, but keep them to yourself and never reveal them in public …
| 53. Dort führen diese armen Kreaturen dann ein Leben als Schau- und Experimentierobjekte.
(Seven names and addresses were then given.)
| 54. The Earth-human and all other inhabitants of other worlds must beware of these creatures, for in their maliciousness, they often use the worst form of <span class="WD-Gewalt">Gewalt</span>.<ref>[ FIGU Dictionary Site: Gewalt] Explanation from Ptaah: <span class="WD-Gewalt">Gewalt</span> has nothing to do with the terms ‹heftig› (violent) and ‹Heftigkeit› (violence), because the old Lyran term with regard to ‹Gewalt› means ‹Gewila›, and it is defined as using, with all the coercive means that are at one’s disposal, physical, psychical, mental, and consciousness-based powers, abilities and skills, in order to carry out and carry through terrible actions and deeds.</ref>
| 54. Der Erdenmensch und alle andern Bewohner anderer Welten müssen sich vor diesen Kreaturen in acht nehmen, denn in ihrer Bösartigkeit wenden sie oft schlimmste Gewalt an.
| 55. Feelings and other human traits and impulsations are often foreign to them, so a life means nothing of value to them.
Are these names sufficient?
| 55. Gefühle und andere humane Züge und Regungen sind ihnen oft fremd, so ihnen ein Leben nichts von Wert bedeutet.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
74. They are — and now my time is up for today.
|- class="no-line-break"
| That is all very interesting, Semjase, but somehow, I have known this for a long time already.
| Das ist alles sehr interessant, Semjase, doch irgendwie habe ich das schon längst gewusst.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 56. Sure, I know, because you think very far.
| 56. Sicher, ich weiss, denn du denkst sehr weit.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| Good, good, now please tell me one thing: You have already spoken multiple times of deceivers and charlatans, who have gone public with their fantastic UFO contact stories and still continue to do so. Can you tell me some names?
| Gut, gut, sage mir nun bitte eines: Du sprachst schon mehrfach von Betrügern und Scharlatanen, die mit ihren phantastischen UFO-Kontakt-Geschichten an die Öffentlichkeit getreten sind und es weiterhin noch tun. Kannst du mir einige Namen nennen?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 57. Certainly, but you know most of them by name.
| 57. Sicher, doch du kennst die meisten von ihnen dem Namen nach.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| Nevertheless; kindly name at least some of them for me.
| Trotzdem; nenne mir doch wenigstens einige.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 58. As you wish – with whom should I begin?
| 58. Wie du willst, mit welchem soll ich beginnen?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| In the first place, I would be interested to know about Kenneth Arnold. Am I right that he was not a deceiver?
| An erster Stelle würde es mich interessieren, was es mit Kenneth Arnold auf sich hat. Gehe ich richtig, dass der kein Betrüger war?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 59. Certainly, this man was not a deceiver, for he had really seen our beamships.
| 59. Sicher, dieser Mann war kein Betrüger, denn er hat unsere Strahlschiffe tatsächlich gesehen.
| 60. Also, many other pilots have encountered either our ships or foreign ones.
| 60. Auch viele andere Piloten sind unseren oder aber fremden Schiffen begegnet.
| 61. But the greatest deceiver was the man who called himself Karl Michalek.
| 61. Der grösste Betrüger aber war der Mann, der sich Karl Michalek nannte.
| 62. And the man who gained world fame under the name George Adamski in no way took second place to him.
| 62. Und ihm stand in keiner Weise der Mann nach, der unter dem Namen George Adamski Weltberühmtheit erlangte.
| 63. Even his so-called fellow workers or friends belong in the same category.
| 63. Auch seine sogenannten Mitarbeiter oder Freunde fallen unter dieselbe Sparte.
| 64. This means those who, together with him, allegedly had contact with us.
| 64. Das heisst jene, welche angeblich zusammen mit ihm Kontakt mit uns hatten.
| 65. Other names are less well-known but still have a certain significance because they are deceivers: Harushi Tsukamoto, Jerrold Baker, R. O. Schmidt., C. A. Anderson, Angelucci, and many, many others.
| 65. Weitere Namen sind weniger bekannt, haben aber trotzdem eine gewisse Bedeutung, weil sie Betrüger sind: Harushi Tsukamoto, Jerrold Baker, R.O. Schmidt., C.A. Anderson, Angelucci und viele, viele andere.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| Thanks, that is already enough. Are they really all deceivers?
