Summary of Contents for Stevens' Preliminary Investigation Report, Internet, January 2003: Difference between revisions

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==<font color="cc0000" face="arial">Detailed summery of contents for Stevens' ''Preliminary Investigation Report.''</font>==
===<font color="cc0000" face="arial">Detailed summery of contents for Stevens' ''Preliminary Investigation Report.''</font>===
| colspan="2" | The American Wendelle Stevens is one of the principal investigators of the 'Billy' Meier case. Stevens first heard of the case in September 1976. In October 1977, after having followed the case by mail for about one year Stevens went to Switzerland, to "look Meier and the witnesses in the eye and see the evidence".
| colspan="2" | The American Wendelle Stevens is one of the principal investigators of the 'Billy' Meier case. Stevens first heard of the case in September 1976. In October 1977, after having followed the case by mail for about one year Stevens went to Switzerland, to "look Meier and the witnesses in the eye and see the evidence".

Revision as of 10:17, 22 May 2009

Detailed summery of contents for Stevens' Preliminary Investigation Report.

The American Wendelle Stevens is one of the principal investigators of the 'Billy' Meier case. Stevens first heard of the case in September 1976. In October 1977, after having followed the case by mail for about one year Stevens went to Switzerland, to "look Meier and the witnesses in the eye and see the evidence".

The following years he spent much time and money investigating the case and he returned at least five times to Switzerland. On several of these trips he was accompanied by his friends and fellow investigators Lee and Brit Elders and Tom Welch. Among other things, they studied many of the sites were Meier shot his photos and movie films, they did on site experiments with UFO models and interviewed many of the local witnesses in Switzerland. UFO... Contact from the Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report (published in 1982) is a cumulation of a series of reports Stevens updated annually since 1978. The 542 page book contains a lot of information, but has no index and almost no footnotes. In this section of my site a detailed table of contents for this book can be found.


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Stevens explains why the Meier case in his opinion is "a most remarkable UFO case". He shortly comments upon aspects like the many photographs, the physical evidence, the sound recordings, the contact notes, the primary task of the Pleiadians, the many witnesses, the analysis of the evidence and the corroborating stories from independent sources (Elsa Schröder letter).


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Stevens mentions his UFO experiences when serving in the USAF.
How he first heard of the case (see also chapter 1).
Stevens gives some basic background information about Meier, his claims and evidence.
Stevens mentions his first three visits to Switzerland (see chapter 1, 8 and 11 for reports on 1rst, 2nd and 3rd visit to Switzerland).

Chapter 1 - Initial Investigation

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Stevens first hears about the Meier case in September 1976 when the (late) Swiss UFO researcher Lou Zinsstag and also UFO researcher Timothy Good visit him in Tucson in the USA. Zinsstag shows him about 16 very clear UFO photos made by Meier. His first opinion is that they look too good and that they probably are fake.
Zinsstag describes her own investigation to Stevens. She first began investigating the case in mid 1975 (she lived 120 kilometers from the area where the events were taking place. She has interviewed Meier and some of his friends and watched the developing events.
Mid 1976 Ilse von Jacobi, a UFO researcher in Germany heard of the case from her friend Margarite Rufer, a member of Meier's original study group. She decides to investigate the case, and interview Meier. Her investigation results in an article which she sends to several German papers. But they don't publish it (too "far out"). She offers a translaton of the article the publisher of an Italian magazine (Il Giornale die Misteri). They publish it. The German news magazine Quick then prints a short article on the same material that was printed in Italy The articles produces a flood of visitors looking for Meier in Hinwil.
Stevens continues to follow the case by mail. Zinsstag sends Stevens more photos, translated contact notes and the Il Giornale die Misteri article. Stevens starts a correspondence with the author Ilse von Jacobi, the author of the article. Stevens starts sending notes to the witness through both intermediaries (Von Jacobi and Zinnstag) and gets answers. Stevens also learns of a movie sequence through Mrs. Jacobi.
Stevens writes his first article on the case in Argosi UFO. And an article on the case he sent to the Japanese magazine UFOs and Space was also published.

On 21 October 1977, Stevens goes for the first time to Switzerland, and together with Ilse von Jacobi visits Meier and some of the other witnesses (he meets Hans Schutzbach, Harold Proch and his sister). He wanted to "look them in the eye and see the evidence."

Stevens and von Jacobi are surprised because Meier speaks English. Both Zinsstag and Von Jacobi who had spent considerable time with him before and had warned Stevens that he would need an interpreter as Meier "didn't speak a word of English". The trip lasted 5 days.

Stevens buys about 300 photos from Meier and also buys some other material including copies of contact notes.

Meier informs Stevens that he has made photos of models and that some of his slides came into the posession of Martin Sorge, and Sorge falsely inferred that Meier was trying to pass off models as real UFOs. More information on Martin Sorge and his claims can be found in appendix II [#285 pp. 285-289] and the epilogue [#504 p. 504].

Regarding the report on the photo computer analysis by Ground Saucer Watch (GSW) in Phoenix, Arizona, Meier states that he and his friends tested GSW. They forwarded a fake UFO photograph for analysis and according to Meier's friends GSW did not detect the fake photo.

At some point during his 5 day trip, Meier took Stevens "aside and showed him some of the other pictures not in the three regular albums." There were dozens of photos from the extended space trip. Some of them showed Meier and one of the cosmonauts out of the spacecraft in identical space suits. Others showed the interior of the spacecraft.

Meier also shows Stevens some of the mineral specimens. He states "that we should look for evidence of formation under other conditions than those of our Earth if we expected to prove anything by them".

More information about the physical specimens can be found in the foreword, chapter 8 [#124 p. 124], in chapter 12, p. 261, and appendix VII, [#412 pp. 412-428].

Stevens preliminary conclusion. He doesn't understand how Meier could be perpetrating a hoax, without his wife and his closest friends noticing it.

Chapter 2 - First Contact

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Stevens shortly comments upon topics like the type of photo camera used by Meier, the contacts which allegedly took place before 1975, and the possibility that the UFOs are models; Stevens argues that the UFOs photographed by Meier are "obviously of some larger size than small models", and he points to a comparison which can be made between the UFO and the tree featuring in the 9 July, 1975, Fuchsbüel am Hofhalden photos.

