Talk:Contact Report 011: Difference between revisions

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--[[User:JamalJermaineJeromeTyroneLebron|JamalJermaineJeromeTyroneLebron]] 05:20, 2 August 2012 (BST)
--[[User:JamalJermaineJeromeTyroneLebron|JamalJermaineJeromeTyroneLebron]] 05:20, 2 August 2012 (BST)
== Cat said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
i've never been in the company of a psychopath, but reading these rants, I feel I am.  I'm glad Billy doesn't have to put up with this, it'll be deleted before you can say FREAK JAMAL!!
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 09:01, 2 August 2012 (BST)

Revision as of 08:04, 2 August 2012

Comments on Contact Report 11 <comments />

Markvd said ...

Semjase and her reports always leave a cliffhanger at the end and keeps me guessing.:) CR1: be wary of barbaric race, what barbaric race? which brings us to CR11 who crosses through space violently looking to conquer the universe? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

--Markvd 01:15, 23 October 2010 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

Contact Report 011 should have been a learning experience for the Plejarens as it perceives the incident when BEAM suffered a breakdown due to unreasonable demands, which Quetzal proved to be true by an experiment with androids who destroyed themselves during role representations.

Further analysis on the following material below indicates a rather “aloof” prospective by the Plejarens who consider “influences” as some form of extreme emergency response in contrast to what other evil ET’s have and continue to do. What they have done in arresting the Giza, should have been done long ago and would have much more positive outcome. Hopefully they learn and apply themselves more precisely.

Semjase: 24. Your frequent force achievements of a physical form often exceed your last reserves and throw you down. 25. Even though you can regenerate your strength tremendously fast over and over again through the power of your spirit and consciousness, nevertheless, it is detrimental to your health. 27. It already borders on insanity, in view of the fact that your will exceeds the limits of what is possible for physical achievements, for your will is only driven by spiritual and consciousness-related force. 38. But we really only intervened in extreme emergencies - strictly speaking, three times.

Billy: I noticed nothing of that.

Semjase: 39. You also couldn't do that because we only influenced human beings to find you. 40. Your action was quite right, and your logic was so sharp that I shudder at it. 42. You yourself had to deliberately condemn your own body and push your consciousness to the brink of insanity, while the two others only had to let hatred be aroused within them, through which they were pushed forward.

Notice that BEAM’s will to overcome his material physical body limitations in its quest for a higher goal borders upon what Semjase calls “insanity”, yet admit that this action was “quite right”. Under certain Earthly circumstances (considering all the negative influences) some things done here by its inhabitants appear barbaric and insane, but are somehow necessary in order to survive its rather harsh environment between good and evil.

Although the Plejarens and High Council are the primary leaders in this DERN universe for Creational teachings at the material level, they still have much to learn from those that were and continued to be denied the proper environment for harmonic logical reasoning and spiritual evolution.

--Hawaiian 02:10, 23 October 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Everyone beware.

This contact report is falsified. Lines 105, 106, and 107 are wrong. Don't even bother studying this nonsence. I'm pretty damn sure that it wasn't Benjamins doing. The German sentences were translated properly but they themselves are falsified and are lies.

--Sanjin 04:39, 23 October 2010 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Sanjin, how did you gain that cognition?

--Jamesm 10:53, 23 October 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

James, check on this page:

47. Everything that the human inherits, everything that he brings with him through the billion-fold existence of the past, everything that he enjoyed, knew, read, learnt or experienced in this or in past lives, lies concealed in his unconsciousness.

48. Why, therefore, does he not master the technique of concentration, and why does he not order his unconsciousness and make full use of all his knowledge and ability?

49. The yearning after all his knowledge and ability, after the experience and after the wisdom, lies yet hidden deep in him.

This one has also been tampered with : 110. When this happens and when the human being recognizes his spirit, the whole abundance gathered in previous lives will arise again in knowledge and wisdom, capability, freedom, love, and peace and will richly benefit him, once he learns to get all these values from the memory banks and to utilize them himself.

The original is: 52. If that happens, and the human recognises his spirit, the entire abundance of knowledge, wisdom, ability, freedom, love and peace collected in earlier lives comes about again and richly benefits him.

--Sanjin 14:48, 23 October 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

In the sentences translated by the Gaiaguys, unconsciosness should have been translated as subconsciousness.

--Sanjin 14:51, 23 October 2010 (BST)

Bigfoot said ...

The part where it says "billions of past lives" caught my attention. The material minded person who falsified the truth is past lives greedy.

