February 2004   What's Been Said in Extraterrestrial Circles This article links messages for Earth Humanity relayed through the U.S. - based Disclosure Project and through the Swiss contactee Billy Meier, with a particular emphasis on Crop Circles.



The Hard Language of Truth

(by Vivienne Legg) March 2003

verse 26 (Talmud Jmmanuel) "These two men from the constellation of the seven stars were venerable teachers, and they were together with two smaller men who said that they were from Baawi.

verse 27. They said: "People have come from the heavens to Earth, and other people have been lifted from Earth into the heavens; the people coming from the heavens remained on Earth for a long time, and they created the intelligent human lineages.

verse 49. "Not until the time of space-traveling machines will the truth break through and gradually shake the false teaching that you are the son of god or Creation.

verse 50. "And this will be the time when we celestial sons begin to reveal ourselves anew to Earth humans, when they will have become knowing and will threaten the structure of the heavens with their acquired power."

verse 51. Thus they spoke, the celestial sons between the North and the West, before bringing Jmmanuel in the metallic light back to Israel, to the land of Galilee."

  These quotes are from Chapter 4 (Jmmanuel's Arcanum) Talmud Jmmanuel, which appears to be the original, uncorrupted teaching and arcanum of the man known as Jesus ('...the book and arcanum of Jmmanuel, who is called "the one with godly knowledge",...') We can learn more about it's authenticity by reading Professor James Deardorff's heroic work.



Adjust your mind

No time to waste

Why believe contactee Billy Meier?

More on war

Government/military insiders on Extraterrestrial motives

Cosmic alliance, its monitoring and limited involvement

Black (rogue) military operations

Advice on the environment

Good and some bad visitors

Immediate future

Religion and spirituality



I should explain here what got my partner Dyson and me on to this frenzied journey of discovery about extraterrestrial contact, when previously we had only a peripheral fascination with crop formations. We had been watching the new formations appear almost daily (during the U.K.crop season) via the internet since 1997 since we had hooked up to the internet in our struggle as whistleblowers, to expose unchecked political corruption in Australia. We already concluded that the crop formations are created by a greater, benign intelligence intent on alerting us to a greater reality and to it's existence. Each year was more spectacular than the last. We were accustomed to seeing patterns and themes develop and increase in complexity during the course of each season. But in August 2001 the already astonishing crop circle season climaxed in a distinctly different and distinctly serious pair of formations. These were so serious and different that we both were sure that something really globally troubling was in the wings, either as a reaction to the formation, or which had prompted the formation. It would have been no less disturbing had it been a hoax, because it would have been a frighteningly resourced hoax with a potentially terrifying effect. What had prompted this apparent formal introduction, after weeks of exquisitely complex, increasingly immense geometric patterns, which, although packed with mathematical and symbolic information, seem otherwise non-specific and anonymous? Why now this face and what we call the "calling card"? This rectangular pattern adjacent to the face contained information describing its makers, including size (about a metre) population, and other information. In fact it mimicked the contents of a 20 trillion watt radio signal message that had been sent out from the Arecibo (Puerto Rico) radio telescope in 1974 by the founder of SETI, which rather carelessly gave details about Earth's people and population (including our average height). Was this August 2001 crop formation an attempt to respond directly to the citizens of Earth, who had for decades been denied evidence by the powers-that-be about the existence of extraterrestrials?

Just over three weeks after this historic formation appeared, the famous September 11th attack on the United States occurred.

And so we accelerated our search for answers. We have been dismayed to find that most people in the established UFOlogy community have little or no acknowledged interest in that crop formation, or they dismissed it as a hoax. But we have since learned that the UFOlogy community, poisoned by incomprehensively highly funded saboteurs, has been instrumental, knowingly or otherwise, in obscuring the truth about extraterrestrial contact. Initially stuck for where to start our reading we bought a copy of Australasian UFOlogy magazine. With the exception of a mention, almost in passing, of the amazingly historic UFO "Disclosure Project " with its 500+ military/intelligence witnesses, that magazine was extremely uninformative. This is especially striking considering the wealth of information now available, thanks to the still largely shunned Disclosure Project. But some people have become comfortable in the mystery surrounding UFO's and are resisting having it resolved, preferring to merely focus on the latest stories of lights in the sky, superseded material or worse, the latest tales of frightening abductions by cruel reptile-like creatures. However, they ignore the new and extensive material that sheds light on what's really behind the abduction hysteria, or that contradicts earlier material.

In those early stages of our journey we also, half-seriously, borrowed what UFO videos our local video hire outlet had. Again, one item in one of these stuck out above the rest. It was the Billy Meier case, which includes, and is supported by, thousands of pages of no-nonsense transcripts from contacts, hundreds of independently analysed photographs of beamships, metal samples and even the hugely sensitive and unpopular correction of false religious teaching! It sounded too good for us not to have known about it. We now know that it's because it's so good that we didn't know about it. Billy Meier and his visiting extraterrestrial friends and teachers are so real that people have great difficulty accepting them. (Another factor that requires mentioning here is the previous claim from these extraterrestrials that they come from the Pleiades. This has been enough to put off a vast and select portion of the population who know that the region of space anywhere near the "Pleiades" is uninhabitable. Billy Meier explains in the FIGU (Free Community of Interests in Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies) bulletin Volume 1, No 5. published in 1995 that, "the Pleiadians/Plejarans, with whom I now have been in contact for twenty years, do not come from these stars but from another space-time configuration in another dimension 80 light years beyond the Pleiades." The fact that the Plejarans did not publicise this fact until recently means that all the false mediums and false contactees claiming to be in contact with people from the Pleiades have been exposed as frauds. The Plejaran's existence and associated knowledge pose an enormous threat to the status quo, and subsequently has also been the focus of unimaginably elaborate trashing and discrediting campaigns.

Why do we trust the Meier material? Well, we don't trust it unquestioningly. However it's effect is to force us to think about and question the whole topic of extraterrestrial contact, and also how we live on this planet. It contains advice about fixing the environment, living sustainably, thinking logically, gaining wisdom and knowledge and it would, if studied conscientiously, lead to a sane and just world, free of deceptive religious teaching. We need to remember the aforementioned metal samples, photos and other evidence. And we need to reach our own conclusions about how valid the Plejaran advice is. The many documented attacks on Meier and regular threats to his life support the case for it's authenticity. Happily the components of his material that we do find nonsensical or contrary to our own assessments serve to force us to arrive at conclusions about what is true through our own thought and reasoning. This is both a clever and necessary device and is not an intentional quality of deliberately deceptive material, which would aim to provide us with all the desired answers without raising suspicions.

