Site News: Difference between revisions

From Future Of Mankind
Benjamin (talk | contribs)
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This page contains information about new articles and media added to this wiki.
==7th October 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 127]].
''Benjamin Stevens''

==2nd October 2011==
* Added a new page: [[Study Groups]]
* Added new article by Ondřej Štěpánovský, in [[FIGU Special Bulletin 62]], translated by José Barreto Silva.
''James Moore''
===5th June 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Hatred Makes the Human Beings Inhuman]]

==26th September 2011==
===14th May 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 887]]

* Added an existing article by Vivienne Legg, [[The Earth Human Speaks Of A Love That He Does Not Know]].
===8th May 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 886]]

''James Moore''
===24th April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Human and Being Human]]

==16th September 2011==
===21st April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 885]]

* Added new translation [[Contact Report 126]].
===20th April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 84]]

''Benjamin Stevens''
===16th April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 884]]

==6th September 2011==
===11th April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 883]]
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 83]]

* Added new translation [[Contact Report 125]].
===8th April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 882]]

''Benjamin Stevens''
===5th April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 82]]

==25th August 2011==
===3rd April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 81]]

* Added new article [[Will Humanity Wake Up…In Time?]] by several contributors.
===1st April 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 80]]

''James Moore''
===27th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 881]]

==22nd August 2011==
===26th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 79]]

* Added new videos into new [[Video]] section titled "Other Related Videos."
===22nd March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[The Human Being Must in Their Life Do Everything Affirmatively and Consciously]]

''Rem Robinson''
===19th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 78]]

==14th August 2011==
===17th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 77]]

* Added new article [[How can you be sure of the authenticity of the Meier case?]] by Subhabrata Mukhuti.
===15th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 880]]

''James Moore''
===14th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 76]]

==15th July 2011==
===13th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 75]]

* Added new translation [[Contact Report 124]].
===7th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 74]]

''Benjamin Stevens''
===5th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 879]]

==9th July 2011==
===4th March 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 73]]

* Added [[Contact_Report_241#Pages_2_to_7_of_official_English_Version_of_Contact_241_pamphlet|an excerpt of Contact Report 241]] that provides information about the dangers of skin tanning and smoking.
===25th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 72]]

* Wrote new blog article [[Blog:JamesMoore/Popular_Science_Supports_Meier's_Theory_On_Nuclear_Core_Meltdown_Due_To_Solar_Flare]].
===20th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 71]]

* Added new link to Daniel Leech's [ The Missing Link] to the [[Video]] page. A short documentary about the Creation within which we live.
===19th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 878]]

''James Moore''
===17th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 70]]

==6th July 2011==
===14th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 877]]

* Added new article [[Visit to FIGU - May 2010]] by Stephen Moore.
===12th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 69]]

''Rem Robinson''
===9th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 68]]

==22nd June 2011==
===5th February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 66]]
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 67]]

The new personal website of Eduard Albert Meier is online at
===3rd February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[FIGU Special Edition Sign of the Times 65]]

Billy will publish articles on this website from time to time. It's only in German so use [ Google Translate] if required.
===2nd February 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[The Human Beings Might Through Their Thoughts and Feelings]]

''James Moore''
===31st January 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 876]]

==16th June 2011==
===23rd January 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[How and Why Evil Begins in Human Beings]]

* Published new blog article [[Blog:JamesMoore/Disaster_Waiting_To_Happen]].
===22nd January 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Reverence and Honour Are the Primal Forces of All Knowledge]]
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 875]]

''James Moore''
===15th January 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[We Are Not Alone in the Vastness of Space]]

==13th June 2011==
===9th January 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[Contact Report 874]]

