Special:Badtitle/NS102:Petition Distribution Central African Republic

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Government Web Portal: http://www.centrafricaine.info/en.html

- Diplomatic Missions ( http://central-african-republic.visahq.com/embassy/Netherlands/# )

1/ Central African Embassy in Brussel, Belgium: Boulevard Lambermont 416, B-1030 Brussels; Phone: +32-2-351 47 13 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +32-2-351 47 13      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +32-2-351 47 13      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +32-2-351 47 13      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +32-2-351 47 13      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +32-2-351 47 13      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +32-2-351 47 13      end_of_the_skype_highlighting; ambassade.centrafrique@skynet.be

2/ Central African Embassy in Yaounde, Cameroon: 41 rue 1863, Quartier Bastos, Montee du Carrefour de la Vallee Nlongkak, BP 396, Yaounde; Phone: (+237) 220-5155

3/ Central African Embassy in NDjamena, Chad: Rue 1036, pres du Rond-Point de la Garde, BP 115, N'Djamena; Phone: (+235) 52-25-75

4/ Central African Embassy in Beijing, China: 1-1-132, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Building, 1 Xin Dong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing; Phone: (+86) (10) 6532 7353

5/ Embassy of Central African Republic in Kinshasa, Congo (Democratic Republic): 11 ave Pumbu, BP 7769, Kinshasa

6/ Central African Embassy in Cairo, Egypt: 49 Gezirat El-Arab, Mohandessin, Cairo, Egypt; Phone: (+20) 2 344 5942

7/ Central African Embassy in Paris, France: 30, rue des Perchamps, 75116 Paris; Tel: (+33) 1; Fax: (+33) 1

8/ Central African Embassy in Bonn, Germany: Johanniterstrasse 19, 53113 Bonn; Phone: (+49) 228-23 35 64

9/ Central African Embassy in Abidjan, Ivory Coast: 9 rue des Jasmins, Cocody Danga Nord, 01 BP 3387, Abidjan 01; Phone: (+225) 20 21 36 46

10/ Central African Embassy in Rabat, Morocco: Avenue Souss Villa N° 4, Cite Saada Quartier Administratif, B.P. 770, Agdal Rabat; Phone: (+212) (37) 63 16 54; centrafricaine@iam.net.ma (Completed)

11/ Central African Embassy in Washington, United States: 1618 22nd Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20008; Phone: (+1) 202-483-7800

12/ Central African Embassy in Hungary ( http://www.centrafricaine.info/hu/index-en.html ); H.E. the Ambassador, Mr. Bernard Leclerc: ambassaderca@yahoo.fr (Completed)

13/ Embassy of Central African Republic in Denmark: Boulevard Lambermont 416, Brussels, B-1030; Phone: +32-2-242-2880; Fax: +32-2-353-1674; S. E. l'Ambassadeur: ambassade.centrafrique@skynet.be

14/ Embassy of Central African Republic in Finland: Boulevard Lambermont 416, Brussels, B-1030; Phone: +32-2-242-2880; Fax: +32-2-215-1311; centrafrique@skynrt.be

15/ Consulate of Central African Republic in Triesen, Liechtenstein: Bachliweg 5, Triesen, Liechtenstein, FL-9495, Phone: +423-392-1544; Fax: +423-392-3351; consulatrep.centrafricaine@powersurf.li (Completed)

16/ Embassy of Central African Republic in Netherlands: 416, Boulevard Lambermont, Brussel, Belgium, B-1030, Phone: +32-2-242-2880; Fax: +32-2-215-1311

- Visa HQ ( http://www.visahq.com/ ): Fax: 202-318-0771; Board : info@VisaHQ.com (Completed)

- Herr Professor Andreas Mehler - Scholar and Senior Researcher, Conflict Prevention Network (CPN, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP): Mhl@swp.extern.lrz-muenchen.de

- SURVIE France ( http://survie.org/ ): 210 rue St Martin 75003 Paris, France; Tél: (+33)1 44 61 03 25; Fax: (+33)1 44 61 03 20

1/ Professeur François Xavier Verschave, SURVIE France: contact@survie.org ompleted)

2/ La Direction de SURVIE France: http://survie.org/spip.php?page=contact (Completed)

- GRIP ( http://www.ib.be/grip ): Van Hoordestraat 33, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium; Tel: +32 2 241 8420; Fax: +32 2 245 1933; grip@infoboard.be

- Groupe Urgence de Réhabilitation et Développement: Le Cypres-Les-Guards, 26110 Nyons, France; Tel: +33 4 7526 2271; Fax: +33 4 7526 6427; cpirot@aol.com