We continue to find these three main bodies or sources of information - crop formations, The Disclosure Project (and its' director Steven Greer) and the Billy Meier case - the most reliable and consistent available, which, unlike so many others, are supported by masses of evidence and logic. We continue to find the producers/co-ordinators trustworthy, ethical people who show none of the all too common signs of being ego-driven or self-serving. It appears quite the contrary. Also, regardless of the personalities involved, the material stands alone. Finally, these sources are largely (though not entirely) consistent with each other. Interestingly they do not very openly, if at all, refer to each other, requiring us to make the connections for ourselves. After-all, if we cannot, or will not do that, we will not be able to discern our way out of the mess that we are in.

I hope you can use this, my rather rushed summary of extraterrestrial advice, as a starting point for investigating this topic yourself. (Please don't take my word for it.)

So what are they all saying, in a nutshell? What do these aforementioned sources agree on? Simply put, it goes like this: we have a short time to act to avert disaster for humanity and for the Earth. "Much pain, but still time." read part of an excitingly direct August 2002 wheat field message (the climax of the season). This was apparently also from the little �Greys� as the message (in binary code in a circular pattern) was accompanied by a self-portrait! The Plejarans (not actually from, but coming via the Pleiades) who communicate via Billy Meier tell us that if we act quickly and sanely we can avoid the disasters of the now-to-be-published Henok (Enok) prophecies. The Disclosure Project team tell us that we must disclose the truth about UFOs and illegal, trans-national military projects with their secret, advanced technologies soon, as the human future on Earth hangs in the balance.



Before I go further into details, here are some things I think worth remembering when contemplating these extraterrestrials:

1. Think people, ...in both the general sense of the word (evolved 'creatures' are people) and more specifically too, since those who apparently have been leading the organised oversight of Earth in this dangerous part of our history appear to be our distant relatives. Humanity did not start here. The one race (the Plejarans) to have clearly and credibly left masses of now transcribed information for us to study tell us that we came from elsewhere and our relatives are in their billions throughout the Universes. Also remember that space flight is no problem, and takes little time for the advanced races. The notion of super-luminal (faster than the speed of light) travel has even recently been accepted by mainstream popular scientists like Paul Davies. Einstein was wrong, according to even the mainstream journals like Nature. Earth science is catching up. Our neighbourhood is apparently abuzz with concerned visitors.

2. Think politics, not necessarily the way we have come to see it in our degenerate level of development, but in the purer sense of the word. Think about how people organise themselves. Imagine a more mature version of the United Nations, equal to a far greater level of spiritual development, greater than that of a people who have been without war for 50,000 years. Think about strategy.

3. Don't think about perfect beings. They say they are not and seem to go to some effort to demonstrate that they are not. And they tell of others who are barbaric and dangerous to us. But there is a level of organisation that means that we currently enjoy the protection of more evolved beings to some extent.

4. Remember that extremely advanced technology and ethics is sometimes going to come across as unbelievable. Naturally, we can't imagine why or how certain things can be. These things also sound suspiciously like science fiction. But ask yourself, which came first? The Plejarans tell us that there has been a lot of subtle influence on Earth moviemakers by advanced races. On the other hand, consider what you would do if you controlled the entertainment industry and wanted to make extraterrestrial contact seem ridiculous in order to protect yourself from inevitable shattering revelations that would accompany UFO disclosure.

5. Deal with your pride. Rejoice in the fact that there are beings out there, and nearby, who know better, can see further, think faster and better, etc. Take advantage of this wonderful situation. Let's learn from it.

6. It's hard to talk about highly advanced people without triggering alarm bells in Earth people because much of it sounds dangerously like hero worship. But try to imagine that such wonders can exist, and how else do you describe them? Also, note that those who are apparently the most evolved people dealing with us at this time are the same people who are extremely critical of religion and avoid personal contact partly because most of us would fall on our faces and/or want to do everything they tell us without question. They force us to think for ourselves (which they obviously think we have the potential to do) and not to fall into the trap of worship, as we did in the past.

7. On the topic of pride, the egos of our current political leaders, both acknowledged and unacknowledged, would have profound difficulty being advised, cautioned and restricted by people off-planet, and are resisting this at the very least.

8. Consider that the extraterrestrial people interacting with Earth may sometimes be telling lies for a couple of reasons. One is to protect their own security (since we're such an aggressive, power hungry people on the verge of interstellar travel) and secondly, to prevent us from trusting them mindlessly. There is at least another reason too. In order to avoid forcing this strange new reality on us and causing psychic harm, we must be given, where feasible, the option not to believe. This can be made available by throwing in some stupid stuff along with the serious stuff. (Of course we Earth-humans are contributing enormously to this!) This really does force us to think for ourselves, which is exactly what we have to do for our long-term evolution for the better. How's your pride coping?



We now have an extraordinary opportunity to start to learn about how this cosmic political system works and how we fit into it, and what the immense benefits and dangers are. But we as a people must be prepared to open our eyes, and quickly. And that involves shining the spotlight on our own power-greedy leaders who are currently hell bent on keeping our eyes closed and deceiving us. One of the same sources that is providing quality information about the UFO cover - up, the 500+ strong Disclosure Project team, is also telling us about a secret, rogue government agenda and it's unconstitutional black-budget projects. This is truly chilling. This brings us again to 2002's peak crop formation. As mentioned, this was another face. But this time instead of the quite youthful, human-looking face (the one on Mars!) it was of the classic, Hollywood 'grey alien'. In this picture he/she (or ?) was holding a circular message in binary code, which once decoded read, "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing." (It seems fitting that it is those 'Greys' who delivered that message, since it is primarily they who have been demonised by the X-files and other superficially benign entertainment, as well as by many professional Ufologists.) Since we are apparently under some kind of intergalactic protectorate, our greatest danger seemingly lies on-planet. So we must have disclosure, one that is not hijacked by self-serving scaremongers.