| Danke, das genügt schon. Sind das wirklich alles Betrüger?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 66. Sure, and you know that as well as I do.
| 66. Sicher, und du weisst das so genau wie ich.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| You are right; but how can one prove that they are deceivers?
| Schon gut; doch wie soll man beweisen, dass sie Betrüger sind?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 67. We could prove it, but on your part, you should not try that, for the Earth-human can only be convinced of the truth with great difficulty.
| 67. Wir könnten es beweisen, doch deinerseits sollst du das nicht versuchen, denn der Erdenmensch lässt sich nur sehr schwer von der Wahrheit überzeugen.
| 68. Their consciousness-based intellect is too low for that.
| 68. Sein bewusstseinsmässiger Verstand ist zu gering dazu.
| 69. One day, they will have to find the truth themselves, and only then will they take it in as knowledge.
| 69. Eines Tages muss er die Wahrheit selbst finden, und erst dann wird er sie als Wissen in sich aufnehmen.
| 70. At present time, the individuals who are the least agreeable to recognise and disseminate the truth should be those who had allowed themselves to be deceived by deceivers and charlatans for decades, and who had sacrificed millions for the dissemination of the stories of lies and books of lies.
| 70. Zur gegenwärtigen Zeit werden am allerwenigsten jene die Wahrheit erkennen und verbreiten wollen, die sich jahrzehntelang von den Betrügern und Scharlatanen narren liessen und Millionenbeträge zur Verbreitung der Lügengeschichten und Lügenbücher opferten.
| 71. For them a world would collapse because they would have to recognize themselves as deceived and would have to disgrace themselves in front of the public.
| 71. Für sie würde eine Welt zusammenstürzen, weil sie sich als betrogen erkennen und sich vor der Öffentlichkeit blamieren müssten.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| That is plausible, but how, then, should I run against it? I will not be believed if I reveal the truth.
| Das ist einleuchtend, doch wie soll ich denn dagegen anrennen? Man wird mir keinen Glauben schenken, wenn ich die Wahrheit offenbare.
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 72. Do not be concerned, because you belong to a circle of thinking human beings who will help you.
| 72. Habe keine Bedenken, denn du gehörst einem Kreise denkender Menschen an, die dir helfen werden.
| 73. I will tell you the names that are important to you, but keep them for yourself and never mention them … (7 names and exact addresses follow)
| 73. Ich werde dir die Namen nennen, die für dich wichtig sind, doch behalte diese für dich und nenne sie niemals … (es folgen 7 Namen und genaue Anschriften)
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Billy:
| Billy:
|- class="no-line-break"
| Are these names enough?
| Genügen diese Namen?
|- class="bold line-break2"
| Semjase:
| Semjase:
|- class="no-line-break"
| 74. They are enough – and now my time for this occasion is up.
| 74. Sie genügen – und nun ist meine Zeit für dieses Mal um.
| 75. So I will leave you and, as usual, will transmit my thoughts to you again at a later point in time, so that you can write them down.
| 75. So verlasse ich dich denn und übermittle dir, wie bereits üblich, meine Gedanken zu späterem Zeitpunkt abermals, damit du sie niederschreiben kannst.

75. I have to leave you now and will transmit my thoughts to you later, as it is already becoming a habit, so you can write them down.
<div class="ul-blue-circle"><ul><li>[ Contact Report 2 (English Translation)]</li><li>[ Contact Report 2 (Original High German)]</li></ul></div>

== References ==
==Next Contact Report==
[[Contact Report 003]]

==Further Reading==

Latest revision as of 09:17, 22 September 2024

This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.


  • Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 1 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1)
  • Pages: 31–34 [Contact No. 1 to 38 from 28.01.1975 to 13.11.1975] Stats | Source
  • Date and time of contact: Monday, 3rd February 1975, 22:10 hrs
  • Translator(s): Benjamin Stevens
  • Date of original translation: N/A
  • Corrections and improvements made: Stefan Zutt, Joseph Darmanin, James Moore
  • Contact person(s): Semjase


This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and may contain errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes, etc., will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!