More information on that particular series of photos can be found in chapter 4 [#49 p. 49], in chapter 9 [#126 p. 126], in chapter 11 [#250 p. 250] and in appendix II [#330 pp. 330-330].


Meier describes on these pages how his first contact with Semjase took place. There's background information about the time and the circumstances under which he took the photographs of the 28 January, 1975, Frecht Nature Preserve photos. More information on this photo series can be found in appendix II [#292 pp. 292-295].

Translated excerpts of the notes of the first contact.
There's a note on this page about a Russian lieutenant who saw a landed UFO, tried to approach it but walked into an invisible wall. According to Stevens that information can be found in Flying Saucer Review, Volume 25, No. 1, January-February 1979, p. 26.

Chapter 3 - Early UFO Experiences

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Meier describes his first UFO experience which purportedly took place when he was 5 years, Meier also comments upon the contact with the ET Sfath that followed.

Chapter 4 - The Cosmonauts Return

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On these pages some of the explanations Meier gives in chapter 5 can be found; Stevens explains why Meier was chosen for the contacts; why his friends and other persons aren't allowed to meet the aliens etc.

Stevens on p. 49 states that an acquaintance of Meier upon seeing the developed pictures of the 9 July, Fuchsbüel am Hofhalden sequence, located the exact spots from which the pictures were taken. "He found that the grass here was 20 to 30 centimeters higher than the other grass around. The whole tree itself had just disappeared with no trace".

More information on that particular series of photos can be found in chapter 2 [#27 p. 27], in chapter 9 [#126 p. 126], in chapter 11 [#250 p. 250] and in appendix II [#330 pp. 330-330].

Excerpts of the notes of contact #2-4 and #8.

On these pages Stevens points to some of the difficulties with the hoax theory. Stevens shortly comments upon the evidence; the contact notes, the photos, the films, the witnesses.

Regarding the 18 March, 1975, movie sequence he remarks that "the lines of the vertical axis often crossed within the frame and we should have been able to the point of suspension."

More information on this movie sequence can be found in the appendix [#280 pp. 280-281].

He also writes that that Lou Zinsstag and Ilse von Jacobi have both spent considerable time with Meier, his wife and acquaintances, and that their investigations support the idea that something unique has taken place in Switzerland.


Chapter 5 - Questions Answered

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In this chapter Stevens presents translations of some of the notes in which Meier himself gives answers to certain key questions.
A detailed description of Semjase.
Meier explains why he was selected for the contacts.
Meier explains what happens when he tries to take other people to his contacts.

Meier describes some of the different types of spacecraft he claims to have seen and sometimes photographed.

In appendix I [#a1 p. 265] and appendix VI [#401 pp. 401-411] more information can be found about spacecraft as described by Meier.

Stevens discusses the possibilty of the existence of the planet Erra in the Pleiades star clusters.

Chapter 6 - The Contacts Continue

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Excerpts of the notes of contact #6, 8-14, 18, 20, 22-24, 26, 27 and 30.

On p. 87 Stevens states that "since the contacts began Meier has been given a series of events that mark important points in time" and "he has been strictly forbidden to reveal any of these events until they have come to pass. On pp. 88-91 Stevens gives examples of predictions by Meier. Stevens shortly comments upon the subject of knowledge of future events by Meier in the epilogue [s1982mai.htm#521 see p. 521].


Chapter 7 - A trip into Space/Time

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This chapter is mainly about the great space trip.

On pp. 106-108 there are (black and white) reproductions of four of the photos allegedly taken by Meier in space during his space trip. The photo purportedly showing the mother-ship "near a strange planet" on p. 106 is the one which is also discussed by Korff in his 1995 book on pp. 259-260.

Excerpts of the notes of the 52nd contact can be found on these pages. This contact took place on 17 May, 1976 and Hans Schutbach and Guido Moosbrugger had a UFO sighting that night.

Chapter 8 - Follow-up Investigation

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In April 1978, Wendelle Stevens makes his second trip to Switzerland, he's accompanied by Lee and Brit Elders. They arrive in Switzerland on Monday the 3rd of April. In this chapter Stevens describes some of the chief events which took place during their 5 day visit.
On the first day (Monday) in the afternoon, Meier takes Lee Elders and Stevens to his little office. Stevens is suprised by the improvement in Meier's office since the last trip; anonymous gifts; IBM typewriter. Stevens buys about 60 new photos and and copies of contact notes and pamphlets. Meier informs them of the story of Semjase being injured on a contact with him [Meier] and also explains why Semjase does not want to be seen.
The second day (Tuesday the fourth), there's a television crew to tape an interview. Meier and seven of his close friends are interviewed. Also Wendelle Stevens is interviewed by the television crew. The interview was "broadcated on 10 April from Zurich", and "was the first local media coverage of this case".

The third day (Wednesday the fifth), Stevens and the Elders "were back at the house again getting to know the rest of the group members and working with Meier on the available data". Again and they are at Meier's office. Meier talks about the benefits of the IBM typewriter; twelve pages per hour; 65 words per minute; with one finger (one arm).

Meier let them hear the tape recording of the 14 April, 1976, Schmärbüel am Maiwinkle event.

More information on this event can be found in chapter 11 [#248 pp. 248-249], the appendix II [#356 pp. 356-360] and the appendix VII [#432 pp. 432-445].

He also let them hear a tape recording of sounds allegedly made by an unusual amphibian-like being. More information about this creature who made the "Muurgg" sounds can be found in chapter 11 [#244 pp. 244-245.]

Meier also explains that some of the photographed landing tracks were left by crafts "from the direction of Lyra".


In the morning of the fourth day (Thursday the sixth), Stevens and his party learn that Meier is still sleeping and that he has had another contact with Quetzal that night. Quetzal purportedly delivered a little package of Amber crystals during that contact. At the end of that day he gives them 4 metal, 1 biological and 9 mineral and crystal specimens to have examined. More information about the physical specimens can be found in chapter 1 [#25 p. 25] and appendix VII [#412 pp. 412-428].

Also this day, Stevens apparantly orders "nine twenty by thirty inch mural prints for study for photo camerawork" and which "were to be ready the next day." He also arranges to meet Bernadette Brand, in Winterthur, the next morning to pick them up.


