Learning German: Difference between revisions

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It will be a challenge, especially if you’ve already developed your brain and are now over 20, but life, it’s all a struggle and experience anyway. Good with making your own luck, all the best with it.
It will be a challenge, especially if you’ve already developed your brain and are now over 20, but life, it’s all a struggle and experience anyway. Good with making your own luck, all the best with it.

== Language informal FAQ and Q&A ==
'''How much of the success of the English (or any) language is owed to its basis in other languages?'''<br>
A: Its history possibly has some minimal contributing factor, it is a language which has allowed itself to evolve through the times alongside some great languages. However opinions vary on the root of that actually, some see success of any language as stemming from a different set of root causes and factors. Some say the language itself (any) doesn't matter (though at a minimum it has to be legible/useful), so much as other factors, such as the traditions, ambitions, aspirations, temperament, mentality of a group of folks, divided by the land area, climate, leadership, modesty, love and community cohesion and values. Some folks go one step further and claim it's based on farmers. If farmers are successful i.e. if the land is managed well, know what they are doing, then; as folks are well fed and watered, they have a good chance of being able to develop themselves in various ways over time. Some other folks claim it's all about the social system and the availability and growth of good opportunities; capitalism emerged in England in the 17th Century or so, there may be some truth to that too. But others have argued that before that, preceding it, the basis is rooted in the arability of the land i.e. farmers and farming communities.
== Deutsche Grammatik ==
== Deutsche Grammatik ==

Revision as of 10:19, 19 December 2018

Quick intro, at a glance, for new learners

FIGU Forum: FIGU English Forum section - Learning German (External)

You’re already going to go far knowing English, in terms of being able to communicate across the world. However Plejaren linguists designate English something like a halfway auxiliary language, compared that is, to Swiss German, see The_Plejaren#Languages.

Ptaah in Contact Report 488 said:

English German
The information from the language experts which was given to me informs us that the actual German language as well as Swiss German stems from the ancient language-branch ”ARJN“, from which all Germanic, Indo-Germanic, Latin, and Celtic languages and dialects have come forth; then, unfortunately, also the very inadequate English language, which essentially only corresponds to an auxiliary language. But fundamentally - as it was explained to me - German and Swiss German, each with its own dialects, are two different independent languages, which however, exhibit a certain relationship. Each language - German and Swiss German - has its own dialects, just as becomes evident with the main languages and principle auxiliary languages. Therefore, those terrestrials versed in the knowledge of languages make assumptions from completely wrong premises concerning the connections between languages and dialects, as they very often also do in regard to the initial origin of words and terms. They often live in assumptions and suppositions concerning this, without fundamentally possessing real knowledge. Therefore Swiss German is erroneously also called German, although this deals with two different languages. Die mir gegebene Information der Sprachenkundigen lautet, dass die eigentliche deutsche Sprache sowie das Schweizerdeutsch dem uralten Sprachstamm ‹ARJN› entstammen, aus dem alle germanischen, indogermanischen, lateinischen und keltischen Sprachen und Dialekte hervorgegangen sind, leider dann auch die sehr mangelhafte englische Sprache, die eigentlich nur einer Hilfssprache entspricht. Grundsätzlich aber, so wurde mir erklärt, sind Deutsch und Schweizerdeutsch mit ihren ihnen je eigenen Dialekten zwei verschiedene eigenständige Sprachen, die jedoch eine gewisse Verwandtschaft aufweisen. Jede Sprache, Deutsch und Schweizerdeutsch, hat eigene Dialekte, wie das eben nur bei den Hauptsprachen und Haupthilfssprachen in Erscheinung tritt. Die irdischen Sprachenkundigen gehen also von völlig falschen Voraussetzungen aus in bezug auf die Zusammenhänge der Sprachen und Dialekte, wie auch sehr häufig hinsichtlich der ursprünglichen Herkunft der Worte und Begriffe. Sie leben diesbezüglich vielfach in Annahmen und Vermutungen, ohne grundlegend wirkliches Wissen zu besitzen. Daher wird irrtümlich das Schweizerdeutsch auch als Deutsch bezeichnet, obwohl es sich um zwei verschiedene Sprachen handelt.

Swiss German and German are two independent languages, each with their own dialects.

Why learn a second, third or fourth language anyway?

Being bilingual (reading and speaking two languages) is good for many reasons; it’s a skill, demonstrates ability to solve problems, brings up intelligence generally. It draws the studying persons attention to words, and words are all civilization has ever been founded upon in any epoch and words are the way we think and feel. It also allows the bilingual person to communicate with many more folks than before, opens up wider social opportunities which is nice, and it anyway sits well on a curriculum vitae / résumé.