Contact Report 2

Hide English Hide High German
English Translation
Original High German
Second Contact Zweiter Kontakt
Monday, 3rd February 1975, 22:10 hrs Montag, 3. Februar 1975, 22.10 h
Semjase: Semjase:
1. You astonished me after my first attempt, for your receptiveness to my thoughts was much greater than we had calculated. 1. Du hast mich in Erstaunen versetzt nach meinem ersten Versuch, denn deine Aufnahmebereitschaft für meine Gedanken war viel grösser, als wir dies errechnet hatten.
2. Actually, we should have been used to surprises with you for a long time, because in the course of the years you have proven time and again that you think very far. 2. Eigentlich sollten wir bei dir schon längst an Überraschungen gewohnt sein, weil du im Laufe der Jahre immer wieder bewiesen hast, dass du sehr weit denkst.
3. Even though your thought processes are often very extreme, they nevertheless get to the heart of the matter and find solutions to problems that remain locked away from your contemporaries. 3. Auch wenn deine Gedankengänge oft sehr extrem sind, treffen sie doch den Kern der Sache und finden Lösungen für Probleme, die deinen Zeitgenossen verschlossen bleiben.
4. Actually, you already amazed me on my first visit in that you remained silent and did not ask when I gave you the various explanations. 4. Eigentlich hast du mich bei meinem ersten Besuch schon in Verwunderung gesetzt darum, dass du geschwiegen und nicht gefragt hast, als ich dir die verschiedenen Erklärungen gab.
5. With this, I am thinking of the explanation about space, time, and null time. 5. Dabei denke ich an die Erklärung über Raum, Zeit und Nullzeit.
6. At least there, I thought that you would have a question. 6. Zumindest hier dachte ich, dass du eine Frage hättest.
7. But then I took the liberty of researching in your thoughts and found that you really had no question because you understood my explanation – even more than I told you. 7. Dann aber erlaubte ich mir, in deinen Gedanken zu forschen und fand, dass du wirklich keine Frage hattest, weil du meine Auslegung verstandest – sogar mehr als ich dir sagte.
8. Even for me your mode of thinking with regard to the spiritual and material directions is tremendous and phenomenal, which I have not yet found with any Earth-human. 8. Selbst für mich ist deine Denkweise in bezug der geistigen und materiellen Richtungen ungeheuer und phänomenal, was ich noch bei keinem Erdenmenschen festgestellt habe.
9. So far, they have all been knowing and able to think only in one or at most three directions, whereas you are able to think in all kinds of forms. 9. Alle waren sie bisher nur in einer oder in maximal drei Richtungen wissend und denkfähig, während du jedoch in allen beliebigen Formen zu denken vermagst.
10. You really take second place to us in hardly anything, if one disregards the knowledge that you call book knowledge or school knowledge. 10. Du stehst uns wirklich kaum in etwas nach, wenn man von dem Wissen absieht, das du Bücher- oder Schulwissen nennst.
11. As you yourself always say, however, this kind of knowledge is not of very great importance, rather only the spiritual knowledge and the spiritual essence of wisdom are decisive, as you have already recognised for a long time. 11. Wie du selbst immer sagst, ist diese Art Wissen aber nicht von sehr grosser Bedeutung, sondern nur das geistige Wissen und die geistige Weisheit sind ausschlaggebend, wie du schon lange erkannt hast.
12. And you are truthfully great in your knowledge; in which you do not lag behind us – quite the contrary. 12. Und du bist in deinem Wissen wahrhaftig gross; worin du uns nicht nachstehst – ganz im Gegenteil.
Billy: Billy:
You are embarrassing me, Semjase. Everything from you today seems to be just geared towards praise and flattery. I do not love that because it seems primitive to me. So please no more. Du bringst mich in Verlegenheit, Semjase. Alles scheint heute bei dir nur auf Lob und Schmeichelei ausgerichtet zu sein. Das liebe ich nicht, denn es erscheint mir primitiv. Lass das also bitte.
Semjase: Semjase:
13. You are very open, as we are used to from you. 13. Du bist sehr offen, wie wir es von dir gewohnt sind.
14. But I do not want to praise or flatter you, as we too have long gone beyond those things. 14. Doch will ich dich nicht loben und dir nicht schmeicheln, denn auch wir sind längst über diese Dinge hinaus.
15. I am only making clear observations that correspond to the facts, just the way you like to make them yourself. 15. Ich mache nur klare Feststellungen, die den Tatsachen entsprechen, gerade so, wie du es selbst zu machen beliebst.