On the fifth day (Friday the seventh), Stevens and his party return to the US. On the way out of Switzerland he picks the prints up.

Note: Meier's contact notes indicate that the alleged contact with Quetzal took place on Wednesday the 5th, at 00:31; therefore the hand over of the physical specimens which according to Stevens in this chapter took place on the Thurday the sixth, probably took place on Wednesday the fifth (the events which are listed for Wedensday the fifth may have taken place on another day).


Chapter 9 - Other Witnesses

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This chapter is about "the dozens of witnesses who have observed various of the phenomena associated with Meier contacts".

According Stevens on this page the following six witnesses were also members of Meier's original study group: Olga Walder, Amalie Stetter, Ms. M. Flammer, Margarite Rufer, Hans Schutzbach, Jacobus Bertschinger.

An important comment by Stevens on this page is that Ms Margarite Rufer and Jacobus Bertschinger have reportedly seen the tree featuring in the 9 July, 1975, Fuchsbüel am Hofalden photo sequence (the ETs had removed that tree according to Meier not long after the photo oppertunity).

More information on that particular series of photos can be found in chapter 2 [#27 p. 27], in chapter 4 [#49 p. 49], in chapter 11 [#250 p. 250] and in appendix II [#330 pp. 330-330].

Account of a UFO sighting which took place in the early morning of Sunday, 4 April, 1976. The witnesses describe "a rotating dark red nucleus", a light which ascends and drops down and which is very fast and also a "rain of luminous drops".The (translated) account is signed by Hans Schutzbach, Jacobus Bertschinger, M. Flammer, M. Rufer, Olga Walder and A. Stetter.
Account of a UFO sighting which took place in the early morning of Sunday, 14 March, 1976. Bertschinger describes "sphere approaching by a suddenly enormous speed" and also "a rain of sparkles." The (translated) account is signed by Jacobus Bertschinger.
Account of a UFO sighting which took place in the night of Friday, 23 April, 1976. Other witness: Jacobus Bertschinger (and Meier). Witness describes a red spot in the sky drawing fast along. The (translated) account is signed by Hans Schutzbach.
Account of a UFO sighting which took place in the early morning of Monday, 7 June, 1976. Wolfgang Witzer testifies having filmed a "blinking UFO" in the presence of four other witnesses: Hans and Conrad Schutzbach, Mr. Altensperger and Jacobus Bertschinger. The (translated) account is signed by Wolgang Witzer.

Account of a UFO sighting which took place in the early morning of Sunday, 13 June, 1976. Guido Moosbrugger testifies having photographed appearances of disc shaped objects in the night sky in the presence of three other witnesses: Ms. Stetter, Ms. Flammer and Olga Walder. Hans and Conrad Schutzbach and Billy Meier, each at different geographical locations also shot photographs. The (translated) account is signed by Guido Moosbrugger.

Also presented on these pages are black and white reproductions of the photos taken by the Schutzbach brothers, Moosbrugger and Meier during this particular event.

More information on this event can be found in appendix II [#361 pp. 361-362] and in the epilogue [#505 pp. 505-507].

At the bottom of p. 136, there's information about another UFO sighting by Moosbrugger which took place one month earlier.


On pp. 142-143 there's an account of a daytime sighting which took place on Sunday, 28 June, 1976. Hans Schutzbach testifies having seen in presence of Meier's family and Ms. Stetter a silver disc-shaped object which rose up in the sky very fast. (not mentioned in the account is that he reportedly also photographed the UFO during this event). The (translated) account is signed by Hans Schutbach.

On p. 144 there are reproductions of two photos of the landing-tracks the UFOs purportedly left behind. And on p. 146 there's a drawing of the landing site including some measurements of the landing tracks, it is signed by Hans Schutbach. On the other pages can be found excepts from the contact relevant to this daytime UFO sighting.


Account of mysterious disappearance of a 5 m high tree which took place on 17 October, 1976, between 16:00 and 17:00 hours in the afternoon. Witnesses to this event: Hans Schutzbach, Herbert Runkel, Margaite Rufer, Jacobus Bertschinger, Amalia Stetter, Olga Walder, M. Flammer, Mrs. Meier and the children (and others). The (translated) account is signed by Herbert Runkel. On p. 151 there's a sketch by Runkel of the tree removal scene plus comments. On p. 152: two pictures purportedly taken by Meier within a time frame of a "few minutes"; only one of them showing the 5 m high tree. Runkel testifies having seen Meier photographing the tree when it was still present. This event is also discussed in the epilogue [#509 see pp. 509-511.]

150, 153-154
Account of UFO sighting which took place place on Monday, 7 February, 1977, in the evening. Jacobus Bertschinger sees "oval disc, slightly illuminated." The (translated) account is signed by Jacobus Bertschinger.

Mysterious re-appearance of Meier and witnesses hear mysterious beamship sounds. Among the witnesses: Bernadette Brand, Jacobus Bertschinger, Engelbert Wächter sr. Event took reportedly place in the early morning of Monday, 21 February, 1977. The (translated) account is signed by Engelbert Wächter (jr). This event is also mentioned in chapter 11, [#243 p. 243].

Information about a series of mysterious events on 13, 14/15 June, 1980. On p. 155-156 a small excerpt of a letter by Anny Zimmerman-Moosmayer to Stevens; she describes that people felt a sudden impulse to go outside and Semjase demonstrated in the sky on 13 June, 1980. On p. 155 two excerpts from letters by Runkel to Stevens; Runkel describes the mysterious appearance of landing-tracks in the night of 14/15 June, 1980 and how many people filmed and photographed the landing tracks (including the Japanese UFO researcher Yasuda). On p. 156: a sketch by Runkel illustrating the place where the landing tracks appeared and on p. 157: two photos of the landing tracks.
Information about UFO sightings by Ernst Keller-Muller. Two times during the summer of 1978, Keller-Muller, in his small home town of Schalchen, near Wila, observed UFO activity which took place, "in the direction of Schmidrüti and almost that far away". It was only later, that he learned of "Herr Meier" living in Schmidrüti, who claimed to be in contact with UFOnauts According tot Keller-Muller the UFOs "moved in an undulating and zig-zagging pattern, and sometimes with a jerky motion. They also stopped occasionally, and at other times simply "jumped" from one place to another."
Information on "strange interference with satelite communications in Zone 5, which includes most Switzerland and the Swiss-French border area."
Here begins the section in chapter 9 which is mainly about the truth analysis.