--Bigfoot 04:01, 25 October 2010 (BST)

Bigfoot said ...

This false report should be reported to Eduard Meier ASAP.

--Bigfoot 04:08, 25 October 2010 (BST)

Zameen said ...

So how are we to know what else has been falsified? There are so many contact reports. Is this a misinterpretation on wendelles part or is this different?

--Zameen 04:21, 25 October 2010 (BST)

Alive said ...

For those of you who think that the most important thing of Billy's material is spiritual teaching, please read this contact report over and over. You would see that discourse on beamship is not just something to start conversation between Billy and Semiase. The Pleiarens did not give many informations about beamship technology because those are very precious and could be misused by Earth humans. Beamship is not something unimportant for Billy. He asked Semiase and other Pleiarens about it on several occasions. Beamship is also not something unimportant for the Pleiarens. They came to Earth by riding beamships, not by meditating.

---- M -- 18:02, 25 October 2010 (BST)

Benjamin Stevens said ...

I've already informed Sanjin that I retrieved the German version of this Contact Report from the most revised and most updated version of the German Contact Reports. Thus, it is my conclusion that the differences which appear throughout Semjase's teaching in this version of this Contact Report, as compared to earlier versions of this teaching that were released in other works, represent intentional corrections that have been approved by Meier. Thus, the earlier versions were erroneous, and this revised version is the most accurate one.

Nevertheless, I also told Sanjin to check with Christian Frehner, just to be sure, so we'll see what turns up in this regard in the future.

--βενιαμιν 18:50, 25 October 2010 (BST)

Alive said ...

Semiase said: (144) The human being lives because the Creation exists, and his life must be so balanced and relatively perfect, as the Creation itself is balanced and relatively perfect.

It is different with Immanuel's explaination (I don't remember if it is in a contact report or in Talmud Immanuel) which said that Creation is perfecting itself over and over because it is not perfect.

Hawaiian 06:55, 2 November 2010 (UTC)I would agree with Semjase's first comment (if what quoted is true) IF the human's creational environment is balanced and "relatively" perfect. However, Earth humans are certainly NOT balanced, due to gross interferences, genetic manipulations of the worst possible kinds, including one of Creation's worst offenses called "programmed suicides" of shorten life cycles, then of course, Sons and Daughters of Heaven with their self-imposed absolute "god" and religions.

Then you have those that stood by, justifying their non involvement due to some "directive" or interpretation of "free will" of others in order to evolve in circumstances that are detrimental to others who are already seriously handicapped by the above statements.

Creation is always evolving itself; to be absolutely perfect is to prevent further evolution from continuing. But if one perceives "its" existence from an overview prospective, it is "relatively" perfect, that is relative to its components of various realms of existence, otherwise there would be no need of reincarnations and/or 7 different spiritual levels of evolution, since BEING PERFECT is absolute without any need for improvement

---- M -- 21:03, 1 November 2010 (UTC)

Bigfoot said ...

To achieve perfection would mean something is finite and so to achieve infinite would mean something is not perfect and thus there is unity.

--Bigfoot 05:47, 2 November 2010 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

I don't think we will reach a material perfection but I think feelings and spiritual development may bring us close to it. I think all current products need a lot of work thus yearly upgrades to existing stuff such as TV, cars, phones, etc. it's like a neverending cycle here on Earth. ................Until then I await the transforming robot that can do everything and I mean EVERYTHING. Toaster oven, portable moving bathroom, space shuttle, boat, car, time machine..................and many more features.:)

--Markvd 14:24, 2 November 2010 (UTC)

Alive said ...

Hawaiian, I don't know whether Semiase really said it or not. I copied and pasted Semiase's statement from Contact Report 11 that I found on this website. I don't know about its validity and I don't care much.

Markvd, a robot you imagined must be so smart that it would quickly refuse to be your slave anymore.

---- M -- 16:10, 2 November 2010 (UTC)

Alive said ...

Bigfoot, I'm not sure of what you mean, but I am happy to see that you mentioned something about the unity of finite and infinite. Please keep your current nickname, don't change "Bigfoot" to be "Big----".

---- M -- 16:30, 2 November 2010 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

Alive I do not believe it to be slavery when the robot my team perfects has no feelings, emotions, and only wants to get the bread toasted just right. :} If the robot was like Data from Star Trek with adaptive AI then send me to the prison planet.:}

--Markvd 23:18, 2 November 2010 (UTC)

Alive said ...

Semiase: (123) The direct display of the truth supersedes all useless objections; the realization of the truth makes everything down to the finest detail clear and self-explanatory.

