Best evidence article, Internet, January 2009

From Future Of Mankind
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According to Wendelle Stevens, photo #200 was one of the two photos that he had Interrepro A.G. in Basel analyse, and they had used the original positive slide for it. No evidence of faking was detected (source of info: personal correspondence with J. Deardorff in 1998).


"Another Meier witness is UFO researcher Erwin Mürner from Zurich. He stated to MAGAZIN 2000plus: "I have known Billy Meier since 1976. At that time I visited him in Wetzikon with a group of people. Together with him we went to the landing sites and conversed with him. This intrigued me. Shortly afterward I sighted a UFO with my parents and my wife just when I was about to take them to one of those landing sites. The object was round. Suddenly it shot into the air. Then it stopped, dashed off sideways and then it came back to the centre before disappearing in a downward motion, like a falling leaf.

Billy gave me several of his photos. The picture that impressed me the most was of a UFO and an Air Force Mirage fighter plane. I made serious efforts to uncover the truth about it. Then the following occurred: A UFO convention was being held at the Zurich Novotel, where I met a man who was with the Air Force. We entered into a conversation, and when he told me he was with the Air Force, I asked him about the photo. He confirmed the photo was authentic and that they knew everything about the contacts. I met with the man several more times, during which he said he was part of the Army’s Special Services. At our next meeting he carried a black briefcase, from which he removed a portfolio, a dossier, which he allowed me to read . . . and on page 3 was the story about the Mirage! In brief, the article stated that those who have knowledge about this case must keep it a secret for the rest of their lives. Thereupon I asked my acquaintance what he thought of Billy Meier, and he told me the military knew that everything was true but the people aren't allowed to know about it."

Later Mürner was even able to glean the name of the Mirage pilot, and he contacted him. The Air Force officer confirmed the incident without revealing any details. Source: The Meier Case: UFO Contactee Revealed?, Hesemann, Michael, Magazin 2000plus , Vol. 10, pp. 64-71, October 1998


Event started at: June 13,1976 02:15:00
Event ended at: June 13,1976 02:25:00
Location of event: Winkelriet, Wetzikon. This flight demonstration by the aliens was announced by Meier in advance. Apart from Billy Meier three other witnesses took photos of the UFOs. At 2:15 in northeastern direction a red disc-shaped object appears. The object disappears after a few seconds. After that a silver coloured disc-shaped object can be seen a bit higher. Then again higher a third disc-shaped object can be seen. The object has three colours. Then high above the horizon a silver coloured disc appeared which created a rain of sparks. After that the object can be seen as a red point that ascends in the sky. See: Zuegenbuch pp. 88-93.

4 It's a an irrefutable fact that Meier since 1965 has only one arm. He lost his left arm in a road accident in Turkey in 1965.

Photo #494. This photo was one of the four photos selected by Stevens and his team for exhaustive testing (see p.408 of Supplementary Investigation Report). No evidence of faking was discovered.


In 1978, Neil. M. Davis, a physicist analysed one of Meier's 8 March 1975 photo series. Although not having analysed the original slide he concluded in his report: "Nothing was found in the examination of the print which could cause me to believe that the object in the photos is anything other than a large object photographed a distance from the camera."


May 20,2000 17:40:00
Event ended at: May 20,2000 18:10:00
Location of event: Hinterschmidrüti
Description: Daytime UFO sighting. Lehmann and Meier are on the center ground when Meier suddenly gets a telepathic message from the extraterrestrial Florena that she is flying above the center. They look up at the sky and soon they see a large disc-shaped silver shining object in the sky. They quickly inform the other people. Later the witnesses also see a second UFO. Freddy Kropf is able to take photographs of the objects. In this event 17 people see a large disc-shaped silver shining object in the sky. Source: Zeugenbuch, pp. 413-415.


Newspaper article from an Indian newspaper in 1964. In this newspaper article Meier already in 1964 states that he has contacts with spiritually advanced aliens and that he has a mission to fulfil.

9 Many of Meier's June 14,1975 Berg-Rumlikon photo series display a reflection on the surface of the UFO of roads and fields in the landscape below. On p. 54 of UFO Contact from the Pleiades, vol. 1 it is reported that computers analysis showed that these reflections and features in the landscape had the same colour values.