Learning German also means learning the German, learning about German, Swiss and Austrian people etc. Some say people are the same wherever you go in the world, some may even say they are the same on many worlds etc., this is a misconception and tends to alienate the individual from the language and people they are studying. Learning a language is a long term study and appreciation of a people, their society, community, rules, customs, etiquette, culture, emphasises, prejudices, history, tastes, behaviours. If it is not this way then your an alien. This by the way is why on a number of levels several of the Plejaren such as Ptaah are not aliens, because of a very long profound study and investigation, personal learning study and assimilation. While learning English you probably were communicating with folks all over the world, well that is what that is.

Basically if you want to learn Swiss German, it's best to be taught by a Swiss tutor, be communicating with the Swiss, read Swiss documents, watch Swiss films and be listening to Swiss music etc. It's similar to learning English in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, South Africa, Nigeria, Philippines, India etc., these will be slightly different courses of learning English and will be supplemented with the nationally associated identity. Learning Swiss German by the Swiss instead of by Germans or Austrians makes sense if that is what you wanted to speak and learn because the dialect is being transferred. It also depends on the range of source material one is learning from etc. Learning Swiss German partly by FIGU literature sort of makes sense.

If you’re going to be bilingual or multilingual, twinning German and English is a good combination, apparently is easier and faster for those who know English. Many English speakers learn French by default and others Spanish and Italian so in those cases tripling it with German seems a reasonable way forward, may as well.

The English and German languages share some old connection.
Sometimes the words are written the same or similar but pronounced differently and sometimes they’re written differently but pronounced the same or similar.
To throw you into getting started and beginning to pick out and identify key words, here are some of those words that are similar.

Easy list

English > German English > German English > German
Hamburger > Hamburger

Lager > Lagerbier
Free > Frei
Thank > Danken
Thanking > Danke
Long > Lang
Father > Vater
Brother > Bruder
Milk > Milch
Friend > Freund
Book > Buch
Garden > Garten
Telephone > Telefon
Dolphin > Delfin
Abseil > Abseilen
Lamp > Lampe
Crocodile > Krokodil
To train > Trainieren
To study > Studieren
Think > Denken
To hope > Hoffen
Strong > Stark
January > Januar

Fine > Fein

Good > Gut
God > Gott
Apple > Apfel
Dance > Tanzen
Banana > Banane
Stone > Stein
Aero > Aero
Flight > Flug
To help > Helfen
Heart > Herz
Cheese > Käse
Ten > Zehn
Better > Besser
To eat > Essen
Water > Wasser
Daughter > Tochter
Hobby > Hobby
Flip-flops > Flip-flops
Baby > Baby
Taxi > Taxi
T-Shirt > T-shirt
Tourist > Tourist
Computer > Computer
Sweatshirt > Sweatshirt
Project > Projekt

Mouse > Maus

House > Haus
Photo > Foto
Park > Park
Reporter > Reporter
Wash > Waschen
Oregano > Oregano
Summer > Sommer
Pizza > Pizza
Zoo > Zoo
Bread > Brot
Intellect > Intellekt Ball > Ball
Name > Name
Radio > Radio
Hotel > Hotel
Bus > Bus
Supermarket > Supermarkt
Neanderthal > Neandertal
Doppelgänger > Doppelgänger
Festival > Festival
Spiel > Spiel
Over > Über
Coffee > Kaffee
Patio > Terrasse
Veranda > Veranda
Backpack > Rucksack
Genitalia > Genitalien

This page is similar: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:List_of_German_cognates_with_English

These are just the similar terms, and there are ofcourse many more, but the way of creating a sentence and pronouncing the words is different and that will be the thing that takes the time to learn.

Non-standard, slang or colloquial terms used by English speakers are sometimes alleged not to be real words, despite appearing in numerous dictionaries. All words in English became accepted by being commonly used for a certain period of time; thus there are many informal words currently regarded as "incorrect" in formal speech or writing, but the idea that they are not words is a misconception. Examples of words that are sometimes alleged not to be words include "irregardless", "conversate", "funnest", "mentee", "impactful", and "thusly", all of which appear in numerous dictionaries as English words.

Nowadays many young persons throughout the world are taught English by professionals, in school and in childhood and develop a high level of skill with it. There are therefore many videos on youtube that you can bring up where locals demonstrate how they speak of all ages and personality types, and translate what they’re talking about into English as a lesson.

The best way to learn German is taking a regular class in your local town with a professional tutor in a class or private tuition lessons. Using the Duolingo learning computer software which is free or any learning software, some software may or may not be better because its paid for, its a normal open misconception that money gives you the best, but it may be better in some ways. And physically visiting those areas of Europe.