Hence the necessary, controlled effort by the extraterrestrial oversight organisation to awaken ordinary people without doing anything that would be, or would be interpreted as, taking control, because that would have serious negative repercussions, even if it was otherwise for the best. This is why I state with confidence, as do the Plejarans, that extraterrestrials are not controlling our government. (You could argue that, in a sense, any people who are so far advanced both spiritually and technologically are, by default, in control, but it comes down to ethics. Those overseeing us are not permitted to interfere beyond a certain point.) We are currently in a very dangerous period. The Plejarans who have been physically meeting with and providing advice through their one citizen contactee (too many cooks spoil the broth) Billy Meier, feel obliged to help (as well as to carry out a policing role) since they are distant and very highly evolved descendants of some of the less evolved extraterrestrials who travelled here thousands of years ago (and took advantage of our ignorance by misrepresenting themselves as creators and as "God".) Some did much to harm us and control us. Thankfully the Plejarans state and demonstrate quite different goals. The Plejarans appear to be heading an alliance of sorts comprising a number of races that apparently have the same general goal but varying roles in monitoring this dangerous time.


Semjase, a Plejaran and half-Jschrjsch or demi-goddess of wisdom, who is said to be the best oriented extraterrestrial concerning our situation on Earth has explained to Billy why they don�t make more direct open contact. Guido Moosebrugger, a close insider and supporter of Meier has explained in his Meier approved book, "And Yet They Fly" that there are compelling reasons why they do not land publicly and do not openly contact governments. Instead they seek out a few people who, "have absolutely no political, military or financial ambition." Semjase explained, "The spirit of many Earth people is still confined and pressed into religious slavery. Some of them (after the landing) would honor us ETs as heavenly gods, just as they did in earlier times." [1] The Disclosure Project has provided evidence that rogue military projects have even targeted and shot down extraterrestrial vehicles. This kind of hostility with its associated scare mongering propaganda would make a public landing unwise.)

Surprisingly, and importantly, Billy is an unassuming farmer with no political, financial or ego driven ambition. Free from political obligation and entanglement, residing in a politically neutral country, he has been able to carry out his mission of informing Earth people about extraterrestrials and their reason for being here. How do we know Billy isn't just another charlatan? It becomes obvious when you study the authorised accounts And Still They Fly, and the FIGU (Free Interest Group for Fringe and Ufological Studies) website rather than just the debunkers� accounts. Also see the debunking of the debunkers. The disinformation merchants rely on our laziness. The independent thinking that is required to appreciate this strange, potentially suspicious state of affairs is the same state of mind required for recognising that our current leadership and associated governing organisations are not compatible with learning the truth and advancing in such a way that we can escape the impending slippery slope of self-destruction.

I include below a recent quote from Billy to show that his is plain, no-frills, common sense and representative of the real, un-diplomatic and often hard truths that the Plejarans and Billy deliver. We agree that this bluntness is refreshing and necessary in pursuing truth. Diplomacy gets in the way of honest exchange. (Think about it.) As Billy said to Semjase's father, Plejaran spacecraft commander Ptaah (King of Wisdom and overseer of Earth) in 1994, "None of them [famous leaders] understands that someone who thoughtfully and justly criticizes another human being's actions, thoughts, feelings, lifestyle and opinion, among other things, is that person's true friend. He who praises but omits criticism is the worst enemy." [2] (Be aware that all the Meier material is an English translation from German.)

"The [US] Senate, the Congress and the people have to change their mind for the better and stop the insanity of their president who irresponsibly demands revenge and who, obviously, is out of his senses. This should be done before he -- in his state of deranged reason -- triggers a third world fire and drives all of humankind into death and destruction and, in the end, turn the planet to ruins and ashes." [3]

As Guido Moosbrugger writes, "With the regular repetition of a striking clock, the harsh and rough-hewn language in Billy's scripts is rejected. A large number of readers are bothered by this fact and prefer to turn to other books whose contents do not attack their psyche so fiercely but instead, soothe it like oil and balsam." [4]

Billy Meier is the prophet of the new age according to his Plejaran visitors and other high intelligences. However a prophet, the Plejarans explain, is simply a human being with unusually advanced, pre-eminent knowledge and wisdom, in this case making it possible for a much more highly advanced people to make contact in order to provide necessary assistance and guidance. Meier finds the label pretentious sounding and has only accepted it over time, and grudgingly. His role has been extremely burdensome.

Billy rarely makes political statements because he does not consider this his role, which is a very practical and difficult one. His role has been to spread the news of his extraterrestrial visitors and share what they have shared with him (spiritual teaching, practical advice of all kinds, photographs, metal samples, mineral samples, an audio recording and more) in order to cause controversy, thus getting the awareness of UFOs rolling. This campaign began in 1974. He avoids attracting followers who would hang off his every word. This is partly because we must find truth for ourselves and learn through our own journey of discovery; an approach discouraged by religion. Although Billy is unusually evolved, as has been required for his unique and extremely difficult task (which, among other things, has attracted at last count 19 assassination attempts) he is far from perfect. This is another reason why we should question what he tells us, just as we should question what the Plejarans and others tell us.



Billy Meier very recently released some historic and prophetic writing, as he was instructed to do years ago, intended for all of humanity as a dire warning. The following are excerpts from one piece written on January 30th, 2003, addressed to "the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth". Billy has also included an excerpt from Plejaran Quetzal, commander of all Plejaran stations (no longer in existence) in our Solar System. Delivered on December 31st 1988, this accurately predicted the tremendous crises facing us now and those who are leading it.

(Billy) " Thus everything leads towards a religious Bush-War although Islam i.e. the Muslims have not given any reason for America to lead such a war, considering that no account is taken of the minority of the insane terrorists who in their fanaticism are not in command of their mind and reason. And the whole of mankind cowardly looks on at all these machinations of those who bring about death, suffering, hardship, pain, ruin and destruction to the world and its human beings."

"...yet there is still time to prevent further disaster and further insanity of warlike and terrorist behaviour, if mankind finally defends itself against such irresponsible statesmen and warmongers and drive them out of their powerful positions before they can trigger the final catastrophe. Mankind has yet a last chance to prevent their own as also the world's destruction and the worst happenings since the existence of mankind and let the old prophecies not come true. If everything is directed into the right channels and human beings let reason decide, then the old prophecies cannot be fulfilled. If the broad masses of mankind do not apply this reason, and they do not bring the mighty and powerful to their senses and they are not removed to let reasonable and conscientious strong leaders take over the governing of states, then annihilation is certain."

(It must be clarified that, as we are told by the Plejarans, prophets prophesy. A "prophesy", unlike a "prediction", which tells of something unavoidable, serves as a warning of what will happen unless we change our direction for the better.)