For me personally that is the most beautiful words found on this slightly controversial english Contact Report 11. So beautiful because they are so encouraging. Beauty always encourages me to search for more informations about it. Beautiful women who walked passing-by before my eyes encouraged me, through their brief presence, to know more about them (what are their names? where do they live? and so on.) Instinctively I know that I could find something true inside a beauty, and something beautiful inside a truth.

---- M -- 06:32, 3 November 2010 (UTC)

Sanjin said ...

Hi everyone.

I want to quickly inform everyone here that I got in contact with Elisabeth Gruber who is responsible for correspondence with FIGU. She did some investigating and what came out is that this version is indeed the updated one. So what Benjamin said is correct.

What is somewhat strange is that they thanked me for my attentiveness. They said it was a great help to them and will include these updates in the new version of the OM.

What I found out did not really satisfy me, for one because the updated version does not make sense properly to me and is quite the opposite from what was originally written. Also, I'm pretty sure that I read in one of these earlier contacts that they would not be changing anything that was stated in the contact reports. Plus, there are some other questions that this has raised for me, but I will get back to this issue later.

--Sanjin 14:15, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

Alive said ...

Sanjin wrote: "They said it was a great help to them and will include these updates in the new version of the OM."

New version of OM? After the new version of Talmud Immanuel? Will there be new version of Contact Report? New spiritual teachings? New doubts? New confusions? New angers?

---- M -- 14:48, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

Alive I believe that they said they cannot reveal the full reports now because there are literary assassins on the loose with dangerous lethal story changing capabilities.:) A wonderous gift of many during these times. I would like to know what year in the future all the reports will be divulged in it's true full glory.

--Markvd 21:12, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

DBeilin said ...

In contact #17 Billy was asking about hypnosis to connect to his past lives, but the contact notes just stop there. Is there more information on this subject? Why didn't it work?

--Dbeilin 04:15, 9 March 2011 (UTC)

DBeilin said ...

In contact #17 Billy was asking about hypnosis to connect to his past lives, but the contact notes just stop there. Is there more information on this subject? Why didn't it work?

--Dbeilin 04:34, 9 March 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...


The Plejarens "embedded" some protection counter-measures to protect the information in Billy in case of unauthorized attempts to reveal its secrets. Such attempts could be fatal for those doing such deeds. See the article below from Contact 115. Contact Report 115

Ptaah: 36. But this also means that you must be careful that you also aren't connected to mechanical devices or apparatuses which could elicit any things from you or which would force you to speak

Billy: You probably mean essentially the so-called truth serums and lie detectors, etc., right?

Ptaah: 37. That is of extreme exactness and correctness.

38. You may never get involved in such things, but also not in suggestion and hypnosis, where the latter could, under certain circumstances, end fatally for the practitioner.

--Hawaiian 20:58, 9 March 2011 (UTC)

Aernesttree said ...

exelent stuff saalome

--Aernesttree 09:34, 28 February 2012 (UTC)

Robert1957 said ...

I think the translation of sentence 74 should be " 74. The human being himself is a very multi-layered being, and his various shrouds conceal others (meaning people) parts of his real personality." (I am a dutch speaking person and Dutch is related to German.)

--Robert1957 18:22, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

Alive said ...

It could also be translated like this. The human himself is a very multilayered being, and his various shrouds hide his real personality from other people.

---- M -- 05:42, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

Robert1957 said ...

To Alive: You're right. It doesn't say "parts" anywhere in the german text of sentence 74.

--Robert1957 18:29, 18 March 2012 (UTC)

Alive said ...

Yes, and I thank you for your scrutiny on the sentence 74, for it inspired me to read and contemplate this contact report again.

---- M -- 19:12, 18 March 2012 (UTC)

acriasis said ...

Thank you, to all who bring this message of truth, to those of this planet, whom have realization of truth within them, and understand their part in Creation, for all knowledge is within. If only the earth human will recognize his or her inner self and believe in this fundemental truth about Creation, then properity would come to this materialistic world. Thanks be to all ecpecially those not of this earth who have brought this knowledge into the eternal light with our immortal being hidden within us.

--Acriasis 04:17, 30 July 2012 (BST)

acriasis said ...

Thank you, to all who bring this message of truth, to those of this planet, whom have realization of truth within them, and understand their part in Creation, for all knowledge is within. If only the earth human will recognize his or her inner self and believe in this fundemental truth about Creation, then prosperity would come to this materialistic world. Thanks be to all ecpecially those not of this earth who have brought this knowledge into the eternal light with our immortal being hidden within us.

