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[[Reincarnation#Common_misconceptions|Common misconceptions]]
[[Reincarnation#Common_misconceptions|Common misconceptions]]
==Conceptions founded upon misconceptions, misconceptions==
* We began looking at the world the way we do in ancient Greece apparently, when religions began to get started in their modern form. It would help the world view if we knew that we are [[Ageing]] at a rapidly accelerated rate than what is normal.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* The rate at which we age is not normal compared to other worlds and normal conditions.<sup>[citations needed]</sup> <span class="mw-customtoggle-commiscommis"><small><small>[Show/Hide]</small></small></span>
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* The first municipal treatment of water for regular drinking began somewhere in the 19th century, relatively recently though many before that had access to safe water in a more localised way. Its a particularly controversial fact in support of the Plejarens story because it demonstrates the rates of speed and development as well as awareness and progresses they discuss with Billy. Despite a country deciding to roll out safe water; massively revolutionising everything, with near instant national wealth boost, still even today an estimated 844 million people in the world – one in ten – do not have clean water. 2.3 billion people in the world – one in three – do not have a decent toilet. This additionally supports the Plejarens claims that the world is horribly mismanaged and that we still have not yet globalised despite it appearing that way.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
: A similar situation with access to education, reading and writing. Up until again an estimated 19th century most could neither read nor write in a useful way, again this holds the same revolutionary principles as the above water treatment example demonstrating again a basic level of mismanagement in many nations. Again it supports the Plejarens story that any unloading of information before about now would of had certain useless value if it could not have been widely understood. A religious education for much of history was considered the norm in most countries throughout the most recent known historical phase, which has a similar associated controversy inherent to it, in that free thinking for much of history was limited to a series of closet fringe thinkers who could not safely voice themselves with any clarity without veiling what they really thought, slow progresses up to those recent revolutions.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* Earth humans are generally unclean, both in terms of personal hygiene but also metaphorically in terms of generally being morally wrong.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* Earths evolution was never going to be normal.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* The aim of the thousands of years exercise was to boost the evolution of the Earth human in consciousness while doing so neatly within both the galactic agreements and the creative natural laws; in simple language these words mean ensuring we don't ever become dependent on any off world intelligence by feeding exclusively off what they have learnt not what we have learnt, which could easily have happened had we not developed that independence through our own problem solving and finding of our own answers - many bad times in history were necessary.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* The Plejaren indirectly founded the two largest Earth religions. It's not so much a case of being in a state of denial about it because they've always been fully informed, even if we go back to 13,500 years ago when the cognition was realised that the German language would need to exist in the new time in order to continue to transfer valueable necessary knowledge to the Earth human. But rather this was to as best as possible protect the group from the wider realities as well as more importantly from attack, to minimise the number of assassination attempts.<br>The process of reductionism reveals that without the Plejaren assistance of the Nokodemion spiritform then no inciting incident would ever have manifested in the first instance. We can therefore conclude that Earth is under the special management of the Plejaren Federation. All this has already been explained by BEAM already at one time or another.<br>It's probably worth then examining Earths two largest religions dispassionately for the possible value that they offer, given the effort to put them there in the first place, that without them Earth may have an entirely different possibly much worse situation, even aside all the afflictions that they have created.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* The Earth humans would have developed an array of religions themselves irregardless, as they had done for hundreds of thousands of years previously, but would never, could have ever achieved such a boost into the upper tiers of knowledge as they appear today, were it not for the Plejaren Federations continued knowledge transactions over millenia periods of time.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* Earth religions are considered some of the most evolved in the universe, even if belief by definition is only used by lower evolved civilizations.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* Earths political financial social and monetary systems are considered to have been taken further on this world than any other the Plejaren Federation have ever come across in the universe. Which then arguably fascinating will then end in more dramatic disasters than has ever been witnessed much less recorded ever before.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
* Earth humans have had their civilization restarted so many times now that a tremendous monstrous propensity moves strongly in these lowly evolved civilizations now, we cannot call them civilizations either. It therefore becomes more necessary than ever before with each passing attempt to finally hit the status of higher evolved civilization.<sup>[citations needed]</sup>
Details about the author are irrelevant, its knowledge about an entire humanity.
Details about the author are irrelevant, its knowledge about an entire humanity.

Revision as of 22:42, 22 March 2019

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions

Human Brain

Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions

Prophecies, Predictions and Probability calculations

Common misconceptions

Religion and Relegeon

Common misconceptions

Eduard Albert Meier

Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Situation of Earth
Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions

High Council

Common misconceptions

Great Journey

Common misconceptions

Great Pyramid

Common misconceptions


Common misconceptions


Details about the author are irrelevant, its knowledge about an entire humanity.

Further Reading