Billy: Billy:
Then I am relieved and satisfied. Dann bin ich beruhigt und zufrieden.
Semjase: Semjase:
16. Do you now no longer think that I am primitive? 16. Denkst du nun nicht mehr, dass ich primitiv bin?
Billy: Billy:
Certainly not – but why do you not search for that in my thoughts? Or should I perhaps apologise? Sicher nicht – doch warum forschst du denn nicht in meinen Gedanken danach? Oder soll ich mich vielleicht entschuldigen?
Semjase: Semjase:
17. But I do believe you, and I do not expect an apology from you. 17. Ich glaube dir doch, und eine Entschuldigung erwarte ich nicht von dir.
18. Apologies are only empty words anyway and seldom reveal the true mentality. 18. Entschuldigungen sind sowieso nur leere Worte und legen selten die wahre Gesinnung dar.
19. On the other hand, I do not perceive your words as an insult, because I know exactly that you only say what you perceive or feel. 19. Andererseits empfinde ich deine Worte nicht als Beleidigung, weil ich ganz genau weiss, dass du nur das sagst, was du empfindest oder fühlst.
20. To your fellow human beings, your words may seem insulting, but only because they do not know and, thus, are not able to recognise that you speak exactly according to your feelings, which are guided by your knowledge and your essence of wisdom. 20. Für deine Mitmenschen mögen deine Worte beleidigend wirken, doch nur darum, weil sie nicht wissen und also nicht zu erkennen vermögen, dass du genau nach deinen Gefühlen sprichst, die aus deinem Wissen und deiner Weisheit heraus geführt werden.
21. Therefore, many things must also seem very primitive and even lowly intelligent to you. 21. Daher muss dir vieles auch sehr primitiv erscheinen und sogar dumm.
22. Always keep in mind, however, that the majority of your fellow human beings cannot think spiritually and cannot act in this form because they have never learned this and are still too caught up in the web of purely human instincts, wishes, hopes, and so on. 22. Bedenke jedoch immer, dass das Gros deiner Mitmenschen nicht geistig zu denken und in dieser Form nicht zu handeln vermag, weil es dies nie erlernt hat und noch zu sehr in den Geflechten der rein menschlichen Triebe, Wünsche und Hoffnungen usw. gefangen liegt.
23. If I want to research your thoughts, then I do so only when it seems important to me. 23. Wenn ich in deinen Gedanken forschen will, dann tue ich das nur dann, wenn es mir wichtig erscheint.
24. It is not the manner or the desire of us simply to penetrate into the thoughts of others when this is really not important. 24. Es ist nicht die Art und das Verlangen von uns, einfach in die Gedanken anderer zu dringen, wenn dies wirklich nicht wichtig ist.
25. Moreover, we all have no right to penetrate into the personal secrets of others. 25. Ausserdem haben wir alle kein Recht, in die persönlichen Geheimnisse anderer einzudringen.
26. If one penetrates into the thoughts of others, then there is always the danger that one will learn more from it than was originally intended. 26. Dringt man nämlich in die Gedanken anderer ein, dann besteht immer die Gefahr, dass man mehr daraus erfährt, als eigentlich vorgesehen war.
27. Therefore, if we, too, would disregard this recommendation, then we ourselves would know how to interpret your very last thought processes and secrets, and you would not always be able to astonish and amaze us over and over again. 27. Würden daher auch wir dieses Gebot missachten, dann wüssten wir selbst deine allerletzten Gedankengänge und Geheimnisse zu deuten, und du vermöchtest uns nicht immer und immer wieder in Erstaunen und Verwunderung zu versetzen.
Billy: Billy:
What about so-called UFO contactees claiming that their friends from the stars would only communicate telepathically between themselves? Was hat es denn damit auf sich, wenn sogenannte UFO-Kontaktler behaupten, dass ihre Sternenfreunde unter sich selbst nur telepathische Kommunikation betreiben würden?
Semjase: Semjase:
28. Certainly there are such creatures, who only communicate telepathically. 28. Sicher gibt es derartige Geschöpfe, die sich nur telepathisch verständigen.
29. However, their communication was telepathic from the very beginning, or else they quite simply let their spoken language wither away. 29. Ihre Verständigung war jedoch von Urbeginn an telepathisch oder sie liessen ihre Sprache ganz einfach verkümmern.