Eduard Meier, Popi Meier, Jacobus Bertschinger, Bernadette Brand, Hans Schutzbach and Engelbert Wächter were subjected to PSE testing. The results indicate that "all persons truely believed the answers that they gave". Stevens shortly comments upon on the interviews he made for the PSE testing in the epilogue, see [#515 p. 515].

On p. 168 and p. 174 there's a list of addresses and some other specifications of twelve of the witnesses.

Here begins the section in chapter 9 which is about stories which corroborate Meier's claims and which appear to originate from independent sources.

Translation of a letter by one Elsa Schröder. Letter describes how this person ran accross Semjase in the Persian desert neary two miles outside the village of Zahedan in Iran. She had a short conversation with Semjase in English. Semjase was digging up "an odd spiral-like cylinder" (this ties in with information in the contact notes of the great journey). Letter has purportedly been written on 8 March, 1975. Elsa Schröder has not been located by Stevens.

More on the Schröder letter can be found in the appendix VIII [#459 pp. 459-461].

The story of one Sr. Ramon Rosa Alvarado who claims that when he lived in Venezuela in a sugar cane growing district, he and many other people in that area had many UFO sightings. Also one person in this area reportedly photographed a UFO. According to Stevens there was a contactee in that vicinity, who said that his contactors came from the Pleiades. Many aspects of the information this contactee was given roughly corroborate what Meier was told by his contactors.
At about 15:00 on the afternoon of 5 May, 1979, Sr. Luis Ferreyra, living in the department of Calamucita, Cordoba, in Argentina shot 8 photos of a UFO which according to Stevens resembles one type of UFO photographed by Meier.
Information about a set of photos of a UFO which resembles one of the smaller beamships. Photos were taken in April or May 1980 in Arkansas, near Clarksville. It was flying at low altitude over a river.
Letter dated 2 January, 1976, from one Horst Fenner to a friend named A. Albers. The story is that Albers had sent the letter on to various UFO groups. The letter describes how Fenner was mentally lured into the jungle of Trinidad, Bolivia, to the site of a landed UFO. There he met entirely human occupants who spoke to him in his native German through a translating machine and told him they came from Proxima Centauri. They told him about the Pleiadians, mentioned that they had a contact named Billy Meier in Switzerland, and said that their Earth expedition was led by a man named Quetzal and his deputy named Semjase. None of the people featuring in this story have been located by Stevens.

William Herrmann, from Charleston, South Carolina, received from his contactors information which corroborates Meier's story to some extent; his contactors stated that they and the Pleiadians were members of the same federation called "The Network". At some point the the Reticulan contactors allowed for the videotaping of "Network" vehicles, an Meier received similar permission from the Pleiadians at roughly the same time. More on aliens giving permission to make video recordings of their spacecraft can be found in the epilogue [#515b p. 515 & 518.]

From here on chapter 9 is about role of the Pleiadian star cluster in ancient cultures.
The role of the Pleiades in ancient cultures.

Chapter 10 - Other Cosmonauts

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Information on the Pleidians, Vegans, DALs and Lyrians. Informations about their crafts, their history etc. The information is extracted from the contact notes or notes which Stevens made during his conversations with Meier in Switzerland.
Stevens mentions studies which support the idea that earth is visited by many types of humanoids.

Chapter 11 - Re-Investigation

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This chapter is about Stevens third visit to Switzerland which lasted two weeks. On the way to Meier Stevens pays a visit to Lou Zinsstag in Basel. She informs Stevens that she does not like the anti-Christian tone of the Pleiadian messages. Zinsstag shows Stevens a UFO photograph "shot of the Neusiedler-See in west Austria". Stevens arrives in Schmidrüeti in the evening of Tuesday, 25 July, 1978.
When he arrives he is told that "Billy" Meier had been very ill only the week before his arrival. At some point he asked Elsie Moser and Jacobus Bertschinger to take him in the car and to drive him to a remote wooded spot nearby as he directed. They helped him out of the car, but before he made it to the woods, he fainted and fell to the ground. Before Elsie of Jacobus could react to this there was a flash of bluish light and Meier was gone. The story is that Meier was transported to Semjase's spacecraft where they cured Meier. From aboard the spacecraft, using a walkie-talkie, Meier directed his friends to another spot. When his friends arrived there they met a healthy smiling Meier walking out of the woods.

In Basel Stevens had received from Lou Zinsstag a color brochure on two variations of Pleiadian spacecraft which had been made up in Bern by a photographic reproductions expert. Stevens learns from Meier that this photographic reproductions expert is Bernadette Brand, one of the close friends around him. Some days later Stevens learns from Bernadette Brand, that the "3000% enlargement was done by an electronic scanning computer that adds the average color between the existing pixels. Stevens is impressed by the resulting images and "makes a note to look in this further".

More information on that can be found in this chapter [#247b pp. 247-248], in the appendix II [#273 pp. 273-274] [#278 pp. 278-280] and [#339 pp. 339-340].


On Friday, the 28th Stevens together with "Billy" Meier, Anny Zimmerman, and Jacobus Bertschinger visits the Ober Sädelegg and Winkelriet site. After visiting these sites Stevens is convinced that there's no way the UFOs in these photo sequences could have been models on strings or models suspended from wires because the foreground fell away from the photo point quite sharply to the distance of the trees below.

More information on the Ober Sädelegg photos can be found in this chapter [#246 pp. 246-247], in appendix II [#275 pp. 275-278] and [#309 pp. 309-317].

More information on the Winkelriet photos can be found in this chapter [#249a p. 249] and in appendix II [#318 pp. 318-323].


Bernadette Brand tells Stevens about the event which took place in the early morning of 21 February, 1977. During this event she and three other persons heard the spacecraft sounds, and witnessed a mysterious re-appearance of Meier. In chapter 9 [#154 pp. 154-155] there's more information about this event.