* Added new translation [[Contact Report 123]].
===4th January 2024===
* Added a new DeepL preliminary English translation of [[The Revitalisation of Consciousness through the Teaching of the Spirit]]
''James Moore''
==10th June 2011==
Published new blog article [[Blog:JamesMoore/The_UK_Government_Respond_Regarding_Solar_Flare_Threat]]
''James Moore''
==6th June 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 517]]: Ptaah's comments on the Fukushima disaster.
''James Moore''
==4th June 2011==
* Added new translation [[Kelch der Wahrheit (Goblet of Truth) and its Translation into the English Language]].
* Added new translation [[Leadership Role of the Core-Group of 49]].
* Added new translation [[Thoughts about the Sentence: I Always Remain Relaxed ...]]
* If you wish to be an editor of this Wiki, please send an e-mail to Please state your Wiki username, full name and home address and describe the changes or additions you intend to make to the Wiki once you are given access. This is an effort to further reduce spam and vandalism. Thanks.
''James Moore, Webmaster''
==3rd June 2011==
* Disabled all user-editing permissions until further notice.
''James Moore''
==2nd June 2011==
* Added a link to a documentary called "Earthlings" on the [[Video]] page that demonstrates many of the Earth humans' behavioral issues towards the animal kingdom. It also highlights the need to find alternatives to animal meat, e.g. in vitro meat (cultured meat grown in a laboratory) coupled with a significant reduction in population (resulting in a reduced food demand).
''James Moore''
==30th May 2011==
* Added a new blog post: [[Special:Wikilog|Work gives self-worth, a letter to the Metro newspaper]].
''James Moore''
==27th May 2011==
* Added a new translation by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg: an excerpt of [[Contact Report 516]]. Billy and Ptaah discuss the Fukushima disaster, why it is not possible to make atomic power plants completely safe from all risks and how the Plejaren themselves went through this experience, resulting in the deaths of millions of their people.
''James Moore''
==26th May 2011==
* Added a new translation by Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg: an excerpt of [[Contact Report 515]]. It contains information about the processes within the Sun and the potentially catastrophic effects that it can have on Earth mankind's electronic and electrically powered technology and power stations, including nuclear.
* Site was down today because PHP was upgraded to version 5.3.6 which broke a few extensions. I have now fixed them.
''James Moore''
==13th May 2011==
* Entered the corrections to [[Contact Report 512]] by Vivienne Legg. Read it again! It has slightly different meaning.
''James Moore''
==12th May 2011==
* [ The Brazil Retreat, July 16 – 21, 2011] - A unique opportunity to participate in the first retreat focused on the Billy Meier material and facilitated by two people with a long association with Billy Meier and the information (Christian Frehner and Michael Horn). The event will be held in an amazing, very picturesque part of the world, with organic food, clean air and water and very friendly people. While Portuguese is the native language, all events will be presented in English.
<gallery caption="The beautiful, mountainous area of Campos do Jordão" widths="200px">
[,+Brasil&aq=0&sll=-23.674713,-45.236206&sspn=3.848097,7.13562&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Campos+do+Jord%C3%A3o+-+S%C3%A3o+Paulo,+Brazil&t=h&z=12 Click here to find Campos do Jordão] on Google Maps.
==8th May 2011==
* Added new supporting evidence article [[Prior Knowledge Of Major Ozone Depletion]].
* Added two new translation excerpts:
** [[Contact Report 453]] - Ptaah is no longer an [[Ischwisch]].
** [[Contact Report 463]] - The planet of the females!
''James Moore''
==6th May 2011==
* Added new translation excerpt [[Contact_Report_512#Part_Two|Contact Report 512 Part Two]].
''James Moore''
==5th May 2011==
* Added new translation excerpt [[Contact Report 512]].
''James Moore''
==29th April 2011==
* Added old translation excerpt [[Contact Report 487]].
* Added new blog post [[29th April 2011 - Deadliest tornadoes since 1974 rip apart towns and lives in six US states]].
''James Moore''
==28th April 2011==
* Added new translation excerpt [[Contact_Report_457#Part_Two|Contact Report 457 Part Two]].
* New blog entry [[28th April 2011 - BUFORA Science Officer Thinks The Meier Case Is A Hoax]]
''James Moore''
==24th April 2011==
* Added new translation excerpt [[Contact Report 435]].
''James Moore''
==22nd April 2011==
* Added old article excerpt [[Harsh attacks and weak evidence]].
''James Moore''
==17th April 2011==
* Added new translation excerpt [[A Little Bit Of Knowledge, Sense And Wisdom]].
''James Moore''
==16th April 2011==
* Added new blog entry [[16th April 2011 - Episode Three of The Adventures of Billy Meier Graphic Novel out now!]].
''James Moore''
==14th April 2011==
There are a few more blog entries in the [[Blog]] if you're interested.
