Special:Badtitle/NS100:JamesMoore/Using Photoshop to Analyze FIGU's UFO Photos

From Future Of Mankind

Today I used Photoshop's "Levels" and "Posterize" image adjustment tools to try and detect new features of several high resolution photographs taken by Billy Meier in the 1970s. I also crosschecked my method with a known "fake" by Anthony Wharton to prove that the method can work (known as a "control" in scientific experiments). The "Levels" tool has the power to adjust brightness, contrast, and tonal range of an image. The Posterize tool reduces the image's "bit depth" (total number of colours) to increase the contrast in a different way to the Levels tool.

I discovered that none of Billy's photographs which I examined had any wires suspending the models in the air but, furthermore, I discovered a ground shadow of one beamship, which provides evidence that it was a large object, very far from the camera.

Here are the adjusted photographs for your own analysis. The originals (not the negatives) are on this site in the Photo Gallery. The negatives are not available for analysis by the way. They were stolen from Billy a very long time ago along with hundreds of other photographs that we will never have the fortune to see.

Of course it is entirely possible that someone had already "photoshopped" these photographs before I had obtained them in 2008 and analyzed them. But if so then they would have needed to do it at a very high level of detail and precision as I did not detect any evidence of such a process having occurred. The process of photoshopping/altering a photo (in this case to remove supposed wires suspending the beamships up in the air) normally involves using the "Clone Stamp" tool which, as the name suggests, copies one part of the photo to another and this can generate repeating patterns of colour, detectable by the human eye when scrutinised with magnification. I saw no such repeating patterns and you will also not see them. Feel free to look yourself by zooming in. The sky has a gradient of colour which is very smooth in the rate of change from top to bottom or right to left.

Perhaps there is another way to manipulate photographs precisely and accurately without the use of computer programs such as Photoshop but I am not aware of one. Are you? If so then why not send me an email.

Shadow of beamship on ground detected

Click on it to zoom in.

Photo F494 after Posterization in Photoshop:

F494 after Posterization in Photoshop

No wires can be found in these

Click on them to zoom in.

Photo F151 after Levels adjustment in Photoshop:

Photo F152 after Levels adjustment in Photoshop:

Photo F153 after Levels adjustment in Photoshop:

Photo F155 after Levels adjustment in Photoshop:

Photo F161 after Levels adjustment in Photoshop:

Photo F174 after Levels adjustment in Photoshop:

Wires found in this deliberate hoax by Andrew Wharton

If you have good eyes you can already see the wires:

With the levels adjusted you can easily see the 3 wires: Template:Wl-publish: 2017-11-08 00:52:49 +0000