In a conversation Meier informs Stevens of the "Vegans"; beings who come here from the direction of the constellation of Vega (see chapter 10).

Meier also tells Stevens that the creature who made the "Murrg" sound came from a planet from the star picture Swan (Cygnus). More information about this creature who made the "Muurgg" sounds can be found in chapter 8 [#122 pp. 122-124.]

Meier sketches and describes the ships used by several of the other extraterrestrial intelligences he claims to have encountered (see chapter 10).


The Pleiadian ground station in the Alps and the mother ship are discussed by Meier. More on the Pleiadian surface base can be found in the epilogue [#530a p. 530.]


Stevens is joined by Lee Elders and Tom Welch on Sunday the 30th. On Thursday, 3 August, they tour several of the sites were pictures were taken.

They go to the Ober Sädelegg site. According to Stevens two full 36 rolls of color transparancies were exposed by Meier at this site, but the best pictures never came back from the developing. Some measurements are given by Stevens.

More information on that particular photo sequence can be found in this chapter, [#242 pp. 242-243], in appendix II, [#275 pp. 275-278] and [#309 pp. 309-317].


They visit the Hasenböl site. According to Stevens four 36 shot rolls were exposed at this site by Meier and two of them disappeared. Some measurements are given by Stevens and he states that two pictures in this series show branches in front of the UFO.

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in appendix II [#283 pp. 283-284] and [#343 pp. 343-355].


They visit the Bachtelhörnli site. According to Stevens four 36-shot rolls of color slides were exposed here by Meier (and two movie films). The order of photographic events is given by Stevens.

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in the appendix II [#282b pp. 282-283] and [#334 pp. 334-342].

Stevens states that one of the pictures was enhanced using a scanner (note: he's probably referring to photo #200).

More information on that can be found in this chapter [#241 pp. 241-242] in the appendix II [#273 pp. 273-274], [#278 pp. 278-280] and [#339 pp. 339-340].


They visit the Schmärbüel site. Stevens remarks that Meier probably received copy diapositives back from the processor because the pictures were printed reversed by the processor. Stevens gives some measurements.

More information about this event can be found in chapter 8 [#123 p. 123], the appendix II [#356 pp. 356-360] and the appendix VII [#432 pp. 432-445].


They visit the Winkelriet site. Stevens gives some measurements.

More information on that particular photo sequence can be found in this chapter [#242 pp. 242-243] and in appendix II [#318 pp. 318-323].


They visit the Berg Rumlikon site. Stevens gives some measurements.

More information on that particular photo sequence can be found in appendix II [#281 pp. 281-282] and [#324 pp. 324-329].


Stevens states that they didn't visit the Fuchsbüel site that day because it was getting late and too dark. But he also states "they would try again" before leaving Switzerland. More information on the 9 July, 1975, Fuchsbüel photos can be found in chapter 2 [#27 p. 27], in chapter 4 [#49 p. 49] in chapter 9 [#126 p. 126] and in appendix II [#330 pp. 330-333].


More information about the "Vegans" and aliens from the Dal Universe and their crafts (for more information: see chapter 10).

Meier informs Stevens of the opinion of the Pleidians on the reporting of the case to general public by Stevens and his team. The Pleidians are content with the feature documentary movie; it brings the case to the attention of many people.


Chapter 12 - Conclusion

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Stevens discusses the possibility that the case is a hoax. He then lists some of the many things that would be needed to stage such a hoax.

Stevens discusses possible motivations, and points out that Meier has only one arm.

Stevens concludes that "the possibility of a hoax under the conditions as they really are is as remote as the possibility of the experiences being real."

Stevens discusses some of the information given by the Pleidadians about the location of their home planet, extra planets in this solar system and propulsions systems.
Stevens points to more aspects of the case which add many dimensions of complexity to the hoax hypothesis.
Stevens points out that "we [the investigators] do not want to take the position of advocating all this case as gospel truth just because we are convinced of some of its reality ourselves".
On these there's information about a woman, Christi Dennis, who was purtedly taken aboard an extraterrestrial craft, and cured of a serious illness by the ETs who came according to her from the Pleiades.

Appendix I - Classes of Spacecraft Observed

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On this page specifications can be found of eleven different types of spacecraft as described by Meier. Descriptions by Meier of the spacecraft can also be found in chapter 5 [#69 pp. 69-70] and appendix VI [#401 pp. 401-411].


Appendix II - Photographs of Spacecraft

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On these pages there's information about the methods developed by Jim Dilettoso for analyzing the UFO photos with a computer.
Here begins a two page section titled: "PORTRAIT QUALITY PHOTOS".

On these pages it can be read that Stevens had enlarged internegatives made from the original diapositives. The latter were made on 4'' x 5'' film plates and used to print 20'' x 30'' enlargements.

He had an "original 35 mm negative" and enlarged internegative for photo #200 scanned by INTERREPRO A. G. on the outskirts of Basel. They used a Hell Chromograph DC scanner to scan his negatives 400 lines per centimeter. The computer created four new individual color separation negatives which could be used for a four color printing process. The four color negatives were used for printing posters, that was done by Schori Repros in Bern.

More information on that can be found in chapter 11 [#241 pp. 241-242], [#247b pp. 247-248] and in this appendix [#278 pp. 278-280] and [#339 pp. 339-340].


The report on the photographic analysis by Neil Davis is discussed on these pages. Two pages of the report are reproduced on pp. 276-277. Davis analyzed one of the photos of the 8 March, 1975, Ober Sädelegg series.

More information on that particular photo sequence can be found in chapter 11 [#242 pp. 242-243], [#246 pp. 246-247] and in this appendix [#309 pp. 309-317].

Stevens mentions another method for testing the authencity of UFO photos which was also applied to some of Meier's photos. This method was proposed by Ron Spanbauer of De Pere, Wisconsin. Principle of the method: "The objects closer to the camera will contain more red in the corona structure. The objects farther away from the camera will show more blue in the corona, and objects still farther away will show more green."

Stevens writes that he inspected some of the original slides at Meier's home and had enlarged internegatives made from some of Meier's originals by Photo Color Studio in Zürich with the help of Bernadette Brand.

