Talk:How can you be sure of the authenticity of the Meier case?

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Comments on How can you be sure of the authenticity of the Meier case? <comments />

Markvd said ...

I feel that nothing is ever real unless one has experienced it themselves. Then that individual can determine if what is taught and or you could say advised and your choice to make lifestyle. I always keep an open mind and once I try and see from another perspective, it usually becomes clear. I have implemented many of the teachings of spirit and it has worked out with no fail. If everyone were to read just a tad and implement it little by little our world will be a better place sooner rather than later. :) Not many can calculate all the tremendous mathematical data but you can break it down into smaller parts and build it like a puzzle, eventually you will be complete through determination.

--Markvd 20:42, 14 August 2011 (BST)

Suv said ...

Yes I agree..the title could have been "3 question to skeptics".

--Suv 06:06, 16 August 2011 (BST)

Rrarena said ...

I have and idea that may add credibility to the case... what if Billy asked Ptaah or Quetzel to provide an e-document or typically used form of communictation the Plejaren use everyday using their original language punctuation etc. to add credence to this case... Their alphabet, their symbols etc etc etc... that would be easy to produce yet hard to hoax...

--Rrarena 23:36, 23 August 2011 (BST)

Markvd said ...

Rrarena although that is a idea, I doubt that that would convince the masses or governments of anything. If we can create Star Trek, Wars languages ourselves we could believe it to be a hoax. The only way is to read and implement the teachings into our everyday lives and see for ourselves if they hold validity. Earth is a place full of people that need to find themselves before seeking greater things. There is A LOT to learn before we start daydreaming about the complexity of the cosmos and it's structure. :)

--Markvd 01:38, 24 August 2011 (BST)

Mrnorm said ...

Billy is not a hoax, ....but maybe a mear novice of a fake not seeking truth is nothing but a fake looking for a hoax,its sad that these people cant see the big picture,...even tho i would love a ride in a beamship like billy, i know that this may never be...but i dont need this ride to know that beamships are real,ive seen them with witnesses,in the navy ...twice, and twice i dont know if they were beemships are not but i saw what i saw....and they were I F O's...i feel that the motor that pulls a I F O THOUGH AIR SPACE AND WATER,WORKS IN THE SAME MANER THAT DISTORTS THE MOON BY THE USE OFGRAVITATIONAL PULL...A I F O HOOKS ON TO GRAVITATIONAL PULL AND then zooom ,it climes to a speed of 4-5000 mph and faster...there by using gravity as a meens of perpulsion and theres a motor to displace adams to repell any forces like air are water so there would be know friction...ive been telling my kids this for years not that they care are any thing... onece in 1975 i wrote this all down.... but like billy whos going to beleave you... but now i know it dont matter...things like about pres ragan being shot are shot at...and was some time later i heard about billy for the first time... but i dont remember how i heard...are by who...I think by TV

--Mrnorm 16:02, 30 August 2011 (BST)