On December 31st, 1988, 15 years ago, Quetzal told Billy the following: "Officially, you should publish them (the Henok Prophecies) after January 1st, 2003. It will then be the moment in time when you shall make an appeal to the rulers of the earth, warning them that the Third World War threatens if worldwide political peaceful ways are not chosen and adopted immediately. At the same time you shall also indicate that the great threat comes especially from America, Israel, Iraq and Palestine, whereby especially America will be the greatest evil that wants to settle in all states worldwide in a military and economical manner, and these are the reasons among others that especially in the Islamic world, great and mighty organizations of terror develop which prepare for death, horror, ruin and destruction all around the world, but especially aim at America, whereby also many other countries will be affected. Yet, also Israel and Palestine as well as Iraq will be involved in this bad game although most of the guilt for this evil will be found in the warmongering and war-leading ringleaders George W. Bush, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Husain, and Ariel Sharon as I explained already at earlier times. Will there not be a turn for the better in the beginning of the millennium the prophecy according to Henok will come true that the Third World War in the year 2006 will take place and two thirds of mankind will lose their lives. [Billy explains that it could be 2003 depending on if the time was calculated from the date of the birth of Jmmanuel.] And all this, because immense deadly weapons will be used, such as biological and chemical, as well as nuclear and such related to radiation. With that, a catastrophe will befall the earth and mankind as never before was and never will be again. Yet mankind can still win if reason and common sense is the highest objective, and all the irresponsible powerful in states and their followers and supporters are relieved of their positions solely for the well-being of mankind and therefore also for true peace and for the actual freedom. The irresponsible and criminal elements, who are powerful and self-glorifying, as well as their followers who cry for war and terror, have to be removed immediately by the people and indeed, in the near future when, as I already mentioned earlier, the irresponsible and powerful of America, Israel, Palestine, and Iraq, despising human lives, are involved in their deadly and destructive insanity. Naturally, many statesmen in power would have to be named who irresponsibly abuse their power, but the true ringleaders of all evil are the powerful and their followers in the states of America, Israel, Palestine, and Iraq." [5]

But will the extraterrestrials save us? Jschwjsch Ptaah was until recently the overseer of Earth (not to be confused with the Ptah of ancient Egypt or Ptaah, the son of the barbarian Jschwjsch, Arus I who menaced ancient Earth) He told Billy, regarding intervention in war, "Interventions are only permitted if recognizable catastrophes of a galactic or intergalactic scope emerge." "Every life form must go the way of its own evolution, even if it is led by way of self-destruction." [6] Moosbrugger explains, "Based on a Creational Law, It is not possible that even one single Earth person will be evacuated by an ET rescue action if we actually go so far as to transform our Earthly globe into a deadly inferno." [7] Some of the extraterrestrial interest in us at this time is certainly to do with our potential to threaten the cosmos with our aggression and our destruction of Earth. Asket of the Timars (another race who share our ancient ancestry and assist the Plejarans in monitoring Earthly affairs) told Billy that we are nearing a time when we cannot only destroy ourselves but are threatening the balance of cosmic space as well. This message is supported by military and government insider witnesses of the Disclosure Project.

All this will bring us eventually to what many Disclosure Project military, government and intelligence witnesses urgently have to say about hoaxed ET abductions and hostility and a planned massive hoaxed ET attack on Earth which is intended to unite us in ignorance, terror, militarism and war and facilitate a further degree of world control, presumably by the remnants of those same powers who have been fomenting wars for decades, if not centuries...if not millennia. (The Disclosure Project witnesses also testify about ET vehicles being shot down.) We have heard from Billy and the Plejarans about the Giza Intelligences (ancient gods of the underworld) who have apparently been the cause of "many unsavoury global intrigues for several millenniums." For now I will largely stick to Moosebrugger's phraseology to describe these criminals further. They were/are distant descendants of the Lyrian and Vegan races (as are the Plejarans) who visited Earth and colonized it many times over the last twenty-two million years. These power-hungry scientists fled about fifteen thousand years ago after failing in an attempt to take control of the planet using their scientific ability. (This sounds a lot like those who are controlling the transnational, secret military projects described now by the Disclosure Project.) After settling on Beta Centauri they developed incredible technologies, returned to Earth two thousand years later and succeeded in establishing "a supremacy of brutal force". They were malicious and bestial people and were trained how to use intrigues to stir up discord and play one man against the other. "In their megalomania they let themselves be praised as God" [8] They demanded blood sacrifices. They performed deadly retaliatory measures against Earth people.

The leader of this renegade group, Arus I, was killed by his son Arussem who intended to continue this malicious domination over the people but was prevented by two well-meaning brothers, and was thus himself exiled (with followers) about three-thousand, three-hundred and fifty years ago. Still, he soon also secretly returned and hid underground close to the pyramids, hence the name Giza Intelligences. The deadly, ingenious intrigues continued, spreading false religious teachings, negatively influenced states of consciousness and more. They influenced about seven-hundred and sixty-five political and church leaders. They never gave up their goal of world domination and were even the puppet masters to Hitler! Thankfully the Plejarans deported the the Giza Intelligences for good to a distant planet in May of 1978, where they have no access to technical aids and only bare necessities until their deaths. But their powerful influence continues on.




Clifford Stone, a retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant who had been part of UFO crash retrieval operations explains that the extraterrestrials are not hostile towards us. "Their purpose in being here is for scientific purposes and for humanitarian purposes." [9] Stone says that despite what NASA tells us we will have achieved interstellar travel by the end of the century (the twenty-first century). (This statement is supported by other Disclosure Project evidence relating to suppressed, advanced technologies.) But, "...if we do nothing to grow spiritually we will not achieve interstellar travel. They will stop us." He explains that if we attempt to engage in interstellar travel they will be forced to make themselves known in order to prevent us going into space as a threat. The concern is that unless we are properly informed, this contact would be on an unsuspecting population. "....there is some type of dialogue that is taking place between our visitors of all species...and the various governments." Stone says the extraterrestrials have been in contact with secret agencies within Governments of the world of countries who pose the greatest threat. Space faring nations represent the greatest threat to them.