More information on that can be found in chapter 11 [#241 pp. 241-242], [#247b pp. 247-248] and in this appendix [#273 pp. 273-274] and [#339 pp. 339-340].

Here begins a section in which Stevens discusses the analysis of the movie films by by Jun-Ichi Yaoi and his team.

On these pages the 18 March, 1975, sequence is discussed. Stevens notes that at one point "the object appeared to pass directly over the top of the tree, and it is clearly seen that the tree was swept over in the direction of the spacecraft, or appeared to follow the spacecraft as it passed."

More information on this movie sequence can be found in chapter 4 [#62 pp. 62-63].


The two movie films taken at Berg Rumlikon, in June 1975 are discussed.

Stevens mentions that in one of the movie films the disappearance and reappearance of the UFO is accompanied with a flare of light.

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in chapter 11, [#249b p. 249-250] and in this appendix [#324 pp. 324-329].

The movie film reportedly taken at Ober-Sädelegg, on 8 March, 1975, is discussed. Stevens mentions that in this film the UFO and Meier can be seen in the same frame.

The two movie films taken at Bachtelhörnli, on 8 March, 1976 are discussed.

Regarding the first film Stevens remarks that the disappearance of two of the small UFOs is accompanied with a flare of light. Moreover when they reappear they demonstrate a moment of instability and for a moment wobbled around their vertical axis and then regained stability once more".

Regarding the second film Stevens notes that the UFO at some point is only a few feet above the brow of a small rise in front of him [Meier]".

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in chapter 11 [#247b p. 247-248] and in this appendix [#334 pp. 334-342].


The two movie films taken at Hasenböl, on 29 March, 1976 are discussed.

Regarding the first film Stevens remarks that the film shows the arrival of the beamship.

Regarding the second film Stevens notes that the UFO projects "a beam of bright coherent white light from something". He also states that dispite the fact that they are branches blowing in a sharp breeze, there is no apparent wind effect on the UFO.

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in chapter 11 [#247a p. 247] and in this appendix [#343 pp. 343-355].

Here begins a section with the title "USE OF MODELS".

On these pages Stevens discusses the claims of Martin Sorge. Sorge came into the possession of set of slides which obviously showed models of spacecraft. Sorge inferred that Meier was trying to pass off the models as real UFOs. According to Stevens the photos show an admitted model; the photos and the model were made by Meier with the assistance of several people. More information about Martin Sorge's claims can be found in chapter 1,[#24a p. 24] and in the epilogue, [#504 p 504].


Stevens mentions the on site experiments he and his team did with a $400 dollar model of the variation II beamship made by a special effects laboratory. Their attempts to recreate some of Meier's photos with this method were unsuccessful.

Stevens also mentions another method for testing the authencity of UFO photographs proposed by Marcel Vogel. Also that method was reportedly applied to the pictures, with positive results.

Here begins the section in which Stevens presents reproductions of many of Meier's photographs and maps indicating the geographical locations of many of the sites were photos were taken.

The 28 January, 1975, Frecht Nature Preserve photos.

More information on this photo series can be found in chapter 2, [#28 pp. 28-32].

The 27 February, 1975, "Jakobsberg-Allenberg" photographs.
The "29 February, 1975", "Unter-Balm" photographs.
The 3 March, 1975, Ober-Zelg photographs.

The 8 March, 1975, Ober-Sädelegg photographs.

More information on this event can be found in chapter 11 [#242 pp. 242-243], [#246 pp. 246-247] and in this appendix [#275 pp. 275-278].


The 18 March, 1975, Winkelriet photographs.

More information on this event can be found in chapter 11 [#242 pp. 242-243] and [#249a p. 249].


The "12, 14 and 25 June", 1975, Berg-Rumlikon photographs.

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in chapter 11 [#249b p. 249-250], and in this appendix [#281 pp. 281-282].


The 9 July, 1975, Fuchsbüel am Hofhalden photographs.

On p. 333 Stevens remarks that "the top of the tree glowed in the dark for some time after the photo had been made" and that "one of Meier's friends who examined the tree estimated it as 28 meters tall by 33 centimeters through the trunk as high as he could reach."

More information on this photo series can be found in chapter 2 [#27 p. 27], in chapter 4 [#49 p. 49], in chapter 9 [#126 p. 126] and in chapter 11 [#250 p. 250].


The "28" March, 1975, Bachtelhörnli-Unterbachtel photographs.

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in chapter 11, [#247b p. 247-248], and in this appendix [#282b pp. 282-283].

On p. 339 Stevens writes with regard to photo #200. "This photograph was taken to Interrepro, A.G., in Basel where it was put into a HELL Chromograph DC 300 scanning computer which, using an Argon laser beam, scanned the original transparency at 400 lines per centimeter and created new 4-color seperation negatives. These negatives were taken to Schori Repros in Bern where they were set up and printed on poster paper [emphasis added]".

(Note: with "original transparency" Stevens probably means the original 35 mm internegative he mentions on p. 273.)

More information on that can be found in chapter 11 [#241 pp. 241-242] [#247b pp. 247-248] and in this appendix [#283 pp. 283-284] and [#278 pp. 278-280].


The 29 March, 1976, Hasenböl-Langenberg photographs.

On p. 352 there's a reproduction of a part of photo #164 showing the UFO and the branches of the tree. Stevens states that it "may be clearly seen that the symmetry on the left side of the rim of the spacecraft is broken by a forked branch of the the tree that is BETWEEN the ship and the camera.

Stevens also states that the internegative was scanned by American Color Corporation of Phoenix, Arizona, using an identical model HELL Chromograph DC 300 scanning computer with an Argon laser beam, using the same process as Interrepro, A.G. in Basel. "American Color made 4 seperate color seperation negatives by the same method and we printed them back in 4 color lithograpgh to obtain the result ou see here."

On p. 353, there's a picture showing what appears to be the tree featuring in the Hasenböl series.

More information on this photo and filming event can be found in chapter 11, [#247a p. 247], and in this appendix, [#283 pp. 283-284].


The 14 April, 1976, Schmärbüel-Maiwinkle photographs.

More information on this event can be found in chapter 8 [#123 p. 123], in chapter 11 [#248 pp. 248-249] and, the appendix VII [#432 pp. 432-445].

