Ischrisch Semjase (left) has commented very sparingly about just those matters (which can be found here) which Billy presents in the 100 words which he quoted from the 30,000 word long so-called "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".


                        Billy: "But, in spite of that, this means quite a damned danger."

"That also is correct, and it especially means a very great danger for yourself and for your life, because the fewest Earth humans will understand and want to understand, that we only speak the truth and only spread the truth regarding these things, and that we ourselves, as well as you, in spite of that, regarding the people themselves, do not possess anti-American and anti-Israeli ambitions in any form and in regard to the integrity of these countries." - Semjase, Contact #70 January 6th, 1977



These related comments from Semjase are provided below.

(Bolding is gaiaguys'.)

Billy’s first quote from the so-called "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" ... nonsense assertions ... ":

[3:3.] "In order to induce the power-hungry to a misuse of power we will bring all forces in opposition one to another. [7:2.] Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords and hostility. [7:3.] We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a world war ... "


Semjase Contact #70 Thursday, January 6th, 1977, 00:01 AM Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Volume 2, Pages 406 - 410

143. In Wahrheit waren die Hebraon der wirkliche Abschaum und Auswurf der Erdenmenschheit, denn durch sie wurde Streit und Kampf stetig in der ganzen Welt geschürt und noch mehr verbreitet, was sich bis zum heutigen Tage so erhalten hat. 

143. In truth, the Hebraons were the real scum and outcasts of Earth humanity, because through them fights and quarrels within the whole world were constantly stirred up and yet further spread, which has been maintained until the present day. 

144. Ruhe wird es auf der Erde erst dann endgültig geben, wenn dieser macht- und mordgierige und sich selbst zum Volke ernannte Hebraonbund völlig aufgelöst ist, der sich in verschiedene weltherrschaftssüchtige Sekten usw. aufgespaltet hat. 

144. Earth will first finally be calm, then, when this power-hungry and bloodthirsty Hebraon alliance, and which they themselves named as a people, which has split into various sects addicted to world control, and so forth, is fully dissolved. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Words in red, below, correspond to original ERRORS in the original version of this 136th contact conversation which was published by FIGU, and therefore read by many, in the Semjase Blocks and Prophetien und Voraussagen. (The following words in italics represent FIGU's recent corrections) But FIGU has recently advised us that the original version contains errors and the (quite different) version in the Kontackt Berichten, Block 4, published in 2003, is the correct one. Considering that this conversation deals with such a serious and sensitive topic - one that has also been the subject of much debate - we decided to make a note of the alterations here so that those familiar with, or owning, the original version can understand this and not continue to be misled by the earlier version. This page shows, for the remainder of the below quotes, the rest of the errors and subsequent corrections, (which we do not show here) made of the first published version. We also include the following excerpt from an email from FIGU's Christian Frehner to help explain the matter.

"As you may know the former versions of the contact notes (the old ones) were published based on the raw and uncorrected versions of the person who typed down the reports into a new format (at that time there were no computers used in FIGU), instead of using the corrected original (which contained hand-written corrections based on talks between Billy and Semjase). This unfortunate fact was realized several years ago (and, unfortunately, after the publication of "Prophetien und Voraussagen"). After realizing that there were major mistakes in the already published contact notes, Billy decided to publish the contact reports as books and with the "online" telepathic aid of the Plejarens who are in possession of the original "recordings" of the discussions."  - personal email correspondence 11th June 2006

Semjase Contact #136 Tuesday, October 14th, 1980, 11:41PM Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Volume 4 Pages 55-58 &  98-101

Billy: Menschenskind, du musst verdammt vorsichtig sein, was du hier sagst, denn das alles könnte als neofaschistisch und judenfeindlich ausgelegt werden.

Billy: Man alive, you must be damned cautious about what you say here, because all of this could be interpreted as being neo-fascist and anti-Jewish. 

Du weisst doch, dass dauernd antisemitische Machenschaften und ähnliches zu Prozessen und noch schlimmerem führen.

You also know that anti-Semitic machinations and the like constantly lead to legal procedures and even worse.

112. Diese Erklärungen sind aber erforderlich
dafür, was ich dir in diesem Zusammenhang zu sagen habe.
112. But these explanations are necessary for what I have to tell you in this context.

Billy: Das mag ja sein, aber trotzdem ist es gefährlich.

Billy: That may well be, but in spite of that, it is dangerous. 

Es könnte unsere ganze Mission gefährden und mir zumindest wieder Mordversuche auf den Hals jagen. 

It could endanger our entire mission, or at least attract murder attempts around my neck again.


126. Du weisst um die Intrigen der [Israelis] Verantwortlichen, die durch ihren Geheimdienst erstellt und durch die Revolutionen und Kriege in aller Welt vorangetrieben oder ausgelöst werden.

126. You know about the intrigues of the [Israelis] responsible ones, which are established through their secret service, and are advanced or set off through revolutions and wars throughout the world.

127. Du weisst aber auch, dass durch den amerikanischen, sowjetischen und israelischen Geheimdienst Meuchelmorde, Attentate und Politmorde in sehr grosser Zahl begangen werden und dass dieselben Geheimdienste politische Wirren auslöst und Regierungsstürze usw.

127. But you also know that through the American, Soviet and Israeli secret service, assassinations, assassination attempts and political murders are committed in very great numbers, and that the same secret services set off political confusions and topple governments, and so forth.

128. Was dir und den Erdenmenschen aber noch unbekannt ist, das ist die Tatsache, dass in vielen Revolutionen und Kleinkriegen die [Israelis] Kräfte direkt mitwirken und ungeheure Verbrechen begehen.

128. But what is still unknown to you and the Earth humans is the fact that in many revolutions and small wars the [Israelis] powers directly take part and commit monstrous crimes.


