The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles � Scientific Research and Urban Legends, by Dutch Professor of experimental and theoretical physics, Eltjo H Haselhoff offers the only all-embracing, yet witty and readable, scientific overview of this masterfully talented and considerate extraterrestrial contact initiative. While conservatively steering clear of that now unmistakable deduction as to their real origin, this superbly illustrated 157 page book, first published in 2001, provides solid scientific substantiation of the unearthly geometrical and physical intricacy of these increasingly fabulous forms in fields.


Click here to learn more about our planet's current extraterrestrial presence.

Now that the Old Age is finally dieing away, some enlightened commercial and educational organizations, like Collins, have wisely chosen to identify themselves with our extraterrestrial friends instead of our recently deported extraterrestrial enemies.

It's a VERY GOOD SIGN of the times! And it's a very good book too!


Your website author reviews SIGNS.

You might be surprised.

And quite a bit more


A strange personal connection



State of the art Field Forms,1999 season.


The above thumbnails are hypertexed to bigger images.







(Sierpinski curve)



 These forms within fields are becoming far more numerous and more bewilderingly complex each year.


There is a fairly universal belief throughout various cultures that only "the Creator" can achieve perfection, and the works of mortals must reflect this with deliberate "errors".


The bottom blue arrow ( superimposed in the above click-for-closeup photos) shows one circle missing. It turns up at the position of the top arrow. It's interesting to see that many of the patterns surrounding some of the most remarkably mathematically precise and complicated forms are actually quite irregular looking; almost "freehand".



Each stalk of wheat, or other crop, is individually softened and bent without killing the plant, or in any other way harming it, except for a local disturbance of the chromosomal material at a microscopic level. This is produced by a process unknown to terrestrial technology, which leaves a small dose of short half-life radioactivity behind.

Even rural England is pretty crowded compared to here, and there have been many, many eyewitnesses over the years. A formation takes about fifteen seconds to simply "appear". The artistic works are sometimes produced in several places at once in the three or four hours of total darkness that constitute an English midsummer night, often after heavy rains which produce soft deep mud which the human investigators on the ground find very messy. The artists never leave footprints. All this material was found on the WWW, mostly (with thanks) from the U.K.'s Crop Circle Connector web site, (unfortunately tainted by pseudoscience, which helps - in part - to explain the aversion of reputable scientific investigators).

Our 2002 Encyclopaedia Britannica has ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION of "crop circles", even as a social phenomenon!

There's not any news on the Kennedy assasinations, either. WHY?

It's time for a neologism, guys! Many years ago when these patterns were simple circles in the crops, it made sense to call them "crop circles". The name has stuck, as names do. They are found in other parts of the world as well. The German ones are called "kornkreise" [literally: 'grain circles']. Calling the recent ones, shown above, "CROP CIRCLES" makes even less sense than calling this year's Porsche a "horseless carriage".

I propose 'field forms'.

These artists are also apparently consummate mathematicians, with a profound knowledge of Euclidian geometry!

Everybody knows there's no such thing as extraterrestrial technology!

OH YEAH? Click here to get your socks knocked off!

Who (or what) is making them?????????

And what will the future bring, at the rate they are evolving?????????

I'd like to share another idea about what it is these guys might be trying to tell us, but (let's be blunt) we're too stupid. It relates, naturally enough, to
language, another eclectic interest of mine. Perhaps those of you who have the time to look right through the Sheldrake material will have got my drift already.

I believe that we may be falling victim to the common human trait of being unable to see the forest because of the trees. Let's please stop trying to figure out how they're MADE. I think that makes about as much sense as a cocker spaniel trying to figure out how a radio works. And cocker spaniels are very bright dogs.

I think that the great variety of forms suggests that it is the forms themselves which should be taken as a whole - not separately - (get it? HOLISM.) as simply forms within fields. This may simply be the universal pedagogic tendencies of a more advanced culture trying (within their own non-interventionist social restrictions) to bring us up to speed a bit about the nature of nature; about how the universe works. (See Sheldrake)

Two thoughts occur to me here. First, why hasn't anybody else thought of this before? I imagine they have, but they might have a job to worry about other than planting trees, which is what Vivienne and I normally do.

And, if I'm right, and I've just "passed the test", then what?





"They" are wonderfully attentive to detail. The little wildflowers (above, left) are undisturbed. Many of the stalks seem to have been bent individually into small bundles, and interwoven patterns and braids. "Combing" occurs at the edges of a form when the grain bends into the upright blades next to it in such a way that they are perfectly enmeshed without the standing crop being pushed over. These techniques invariably attract jargon like "combing" because they are not previously encountered on this planet. Weird.

And here's just a little food for thought:

For a long time we've known that just bending these plants at their growth nodes has not killed them, but recently reports are filtering out about the progeny of the viable seeds which were on those stalks. As you might imagine, due to the abovementioned chromosomal abnormalities, some of these seeds did not grow well, if at all. But here's where it gets interesting. Some of these seeds were three to four time as productive as normal ones. This means MONEY is going to enter the equation in a BIG way. Imagine how keenly sought a seed stock would be if it was FOUR TIMES as productive as anything you'd been able to buy and plant before! But since there might be just a LITTLE public apprehension about EATING the stuff, it would inevitably enter the supermarkets not unlike the mad cows of the early 1990's. Bit of a problem for the U.K. Department of Agriculture, no? Imagine trying to keep something off the shelves which has been genetically modified by little green women from the planet Zarb!


 (Self portraits?)

At first glance, that might be an ant, but insects have three body segments: a head, a thorax and an abdomen.

The scorpion-like creature,left, has a stinger visible in this close-up.

 February 2004   What's been said in extraterrestrial Circles This article by gaiaguys' Vivienne Legg links messages for Earth Humanity relayed through  Crop Circles, the U.S. - based Disclosure Project and through the Swiss contactee Billy Meier.

gaiaguys thanks the below websites for their unwittingly generous provision of the images



The above U.K. website is the definitive source of the latest photos.

While you're there, visit Peter Sorensen's excellent website!

 For a more amateur and generous effort, visit the

Busty Taylor Crop Circle Home Page

Busty takes his own photos from the air.

More Field Forms from 1998


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