There are other factors too, like monitoring nuclear activity and other activities on-planet that threaten this planet as well as the cosmic community, in ways we can't even imagine. "There is the biosphere that's been damaged. They are not coming here to repair that. They are coming here to see how we handle it"

Dan Morris, a retired Air Force career Master Sergeant who had a 'cosmic' top secret clearance explains, "Do you know why we stopped exploding nuclear weapons? We were ordered to do it by those ETs from Orion. Orion -... they said, 'Look, we won't let you destroy your planet, so we want you to stop all nuclear testing.' They had already stopped us from using weapons, and then they told us, 'No more nuclear testing.'...you saw the time [1952] they all showed up over Washington DC., and we sent our jets up after them, and every time the jets would go up, the UFOs would zap out, or they'd go to another dimension. The jets would come back to base and the UFOs would be back over Washington - scared the hell out of everyone in Washington -what are they going to do?" [10] Morris seems keen to point out that this was not a hostile act but rather a show of force necessary for laying down some cosmic law. "There is no proof that I have ever read in any document where unless they were attacked that they ever shot." [11] Disclosure Project witnesses like Morris tell that the extraterrestrials have been extremely restrained considering that extraterrestrial craft have been shot down.

Phillip Corso Jr. the son of Colonel Phillip Corso who wrote the book "Day After Roswell" reveals that while his father was senior commander of the Missile Battalion in 1957 and resting in a cave in a remote area he was approached by "'a form". Colonel Corso asked the visitor, "friend or foe". The response was "neither". The "creature" asked him to shut down his radars for a few minutes. Corso said, "what's in it for me?" and was told, "a new world if you can take it." [12] (Corso Senior is himself filmed in one documentary using the phrase, "a new age" rather than "a new world". This difference could be explained by the fact that this exchange between Corso and the "creature" was telepathic, something that Corso found disturbing.) This event occurred in the vicinity of the Roswell crash ten years on. According to Dan Morris, Roswell was the site of the only nuclear battalion in the world. The extraterrestrials were therefore interested, and it was discovered that radar interfered with their craft when they were travelling low and slow. This story suggests again that the concern of these extraterrestrials is to monitor and limit our technological development for the greater good and are in that sense, neutral towards us.

Retired United States Air Force Colonel Ross Dedrickson was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapons stockpile for the Atomic Energy Commission and checking on the security of weapons. He explains that the extraterrestrials were "very much interested in the facilities that we were visiting...The idea of any explosion of a nuclear weapon in space by any Earth government was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials and that has been demonstrate over and over." [13] "..a couple of nuclear weapons that were sent into space were destroyed by the extraterrestrials." The concern was not just about nuclear weapons in space. "...there was one incident when we exploded a nuclear weapon over the Pacific and this was in about '61 I believe. The consternation that it caused [from the ETs] was because it shut out communications over the Pacific basin for a number of hours in which no radio transmission was available at any time. And this was very significant. And of course this was one that the extraterrestrials were really concerned about because it affected our ionosphere." [14]

The Plejarans warn about nuclear danger too. In 1975 Ptaah told Billy Meier, "The terrestrial scientists have committed a malicious crime on their own planet and its entire humanity. The changes imposed by the explosions have far-reaching significance and can have catastrophic effects. The magnetic poles of the north and south have already shifted considerably within recent years ...After the explosion of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the atomic radiation spread rapidly and soon enveloped the entire Earth. The far greater danger of the specific elemental radiation released through these explosions, is a great riddle because they do not yet understand its nature and form. In particular, three main conditions for the continuation of life on Earth are influenced and damaged by the release of this elemental radiation...." [15]


COSMIC ALLIANCES - monitoring and limited involvement

The Pleadians say they are members of a cosmic alliance- a League of Nations...that extends far into the cosmos and to which many planetary systems belong. They all have an allegiance to the High Council in the Andromeda Galaxy. The notion of some kind of organisation and co-operation between those visiting and monitoring Earth now is one accepted by Steven Greer and his Centre for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (a civilian research group which gave birth to the Disclosure Project). Greer provides no specifics but in 1991 CSETI compiled a list of conclusions drawn from it's work. This list only included conclusions for which CSETI had a high level of certainty.

CSETI concluded that these ET civilizations currently involved with us are "working in concert and not competitively, although there is some specialization in functions and activities for the various groups. This indicates that there exists an emerging or well established organisation for these groups." Their activities here include "observation, active monitoring and, if necessary, limitation of human space programs, particularly those directed towards the nationalistic colonization of space." CSETI found that the ET ultimate motives includes, "Preparatory activities for continued readiness in the event that intervention is required during a major world emergency such as a large-scale nuclear war...The minimum intervention necessary would be used, with the intention being the preservation of Earth as an inhabitable planet with adequate human resources remaining to sustain intelligent life here." [16] So again we hear that they're not going to pull our chestnuts out of the fire.

It's important to acknowledge here Dr Greer's assessment that the extraterrestrials are not hostile. This is a conclusion that has caused Greer to be a victim of savage attack from the UFOlogy community in particular. It is just as important to point out that this attack is largely based on current perceptions of extraterrestrial hostility, especially in the form of terrifying 'abductions'. But Greer's work is based not only on his own personal ET contact experiences and on research of mountains of previously classified government documentation. It is based on advice from numerous sources deep within the military that state the existence of trillion-dollar, black (unconstitutional) military projects that are hoaxing "ET" abductions. Greer's task is to demonstrate this hoax reality and to define the true nature of the ET contact we are experiencing now. As far as we can tell he has not attempted to describe the nature of ETs further afield in the Cosmos or further away in time. I want to reiterate that there is an important distinction between the aforementioned ancient ET "gods" (Hitler's puppet-masters) and those cosmic law enforcement officials whose protection we now enjoy. Much confusion results from a misunderstanding of this fact. Greer is countering the powerful disinformation campaign designed to justify further weaponisation of space. Dan Morris confirms, "Some would like for us to believe, and would like to develop the idea, that the aliens are our enemy now." According to Greer and many others this plan is well underway.



The Plejarans don't reveal their extensive knowledge about military operations, (although Meier has just recently related knowledge about America's secret attacks on Laos). But they have made a few comments about the dreaded, now Hollywoodised Men in Black! Ptaah told Billy in ...concerning the Plejarans uncovering of a scheme of falsification and substitution of some of Billy's photographs, that the Men in Black, "...have always had access to unfathomable resources - or what normal people or citizens, rather, would consider them to be." And in regard to the many assassination attempts on Billy, Ptaah explains "Truthfully, eleven of the fourteen assassination attempts can be traced back to the 'Men in Black".

