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Daniel Leech (talk | contribs)
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Information availability about American Civil War II is limited and the information below is not exhaustive.

Available information specifically about American Civil War II is thin and scant, probably wont happen at all, will probably look like national protests combined with a randomised sequence of terrorist offences, some randomised police brutality, of isolated looting petty theft, discord and some randomised events, a handful of murders, and many assaults (GBH) and various disorganised randomness. For most of North America it does not appear to be any different than it is everyday, most will not even know about it, if someone were to say oh yeah this is American Civil War II then the other guy may ask for evidence to substantiate the claim, and it will be difficult to make any particular differentiation between time markers, probably.
Before proceeding readers are first recommended to read [[The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings]] and specifically the might of nocebo preparations and self-fulfilling, negative prophecy.
In history they usually look back and take a rough guess really and say this area of time, ummm lets call this the revolution A, no please, I really think we should call this the revolution B, ok we'll call it the revolution of the year blah blah.
There is a tendency to blow all facts out of proportion and supercharge the basic boringness of the simple changes, probably because it reads too boringly to make a good story, so what it looks like is something of similar grade consistency to some other near historical event like some one day mass protest in all city centres then forgotten about the day after and the day after that they wonder even what they protesting about having forgotten already.
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* Nevertheless, however, factors threaten again in later years which could indeed still lead to a Third World War, whereby, however, it is to hope that also then the Earth humans' reason is victorious and the right thing will be done by all who can bring their influence to bear.
* Nevertheless, however, factors threaten again in later years which could indeed still lead to a Third World War, whereby, however, it is to hope that also then the Earth humans' reason is victorious and the right thing will be done by all who can bring their influence to bear.
* Please check for yourself. We cannot make any claim here to have made a successful interpretation of dates or sequences etc, because we cant even work out how to compile the information into a chronology. Even if we did or could it would require a precision science and we have insufficient information for this.
* It might be a waste of time either way, because in acknowledging any future we either get bored and change it or induce a self-fulfilling prophecy.
* The various texts are spread over several documents
* What we are confident about is that politically around the world the situation is unstable - the mass of humanity wants more input into any direction, they want something better, something more reasonable - politics has made too many shady deals etc. over the last century. When the citizens catch up to the situation, whenever that may be, they will 'probably' demand something better - this then is why the situation points to these various intersections of war and conflict. Had the politicians been more reasonable and included everyone in the various decisions then maybe we could call a different outcome. The exact shady dealings are a mystery, until the mass of humanity turns their attention to the various situations then we won't know exactly what has been agreed or disagreed. What we know so far is that a plethora of agreements have been made in and between nations, or we think this is the case anyway, we are not really sure to be honest, many of which have put normal people in harms way, normal individuals will have to suffer horribly over a fairly long period of time before a sufficient fuss has been made that we then can access together the cognitions of what shady deals are in place and what is not, we just don't know yet what has been agreed upon or what has been disagreed upon. Its been a psychopathic governing regime for so long that until we normal individuals in our millions catch up, until it all filters down into popular culture, then we just wont know what is what and who is effected by what.
=== Chronology of events ===
* The best we have are the key plot points, the main events.
# we have only few references to time scales etc.
## few geographical references
### little to no information about who is effected and by what etc.
#### what circumstances etc.
However the information seems to be presented in such a way that multiple instances over a long span of time have been mottled together.
* A 'possibility' of war precedes.
* Proceeds quite a while later, a war with lazer weapons etc.
* '''So that you don't mix up any information.''' Then much much later, in what we can see is a long time in the future, way after all these events, several hundred years, after we have colonised mars and done various other things, then we can see it is written that several other wars occur, one due to a famine, one comes from our future colony on mars.
=== Inciting incidents ===
* We have the inciting incident, the events that trigger the sequence.
# trigger A; a pope is not in italy, is hiding indefinitely in another country, some form of threat causes that.
## a volcanic eruption; terrorism; extreme persecution
### trigger B; four political figures murdered in an eastern nation trigger
#### trigger C; tens of thousands of terrorists migrated to Europe hidden amongst the refugees in 2016.
##### trigger D; a lot of people have some form of tracking microchip under their skin somewhere, then leading onto the various events that way. but this may be an event that occurs later and more in consequence, either way it will lead to something bad even if that is the second round of bad things.
There is another trigger, that Americans cannot find jobs as they have been able to historically because they have been moved to other nations by their executives to make a quick, dirty, cheap profit. Which is understandable really from a business perspective but that is irrelevant if it was the wrong thing to do. The American men and women are incredibly strong, arguably the strongest breed of human on Earth at the present time, without that historical steady supply of employment and with greater gaps and distances between employment and a longer lead time to economic prime with tougher and more niche economic sectors. Then its not like in Europe where there are a plethora of safety nets to smooth the ride built up over time by Europes own historical problems. In America it probably means an incredibly strong might, this is going to manifest in a variety of ways, probably in-line with the prophecies, makes sense.
* Again please check for yourself.