30. To our knowledge, however, Earth's space has never been approached by Wesen whose means of communication were purely telepathic. 30. Unseres Wissens jedoch wurde der irdische Raum niemals von Wesen angesteuert, deren Kommunikationsmittel rein telepathisch waren.
31. On the other hand, it has to be noted that these so-called UFO contactees, who claim such things, have certainly never been in contact with human or other Wesen from outer space. 31. Andererseits ist zu beachten, dass diese sogenannten UFO-Kontaktler, die derartiges behaupten, mit Sicherheit niemals mit Menschen oder anderen Wesen aus dem Weltenraum in Verbindung gestanden haben.
32. They are simply deceivers and charlatans. 32. Sie sind einfach Betrüger und Scharlatane.
Billy: Billy:
I have thought about the notion that the vast majority of these so-called UFO contactees are supposed to be nothing but deceivers and charlatans. On what fact is this your claim based? Ich habe mir Gedanken darüber gemacht, dass die grosse Masse dieser sogenannten UFO-Kontaktler nur Betrüger und Scharlatane sein sollen. Auf welche Tatsache stützt sich diese deine Behauptung?
Semjase: Semjase:
33. On pure facts that can be proven at any time: 33. Auf reine Tatsachen, die jederzeit zu beweisen sind:
34. All the wannabe contactees allude to our being on a mission for God and the Christian religion – a malicious lie that is devoid of any truth. 34. Alle die Möchtegern-Kontaktler spielen darauf an, dass wir in einer Mission zu Gott und der christlichen Religion stehen würden; eine bösartige Lüge, die jeder Wahrheit entbehrt.
Billy: Billy:
What about the other contactees? Wie verhält es sich denn mit anderen Kontaktlern?
Semjase: Semjase:
35. Despite the many deceivers and charlatans, there are many who have really had or still have contact with us. 35. Trotz den vielen Betrügern und Scharlatanen gibt es viele, die wirklich Kontakt mit uns hatten oder noch haben.
36. But countless of them have never had more than just visual contact with us. 36. Unzählige unter ihnen aber haben niemals mehr als nur Sichtkontakt mit uns gehabt.
37. Thus contactees who only saw our beamships from a distance and were also often able to photograph them. 37. Kontaktler also, die nur aus der Ferne unsere Strahlschiffe sahen und oft auch zu photographieren vermochten.
38. But only very few had personal contact with us, and that is still the case even today. 38. Persönlichen Kontakt mit uns hatten aber nur sehr wenige, und das ist auch heute noch so.
39. Most of them, however, wrap themselves in silence because they fear their fellow human beings. 39. Die meisten von ihnen hüllen sich jedoch in Stillschweigen, weil sie sich vor ihren Mitmenschen fürchten.
40. Already often, Wesen from foreign races have come to your Earth and have undertaken their expeditions here. 40. Schon oft sind auch rassenfremde Wesen auf eure Erde eingedrungen und haben hier ihre Expeditionen unternommen.
41. They collected various things that could be of service to their investigations. 41. Sie sammelten verschiedene Dinge, die ihren Untersuchungen dienlich sein konnten.
42. And it will also happen again and again that such Wesen will come here and pursue their studies. 42. Und es wird auch immer wieder vorkommen, dass solche Wesen herkommen und ihre Studien betreiben.
43. They come from the most diverse worlds and systems. 43. Sie kommen von den verschiedensten Welten und Systemen.
44. They are often still new in the field of travel in outer space and, therefore, carry out expeditions to expand their knowledge and cognisance. 44. Oft sind sie noch neu im Bereiche der Weltraumfahrt und führen deshalb zur Erweiterung ihres Wissens und ihrer Kenntnisse Expeditionen durch.
45. Thereby it can happen that they unintentionally come into contact with the Earth-humans, only to in such a case never come back again. 45. Dabei kann es dann auch vorkommen, dass sie mit den Erdenmenschen ungewollt in Kontakt treten, um dann aber niemals wieder herzukommen.
46. They do not crave power and the like, as they are glad that they finally have serenity and order in their own worlds. 46. Es gelüstet sie nicht nach Macht und dergleichen, denn sie sind froh, dass sie auf ihren eigenen Welten endlich Ruhe und Ordnung haben.