10 Event started at: July 6,2000 14:55:00
Event ended at: July 6,2000 14:55:00
Location of event: Hinterschmidrüti
Daytime UFO sighting. Lehmann and Meier are on the center ground when suddenly Meier gets a telepathic message from the extraterrestrial Enjana that she is flying above them. They then study the sky and indeed they see the beamship. Lehmann is able to take a photograph of the craft. During the evening that day they see Enjana's craft yet a couple of times more. Zeugenbuch, pp. 419-421

11 The 8mm film taken near Hinwil on June 12, 1975. During one of the oscillation sequences the UFO passes directly over the top of the tree and it clearly seen that the tree sweeps over in the direction of the spacecraft or follows the spacecraft as it passes.

12 Photo #248. This photo was one of the four photos selected by Stevens and his team for exhaustive testing (see p.408 of Supplementary Investigation Report). No evidence of faking was discovered.

13 Photo #638. This photo was one of the four photos selected by Stevens and his team for exhaustive testing (see p.408 of Supplementary Investigation Report). No evidence of faking was discovered.

14 Article in UFO-Nachrichten in 1959. Meier sent a UFO photo with accompanying information to this UFO newspaper. The photo was published in the newspaper. This proves that Meier already at the age of 22 years was involved with the subject of UFOs.
15 The testimony of Phobol Cheng. "Cheng had known Billy Meier when he lived in India. Between April and September 1964, Meier had taken one of his trips around the world. As a young man he visited 42 countries, mostly as a hitchhiker. He arrived at the Ashoka-Ashram in Mehrauli near New Delhi to study Buddhism. The Ashoka Mission there, founded by King Ashoka in the 3rd Century B.C., is the oldest Buddhist school. Its leader today is the highly respected V.B. Dharmawara, who recently celebrated in California his 109th birthday in good health. In the monastery Meier befriended the Dharmawara’s grandchildren who had previously fled to India when civil war broke out in their own country. One of these grandchildren was the lady who approached me in New York. She is now an esteemed diplomat. And, incidentally, her brother was the one who taught Meier how to catch snakes. So this, too, was true! Until this time I had always smirked a bit when Meier claimed he had performed hundreds of jobs on his trips—among them that of a snake catcher. In those days all of us at the Mission saw the spaceships” and Meier was in contact with their pilots. Additionally, she had seen him “walking across the court yard of the Ashram accompanied by a woman with long, brunette hair, dressed in a type of spacesuit.” Her grandfather also had been provided with opportunities to speak with the extraterrestrial visitors. I listened to this lady with baited breath and made a promise to her that I would keep her name confidential and would not mention her homeland to anyone. She simply did not want the publicity due to the sensitive nature of her diplomatic position. Source: The Meier Case: UFO Contactee Revealed?, Hesemann, Michael, Magazin 2000plus , Vol. 10, pp. 64-71, October 1998
16 Analysis by Dr. Malin. In his book Light Years Gary Kinder writes that Malin, with the data he received from Stevens and his team, could find no evidence for hoaxing. Kinder quotes Malin saying: "If the photographs are hoaxes then I am intrigued by the quality of the hoax. How did he do it? I'm always interested in seeing a master at work."
17 Event started at: September 30,1983 03:00:00
Event ended at: September 30,1983 03:00:00
Location of event: Hinterschmidrüti
Description: While visiting the center, Koye stays overnight in a caravan. In the middle of the night she hears steps in the courtyard. She goes out to investigate the sounds but she can sense something like a “Stay were you are!” command within her and she stops walking. She can, however, peek around the corner and sees a tall, white-haired, bearded figure. Billy's hair was still dark in those days, so it was not he. She feels an incredible joy in her that is truly special. The figure wears a white outfit and seems to be surrounded by light. Later she asks Billy about this, and he tells her it was Ptaah, one of the extraterrestrials. Zeugenbuch, pp. 314-315.
18 Event started at: July 18,1980 18:30:00
Event ended at: July 18,1980 20:00:00
Location of event: Sädelegg
On this day at about 18:30 Meier tells his group members that in the evening he has the opportunity to record the sounds of a beamship. He also tells them he needs some people who prevent unknown people entering the location. At 18:50 Meier drives to Sädelegg and sets up sound recording equipment. Somewhat later Meier's group members arrive at the location and they position themselves on strategic points. After a couple of minutes a very loud sound can be heard. The sounds attract curious people. Some of them come from a distance of more than one kilometer. After approximately half an hour the sound stops. At least eight people witness the sound recording. Zeugenbuch, pp. 254-256.
19 The 8mm film taken at on Hasenböl on March 29,1976. During several periods the craft flashes one or two lights of some kind on then off. Motivation seems missing for an unknown hoaxer in 1976 to have gone to the effort and expense to have remote-control technology be built into a never-discovered model UFO of complicated design, complete with lamps, battery and circuitry, just to flash its lights briefly.

