The Meier Contacts
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Can you handle the wonderfully bizarre TRUTH about the HUMAN extraterrestrials now involving themselves with us?
the Billy Meier case has been reviewed by expert researchers, scientists and journalists worldwide. Their conclusions are all the same: Billy Meier is having contacts with extraterrestrials.For more than 25 years,
gaiaguys thinks it's VERY admirable and intelligent of these highly spiritually advanced extraterrestrial human beings to initiate contact in a secondary language, so the truth can seep gently into the English-speaking world without ignorant panic. Please scroll right down this opening page for much more on this vital topic.
Anyone who was awake on September 11th, 2001 knows what it feels like to experience history as it unfolds before our eyes. Michael Horn’s unique DVD about Billy Meier’s scientifically proven and ongoing extraterrestrial contacts does more than evoke within us this dynamic sense of history, as it gently inscribes the final chapter of the Copernican Revolution. The owner of this DVD is initiated into nothing less than the breathtaking sensation of cosmic manifest destiny that the life of a planet experiences only once.An ancient door has closed on the age of belief and is opening on the age of knowledge. The Golden Age is upon us at long last.
I cannot think of a better English language introduction than this DVD to the vast labyrinth of what has come to be known simply as “the Meier material”. It’s all here: plus a selection of the best flying saucer 8mm movies and crystal clear close-up stills that the new Digital Video Disk medium reveals so impressively with its freeze-frame and zoom features.
In one small package, you have all you need to be logically convinced of the wonderfully bizarre truth, and get started on our bright and compelling path into a peacefully sustainable future. Taking individual responsibility, we can jointly fulfill this Golden Age with a little help from our friends and relatives from the stars.
The Key To Our Future Survival
by Michael horn
This nearly two-hour long DVD Lectu-mentary first establishes the authenticity of the Meier contacts far beyond a reasonable doubt based upon the abundant, still irreproducible physical evidence and the prophetically accurate, scientific and world event-related information published by Meier years, and even decades, before "official" discovery or occurrence. It then presents prophecies for the near future and examines some of the core principles recommended as guidelines for human survival and evolution by the Plejaren.
Also presented is an overview of the Plejaren perspective of some of the realities of universal life and Creational laws, along with information on the Salome Peace Meditation as practiced by 3.5 billion extraterrestrial humans within the Plejaren federation, as well as by many terrestrials, in support of peace and harmony for the people of planet Earth.
While the Meier Contacts, which have been ongoing for over 60 years, clearly contain the most authentic and important evidence and information about UFOs and extraterrestrials, it should be obvious to anyone viewing this presentation that they are far more important for the information that they offer to us for assuring our future survival.
Some of the topics include
The Creation•
• Cause and Effect
• The Human Spirit
• Reincarnation and Karma
• Judgment
• The High Council
• The Aging and Aggression Genes
...and much, much more!
$25.00 (US) plus shipping $4 (US) $6 (overseas) Send check or money order to Michael Horn P.O.B. 5163 Playa del Rey, CA90296 USA
Or just click here and use your credit card
NEXUS Magazine reviews Michael Horn's new DVD,
everyone who watches it will be most stunned at what they see and hear."- Duncan RoadsTHE MEIER CONTACT: The Key to Our Future Survival
" ... truly amazing and very specific material. No wonder some people want him (Meier) shut up!" "There is much on this DVD for everyone, and
August 2006
We review Michael Horn's brand new DVD, Standing in Spirit:
Guido Moosbrugger's astonishing book, "And Still They Fly" (ISBN 0-9711523-1-4), the long anticipated second edition of And Yet They Fly. After more than a year of review by six national and international editors resulting in the most accurate German-to-English translation to date,
Moosbrugger's extraordinary review takes readers directly into the world of UFOs and paranormal activity, offering an unflinching account of Billy Meier and his life as a contactee as well as in-depth information on extraterrestrial life, an overview of their technical capabilities and the reasons for visiting earth. And Still They Fly is sufficiently detailed as to serve the reader who is contemplating a closer look into the scientific facts of the case, or one who is already very familiar with them.
Without any qualification, the most important book our planet has ever seen.
The weight of this testimony, along with supporting government documents and other evidence, establishes beyond any doubt the reality of UFOs, extraterrestrial vehicles and life forms and advanced energy and propulsion technologies resulting from the study of these objects.
"A clear and on-going threat to the national security and world peace has arisen due to unsupervised actions that have led to the targeting and downing of these extraterrestrial objects. Related covert plans are in place to weaponize space. Since it can be proven that we are sharing space with other civilizations, it is critical that a full disclosure of this subject take place and that the National Missile Defense System/SDI be re-evaluated by policy makers in this new light."
(Dr Steven Greer, Disclosure Project Director. 2001 Background Briefing Points for Congressional Hearings and Legislation.)