If you're serious about learning Swiss German, learn in Switzerland

You choose. It may be the case that the Plejaren are not aware of the economics of it, or it's been politically motivated to lift up the Swiss, they've very rarely spoken about economics. It's probably cheaper to learn German outside of Europe and Deutschland German not Swiss German. It's probably similar to learning English, well we know at least that a lot of Asians prefer heading to the Phillipines to learn English, or if closer to Latin America, then to Belize or one of the English-speaking Caribbean islands to learn English. If you don't care about any of that, or you're wealthy enough for that not to be a problem, and want to learn Swiss German then find a way of going to Switzerland to learn it and be among the Swiss. Most people cannot afford to learn Swiss German and don't qualify to take German in Deutschland even though they've eliminated tuition costs. There is only 7-8 million Swiss in the world, and they don't invite a thousand million individuals into their country for free language courses and even if they did, there wouldn't be enough jobs for them to do to pay to live, fly over and back even if they did offer to pay to offer their language. One way could be to go and live and apply for citizenship in a war zone nation for the required number of years, then enter Switzerland as a refugee because refugees are offered language courses unconditionally, but it's a long, dangerous, competitive means to have the Swiss German language laid upon you, there are easier ways of raising the money and the quantity of paperwork will be similar either way. Realistically despite what Ptaah has explained about learning Swiss German, learning German one way or another is better than not at all, where you already live. That is why we have listed internet methods such as Duolingo and Youtube, so you can learn anywhere and by many different methods using the internet, whatever you want or can do, you choose.

In English we adopted the old Roman term Germania, presumably back in Roman times, for the geographical region in north-central Europe (for all intents and purposes, Europe). Which is probably why we call it German and Germany today. However that old Germania has since then been divided up into the many countries we know in Europe i.e. Europe; and German is now spoken in Switzerland, Deutschland (Germany), Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Belgium, Italy (the province South Tyrol/Alto Adige), Slovakia (some villages), which is basically that old Germania area. Dutch has some link, and let’s not get too deeply into it but England and the English language itself relook at the list above well surely ok there is some link.

There is a difference between the way the Swiss German and Deutschland and Austrian (Österreich) German speakers use the language which isn’t a particularly important fact to know at this stage and is the sort of thing becomes self evidential by itself.

Learning German will give you better access to travelling around north-central Europe and conversing with the locals, if later in life you want to take a look around. But it will allow you to read a fair few good German books, there are some really good ones, and of course Billy Meiers books. It then gives you access to reading all of Billys books, and they will also make more sense, and much more information will come out of what has been explained by extraterrestrials. Information that has never been translated into English are in those Books, because of the shear volume of it all and the time required to translate it.

It will be a challenge, especially if you’ve already developed your brain and are now over 20, but life, it’s all a struggle and experience anyway. Good with making your own luck, all the best with it.

Language informal FAQ and Q&A

How much of the success of the English (or any) language is owed to its basis in other languages?
A: Its history possibly has some minimal contributing factor, it is a language which has allowed itself to evolve through the times alongside some great languages. However opinions vary on the root of that actually, some see success of any language as stemming from a different set of root causes and factors. Some say the language itself (any) doesn't matter (though at a minimum it has to be legible/useful), so much as other factors, such as the traditions, ambitions, aspirations, temperament, mentality of a group of folks, divided by the land area, climate, leadership, modesty, love and community cohesion and values. Some folks go one step further and claim it's based on farmers. If farmers are successful i.e. if the land is managed well, know what they are doing, then; as folks are well fed and watered, they have a good chance of being able to develop themselves in various ways over time. Some other folks claim it's all about the social system and the availability and growth of good opportunities; capitalism emerged in England in the 17th Century or so, there may be some truth to that too. But others have argued that before that, preceding it, the basis is rooted in the arability of the land i.e. farmers and farming communities.

Deutsche Grammatik

das Verb


Die Hilfsverben
  sein   haben   werden
  ich   bin   habe   werde
  du   bist   hast   wirst
 er/sie/es   ist   hat   wird
  wir   sein   haben   werden
  ihr   seid   habt   werdet
  sie/Sie   sein   haben   werden

Regelmäßige (schwache) Verben
  leben   machen   sagen   gehen   bleiben   bringen   beginnen   suchen   denken   fragen   hören   kaufen
  ich   lebe   mache   sage   gehe   bleibe   bringe   beginne   suche   denke   frage   höre   kaufe
  du   lebst   machst   sagst   gehst   bleibst   bringst   beginnst   suchst   denkst   fragst   hörst   kaufst
  er/sie/es   lebt   macht   sagt   geht   bleibt   bringt   beginnt   sucht   denkt   fragt   hört   kauft
  wir   leben   machen   sagen   gehen   bleiben   bringen   beginnen   suchen   denken   fragen   hören   kaufen
  ihr   lebt   macht   sagt   geht   bleibt   bringt   beginnt   sucht   denkt   fragt   hört   kauft
  sie/Sie   leben   machen   sagen   gehen   bleiben   bringen   beginnen   suchen   denken   fragen   hören   kaufen

