Contact Report 004

From Future Of Mankind
This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.


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  • Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 1 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 1)
    [Contact No. 1 – 38 from 28.1.1975 to 13.11.1975] Source

  • Page number(s): TBC
  • Date/time of contact: Saturday, 15th February, 1975 - 1:48 a.m.
  • Translator(s): Unknown
  • Date of original translation: Unknown
  • Corrections and improvements made: N/A
  • Contact person: Semjase


In the fourth contact Semjase reveals how in the Plejaren Federation learning a new language takes around 1 Earth month due to a technology they've developed. They discuss some of the principles of interstellar travel, great dangers of space and from other human life, radiation protection and particle physics, which we'll inevitably learn in our own way, publicly, nearer the time and/or in secret military projects, either way. Semjase introduces our solar systems asteroid belt, a former planet; Malona and how we transferred the continued evolving after the event which destroyed/created it, to Earth.

This is the entire contact.

Contact Report 4 Translation

Fourth Contact


1. In the last few days, I have received many powerful thoughts from you.

2. You occupy yourself enormously with the most diverse things, but for your own security I am not allowed to answer all of your questions.


Didn't you tell me that you would not penetrate my thoughts, except for some urgent need?


3. Certainly!

4. I did not delve into your thoughts, but you have directed yours so intensely towards me that I simply had to receive them.

5. You have a phenomenal thinking power, which only very few people already possess.


I had not thought of this, and I didn’t want to bother you.


6. No problem at all, because in this way I could occupy myself with your questions, which I am not allowed to answer as detailed as I would like.

7. I and all of the others trust you fully, but there do exist some people on Earth who possess various means of power and could coerce every secret from you.

8. I know very well that you would fight against this, but they might coerce some things from you nevertheless.

9. Therefore, we must take great care and precaution in every way.

10. But now do ask your questions at your discretion because I simply cannot, nor do I want to, dictatorially respond thereby making your line of questions my own.


Thank you, Semjase. — You speak perfect German — where did you learn to master this language?


11. A good question that is easy to answer:

12. Just like human beings on Earth, we also have to learn a language.

13. Yet this is much easier for us and presents less trouble.

14. We possess all Earth languages that were ever spoken in ancient times or are currently used.

15. That is to say, we have detailed recordings of them in the most diverse formats.

16. Language training courses, as you would call them, were compiled from them.

17. This work is performed by language scientists and machines similar to what you call computers.

18. Further machines of a similar type serve to transmit the desired language and instill it in us.

19. This means we are connected to such a machine or apparatus, which then transmits the desired language.

20. This occurs during a machine-induced, hypnotic-like state.

21. In this way, the definitions and meanings of the language become implanted and registered.

22. This process takes 21 days.

23. Then we require another 9–10 days in order to also speak the language correctly.

24. This means that we must practice its correct application and pronunciation with the help of machines and the language scientists.

25. In this manner it takes us about 30 to 31 days to learn a language.

26. People on Earth are already operating in a similar fashion by using tape recorders in their language courses, particularly at so-called language institutes.

27. This is already the first step toward constructing and using apparatuses and machines such as ours.

28. In various parts of the world, work is being done on such computers.


That's about how I envisioned it.


29. I know.


My next question refers to what you have already explained during my — that is, “our” - first meeting. People on Earth will never be capable of travelling into the true, deep outer space unless they invent another method of propulsion. I can only imagine what you mean with the term propulsion, e.g. that it must involve a form of beam drive - a hyperdrive, so to speak. In my opinion it would need to consist of a drive that alters matter in some way, probably while the speed of light is exceeded. In the process, the beamship is hurled into hyperspace, in which space and time are paralysed, as you have already explained. I assume that space and time collapse in a manner whereby they are somehow completely nullified.


30. You would make a great scientist.

31. This is really phenomenal considering that all of your knowledge is based on autodidactic work.

32. You are completely correct in your assumptions.

33. To travel through real outer space, one needs a drive that surpasses the speed of light many times over.

34. This propulsion can only become activated, however, when the speed of light has already been reached.

35. As a result, another drive is needed to regulate the normal speed up to that of light.

36. This means then that a beamship needs two propulsion systems: first, a normal drive which permits acceleration up to and below the speed of light and, second, a hyperdrive as you call it.

37. A drive, therefore, which generates a velocity a million and billion times that of light; the hyperspeed, which enables us to enter hyperspace.

38. A space in which every mass expands in proportion to the increase in speed.

39. Consequently, time and space collapse and they become null-time and null-space.

40. That is to say:

41. Space and time simply cease to exist.

42. And exactly by this manner is created the fact that distances of countless light-years can be traversed in a fraction of a second without causing a shift in time.