--Acriasis 04:21, 30 July 2012 (BST)

JamalJermaineJeromeTyroneLebron said ...

Alive: "It could also be translated like this. The human himself is a very multilayered being, and his various shrouds hide his real personality from other people."

I’ll translate this:

Hi my name is Big Chin Allan Kok, and I use my chin to cut my ham. Over multiple lifetimes, this lifetime in particular, I’ve developed quiet a taste for pressing my genitals onto others and tasting other people’s genitals. (It didn’t help, that I’m a faggot coward easily influenced by others and susceptible to peer pressure): “I could only say that I have no courage to express my thoughts and feelings about it. I am coward.” [Yes I already knew that psychopath robot.]

Imagine my dismay, when one day I met a person who I just knew I had to press my genitals on their face, only to find out that this person unlike 99.9999% brain dead monkeys Alive (rofl), was not willing to suck my dick – WAS NOT a faggot. I know right? A person that didn’t want to feast on my genitals? A non faggot? How dare they? I thought they’d been extinct in all 287456453734527388546695674363558 of our death bringing errors we’ve accumulated so far. Truly? A non faggot in our midst? Preposterous! Outrageous!

But that’s okay though, because pedophile old man Billy has given me his personal assurance that the human is concealing various shrouds of their real personality, so the person surely wants my dick in their mouth. There could be no other explanation! Not to mention the outrageousness of someone actually turning down BIG CHIN, small cock, Allan Kok’s cock? I find this convoluted explanation very appealing to my tyrant “suck-my-d!ck-by-force” mentality than the straightforward easily understandable explanation of simply being in Creation’s material which it set into motion according to its predefined unfathomable equation which it could have done anything with an infinite number of other ways, and the only truth existing is that of abstract truth. After all it’s not like the concept of “personality” is simply that of an entity’s preferences made possible to exist (in this case) by the power of Creation and therefore subject to Creation’s psychotic, tyrant, bondage-just-cause-said-so-punk laws/rules/equations/etc. NO!!!! I need something to justify me wanting to stick my d!ck in your mouth. Thank you old man pedophile Billy.

Hi, my name is Big Chin Small Cock Allan Kok; I use my chin to cut my ham and to chin fvck v@gin@s (moved on from fisting thanks to the spiritual teaching) and I approve this message.

PS. I felt it crucial to contribute to the human community that has done so much in spreading their evil death and decay disease to others, so I’ve included a rare find, a complete film youtube link of the unannounced big budget film already almost finished

Below is leaked footage of the new film about the Plejaren contacts and the Billy Meier Case being produced by LionsGate films set out for early 2013 release. The film actually produced and filmed in Austria, Switzerland and parts of Jordan and Syria to cover his midlife, documents the amazing tale of a horny pedophile Billy Meier as he spreads his gullible ass kissery for the monstrosity of the garbage Creational Absolute Dependency Death and Decay OBEY-I-SAY Laws (TM) that he readily ate up as if his disgusting fecal spewing anus was a gourmet meal.

Due to intellectual property rights – rights more CRUCIAL and SUBSTANTIAL than right to not get born on a 14x overpopulated toxic wasteland depleted in lifeforce and therefore being robbed of one's birthright of unimpeded accelerated evolution surrounded by charging psychopath robot bondage weapon wielding clowns – the youtube footage was removed just 2 days ago.

Fortunately, scene by scene pics in video format with 20 second intervals and captions are included below courtesy of the 2012 Olympics Sponsor, Visa in celebration of the 2012 Olympic games.., WHICH PROMISE TO BE A TOTAL BLAST, TRULLY A VERITABLE STADIUM SHAKER.

Without further delay, below leaked footage of the most epic film of 2013, the first big budget film of the Billy Meier Case:



GREETINGS NEIGHBOURHOOD PSYCHPATHS (99.9999% OF YOU – 100% of my relatives and “friends” included). Welcome to the apocalypse. It will be giving out extended and enriched lessons on the topic of mini me / more advanced pet / pocket forced friend fetishes - ON THE TOPIC OF BONDAGE.

You think yourselves righteous? Hmm? You think yourselves consciously advanced? WHAT BUSINESS DID YOU HAVE TO REPRODUCE AND EXPOSE YOUR KIDS TO EVEN 1 MILIMETER OF POTENTIAL DANGER.

What business did you have to spread your eating, shitting, breathing, decaying, dying disease to others, ugly low power level genital starved clowns?


--JamalJermaineJeromeTyroneLebron 05:20, 2 August 2012 (BST)