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From Future Of Mankind
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  • ...eriodontology Online found that one of the causes is actually when you don't take enough time for your tooth brushing routine. | According to biomedical scientists from the UK's 'The Francis Crick Institute' for Research, plants such as cabbage and broccoli contain ...
    35 KB (5,162 words) - 21:17, 2 September 2024
  • fun stops. But this place isn't the same everywhere. In the West we don't find jokes about the Holocaust funny, anti-racism laws are an expression of ...What for? Is provocation, disrespectful and unethical behaviour 'in'? Don't people see what they're doing with it? Are they not in a position to forese ...
    62 KB (9,794 words) - 04:02, 30 August 2024
  • Earth is overpopulated, folks are in denial about it, the facts havn't been examined and myths have been adopted.</ref> - <small>(FOM Note: but didn’t mention ‘overpopulation’, did he)</small> ...
    39 KB (5,842 words) - 09:40, 30 August 2023
  • ...timulate the economy. Can you tell me what is meant by this, because I don't know what I mean by government bonds. | Ms T. Heller, Germany ...
    114 KB (17,921 words) - 12:44, 2 September 2024
  • | Pope Francis on Ukraine War: | <div style="width:65%">Pope Francis, archive photo</div> ...
    220 KB (33,646 words) - 10:56, 2 September 2024
  • ...[[index#Q|'''Q''']] [[index#R|'''R''']] [[index#S|'''S''']] [[index#T|'''T''']] [[index#U|'''U''']] [[index#V|'''V''']] [[index#W|'''W''']] [[inde ...he index too messy to present all available knowledge, and much of it hasn't been translated anyway. Readers can peruse the [[Meier Encyclopedia]] for a ...
    270 KB (30,002 words) - 09:38, 4 August 2024
  • | Study: Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Destroys T-Cells | Studie: Pfizer Covid-19-Impfstoff zerstört T-Zellen ...
    284 KB (43,550 words) - 12:06, 2 September 2024
  • ...the ubiquitous reconstituted shapes, supposedly made from chicken. And don't worry, unlike lesser institutions like Alcatraz or San Quentin, there is no ...the ducklings laid by stray mallards in the grounds of the prison. But don't hesitate, because the ravenous rats will ensure that their lives are short- ...
    334 KB (51,132 words) - 10:56, 2 September 2024
  • ...cided not to get vaccinated because they were not afraid of Corona. "I don't want to be an experiment for these pharmaceutical companies," said a former ...eryone else seems to believe it too. This is the idea of the big lie. "Don't trust your own eyes. Believe me." ...
    272 KB (41,725 words) - 12:51, 4 September 2024
  • ...d goes through a so-called phase of defiance. If the little sunshine doesn't get its way, things can quickly become unpleasant. For the ears and for the ...probably sick when logic was taught at university, he also naturally doesn't notice how silly the headline "Why is the Kremlin company's operation so da ...
    270 KB (41,595 words) - 17:15, 4 September 2024
  • ...od thing, since things couldn't go on like that anyway and capitalism wasn't as bad as we had been taught at the time. The one was true because socialis | Author Vera Lengsfeld; Published on 25th May 2018; by guest author T. S. ...
    285 KB (43,431 words) - 10:55, 2 September 2024
  • ...ppears from the market, and that simply means in plain language: if we don't stop the energy price explosion, then German industry with its strong middl ...nce has limited the increase in electricity prices to 4 percent; they didn't have to go to Brussels and conduct long negotiations. A litre of petrol cos ...
    220 KB (34,408 words) - 10:55, 2 September 2024
  • ...of marque and captains, the typical example of Elizabethan England, which Francis Drake and other captains recruited with letters of marque, probably serves ...ient wohl bestens das typische Beispiel vom elisabethanischen England, das Francis Drake und andere Kapitäne mit Kaperbriefen angeworben hat, um durch diese e ...
    203 KB (32,581 words) - 08:50, 24 August 2024
  • ...'good' or 'bad', but they have certainly helped to destroy local cultures. T-shirts, blue jeans and rock music assault our eyes and ears everywhere from ...r sie haben auf jeden Fall dazu beigetragen, lokale Kulturen zu zerstören. T-Shirts, Blue Jeans und Rockmusik überfallen unsere Augen und Ohren überall, ...
    246 KB (38,834 words) - 10:53, 2 September 2024
  • ...all the nasty things that are said about him and love Ukraine. If you don't, you are a fascist, Reich citizen, Nazi, Putin apologist, conspiracy theori | "I don't like being lied to, and we are being lied to on an epic scale," she insists ...
    227 KB (34,979 words) - 10:55, 2 September 2024
  • ...le-cell; padding:2px 0; border-bottom:solid 4px">E m p f e h l e n s w e r t</div> ...the syringes and the lack of certainties about everything, but that doesn't have to be a hindrance. I wonder if he has ever dealt with the framework co ...
    229 KB (33,942 words) - 16:27, 4 September 2024
  • ...fter that, within two or three flights, pilots will crash because they don't have the necessary experience and professional training. That is the proble ...sceptic Joshua Kimmich 'that I would vaccinate him myself'. But that wasn't enough of a threat, which was unquestionably not just aimed at the professi ...
    267 KB (40,075 words) - 06:44, 6 September 2024
  • | That is true, but things are still moving forward. It's just that I don't let myself get worked up – even if it sometimes turns me off and I want to | In and of itself, I don't really want to know. What is important to me is that I can speak again and ...
    429 KB (65,951 words) - 08:46, 31 August 2024
  • ...has already invested 500,000 dollars through his own investment fund (R.S.T.) in the Californian research company M., which deals with pathogens and wa ...des US-Präsidenten habe bereits durch seinen eigenen Investment-Fond (R.S.T.) 500‘000 Dollar in die sich mit Pathogenen beschäftigende und vom Pentagon ...
    265 KB (40,979 words) - 10:21, 6 September 2024
  • | 46. But we shouldn't talk about that now, but about what concerns us Plejaren. ...critus, Friedrich Nietzsche, René Descartes, Confucius, Petrus Abaelardus, Francis Bacon, Kant and Hegel and many other 'wise men', the concept of truth has n ...
    395 KB (62,286 words) - 18:14, 1 September 2024
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