47. With them, it can also happen that every now and then they take some Earth-humans, bring them into their beamships, and examine them very closely with their apparatuses and determine their anatomy most exactly. 47. Bei ihnen kann es auch vorkommen, dass sie sich hie und da einiger Erdenmenschen bemächtigen, sie in ihre Strahlschiffe bringen und mit ihren Apparaturen sehr genau untersuchen und genauestens deren Anatomie feststellen.
48. However, they let these human beings go again without exception, as they do not want to harm them. 48. Doch lassen sie diese Menschen ausnahmslos wieder gehen, denn sie wollen ihnen nichts Böses tun.
49. They are often more humane Wesen than the Earth-human. 49. Sie sind oft humanere Wesen als der Erdenmensch.
50. But unfortunately, rather barbaric Wesen also travel outer space and come to Earth every now and then. 50. Leider befahren aber auch recht barbarische Wesen den Weltenraum und kommen hie und da zur Erde.
51. Many among them are power-hungry and evil. 51. Viele unter ihnen sind machtgierig und böse.
52. With them, it can happen that they kidnap and abduct Earth-humans (also other planetary human beings of other systems) and bring them to their home planets. 52. Bei ihnen kann es vorkommen, dass sie Erdenmenschen (auch andere Planetenmenschen anderer Systeme) rauben und entführen und sie auf ihre Heimatplaneten bringen.
53. There, these poor creatures then lead lives as exhibition and experiment objects. 53. Dort führen diese armen Kreaturen dann ein Leben als Schau- und Experimentierobjekte.
54. The Earth-human and all other inhabitants of other worlds must beware of these creatures, for in their maliciousness, they often use the worst form of Gewalt.[1] 54. Der Erdenmensch und alle andern Bewohner anderer Welten müssen sich vor diesen Kreaturen in acht nehmen, denn in ihrer Bösartigkeit wenden sie oft schlimmste Gewalt an.
55. Feelings and other human traits and impulsations are often foreign to them, so a life means nothing of value to them. 55. Gefühle und andere humane Züge und Regungen sind ihnen oft fremd, so ihnen ein Leben nichts von Wert bedeutet.
Billy: Billy:
That is all very interesting, Semjase, but somehow, I have known this for a long time already. Das ist alles sehr interessant, Semjase, doch irgendwie habe ich das schon längst gewusst.
Semjase: Semjase:
56. Sure, I know, because you think very far. 56. Sicher, ich weiss, denn du denkst sehr weit.
Billy: Billy:
Good, good, now please tell me one thing: You have already spoken multiple times of deceivers and charlatans, who have gone public with their fantastic UFO contact stories and still continue to do so. Can you tell me some names? Gut, gut, sage mir nun bitte eines: Du sprachst schon mehrfach von Betrügern und Scharlatanen, die mit ihren phantastischen UFO-Kontakt-Geschichten an die Öffentlichkeit getreten sind und es weiterhin noch tun. Kannst du mir einige Namen nennen?
Semjase: Semjase:
57. Certainly, but you know most of them by name. 57. Sicher, doch du kennst die meisten von ihnen dem Namen nach.
Billy: Billy:
Nevertheless; kindly name at least some of them for me. Trotzdem; nenne mir doch wenigstens einige.
Semjase: Semjase:
58. As you wish – with whom should I begin? 58. Wie du willst, mit welchem soll ich beginnen?
Billy: Billy:
In the first place, I would be interested to know about Kenneth Arnold. Am I right that he was not a deceiver? An erster Stelle würde es mich interessieren, was es mit Kenneth Arnold auf sich hat. Gehe ich richtig, dass der kein Betrüger war?
Semjase: Semjase:
59. Certainly, this man was not a deceiver, for he had really seen our beamships. 59. Sicher, dieser Mann war kein Betrüger, denn er hat unsere Strahlschiffe tatsächlich gesehen.
60. Also, many other pilots have encountered either our ships or foreign ones. 60. Auch viele andere Piloten sind unseren oder aber fremden Schiffen begegnet.
61. But the greatest deceiver was the man who called himself Karl Michalek. 61. Der grösste Betrüger aber war der Mann, der sich Karl Michalek nannte.
62. And the man who gained world fame under the name George Adamski in no way took second place to him. 62. Und ihm stand in keiner Weise der Mann nach, der unter dem Namen George Adamski Weltberühmtheit erlangte.