20 Analysis by Eric Eliason computer scientist at USGS. In his book Light Years Gary Kinder writes that Eliason, with the data he received from Stevens and his team, could find no evidence for hoaxing. Kinder quotes Eliason saying: "All I can say is that whatever I started with, I didn't see anything hokey on there in terms of dubbing . If it was dubbed, it had to be pretty clever."
21 Analysis of sound recording by Rognerud and Ambrose. In his book on p. 207 of Light Years Gary Kinder quotes Ambrose saying: "If it is a hoax... I'd like to meet the guy who did it, because he could probably make a lot of money in special effect."
22 Event started at: June 28,1976 16:00:00
Event ended at: June 28,1976 16:55:00
Location of event: Hochacker at Oberdörfler Riet, Betzholz-Hinwil
Description: Daytime sighting. The witnesses follow Meier to a contact. Then at a distance of 300 m the witnesses see a silver colored large object ascending in the sky. Hans Schutzbach photographs UFO. The sighting lasts about ten minutes. See Zeugenbuch, pp. 101-114.
23 Metal analysis by Marcel Vogel. On p. 253 of Light Years Kinder quotes Vogel saying regarding one of the metal samples he studied: "With any technology that I know of, we could not achieve this on this planet."
24 Despite the fact that there should be accomplices, until 2008 no accomplices have been found.
25 At home Meier didn't have the privacy for doing the hoax related activities he is accused of doing (model making etc.). His family and visitors and acquaintances would certainly have caught him doing this.
26 There is no change visible in the background cloud formations around the moment of the jump of the beamship. This proves that in case of a hoax there was almost no time available in order to fake the jump of the beamship.


Quetzal states in contact #215 on February 28,1987 that in 2002 Japanese scientist will pass on spinach plant genes in pigs. In 2002 this predictions indeed fulfilled it self. Source: FIGU Bulletin #40.

28 In this 8mm movie film at some point the beamship hovers in a way that is very difficult if not impossible to achieve with a model suspended by a string.


The beamship in this 8 mm movie film doesn't display oscillations or swinging motions that would be the result of a model attached to a support pole.

30 Edge identification analysis of photo #639 by J. Dilettoso showed the UFO in this photo was a large object. See the movie Contact on the case.

31 The tree featuring in the Fuchsbuel photo series has the structure and folliage of a mature large tree.
32 The stem of the tree is eclipsed by the hill. For the model hypothesis this means a large model tree plus UFO model. See picture of the book und sie fliegen doch! by Guido Moosbrugger (1991).


In photo #164 tree branches are visible in front of the UFO. See picture of the book und sie fliegen doch! by Guido Moosbrugger (1991).

34 Photo #174 exhibits eclipsing evidence from the thicker tree branch on the far left. It eclipses the left edge of the leftmost protuberance, which is not totally visible judging from the corresponding apparent width of the protuberence on the far right

35 In some of the Hasenbol photos a ring can be seen on top of the UFO however no suspension line can be seen.

36 All experts performing the analyses on Meier's evidence agreed with the information presented by Gary Kinder in his book Light Years (before the book was published they had the chance to react on the information presented in the book) .

Meier is often accused of having his own photo laboratories and developing his photos there until he had the desired result. On pp. 177-182 of Kinder's Light Years it is reported that Meier developed his film at Bär Photo in Wetzikon. They reportedly also studied the film Meier brought to them and couldn’t find any evidence of faking.

38 Stevens and his research team have made recreations of Meier's UFO photos. However the recreations were rather easy to identify using computer software. See the Contact movie.

39 Kinder in his book quotes Michael Malin saying about Dilettoso's computer setup (estimated worth $50000) that it was equally as sophisticated as what Malin regularily worked with and that some real science could be done with it. Light Years, p. 239.

40 It has been noticed by researchers who visited the sites where Meier shot his photos that one can easily be seen from these hilltops..