Does this mean then that the same amount of time passes for a beamship and its passengers as it would on the home planet or on some other planet or star?


43. Surely.

44. For example, when we leave our Pleiades and require about seven hours to get to Earth, then seven hours pass on our own planet and on Earth, as well.

45. It takes us this long because we must first fly with the normal drive beyond the reach of the planets; only then, faraway in space, can we convert to hyperspeed.

46. A long way from your solar system, we exit hyperspace and convert to normal propulsion as we continue to fly here.

47. We are never allowed to penetrate hyperspace too close to a planet.


I understand. The penetration into hyperspace would likely draw one or more planets into hyperspace and eject them as deadly projectiles when the beamship breaks free from hyperspace. Maybe that's how various huge comets turned into storming and dangerous cosmic speedsters — through the fault of irresponsible star travellers?


48. You are partially correct:

49. Actually, hyperspace may only be penetrated very far in outer space, otherwise, planets would be pulled in.

50. Also, concerning the exit from hyperspace, you figured it out entirely correct.

51. It is also a fact that some comets originated in this manner, but only a few; most of them were guided on their dangerous path by other natural events.

52. In this case you are only partly right when you assume that all comets originated in this manner, as you perhaps suspected.

53. But the fact is, such events are caused by irresponsibility, because it exists throughout outer space, not only on Earth.

54. Irresponsibility is evident also when new highly developed intelligences perform their first ventures into hyperspace too close to other planets.

55. The safety rule is calculable and states that hyperspeed is only to be initiated 153 million kilometers (95,625,000 miles) away from the nearest planet.


This is very interesting, but I did not suspect that all comets resulted in the manner you mentioned. But how does such a hyperdrive work, and what about the normal drive?


56. I am not at liberty to give you specifics on this, unfortunately.

57. If scientists on Earth obtained more details, they would resolve their propulsion problems in a very short time.

58. This is neither in our nor the cosmic interest, for the Earth human is still not liberated and mature enough to fly into space.

59. But at the given time, which isn't very far off, he will find the solution to his problem himself.

60. I am only permitted to tell you that many of your scientists are already on the right track and are theoretically working at and researching the necessary propulsion systems.

61. I may tell you also that, in some basic form, these propulsion systems are already known in outline form to your scientific community as light-emission and tachyon drives.

62. The light-emission drive serves as normal propulsion and has the function of propelling the beamship onto planets or within their vicinity, up to the 153 million kilometre distance – the safe distance, that is.

63. Then the tachyon drive, among others, is activated when greater distances need to be traversed.

64. This is one of the hyperdrives which are capable of conquering hyperspace and space and time.

65. We call both of these propulsion systems by other names, but the meaning is the same.

66. We have a different language than people on Earth, and for this reason I need to explain it to you in terms you can understand.


That stands to reason, but I do not understand how such a drive functions. I am familiar with the basics of emission and I know what tachyons[1] mean, yet I cannot imagine or guess their actual processes that result in propulsion. Can you tell me more about it?


67. No, I am not allowed to do so because it would reveal the secret of the whole propulsion system and the generation and harnessing of tachyons, along with the secret of the emission drive.


Thanks, that'll do, as I don’t want to pressure you. One thing still interests me, though: As I assess and ponder it carefully, the form of the beamship plays no decisive role, and yet a disk-like ship would be the ideal shape because surely, in the atmosphere, it offers the least aerodynamic resistance, which might also be the case in water.


68. Certainly. You have hit the nail on the head again.

69. Basically, though, the form really makes no difference.

70. However, the disk shape ensures the least resistance in an atmosphere, and besides, it offers the largest surface and best shape that allows the drives on them — or through them — to become fully effective.


This seems clear to me, but how is it possible for a beamship to attain immense speeds within the gravity field of a planet or in its atmosphere without burning up, or having the passengers succumb to the immense pressure?


71. This is very easy to explain and no secret any longer to the Earth human, at least not to the scientists:

72. The beamship is surrounded by a radiation protection shield that causes every little current of air to glide off without pushing against it.

73. The same thing also occurs in outer space, which simply swarms with inconspicuous particles.

74. Thus, this radiation protection shield has the purpose of protecting the beamship against extraneous influences and resistance, without destroying or pushing against anything that collides with the shield.

75. Anything that penetrates or offers resistance is simply deflected without pushing against it.

76. Pushing against it would mean resistance and would remove the possibility of unlimited speed.

77. Through the deflective quality of the radiation shield, another important effect is triggered which is of great and vital importance to the passengers.

78. The deflection technique of the radiation shield simultaneously neutralizes the gravitational force of a planet.

79. But this does not mean that gravity is simply destroyed, pushed aside or nullified.

80. The air, as well as some rays or particles and magnetism, etc., are simply deflected in the same way; as a result, its own normal gravitational and attraction forces prevail within the beamship.