Revision as of 12:14, 13 December 2016

North American civil war and revolution

Common Definition: A revolution is an insurrection (usually armed) that attempts to overthrow and change the form of government. ... Resistance is sometimes a component of a civil war or a revolution. However, because it can often be peaceful, such as the United States in the 1960s movement for civil rights, it is not always armed.

  • United States
  • Canada

Information availability about American Civil War II is limited and the information below is not exhaustive.

Before proceeding readers are first recommended to read The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings and specifically the might of nocebo preparations and self-fulfilling, negative prophecy.

Future North American Civil War in the Contact Reports


  • There is in fact not a Third World War predicted, the prophecies speak solely of a possibility that such a war could become reality in the years 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2011 and in later years too, if the human being continues to pursue war on a military, political and religious basis and does not apply reason and lets the mighty of religion and states muddle on, and lets the stupid and idiotic be incited by irresponsible and criminal elements.


  • 286. ...two terrible civil wars will break out in America, whereby one will follow the other.
  • 287. Afterwards, the United States of America will break apart and deadly hostility will prevail among her, which then leads to the division into five different territories; and it cannot be prevented that sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role.

The Henoch Prophecies


  • Something that would be hindered if humanity finally would stop sanctifying the criminal power-greedy ones, and voting them in as their leaders


  • Unfortunately the few reasonable ones can accomplish nothing against the mass of irrational ones and those who are slaves to the might-greedy ones, because they are still too few.

Contact Report 230

  • 446. Through it all, new wars will come into being just as much as will also monstrous state, commercial and private debts, commercial collapses through irresponsible maladministration, exploitation of many firms by their managers, bankruptcies, into which firms will be driven by management and maladministration, which will lead to monstrously great worldwide unemployment, and under certain circumstances, can evoke a commercial and governmental collapse in all industrial countries.
  • 447. And monstrous terrorism will become evident worldwide which will, to a great extent, in religious, sectarian, secret service and open political form, be practiced in the coming time through suicide assassins as well as through other cowardly attacks on the innocent and on their worldly possessions.


And there will be new and big empires across the big ocean, and one of these empires will send out new legions of barbaric hordes under the command of powerful rulers who are degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity to carry out wars and conquer the world in order to get hold of the countries' mineral resources. But beyond the big ocean, the walls of cities and villages of the conquerors wanting to seize the world's power will collapse, and the empire will then be destroyed and be only a scorched land and muddy waters. And the peoples of the earth will interbreed, which causes a lot of harm, illnesses, infirmity and hatred, terror and revenge, as well as many deaths. And when these days arrive, humankind will be approaching very difficult times and will be standing before an impenetrable labyrinth; its entrance will be shrouded in a dark gloom, as black as the darkest night, and the human being will step into this labyrinth, where the evil will glimmer with glowing red eyes of ruin and disaster. And when these days arrive may the human being be on his guard, for the disastrous ruin will bear within destruction, and innumerable deaths, a cruel rage and wrath degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity. And the days of ruin and disaster will be long, yet in the distant future of the coming time, everything will become lighter, and there will be love, peace and freedom. It shall be so, for I see and hear in heaven, and know that it will be as I have proclaimed, for I am the herald Elia, and I speak the truth.


  • Threatening thunder will crack over the Earth and deaths in their thousands will rage when the criminal national powers of the U.S.A. release war into the wide world and when Israel's national forces spread just the same terror, murder, death and corruption as the Palestinians themselves, from whom uncountable suicide bombers will go; all over the world all variety of military and rebellious forms of murderers will recruit, out of all levels of the population, and drill the recruits into being murder machines devoid of feelings and conscience, to whom also every kind of torture is a shining joy.
  • Organized murder and terror commandoes will live secretly in cities worldwide and plan and carry out deadly attacks in order to kill thousands of people and produce unimagined destruction.
  • There will be no more order and no effective rule to protect the lives of the people, because, through the fault of the warmongering national powerful ones, the rebellious, religious, sectarian and fanatic terrorism will flare up like a bright flash in the night in order to sow death and corruption.


  • 67. You are perfectly correct and you have listed a large part of the terrifying scenarios which already have existed for quite some time, which actually still spread out ever further and intensify, whereby the World Fire finally can get completely out of control, which is unfortunately to fear.


  • Nevertheless, however, factors threaten again in later years which could indeed still lead to a Third World War, whereby, however, it is to hope that also then the Earth humans' reason is victorious and the right thing will be done by all who can bring their influence to bear.