The Disclosure Project provides evidence of rogue military operations with trillions of dollars at their disposal. Some witnesses testify that money for these unconstitutional projects comes both from taxes and from drug importation practised by the same black projects. These projects have developed anti-gravity devices, free energy devices and much, much more.

In relation to secret technologies based on the back engineering of extraterrestrial craft Moosebrugger writes, "Data provided by the Plejarans reveals that large numbers of flying objects of terrestrial origin exist in many countries. These objects have a variety of shapes and are not necessarily disk-shaped at all." Interestingly another hint is included in Moosebrugger's And Yet the Fly, in relation to free energy (something that has been developed to an advanced level in secret projects) a subject energetically and successfully pursued by the Disclosure Project and the related Space Energy Access Systems Inc. Moosebrugger lists what the Plejarans say is required urgently as a solution to the problem of environmental destruction. Included is, "The progressive closing down of all atomic power plants and increasing efforts to put energy sources to use which are not harmful to the environment (solar energy, free energy from space etc.)"[y]

 Regarding physical spacecraft of Earthly origin Moosbrugger says, " These are nothing more than advanced development of the German and Canadian flying disks which were designed and partially tested as Hitler�s secret wonder weapons during World War II but were not ultimately used at the front. East of Leipzig in the vicinity of Prague, fundamental plans for the development of completely new flying machines were worked out in the BMW factory there and in Breslau, as well as in Vienna and other places. It eventually led to the construction of fireballs as well as flying disks (flying gyros) with a fantastic and unprecedented flight technology. The persons primarily involved in the basic research and further development of these machines were the Austrian natural scientist Viktor Schauberger (a genuine UFO contactee), the German experts and flight captains Miethe, Schriever and Habermohl, the Italian researcher Bellonzo, and many others. The disk-shaped spacecraft operated with conventional beam-powered propulsion systems or possibly, new types of propulsion systems."

" At the end of the war, all existent flying disks, as well as their instrumentation and construction plans were to be completely destroyed to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. This project was not carried out in its entirety. Some of the plans and instrumentation were intentionally (or unintentionally) overlooked during the elimination and promptly fell into the wrong hands. One possible explanation for this is that the occupying forces may have confiscated these valuable documents. Whether or not this was actually the case is beyond my knowledge. According to the Pleiadians, however, secret Nazi groups escaped to safety toward the end of World War II, acquired the confiscated material and continued to develop these new types of flying disks -- naturally under a strict oath of secrecy." [x]



Years ago the Plejarans issued various detailed, unequivocal warnings about the management of our environment, especially advising enforced birth control to address overpopulation. They also covered destruction of the ozone layer, nuclear danger, and other exploitation of the Earth. Some claims they made have subsequently and demonstrably been confirmed by Earth Scientists. Much more could be written about that here. But for now suffice to say it is the environmental degradation of Earth that is one of the prime reasons for the urgency of disclosure and the release of free energy technologies to help turn this disaster around.


ET VISITORS GOOD AND BAD and the truth about abductions

Although the evidence indicates that the alliance of extraterrestrials interacting with us now is benign and not hostile towards us, we are told that there are extraterrestrials who are barbarians. Clearly the Giza intelligences fit this description (as do many Earth humans!). Also there are different situations to ours further afield, which is one reason why we are warned not to head out into the cosmos with plans of conquest. However there is no justification for the hysteria that currently surrounds the topic of so-called abductions. We should also remember that since the following was written the Plejarans have apparently removed the Giza intelligences from this planet.

Semjase 's contact 2. of 1975 is best quoted exactly.

" 40. Frequently, beings from alien races have also come to your Earth and carried out their expeditions here.

41. They gathered various items that would serve their investigations.

42. And it will occasionally happen again that such beings come here and perform their studies.

43. They come from the most diverse worlds and systems.

44. They are often still new to space travel and perform their expeditions to expand their knowledge and understanding.

45. It can also happen that they unintentionally come into contact with Earth people and never return again.

46. They are not power hungry or the like because they are glad to finally have serenity and order in their own worlds.

47. It can happen also that they overpower some people from Earth, here and there, bring them into their beamships, examine them carefully with their instruments, and conduct a most detailed study of their anatomy.

48. Without exception, though, they let these human beings go again, for they do not wish to harm them.

49. They often are more humane beings than man on Earth.

50. But, unfortunately, there are some rather barbaric beings travelling through space also, who come to Earth here and there.

51. Many are power hungry and evil.

52. It can happen, that they kidnap and abduct human beings from Earth, as well as from planets in other systems, and bring them to their home planets.

53. These poor creatures then lead a life there as objects displayed in exhibitions or used for experiments.

54. Man on Earth and inhabitants of other worlds must be wary of these beings, for in their viciousness they often apply great force.

55. Feelings and other human traits and sentiments are often foreign to them; thus, a human life is nothing of value to them."

The following discussion between Ptaah and Billy reveals that (at least in '94) there were three alien races ("exterhumanoids") that have been present for a number of years. Two have had contact examinations with people but none has had real contact with humans otherwise. One lot has permanent bases here. Apparently there are non-'alien', human races too. (It's not clear to me yet how those terms are being applied. But I think in addition to these 'alien' or 'exterhumanoid' races there are human races more closely working with the Plejarans. However, neither groups are hostile towards us.) Importantly Ptaah said in that conversation that Earth/extraterrestrial hybrids are nonsense. Also that people are just as capable of lying during hypnosis as when fully conscious.

"The three groups, that is, the alien races, maintain no contacts, with the exception of those required for examination purposes, at which time terrestrial humans, plants and animals are, or rather were, contacted for such tests and examinations. However, this does not mean that the mass hysteria and mass psychoses by everyone who claims to have been abducted and examined by alien beings � even who claims to have been abducted and examined by alien beings � even impregnated � all stem from such experiences. Truthfully, only very few cases occasionally occur around the globe, ..."

(Greer seems to be of this view too.) As mentioned, Ptaah won't talk about military contact as he is not permitted and the topic of hoaxed abductions does not come up here. But he does explain more.

Billy says of abduction claims, "If these claims were true, it would mean that, allegedly, more than 3.5 million human beings on Earth have had examination contacts, and many women, particularly in North and South America, purportedly were impregnated. There are even some silly assertions that, as a result of these impregnations, children have been born who are half terrestrial and half extraterrestrial and are called hybrids."