361 & 362

The 13 June, 1976, Chalberweid near Ettenhausen photographs.

More information on this event can be found in chapter 9, [#133 pp. 133-142] and in the epilogue, [#505 pp. 505-507].


Appendix III - Photographs of Landing Tracks

Page(s): Topic:
On these pages photographs of the landing-tracks purportedly left behind by the spacecraft are presented. There's also other information about these different types of landing tracks photographed.

Appendix IV - Analysis of UFO photographs

Page(s): Topic:
A paper written by Jim Dilettoso titled ANALYSIS OF UFO PHOTOGRAPHS. In the paper methods for analyzing and avaluating UFO photographs are discussed.

Appendix V - Camera Data

Page(s): Topic:
On this page specifications of the photo camera and movie camera Meier used for taking most of his pictures and movie films can be found.

Appendix VI - Line Drawings of Spacecraft Photographed.

Page(s): Topic:

In this appendix line drawings of seven of the UFOs photographed and described by Meier can be found. The line drawings were made by Stevens. On p. 401 he writes that "the photographs were projected with bright and dim light and traced on white paper".

On pp. 401-403 there's some additional information about the spacecraft described by Meier.

Descriptions by Meier of the spacecraft can also be found in chapter 5 [#69 pp. 69-70] and appendix I [#a1 p. 265].


Appendix VII - Physical Evidence

Page(s): Topic:

On these pages the nine crystal and mineral samples, the biological sample and the four metal samples are listed (including some extra specifications). More information about the physical specimens can be found in chapter 1 [#25 p. 25] and chapter 8 [#124 p. 124].

Regarding the four metal specimens he was given by Meier for examination Stevens states that they, according to Meier, represented three of seven states of metal used in Pleiadian spacecraft.

Picture of the metal sample which represented the 3rd state of metal used in Pleiadian spacecraft. This is the undecomposed sample of the 3rd state.
415, 417
& 419
On these pages Stevens paraphrases information from the report by Dr. Walter Walker on the metal analysis.
Picture of the metal sample which represented the 4th state of metal used in Pleiadian spacecraft. It has a bright silvery appearance.
Picture of the metal sample which represented the 5th state of metal used in Pleiadian spacecraft. About the surface of the sample there were discreet goldish and sliverish areas.
On these pages Stevens treats the report by the Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Vorsuchsanhalt in Zurich on the analysis of two of the metal samples.
On these pages there's information about the analysis by Dr. Marcel Vogel of some of the specimens. Note: contrary to what Stevens writes Vogel found the sample with the discreet goldish and silverish areas about the surface unique, and not the lustreless silver sample".
On these pages Stevens discusses a plastic and a biological specimen.
Here begins the discussion on the analysis of the spacecraft sounds.
Information about the analysis of the spacecraft sounds by Jim Dilettoso.

Information about the analysis by Robin L. Shellman of the sound recordings Meier allegedly made on 14 april, 1976. On pp. 439-445 a report made by Shellman about the analysis is reproduced.

More information on the 14 April, 1976 event can be found in chapter 8 [#123 p. 123], in chapter 11 [#248 pp. 248-249] and, the appendix II [#356 pp. 356-460].

Information about the analysis of the sounds by Nils Rognerud and Steve Singer.
On these pages one of the witnesses (Hans Schutzbach) describes how Meier recorded the beamship sounds on 16 April, 1976.
Another UFO sound recording case is discussed by Stevens on these pages.
This table gives an overview of the different metal samples discussed in this chapter.
state of Pleiadian metal: Appearance: Metal form Specimen #:
3rd state dull gray decomposed to granules 3rd 1
Lustreless dull gray 4th 2
4th Bright silver 5th 3
5th Bright Goldish/Silver sheen 6th 4

Appendix VIII - Photocopy of Elsa Schöder

Page(s): Topic:
A translation of a handwritten note which can be found on the Elsa Schröder letter. The note is signed by "J. Kramer", who writes he found this letter between a bundle of Turkish magazines he received in the post, and he forwarded it to the orignal addressee.

A photocopy of the original letter by "Elsa Schröder". The letter was typed on onion skin according to Stevens. The note by "J. Kramer" is on the last page of the letter. This letter is also discussed by Stevens in chapter 9.

More on the Schröder letter can be found in the chapter 9 [#177 pp. 177-179].


Appendix IX - Science Catches Up

Page(s): Topic:
In this appendix two papers on theorized propulsion systems which resemble those described in Meier's contact notes.
Paper: AIAA-80-1233, Prospects for a Breakthrough in Field Dependent Propulsion by A.C. Holt (NASA Johnson Space Center, member, AIAA).
A letter to Stevens by David Froning. He writes that he's intruiged by the first book on the case and he informs that he calculated the time of a journey between Earth and the Pleiades. There's a figure on p. 473 illustrating his calculations.
Paper: AIAA-81-1533, Investigation of a Quantum Ramjet for Interstellar Flight by H.D. Froning Jr (a senior staff engineer of McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, member, AIAA).

Appendix X - Technical Research Log

Page(s): Topic:
In this appendix some of the pages of the technical research log maintained by Jim Dilettoso are reproduced.
On these pages "the transcript of communication log" can be found, it covers a period of 5 years (1978-1982).
On these pages there's some information on the photo analysis.
On this page there's some information on the movie film analysis.
On these pages there are histogram readouts. Dilettoso comments upon his histogram method in his paper, see appendix IV (p. 392).

Appendix XI - Bibiliography

Page(s): Topic:
A list of literature (subjects: UFOs, history, the bible and science).


Page(s): Topic:
On these pages there's a report of a visit to Meier which took place 1979.
Stevens visits Carl Veit in Wiesbaden. Veit is the publisher of the first UFO newspaper in the world titled "UFO Nachrichten". He learns that Veit isn't satisfied with the public reporting of the Meier case by other Europian researchers.

Stevens visits Lou Zinsstag in Basel, Switzerland and learns that she is disappointed in Mr. Sorge's success in disputing the Meier photographs. More information about Martin Sorge's claims can be found in chapter 1 [#24a p. 24] and appendix II [#285 pp. 285-289].