''James Moore''
==12th April 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 122]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==11th April 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 121]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==7th April 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact_Report_437#Further_Information_Regarding_the_Future_San_Francisco_Earthquake|Further information regarding the future San Francisco earthquake]].
''James Moore''
==3rd April 2011==
* Added new articles [[Ufologists' Opinions]], [[Wendelle Stevens]], [[Timothy Good]] and [[E-mail exchange between James Moore and Timothy Good - March 2011]].
''James Moore''
==23rd March 2011==
* Added [[A prophesy being forefilled? Or are Earth Humans changing it?]] by Stephen Moore
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==8th March 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 120]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==6th March 2011==
* Updated [[Sfath's Explanation]] and [[Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth (5th July, 1951)]] to latest revision.
''James Moore''
==5th March 2011==
* Added a new translation of a portion of [[FIGU Special Bulletin 20]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==2nd March 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 119]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==27th February 2011==
* Added new article [[Thoughts about belief, the truth, and proving the authenticity of the Meier case]]
''James Moore''
==15th February 2011==
* Added new translation [[How It All Began]].
''James Moore''
==13th February 2011==
* Added a PDF file of a new translation: [[FIGU Special Bulletin 58]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==10th February 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 118]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==9th February 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 117]].
''James Moore''
==8th February 2011==
* Added an excerpt from [[ FIGU Special Bulletin 57 ]], which commemorates Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.)
''Benjamin Stevens''
==7th February 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 483]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==1st February 2011==
* Added translation of excerpt from [[Contact Report 448]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==29th January 2011==
* Added translation [[A Word To Mankind]].
''James Moore''
==17th January 2011==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 116]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==2nd January 2011==
* Added new world event article [[2nd January 2011 - Australia's wettest spring on record brings massive flooding]]
* Added new world event article [[2nd January 2011 - Britain's coldest December in 120 years]].
''James Moore''
==1st January 2011==
Happy new year!
* Updated the main page to give it a new look. Variety is the spice of life!
* Updated [[Event Timeline]] with some more information.
''James Moore''
==21st December 2010==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 115]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==9th December 2010==
* Added new translation [[Understanding The Term “Creation”]].
''James Moore''
==5th December 2010==
* Added new translation [[Pineal Gland]].
* Added new translation [[Sixth And Seventh Senses]].
* Added [[Important Information Regarding Translations]].
''James Moore''
==3rd December 2010==
* Added new translation of an extract from [[Contact Report 501]], which deals with the original translation of the Talmud Jmmanuel by Isa Rashid.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==29th November 2010==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 114]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==25th November 2010==
* Added new article [[Beamship Spectrogram Comparison]].
==24th November 2010==
* Added a new [[blog]] and its first entry. You are free to add your own blogs here if you wish.
''James Moore''
==14th November 2010==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 113]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==7th November 2010==
* Added new translation [[Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012]].
''James Moore''
==5th November 2010==
* Installed the [ MediawikiPlayer extension] to enable the playing of more varied media formats and playlists.
* Uploaded [[Special:ListFiles|some mp3s]] and created the [[Peaceful Music]] page to play them all sequentially.
''James Moore''
==4th November 2010==
* Revised my translations of Contacts 164 - 166.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==3rd November 2010==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 111]].
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 112]].
==26th October 2010==
* Updated [[Asket's Explanations - Part 3]] and added a missing section up to Asket's line 28.
''James Moore''
==23rd October 2010==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 110]].