Ptaah: "This is so much incredible nonsense. First of all, very few examination contact incidents were recorded in recent years and, secondly, no impregnations of Earth females by extraterrestrial intelligences have occurred. These so-called hybrids, of which irrational newspaper and magazine editors report, are nothing more than freaks and mutations of a purely terrestrial nature. They can be traced back to genetic defects caused by the parents or some diverse, very harmful environmental influences. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, however, I can confirm that, at the present time, no descendants live on Earth, or elsewhere on alien worlds, who were sired either with women from Earth and extraterrestrial men or extraterrestrial women and men from Earth." [17]



In 1995 the Plejarans officially left Earth and their project here. This prompted the following question from Billy."... what about your activity as Jshwjsh (god of wisdom) for Earth; is that redundant now that you have completed your task?

Ptaah: Certainly, for I must turn to other assignments now.

Billy: Too bad. So the Earth is without an Jshwjsh now.

Ptaah: That is not quite correct, for there still exist descendants of old "gods" who will make themselves heard. But I am only allowed to report about it to you confidentially, if you are interested." [18]

Ptaah explained "...our withdrawal from Earth is linked with the immediate future and related events, in which we are not allowed to interfere in any form so that we may protect and keep close reigns on the secret regarding our own culture and region where we live. This is tied in also with the fact that some matters are impending. On one hand, we were able to foresee them but, on the other hand, they are the reason for our withdrawal, while events that have been unfolding on Earth for several decades now were part of our assignments. We have fulfilled this task, along with the many others we were obligated to look after, and you have played a very important role in this scenario of making public, worldwide, the so-called UFO phenomenon, as terrestrials have labelled it.

Extraterrestrials will create a big flurry on Earth in the future when their interests concern other matters than excursions or expeditions. However, we are not at liberty to speak about the whys and wherefores, and neither are you, of course, for you know about all of these future events." [19]




Ptaah continues in the same meeting: "Now that we have withdrawn from Earth, I want to reiterate the issue, once again, that neither we Plejarans nor any of the allies within our federation are maintaining any contacts whatsoever with terrestrial human beings; neither in a physical nor a telepathic form. Indeed, such contacts have never existed except, however, for five particular individuals whose identity you already know, and who died several years ago. Not one of them ever publicized the knowledge he or she possessed. Yet, what we want to say though is that we do maintain impulse contacts with terrestrial scientists and others. We shall continue these contacts through appropriate devices, although the individuals involved have not nor will they ever know about the contacts in the future. These impulse contacts are determined by evolution and are guiding mankind toward the future, whereupon research and inventions will transpire, new knowledge will be gleaned, literary works in a futuristic form will be written, science fiction that will frequently be turned into motion pictures. You are the only person on Earth with whom we had and still maintain contact with in both physical and telepathic form --- except for those individuals whom you knew and who have since died.

Billy: What about other extraterrestrial intelligences since? Do any of those maintain contacts with terrestrials at this time? I mean with private people and the like, who have no connections with governments and the military, about which you are not permitted to speak.

Ptaah: This question must be answered with a definite 'no', for none of the three groups who are constantly or frequently on Earth, maintains any private or religious contacts with individuals on Earth, which can also be affirmed with absolute certainty. This also applies to the many extraterrestrial visitors who come to Earth for excursions, expeditions or whatever other reasons. The "examination" contacts are excluded, because we are not speaking about them since they are not contingent upon two-way contacts."



This is probably the most controversial part of the message the extraterrestrials have for us. Semjase told Billy in their first contact,

"Religion is only a primitive concoction by man to command, suppress and exploit others, to which only spiritually weak life forms succumb. Bring this truth to light throughout the world and make it known to the people. This is an additional part of our mission.

If this does not happen, mankind will slowly destroy itself and fall into complete spiritual darkness..." [20]



The Plejarans tell us that the man known as Jesus existed. He has erroneously been called Jesus, which literally means "Yahweh saves" - (saviour of Yahweh). The name Jmmanuel (one with godlike knowledge) is traced back to the Pleadian's forefathers. They have old picture of him which show differences in features to that on the shroud of Turin. Semjase drew a picture on the 31st of December 1975 that shows a stocky, large nosed man with cauliflower ears, not particularly beautiful in the conventional sense.

"A web of unequalled lies was manufactured around the person of Jmmanuel in order to erect a cult-religious power and unscrupulously enslave earthlings." [21]

"We know that you are aware of a secret old text whose originals were unfortunately destroyed through the carelessness of our delegate, your friend [Isa Rashid] who, regrettably, has failed through fear. Disseminate the translation of this text, for it is the only truly authentic one and free from lies.

We also know that you are writing a book on this text and on the real truth.

To us it seems to be the most important book ever written by a human being of your Earth, even though it will be harsh in its language and be met with hatred.

It finally offers the truth to the Earth humans, although it still contains some speculations.

It has the power to finally destroy the madness of religion within many people or cause them at least to seriously ponder these matters.

It is an extraordinarily good piece of work and you should make it available to other people." [22]



This is truly liberating and practical! It is spiritually uplifting and makes perfect sense. The Plejarans tell us we should think for ourselves, search for truth, use logic and knowledge in wisdom and follow Creational Laws. The following is what strikes me the most in these teachings presented both by Semjase and by Jmmanuel, the man known as Jesus. This teaching does away with total subservience to gods. Above god is Creation, and creational laws should be followed above all. In the Talmud Jmmanuel, Jmmanuel said of god, "He was immortal, ancient and of giant size like the celestial sons." "But god is a human being, like all the celestial sons and the terrestrial humans, except that he is vastly greater in consciousness that they are."

Not being dependent on faith in god makes way for searching for and discovering the power of one's own spirit. Jmmanuel said, "Pray therefore to the omnipotence of the spirit, in the knowledge that it's greatness and power are infinite," [23] His message is that the almighty power of the spirit always dwells within you. Ask and you shall receive.

However his teaching and the teaching of the Plejarans is that we must use logic. What a relief! Importantly "Judge not", becomes "Judge not falsely". This makes it acceptable to get on with the essential business of judging our leadership and our world correctly and thoroughly in the pursuit of truth and justice. Of course we are instructed to do this with wisdom and knowledge. Perhaps of particular relevance at this time of war and global deception is Jmmanuel�s warning, "Beware of those who forbid you access to wisdom and knowledge...." [24]

The following is from a 1987 instruction Quetzal gave to Billy called "What the Plejarans Wish for the Earth Humans",

"The earth human must change toward the good and positive through his own reason and grasp of responsibility, and thereby rehabilitate himself. Thus he must establish his own dimension and free himself from his self-demeaning service toward all his shortcomings and his false hopes and desires..."