He also learns that Zinsstag has received new photos of a very similar spacecraft as the one used by the Pleiadians. The photos were purportedly taken by parties unknown to each other, and who had no knowledge of Meier's pictures.

The first picture was taken over Uster, Kanton Zürich, on 3 June, 1978 by Gabriel Peisker, a schoolboy of Uster.

The second picture was reportedly taken on 6 Feruary, 1979 by a witness who insists on remaining anonymous. This picture was taken over Zürich International Airport at Kloten in daytime. There's a reproduction of this picture on p. 506. The picture resembles one taken by Guido Moosbrugger on 13 June, 1976.

More information on that event can be found in chapter 9 [#133 pp. 133-142] and in appendix II [#361 pp. 361-362].


Stevens arrives in Schmidrüti. He learns that Meier has made new UFO pictures.

"The first series of three prints showed a brilliant ball of white light, like a miniature sun, shining through a foggy skyabout 10:00 in the morning."

"The second series of 4 pictures shows 3 brilliantly luminous cones of yellow light moving close together over the distant horizon in a late afternoon sky." Also some of his friends saw these UFOs.

Stevens aks Meier about the strange pictures in which "objects seen in the picture were not there when the picture was taken, and where objects visible at the time of photographinng did not register in the emulsion." Two examples are then discussed by Stevens.

Stevens learns of the pictures which purportedly document the disappearance of a tree by the ETs. Stevens lists some of the individuals who witnessed the demonstration. This event is also discussed in Chapter 9, [#149 see pp. 149-152.]

On this page there's a reproduction of a photo reportedly taken by Olga walder, on 20 june, 1976, while flying over the Alps in a Piper Aztec lightplane. See tried to capture on film the two disc-shaped craft she observed, however the developed prints showed "ionizations" on the place where the ships should have been.
On this page Stevens states that he asked Meier about the current state of the contacts, and he learned that the 199th contact had taken place on 3 February 1979.
On these pages Stevens lists a series of assasination attempts at Meier's life.
Here begins a section on another visit to Switzerland which took place in May 1980.
In 1980 Stevens is invited to brief the committee of the House of Lords Special UFO Study Group on the technical aspects of the Meier case. After having been in London he arrives at Hinterschidrüti in the evening of 10 May, 1980.
On these pages there's information on the 7th assasination attempt at Meier's life, which took place on 11 May, 1980. Stevens states that he was a personal eyewitness to this assasination attempt at Meier's life. On pp. 516-517 pictures can be found illustrating Stevens description of this event.

Stevens records interviews with four eyewitnesses for future PSE analysis. More information about the truth analysis can be found in chapter 9, [#161 pp. 161-176].

515 & 518

Meier informs Stevens that his contactors are going to allow him to capture their crafts on video tape. More about aliens giving permission to videotape their spacecraft can be found in chapter 9 [#193 pp. 193-195.]

On this page there's information about another UFO photographing event. Meier snapped three pictures of a UFO in the presence of Jacobus Bertschinger.
On these pages there's information about the "energy crafts" photographed by Meier on two occasions. On p. 520 there are reproductions of two photographs of this type of UFO. According to Stevens on p. 521 Lee and Brit Elders had a sighting of this type of light phenomena in 1979 when they were staying there on the property at Hinterschmidrüti during a follow-up investigation.

Meier informs Stevens that the newspapers had just reported the discovery of the 15th satellite of Jupiter, something he had predicted. He also predicted that there are two more planets orbiting our sun. More on knowledge of future events by Meier can be read in chapter 6 [#87 pp. 87-91].

Here begins a section on a new visit to Switzerland which took place in October 1980.

Stevens arrives in Schmidrüti on 21 October, 1980. He learns that Meier has had a contact the day before. And Meier informs him of a new type of craft he has observed (note: according to Meier's Verzeichnis he photographed the wedding cake spaceship one day later).

On this page it can be read that Genesis III Productions had agreed to a special TV report on the Meier case by Nippon TV (NTV). Note: In September 1979 (see Light Years, pp. 210-211, 214-217 ) Lee Elders had taken Jun-Ichi Yaoi and his Japanese video team to Meier and the witnesses, and escorted them to the contact sites for evaluation and filming. In mid-June 1980 the Japanese NTV report was broadcasted. The one hour TV program was a success. Genesis III agreed to a sequel. In October 1980 the Elders, Stevens were back in Switzerland. Also the Japanese video team was present for filming their sequel.

On these pages there's detailed information on the "wedding cake shaped" beamship. On p. 526 there's a drawing of this type of UFO and on pp. 524-529 there are photos of this type of UFO.

In a discussion of the Pleidian surface base Meier informs Stevens that the facility was in the vicinity of the Mont Blanc and near the Italian-French-Swiss borders. More on the Pleiadian surface base can be found in the chapter 11 [#245 pp. 245-246.]

Stevens learns about the 7 July, 1980 (3rd variation) spacecraft sound recording event. In the presence of 14 other witnesses, Meier and his (ex-)wife recorded forty eight minutes of the unusual sounds, using four tape recorders (only two of the four tape recorders did actually work during the recording event). Some of the individuals present during this event are: Jacobus Bertschinger, Engelbert and Maria Wächter, Eva Bieri and two of the Meier children. On p. 531 there's a picture of the site where the sound recording event took place (Ober Sädelegg).
The lower picture on this page shows a tree from which the Pleiadians purportedly severed the top. The story is that Meier and his friends took the treetop home for Christmas that year.
On these pages there is a story about a mysterious unidentified visitor who entered the Meier property and a white little dog who ran him off. This happened the morning before The Elders and Stevens left Switzerland. The footprints left by the visitor were filmed by Jun-Ichi Yaoi and his camera team.
Before leaving Switzerland Stevens paid a call on Hans Schutzbach, who had left Meier's group. He one time photographed the beamship at day light, in the presence of other witnesses. The UFO was departing from a contact scene. At that time Schutzbach told Stevens that he was convinced that at least the contacts he witnessed were real.
Here begins a section in which reproductions of some of Meier's photos can be found.
Two UFO pictures by Meier allegedly taken aboard the spacecraft.
Ten UFO pictures taken by Meier in India.
Portait pictures showing Meier and his family.
Two pictures allegedly showing the aliens Asket and Nera.