Nokodemion is a spirit form which was created on the planet Sadr, which was long ago in the Waron star system, which moved in the Lyren galaxy, 3,816,000,000 light years distant from the Sol star system.
Nokodemion was the first incarnated personality of the same spirit-form that currently inhabits the human being known as BEAM.
The reason this is relevant to the 'Billy Meier UFO Case' is because substantial knowledge has been brought forward and published over many Books etc., from what is described as 'Storage Banks', which are of an ethereal nature i.e. out of thin air, for all intents and purposes in layman’s terms, but nothing like an overdeveloped imagination. Thus knowing the process of how this knowledge has been sourced and retrieved becomes relevant to the overall understanding. It was not all sourced this way, only some of it was. Access to this legacy of knowlegde of previous incarnations by an individual very rarely occurs, if ever, but these fine-sensitivities can theoretically be developed by anyone with sufficient long-term persistance presumably, as the anatomy of the mid-brain is the same in us all, even if atrophied in most. In Eduards case he was both taught by Plejaren how to, in a vigorous study fraught with difficulty, as well as given their technological assistance using radiation reader fetcher technologies etc., to retrieve this data.[Citation Needed] The nearest notable example probably was Edgar Cayce, who for whatever reason was able to recount and speak passages of information from what amounts to thin air, while in an unconscious sleep-like state. This is then obviously different from recounting from the typical memories of the hippocampus of the human brain or from some local source. But BEAM evidently writes it all up like an author would do, revising and figuring out all the components of the matter, consciously and fully awake, which makes sense that he wouldn't publish a heap of garbled text, isn't it. The so-called 'remote viewing' may or may not be doing something similar to this too, its not clear, rife with fraud.
Invisible data retrieval is needless to say a controversial aspect of the UFO story, involving extraterrestrials, especially when it overlaps with current affairs, as it did with the Coronavirus Information in 2020. But there's plenty that science won't touch, see Lists of unsolved problems (Wikipedia) which doesn't even feature fine-material at all to be fair. We're content enough with what has been explained to have read far into it all and feel it has made good sense to us. It correlates well with what science has been able to uncover about various things, fits beautifully inside what could theoretically be reality and never overreaches like shear fantasy does. Its worth reading and is educational.
“ ...they attacked foreign planetary systems, bestially murdered millions of people or clapped them in chains and enslaved them. Thus Nokodemion was faced with the choice of leaving his peoples to degenerate into universal monsters or command a halt to their murderous and power-hungry deeds...
Source: Contact Report 238 (Extract)
British English | Schweizer Standarddeutsch ![]() |
Billy: |
Billy: |
... But the question remains open as to where Nokodemion came from, who not only founded and begot the new races, but also created new species, which he then equipped with advanced knowledge. Nokodemion is known to be 86 thousand million years old and its oldest created peoples are 29.5 thousand million years old. So he could not have come from this Milky Way galaxy system at all, nor could the ancient Lyrans or their direct ancestors, nor the Plejaren. The first human beings really recognisable as human life forms were created on the oldest planets of our Milky Way system about 9 - 12 million years ago, and before they became a real people, who could really be designated human being species, about another million years or maybe even more passed. So Nokodemion's spirit form personalities could never have come from this Milky Way galaxy system. So where did it and its species come from? | ... Bleibt nun aber die Frage offen, woher denn z.B. Nokodemion kam, der nicht nur neue Völker gründete und zeugte, sondern auch neue Völker kreierte, die er dann mit einem fortgeschrittenen Wissen ausstattete. Nokodemion weist ja bekanntlich ein Alter von 86 Milliarden Jahren auf und seine ältesten kreierten Völker deren 29,5 Milliarden Jahre. Also kann er überhaupt nicht von diesem Milchstrassensystem stammen, wie auch nicht die alten Lyraner und deren direkte Vorfahren sowie auch nicht die Plejadier. Die ersten wirklich als menschliche Lebensformen erkennbaren Menschen kreierten auf den ältesten Planeten unseres Milchstrassensystems vor rund 9–12 Millionen Jahren, und ehe diese dann zu wirklichen Menschen wurden, die man wirklich als Menschen bezeichnen kann, verging bestimmt nochmals annähernd eine Million Jahre oder vielleicht gar mehr. Also können Nokodemion und seine Völker niemals von diesem Milchstrassensystem stammen. Woher also kamen er und seine Völker? |
Ptaah: |
Ptaah: |
668. This question preoccupied us too, which is why we asked the Arahat Athersata, which explained that Nokodemion was created on the planet Sadr of the Waron star system, which moved in the Lyren galaxy, about 3816 million light years away from the Sol star system. | 668. Diese Frage beschäftigte auch uns, weshalb wir die Ebene Arahat Athersata befragten, die uns erklärte, dass Nokodemion eine Kreation aus dem Planeten SADR des Sonnensystems WARON war, das sich in der Galaxis LYREN bewegte, an die 3816 Millionen Lichtjahre vom SOL-System entfernt. |
Incarnation, Genealogy and Lineage
Source: CreationalTruth: Lineage Geneology (2015 version) (PDF) (External) see Lineage Geneology (2012 version) (PDF)

Spirit-form prophet incarnations
see image above
Spirit-form non-prophet incarnations
Book: 'Nokodemion, seine Folgepersönlichkeiten und die siebenfache Prophetenreihe auf der Erde' source
Written by Bernadette Brand
The Nokodemjon spirit-from has been incarnating on Earth for at least 389,000 years but these are the incarnations that are more recent, interesting and notable.