Billy’s further “nonsense assertion” quote of the so-called "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".

[9.] "Death is the inevitable end for all. Therefore, it is better to bring that end nearer to those who stand in the way of our goals ... "

Semjase Contact #136 Tuesday, October 14th, 1980, 11:41PM Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Volume 4 Pages 55-58 &  98-101

107. Nicht nur, dass der Geheimdienst und das Militär verbrecherischen Elemente und vertrauensvolle Freund in vielen Ländern der Erde haben, die sie bei Bedarf und zur Erreichung ihrer Ziele einfach wieder wie eh und je brutal und blutrünstig abschlachten, nein, sie haben es- wiederum wie die USA - durch ihre Intrigen auch verstanden, sich in den Regierungen, den Wirtschaftskonzernen und Banken usw. die betreffenden Freunde zu schaffen oder sich gar selbst in diese einzuschleichen, so ihre Macht bereits derartig gewachsen ist, dass dies vom Erdenmenschen nicht mehr erfasst und nicht mehr überblickt werden kann.
107. Not only that the secret service and military have criminal elements and trustworthy friends in many nations of Earth, who they, as ever, simply brutally and bloodthirstily butcher as needed and to reach their goals, no, they also have - again like the USA - through their intrigues, also understood how to make the appropriate friends in the governments, the economic concerns and banks, and so forth, or even creep into these themselves, so that their power has already grown to the degree that this cannot be grasped and perceived by Earth humans any more.


117. Nur wenige werden verstehen, dass wir nur die mörderischen und falschen Machenschaften der genannten Gruppen Erdenmenschen zu beanstanden und die übrige Menschheit vor ihnen zu warnen haben; eben die verbrecherischen Staatsmächtigen und ihre ihnen hörigen Schergen und Knechte, die für ihren Wahn und Fanatismus sowie für ihre Hörigkeit und Profitgier bedenkenlos über Leichen gehen, morden, zerstören und terrorisieren.

117.Only few will understand that we only object to the murderous and false machinations of these named groups of Earth humans [including the Israeli secret services and military], and have to warn the rest of mankind about them: being the criminal state powers and the myrmidons and servants who belong to them, who, for their delusion and fanaticism as well as for their serfdom and profit greed, go, without consideration, over corpses, murdering, destroying and terrorizing.


355. Ein Schlangengezücht von ganz besonders giftiger Art, das stets nur darauf aus war, mit Lug, Trug und Intrigen alles an sich zu reissen, wessen es habhaft werden konnte, wie das seit jeher bei diesem Mann der Fall war.

355. A brood of vipers of a quite especially poisonous kind, which constantly just aimed to forcefully pull everything into its possession, whatever it could get its hands on, with lies, deceit and intrigues, which has been the case for a long time with this man. (being Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin)


361. Es ist dies auch das Zeichen dafür, dass der Papst zu Rom mit den Regierenden des eigentlich zu Arabien gehörenden Landes Israel  bald gemeinsame Sache zu machen beginnen will, wobei der Papst dumm genug sein wird, nicht zu erkennen, dass auch er von Israels Machthabern nur als Mittel zum Zweck ausgenutzt wird , für deren dunkle und undurchsichtige Pläne.

361. This [being Begin's machinations] also is the sign that the Pope in Rome will soon begin to make common cause with, the government of the land of Israel, which essential belongs to Arabia, by which the Pope would be stupid enough not to recognize, that he also is only exploited by Israel's power mongers as a means to an end for  their dark and opaque plans.


August 2006

About the events in Israel, in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon

"... Israeli sets itself above all human rights and agreement in regard to a supervised conduct of war, and grins maliciously in the face of the entire world ..."

"That, quite especially then, if the Islamic world suddenly openly unites against Israel and razes it to the ground, as it has been brought to expression in various prophecies since ancient times."

 (IF that occurs) "In Jerusalem the few still living people will wade in ankle-deep human blood."

"For their purpose they do not shrink in horror from either any kind of war crimes, or from knowingly killing children and women through well-considered attacks of the air force and ground troops, which they, however, deny in every case, and meanwhile describe the entire thing as oversights and the like. Today I stayed in the Lebanese war area and, with horror, had to recognize the real truth  which is not recognized by the world and also is kept secret from the Israeli people." Ptaah, July 11th, 2006

"In my opinion, keeping silent does not mean neutrality, rather tolerance and the promotion of the political, punishment-related, religious, militaristic and terrorist atrocities. Every human who knows these things, and thereby the truth of the facts, and is silent over them, makes himself guilty of irresponsibility and of a crime against all humans who come to death or damage through political, militaristic, religious, sectarian, war-related, criminal and terrorist behaviors and actions. Neutrality means, therefore, also to be active in relation to bearing responsibility in regard to the open naming and denouncing of the existing facts and the wrong ways of behavior of all those who govern the world, as, however, also all their myrmidons and vassals who carry out their orders in ways of war, terrorism or other ways unworthy of humans. Silence is never compatible with neutrality, because this requires that the effective facts of war, terror of destruction, murder, torture, wrong punishment-orders and rape, and so forth, become openly and clearly named, and indeed in regard to all contracting parties and persons. He who is silent is not only cowardly and not neutral, rather also absolutely irresponsible." Billy, July 11th, 2006

September 9th, 2006

 An update from Ptaah on Israel's most recent (major) war.

Extracts from the official 432nd contact dialog between Ptaah and Billy, from August 15th, 2006.

"I personally observed the war zone in Lebanon today in respect of the ceasefire ... It is unbelievably primitive, the destruction that was caused down there, especially through the Israelis, who have raged like the insane who are no longer in command of their reason and understanding." - Ptaah  

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