  schwimmen   probieren   singen   spielen   trinken   wohnen   zeigen   brauchen   lieben   fliegen   kommen
 ich   schwimme   probiere   singe   spiele   trinke   wohne   zeige   brauche   liebe   fliege   komme
 du   schwimmst   probierst   singst   spielst   trinkst   wohnst   zeigst   brauchst   liebst   fliegst   kommst
 er/sie/es   schwimmt   probiert   singt   spielt   trinkt   wohnt   zeigt   braucht   liebt   fliegt   kommt
 wir   schwimmen   probieren   singen   spielen   trinken   wohnen   zeigen   brauchen   lieben   fliegen   kommen
 ihr   schwimmt   probiert   singt   spielt   trinke   wohnt   zeiget   braucht   liebt   fliegt   kommt
 sie/Sie   schwimmen   probieren   singen   spielen   trinken   wohnen   zeigen   brauchen   lieben   fliegen   kommen

Regelmäßige (schwache) Verben mit e-Erweiterung
  öffnen   finden   antworten   arbeiten   bedeuten   kosten   senden   warten
 ich   öffne   finde   antworte   arbeite   bedeute   kosten   sende   warte
 du   öffnest   findest   antwortest   arbeitest   bedeutest   kostest   sendest   wartest
 er/sie/es   öffnet   findet   antwortet   arbeitet   bedeutet   kostet   sendet   wartet
 wir   öffnen   finden   antworten   arbeiten   bedeuten   kosten   senden   warten
 ihr   öffnet   findet   antwortet   arbeitet   bedeutet   kostet   sendet   wartet
 sie/Sie   öffnen   finden   antworten   arbeiten   bedeuten   kosten   senden   warten

Regelmäßige (schwache) Verben mit e-Tilgung bei Endung eln und ern
  sammeln   verbessern
 ich   sammle   verbessere
 du   sammelst   verbesserst
 er/sie/es   sammelt   verbessert
 wir   sammeln   verbessern
 ihr   sammelt   verbessert
 sie/Sie   sammeln   verbessern

Unregelmäßige (starke) Verben
  reisen   heißen   setzen
 ich   reise   heiße   setze
 du   reist   heißt   setzt
 er/sie/es   reist   heißt   setzt
 wir   reisen   heißen   setzen
 ihr   reist   heißt   setzt
 sie/Sie   reisen   heißen   setzen

  fahren   schlafen
 ich   fahre   schlafe
 du   fährst   schläfst
 er/sie/es   fährt   schläft
 wir   fahren   schlafen
 ihr   fahrt   schlaft
 sie,/Sie   fahren   schlafen

  helfen   geben   nehmen   essen   lesen
 ich   helfe   gebe   nehme   esse   lese
 du   hilfst   gibst   nimmst   isst   liest
 er/sie/es   hilft   gibt   nimmt   isst   liest
 wir   helfen   geben   nehmen   essen   lesen
 ihr   helft   gebt   nehmt   esst   lest
 sie/Sie   helfen   geben   nehmen   essen   lesen

 ich   tue
 du   tust
 er/sie/es   tut
 wir   tun
 ihr   tut
 sie/Sie   tun

Reflexive Verben
  sich treffen
 ich   treffe mich
 du   triffst dich
 er/sie/es   trifft sich
 wir   treffen uns
 ihr   trefft euch
 sie/Sie   treffen sich

Trennbare Verben
  auskommen   anrufen
 ich   komme aus   rufe an
 du   kommst aus   rufst an
 er/sie/es   kommt aus   ruft an
 wir   kommen aus   rufen an
 ihr   kommt aus   ruft an
 sie/Sie   kommen aus   rufen an

Nicht trennbare Verben
  bekommen   bestellen   besuchen   bezahlen   verstehen   vergessen
 ich   bekomme   bestelle   besuche   bezahle   verstehe   vergesse
 du   bekommst   bestellst   besuchst   bezahlst   verstehst   vergisst
 er/sie/es   bekommt   bestellt   besucht   bezahlt   versteht   vergisst
 wir   bekommen   bestellen   besuchen   bezahlen   verstehen   vergessen
 ihr   bekomme   bestellt   besucht   bezahlt   versteht   vergesst
 sie/Sie   bekommen   bestellen   besuchen   bezahlen   verstehen   vergessen

Die Modalverben und wissen
  können   sollen   wollen   müssen   mögen   dürfen    wissen
 ich   kann   soll   will   muss   mag   darf     weiß
 du   kannst   sollst   willst   musst   magst   darfst     weißt
 er, sie, es   kann   soll   will   muss   mag   daft     weiß
 wir   können   sollen   wollen   müssen   mögen   dürfen     wissen
 ihr   könnt   sollt   wollt   müsst   mögt   dürft     wisst
 sie/Sie   können   sollen   wollen   müssen   mögen   dürfen     wissen



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