And from Semjase's introduction to the spiritual teachings, 1975,

"Every human bears within him the entire kingdom of spirit, but it is covered and beaten with ignorance, errors, imperfection, evil, mistakes and restrictions of all sorts, which have to be changed into their opposites through the recognition and acceptance of truth.

The human must resolve and open all evils by developing abilities that are opposed to everything that is degenerated and which lead to a neutral balance.

The way of experiencing the spirit will be accelerated through the unfolding of conscious searching and the gathering of true knowledge, and this unfolding leads to the true and all encompassing, cosmic wisdom and love, based on the cognition that Creation is present within everything."


"The human can free himself from everything, and everything can be taken from him, except the creative consciousness, the spirit, the existence within his interior, this purely spiritual realm within him.

He may be robbed from all of his possessions and may be driven away from his home, but nobody may drive him away from his spiritual realm within his interior.

Thus, the human should be constantly aware of what is creative, without which he would not be able to draw a single breath, could grasp no thought, could not realize, see, hear or experience.

Therefore, the great sages of all times say: "The creative spirit is nearer to the human than his own breath."


"For only he who is one with the spirit can recognize and do good in the long run, because he has the possibilities of Creation within himself.

Nothing negative within the endless universe may touch and enslave him anymore."


These few pages are just a quick amalgam of what I have had time to learn or partly understand in the past 18 months or so. Please follow the links provided to get a more thorough, and more accurate picture of what the extraterrestrials are telling us now.


But first...What other practical action can we take to avert catastrophe? According to the Plejarans (and this is one of those Plejaran assertions that we have some difficulty with) there is one and only one correct and effective meditation in which to take part. As I understand it, this is because the negative force that we need to neutralise is so huge. We must have a type of meditation that generates such a great force of positive 'vibrations' that it must be co-ordinated by those with the greatest perspective. There is something important here to do with space and time, and also technology. I assume that these are workings of the quantum unified field that will make sense to us further down the track, but in the meantime are still mysterious to most of us. Needless to say, many peace activists will find this following advice too hard to take and yet, if what it says is true then the solution for peace is not beyond us. This should be very encouraging news.

(It's worth pointing out that - not unexpectedly - these people from other planets tend to use the language strangely. Perhaps to make a point, they qualify absolutes. For instance, "it's impossible for us, and even more impossible for you." Similarly, simplistic catch-all terms like "vibrations" are employed to describe very complex scientific concepts.)

On November 17th 1989 Ptaah explained to Billy,

"At this moment you have 3,406 peace meditation participants on Earth. And all of you included in this number may be proud of performing the one and only correct peace mediation, which will prompt those peace impulses within terrestrial people that slowly permit peace on Earth to become a reality�just as they have been stored in their storage record locations, from where they impact humans. Thereupon humans understand these impulses and are able to bring them to fruition. It is a fact that all other current efforts for peace on Earth, be they of a political, religious, fanatical or purportedly esoteric nature, have been just as ineffective as the attempts of those who purport to be mediums or other alleged contactees for spirits, saints or extraterrestrials and the like. Their efforts have been totally meaningless and futile, for each of them lacks the knowledge and the true potential to implement what must be done to awaken the necessary impulses within humans, and for them to utilize and make them effective. Furthermore, they lack the knowledge when the peace meditation must be conscientiously performed to turn this voluntary collaboration of our 3.5 billion co-assistants [extraterrestrials off-planet] into an immense vibratory force."

To quote from my own article, Human Evolution: it�s a fine Matter, "It should be clear why the non-material side of the extraterrestrial phenomenon has been obscured ... The suppression of the evidence of extraterrestrials has been not only to prevent knowledge of fossil fuel industry-threatening free energy systems and all that that implies. It's been to prevent knowledge of profound human capabilities that, once understood, would threaten the current power elite (including religious institutions) far more than would more solid physical technologies. "




[1] p.179 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[2] 249th Contact A talk between Ptaah, an IHWH from the Pleiades/Plejaren, and 'Billy' Eduard A. Meier, Switzerland

Monday, June 13th, 1994, 11:36 p.m.

[3] Excerpt from FIGU Bulletin #36 -- October 2001 (Part 5)

[4] p.71 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[5] "To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth" Jan 30, 2003, Billy Meier (.pdf file)

[6] p. 324 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[7 p.41. "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[8] p. 272 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[9] p. 332 "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", Steven M. Greer M.D. 2001

[10] p. 361"Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", Steven M. Greer M.D. 2001

[11] p. 365 "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", Steven M. Greer M.D. 2001

[12] p.467 "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", Steven M. Greer M.D. 2001

[13] p.192 "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", Steven M. Greer M.D. 2001

[14] p.193 "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History", Steven M. Greer M.D. 2001

References for the above: Disclosure Project 100 page Executive Summary (with .gifs removed).zip (594kb)

Disclosure Project 500 page Briefing Document (with .gifs removed) .zip (2.29mb)

[15] p.307 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[16] p.11-16 "Extraterrestrial Contact : The Evidence and Implications" Steven M. Greer M.D. 1999

[y] p. 309 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[x] p. 4-6 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[17] 249th Contact A talk between Ptaah, an IHWH from the Pleiades/Plejaren, and 'Billy' Eduard A. Meier, Switzerland

Monday, June 13th, 1994, 11:36 p.m.

[18] p.336 "And Yet They Fly" by Guido Moosbrugger 2001

[19] Ptaah at the 251st Contact with Billy Meier- Part 3 Friday, February 3, 1995, 12:01 a.m.

[20] Semjase, at the first contact with Billy Meier - Tuesday, January 28, 1975, 2:12 p.m


[22] Semjase, at the first contact with Billy Meier - Tuesday, January 28, 1975, 2:12 p.m

[23] Chapter 6 verse 7 "Talmud Jmmanuel " Third Edition Translated from Aramaic to German by Isa Rashid. Completed and encoded by Eduard A. Meier 2001

[24] Chapter 7 verse 22 "Talmud Jmmanuel " Third Edition Translated from Aramaic to German by Isa Rashid. Completed and encoded by Eduard A. Meier 2001


Introduction to Spiritual Teachings are "Semjase at the 10th contact of Wednesday, March 26, 1975, 3:20 pm"

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