63. Even his so-called fellow workers or friends belong in the same category. 63. Auch seine sogenannten Mitarbeiter oder Freunde fallen unter dieselbe Sparte.
64. This means those who, together with him, allegedly had contact with us. 64. Das heisst jene, welche angeblich zusammen mit ihm Kontakt mit uns hatten.
65. Other names are less well-known but still have a certain significance because they are deceivers: Harushi Tsukamoto, Jerrold Baker, R. O. Schmidt., C. A. Anderson, Angelucci, and many, many others. 65. Weitere Namen sind weniger bekannt, haben aber trotzdem eine gewisse Bedeutung, weil sie Betrüger sind: Harushi Tsukamoto, Jerrold Baker, R.O. Schmidt., C.A. Anderson, Angelucci und viele, viele andere.
Billy: Billy:
Thanks, that is already enough. Are they really all deceivers? Danke, das genügt schon. Sind das wirklich alles Betrüger?
Semjase: Semjase:
66. Sure, and you know that as well as I do. 66. Sicher, und du weisst das so genau wie ich.
Billy: Billy:
You are right; but how can one prove that they are deceivers? Schon gut; doch wie soll man beweisen, dass sie Betrüger sind?
Semjase: Semjase:
67. We could prove it, but on your part, you should not try that, for the Earth-human can only be convinced of the truth with great difficulty. 67. Wir könnten es beweisen, doch deinerseits sollst du das nicht versuchen, denn der Erdenmensch lässt sich nur sehr schwer von der Wahrheit überzeugen.
68. Their consciousness-based intellect is too low for that. 68. Sein bewusstseinsmässiger Verstand ist zu gering dazu.
69. One day, they will have to find the truth themselves, and only then will they take it in as knowledge. 69. Eines Tages muss er die Wahrheit selbst finden, und erst dann wird er sie als Wissen in sich aufnehmen.
70. At present time, the individuals who are the least agreeable to recognise and disseminate the truth should be those who had allowed themselves to be deceived by deceivers and charlatans for decades, and who had sacrificed millions for the dissemination of the stories of lies and books of lies. 70. Zur gegenwärtigen Zeit werden am allerwenigsten jene die Wahrheit erkennen und verbreiten wollen, die sich jahrzehntelang von den Betrügern und Scharlatanen narren liessen und Millionenbeträge zur Verbreitung der Lügengeschichten und Lügenbücher opferten.
71. For them a world would collapse because they would have to recognize themselves as deceived and would have to disgrace themselves in front of the public. 71. Für sie würde eine Welt zusammenstürzen, weil sie sich als betrogen erkennen und sich vor der Öffentlichkeit blamieren müssten.
Billy: Billy:
That is plausible, but how, then, should I run against it? I will not be believed if I reveal the truth. Das ist einleuchtend, doch wie soll ich denn dagegen anrennen? Man wird mir keinen Glauben schenken, wenn ich die Wahrheit offenbare.
Semjase: Semjase:
72. Do not be concerned, because you belong to a circle of thinking human beings who will help you. 72. Habe keine Bedenken, denn du gehörst einem Kreise denkender Menschen an, die dir helfen werden.
73. I will tell you the names that are important to you, but keep them for yourself and never mention them … (7 names and exact addresses follow) 73. Ich werde dir die Namen nennen, die für dich wichtig sind, doch behalte diese für dich und nenne sie niemals … (es folgen 7 Namen und genaue Anschriften)
Billy: Billy:
Are these names enough? Genügen diese Namen?
Semjase: Semjase:
74. They are enough – and now my time for this occasion is up. 74. Sie genügen – und nun ist meine Zeit für dieses Mal um.
75. So I will leave you and, as usual, will transmit my thoughts to you again at a later point in time, so that you can write them down. 75. So verlasse ich dich denn und übermittle dir, wie bereits üblich, meine Gedanken zu späterem Zeitpunkt abermals, damit du sie niederschreiben kannst.


  1. FIGU Dictionary Site: Gewalt Explanation from Ptaah: Gewalt has nothing to do with the terms ‹heftig› (violent) and ‹Heftigkeit› (violence), because the old Lyran term with regard to ‹Gewalt› means ‹Gewila›, and it is defined as using, with all the coercive means that are at one’s disposal, physical, psychical, mental, and consciousness-based powers, abilities and skills, in order to carry out and carry through terrible actions and deeds.


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