81. This means, therefore, that a beamship bears the exact same gravitational force onboard as also prevails on the Earth.

82. Besides, the gravitational pull of a planet is not always equally intense, but it also undergoes a certain change, a fact your scientists will discover in the near future.

83. By gliding off the radiation protection shield—that is, the sliding off of gravity and magnetism, respectively—the beamshippractically becomes a miniature independent planet which can travel without risk through any atmosphere at nearly the speed of light.

84. Due to the fact that the gravity of the planet involved no longer has an influence on the beamship, the passengers feel as normal and unhampered as if they were on the planet, assuming, of course, that the planet corresponds with their anatomical capacities and is not subject to greater attractive forces (gravitational forces).

85. The attraction force inside the beamship is adjusted to suit the passengers, of course, and is absolutely controllable. 86. When beamship passengers from other worlds move about on foreign planets with a hostile atmosphere or hostile gravitational forces, they use spacesuits and small portable devices that generate for the entities the identical radiation protection shield as that on their own beamship.


This is very detailed and illuminating, but can you give me the technical details for the construction of such a device?


87. I am not allowed to do that, unfortunately, but I can assure you that your scientists are already working on the basics of such devices, and the day is not far when they will manufacture them.

88. However, it lies in the framework of evolution that the Earth human must first develop more in consciousness and spiritually before he will solve these secrets and not use them simply to hurt others.

89. But even then, the great danger exists that the barbaric earth people will use their technical knowledge and capabilities and their technical inventions viciously and greedily to satisfy their lust for power.

90. This has happened before and will happen again, not only with terrestrial humankind but other human beings on other worlds, as well.

91. But when the time comes that man attains the required technology to fly not only to Earth’s moon, but to other planets, he may not do so carelessly and with hopes of remaining victorious at all times.

92. Many dangers lurk in outer space of varying degrees, and other cosmic inhabitants are not leaving themselves helplessly vulnerable to an attack by another race either.

93. Fatal defeats and total enslavement could be the result for Earth's humankind, which would be equivalent to reverting back into primeval times.

94. It is also quite possible that the planet Earth could be completely destroyed, because the technological prerequisites for this have been created up to the last relative perfection by the numerous human and non-human races in outer space.

95. If the Earth human wants to carry his barbaric lust and greed for power into space, he must be prepared for his own total annihilation and the fact that no other beings from other planets will rush to his aid.

96. However, the Earth human must also be prepared to defend himself against evil intruders, which he can only accomplish through a total unification of all nations of your planet.

97. The dangers from outer space are great, and they lurk in all corners of the galaxies.

98. Usually they are inhumane, power-hungry beings who have no feelings or only inferior or degenerate feelings.

99. Others know well how to defend themselves, and out of necessity, they always do it radically.

100. If a large-scale war were to shake outer space, entire galaxies could be destroyed.

101. All it would take would be wars of entire systems which could then result in their own annihilation.

102. Therefore, peace is observed and it is implemented by logical or illogical force if necessary.

103. The Earth human must consider these things, when he will forge into outer space in the near future.

104. Other cosmic races will not allow themselves to be senselessly attacked or forced into exile, enslavement or exploitation, as is usually the case among terrestrial peoples.

105. They will defend themselves with might, and for a long time still, they will remain infinitely superior to all of the Earth humans’ technology.

106. Wherever this is not the case, they are often under the protection of other, more highly developed intelligences whose technology has achieved the last relative perfection.


Those are very nice prospects.


107. It is the only way to preserve peace and avoid death and destruction throughout entire galaxies of the universe.

108. The Earth human must be informed of all this because his consciousness-related reasoning is still very underdeveloped.

109. Man on Earth must get accustomed to the thought that his predecessors have forced all of mankind and Earth itself to the brink of ruin, and had to partially evacuate the planet in a wild escape.

110. It should also serve as a warning to him that thirst for power and barbarism are attributes that bring death.

111. A second race also had to experience this truth in your solar system.

112. In their unlimited hatred and unquenchable thirst for power, they destroyed themselves right down to the last man, and scarcely a creature survived the conflict.

113. They eliminated and destroyed their own planet with a huge explosion and nothing remained of it but the many thousands of asteroids, which today still circle your sun — as a reminder of the human beings’ deadly irrationality.

114. (These asteroids are) remnants of the once thriving planet "Malona", which was destroyed by its inhabitants in their barbarian thirst for power and irrationality.


Girl, this is very interesting; do you know more of such things?


115. Certainly, but this must be enough for today.

116. Next time you shall hear more.

Next Contact Report

Contact Report 5

Further Reading



  1. a hypothetical particle that travels faster than light