* Upgraded the MediaWiki CMS software that is powering this website to version 1.16 and installed the Usability Initiative extension collection. To set your skin to the new enhanced one, called "vector", you must login then select it in your preferences (click the '''My preferences''' link at the top of the page). Also recommended is that you enable the '''Enhanced Editing Toolbar''' in your preferences and other new features. The advertisements are no longer displayed for users that have logged-in.
''James Moore''
==22nd October 2010==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 11]].
''James Moore''
==21st October 2010==
* Added excerpt of [[Contact Report 371]].
''Benjamin Stevens''
==20th October 2010==
* Added new translation [[Contact Report 109]].
''James Moore''
==4th October 2010==
* Added [[Contact Report 108]]
''Benjamin Stevens''
==30th September 2010==
* Revised my translations of Contacts 161 - 163.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==29th September 2010==
* Added [[Contact Report 107]]
''Benjamin Stevens''
==26th September 2010==
* Added [[Contact Report 039]]
''Benjamin Stevens''
==15th September 2010==
* Added an article written by an atheist, entitled [[What's Wrong With Christianity?]]
''James Moore''
==13th September 2010==
* Added an excerpt from [[FIGU Bulletin 48]], which deals with the effects of hashish.
* Added an excerpt from [[FIGU Bulletin 67]], which also deals with hashish.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==9th September 2010==
* Revised my translations of Contacts 156 - 160.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==7th September 2010==
* Added new article [[FIGU Special Bulletin 53]] / [[Islamistic Terrorists Do Not Represent Islam just as terrorists of other faiths do not represent the other religions]].
''James Moore''
==5th September 2010==
* Added new article [[Another investigation on the Asket photo controversy]].
''James Moore''
==28th August 2010==
* Revised my translations of Contacts 151 - 155.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==22nd August 2010==
* Added new translation [[FIGU_Special_Bulletin_55#The_Deadly_Might_of_Thoughts_and_Feelings|The Deadly Might of Thoughts and Feelings]].
''James Moore''
==21st August 2010==
* Added new article [[World_Events#21st_August_2010_-_The_worst_floods_in_the_entire_history_of_Pakistan|21st August 2010 - The worst floods in the entire history of Pakistan]] to new page [[World Events]].
''James Moore''
==18th August 2010==
* Added a [[FIGU Special Bulletin 55]] article on Obama.
''Schantz / James Moore''
==16th August 2010==
* Added [[The Crime Against All Life]] by Michael Horn at []
''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")''
==13th August 2010==
* Revised my translations of Contacts 142 - 149.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==11th August 2010==
* [[Climate change - The facts and an important Plea]]
==2nd August 2010==
We decided to make only one chat meeting per weekend, so first part of meeting will be temporarily canceled. We hope this give us bigger turnout in second (and now only one) part.
<br /><br/>
[ More information about the next online meeting]
==31st July 2010==
* [[The Urge and the Enforcement /Constraint – Thoughts about the healthy and the unhealthy.]]
==30th July 2010==
* Revised my translated portions of Contacts 133 - 141.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==26th July 2010==
* Added [[An important word concerning the occult forces and meditation]] - excerpt from the booklet by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
==16th July 2010==
* Updated [[Contact Report 229]] to completion.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==14th July 2010==
* Updated [[Contact Report 228]] to completion.
''Benjamin Stevens''
==9th July 2010==
* Added [[Contact Report 227]]
''Benjamin Stevens''
==8th July 2010==
* Added [[Contact Report 226]]
''Benjamin Stevens''
==2nd July 2010==
* Added [[Contact Report 225]]
''Benjamin Stevens''

==Older News==
==Older News==
* [[Archived News January 2014 To December 2023]]
For older news click [[Archived News Pre July 2010|here]].
* [[Archived News January 2013 To December 2013]]

Revision as of 15:50, 5 June 2024

This page contains information about new articles and media added to this wiki.

Sunday, 22 September 2024

5th June 2024

14th May 2024

8th May 2024

24th April 2024

21st April 2024

20th April 2024

16th April 2024

11th April 2024

8th April 2024

5th April 2024

3rd April 2024

1st April 2024

27th March 2024

26th March 2024

22nd March 2024

19th March 2024

17th March 2024

15th March 2024

14th March 2024

13th March 2024

7th March 2024

5th March 2024

4th March 2024

25th February 2024

20th February 2024

19th February 2024

17th February 2024

14th February 2024

12th February 2024

9th February 2024

5th February 2024

3rd February 2024

2nd February 2024

31st January 2024

23rd January 2024

22nd January 2024

15th January 2024

9th January 2024

4th January 2024

Older News