Name we know | Years | Life |
Socrates | 470/469 – 399 BC |
Philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. |
Aristotle | 384 – 322 BC |
Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotelianism |
Dr Johann Georg Faust | 1480 or 1466 – 1541 |
Alchemist, astrologer and magician of the German Renaissance |
Galileo Galilei | 15th Feb 1564 – 8th Jan 1642 |
Italian polymath: astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician, played a major role in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | 27th Jan 1756 – 5th Dec 1791 |
Prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. Music widely enjoyed to this day. |
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy | 3rd Feb 1809 – 4th Nov 1847 |
German composer, pianist, organist and conductor of the early Romantic period. |
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin | 21st Jan 1869 – 30th Dec 1916 |
Mystical faith healer and trusted friend of the family of Nicholas II, the last Tsar of the Russian Empire. |
Addressing one's own consciousnesss
Source: All Seven Forms of Prayer by Nokodemion (Extract)
British English | Schweizer Standarddeutsch ![]() |
Billy: |
Billy: |
Actually, since time immemorial, prayer has been a basic form of address to one's own consciousness in various forms, whereby due to ignorance since ancient times, the spirit was erroneously said to have been addressed instead of the consciousness, even though the spirit functions in human beings as a creative-natural giver of energy for life instead and only enlivens the consciousness with energy. | Eigentlich ist das Gebet seit alters her in verschiedenen Versionen eine Ansprechungsform an das eigene Bewusstsein, wobei seit frühester Zeit infolge Unkenntnis fälschlicherweise statt das Bewusstsein der Geist angesprochen wurde, der jedoch im Menschen als schöpferisch-natürlicher Lebensenergiegeber fungiert und mit seiner Energie das Bewusstsein belebt. |
Plejaren relationship to this spirit form
Source: Contact Report 228 (Extract)
British English | Schweizer Standarddeutsch ![]() |
Quetzal: |
Quetzal: |
Semjase and I, as well as Ptaah and his father Sfath, and my father, belong to a lineage that goes back to Henok and Nokodemion and their sons. | Semjase und ich sowie schon Ptaah und dessen Vater Sfath wie auch mein Vater gehören väterlicher seits je einer abstammungsmässigen Linie an, die auf Henok und Nokodemion sowie auf deren Söhne zurückführt. |
It was these sons who committed themselves to the mission of teaching the teachings of the spirit to all the lineages that emerged from Nokodemion and Henok in hereditary succession, and for preserving all the relevant knowledge that has been continuously compiled and recorded up to the present day and which today comprises more than 77 million OM canons. | Diese Söhne waren es, die sich der Mission verpflichteten, alle aus Nokodemion und Henok hervorgegangenen Linien in erbmässiger Folge in der Lehre des Geistes zu unterrichten und das gesamte diesbezügliche Wissen zu bewahren, das bis zur heutigen Zeit fortlaufend erarbeitet und aufgezeichnet wurde und heute mehr als 77 Millionen OM-Kanons umfasst. |
In order to be able to fulfil this mission on other worlds, where old spirit forms from the Henok lineage i.e Nokodemion lineage reincarnate because former folks from that lineage have faded there, as well as on Earth, special folks have been chosen again and again by the respective worlds, who have been taught by our ancestors and forefathers as well as by us. | Um nun auf anderen Welten, auf denen alte Geistformen aus der Henok-Linie resp. Nokodemion-Linie dadurch reinkarnieren, weil frühere Menschen aus der genannten Linie dort verblichen sind, wie eben auch auf der Erde, diese Mission erfüllen zu können, wurden seit alters her immer Wieder von den betreffenden Welten besondere Menschen ausgesucht, die von unseren Ahnen und Urahnen ebenso belehrt wurden, wie wir das gleichermassen halten. |
And since you are the person on Earth who meets our requirements, we have of course considered you for this teaching mission and as a herald of the teaching of the Spirit. | Und da du auf der Erde jener Mensch bist, der unseren Anforderungen entspricht, haben wir selbstverständlich deine Person für die Belehrungsmission und als Künder der Lehre des Geistes in Betracht gezogen. |
Although there are various uncertainties regarding the origin of your spirit form, we can assume that we will finally solve this mystery as well. | Zwar bestehen verschiedene Unklarheiten in bezug der Herkunft deiner Geistform, doch ist anzunehmen, dass wir auch dieses Rätsel endgültig lösen werden. |
So we have our suspicions, which we are investigating and which we will probably soon clarify once and for all. | Wir haben so unsere Vermutungen, denen wir nachgehen und die wir wohl bald endgültig klären werden. |
Our suppositions also suggest that you could tell us more about the origin of your spirit form than you tell us. | Unsere Vermutungen gehen auch dahin, dass du uns mehr über die Herkunft deiner Geistform sagen könntest, als du uns sagst. |
Common misconceptions
List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why
- Each universe brings forth a universal prophet who is repeatedly materializing again as a human being in order to help the various humankinds speeding up evolution. That’s a normal occurrence.[1]
- Merlins real name was Myrddin Wyllt[2] he was druid of Camelot, from the Demetier tribe in South Wales, a doctor, teacher, prophet, historian and he was 66 years old in the year 515[3]
- Planets don’t have sex. That is not what is meant by “a creation of the planet [name]” or “planet [name] brought it into existence”.
Further Reading
- Contact_Report_238
- All Seven Forms of Prayer by Nokodemion
- See Peaceful Music section in relation to classical musicians.