Reincarnation: Difference between revisions

From Future Of Mankind
Daniel Leech (talk | contribs)
Daniel Leech (talk | contribs)
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* Consciousness-evolution related development isn't based in coarse-materialism, it's a fine-material based science. Knowledge, wisdom and learning can occur anywhere.
* Consciousness-evolution related development isn't based in coarse-materialism, it's a fine-material based science. Knowledge, wisdom and learning can occur anywhere.
: The cultural arrangement and standard of agreements a human treasured in any previous life may influence where that individual is re-born.  
: The cultural arrangement and standard of agreements a human treasured in any previous life may influence where that individual is re-born.  
: Not necessarily the language spoken or material particulars but the general cultural style, aptitude, temperament, standard of living, style of existing, standard of opportunities and arrangement of liberties. Including what opportunities may have been blocked off nationally, traditionally, culturally.
* It's not necessarily the language spoken or material particulars but instead the general cultural style, aptitude, temperament, standard of living, style of existing, quality of exchange (confrontation, permissible, tolerance etc), tendencies, standard of opportunities and arrangement of liberties. Including what opportunities may have been blocked off nationally, traditionally, culturally.

===Gender Allocation===
===Gender Allocation===

Revision as of 14:03, 27 November 2017


Questions Answered By Billy

Remembering past lives

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

This refers to the science and knowledge of reincarnation: was there any specific spiritual Science which dealt and showed humans or for that matter Plejaren the ways of remembering reincarnated past lives to develop in each new life when becoming physical again, is it a possibility?

The reason for the question is because in my outside readings there has been claim of such Science but through Vatican/Christian laws or otherwise, they have either destroyed the books for the sake of taking this power away from humans.

ANSWER: Such science was never present or taught on Earth. Such claims most probably are simply based on new-age nonsense.

Of course, the functioning of reincarnation is a part of the spiritual teachings (and is explained within it).

However, on other planets there certainly may be teachings/science regarding remembrance of reincarnations.[1]

Pure spirit forms

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

As I understand it, once a person dies on a planet, he will then reincarnate on this same planet.

For beings that have evolved beyond the need for physical bodies are they also obligated to stay in the region of their homeworlds, or do they have the choice to move throughout the universe?

ANSWER: Hi Scott,

The beings you mentioned are pure spirit forms (Reingeistformen). Their realm is extended throughout the Universe. (Arahat Athersata is the lowest of those realms.) They are not bound to a system or planet anymore.[2]

Reincarnating onto star ships

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

If a slow moving (primitive) space ship takes several generations to reach it's destination planet, and during this journey babies are born in this ship (therefor increasing it's population), where would the spirit forms come from?

ANSWER: Hi Jean Pierre,

The spirit forms would come from the nearest planet that is inhabited by human beings (where the people are at least as highly developed/evolved as the people in the space ship).[3]


Collected; various sources, see reference, from the FIGU forum, Bulletins, Contact Reports, Articles etc.

Length of time required in the Beyond

For approximately every 100 years of life you live out on earth, the spiritform needs about 152 years in the beyond.[4] However due to overpopulation this length of needed time isn't always possible, which causes many problems.

Consequences of overpopulation

As a resulting effect of overpopulation, a new consciousness and new personality incarnates with the reincarnation of the spirit-form only a very short time after death and time in the beyond unfortunately.

In some cases as little as half an hour later. However such extremely short cases are very rare. In such cases the new personality has to cope with the previously accumulated chronicle from the Storage Banks in the life itself not in the beyond. Such individuals receive strong impulses of remembrances of the earlier personality and they tend to make world news when the details of these recollections are shared. This happens because there wasn't enough time in between incarnations in the beyond, and there is still a strong connection to the previous material existence.[5]

As long as there is overpopulation on Earth, there will continue to be negative effects, such as this; human beings (spirit form and consciousness-block) being reincarnated too early:

  • If a spirit form is forced to reincarnate too soon, the OCB doesn't have enough time to fully program the new personality.
As a result, there are human beings born who have great problems to live through well into their new life
  • Other effects include: weakness, non-thoroughness, instability, etc.
Negatively affecting interpersonal relations, the environment; indeed and of course the planet itself.

Programming in the Beyond before rebirth

The spirit exists in timelessness, so never rests. During a human’s time in the beyond it absorbs information from the storage banks of OCB.

Rough predetermined outline of future life

  • The predetermination is only ever a rough outline of one’s future life.
  • Its a conception of the actual path which you have to, more appropriately worded; ought to take.
  • The individual way, line, path, of action with every bell, whistle, detailing and every trapping isn't pre-determined. How you master every situation is down to you at the moment and during that future now.
  • Humans may through their thoughts and actions freely decide about the real/actual course of their life.
  • There is a good reason we develop a recommendation for ourselves and independently by ourselves, however. Momentum, chance, probability, luck, fate, destiny and focusing on actual possibilities is difficult at the point of now.
We only have so much time to deliberate with and over what we can actually do compared with the time it would require to do and would need compared to the planning versus the number of hours in a day. If it was all left to our material-intellect to do everything. Interestingly robots are going to have that problem, only solved by increasing the speed of the mechanisms, difficult to increase the quality of the decisions.
A general example could be a mature tenured elderly professional compared with a young individual in the same profession and work place, with less experience but trying to do the same quantity of things. The overall speed is the same, the younger person may even beat the older person on speed from time to time, but the quality of decisions are more rounded and successful with the older person, and the reasons for that are manifold and generally known, amounts to experience of combinations of possibilities and selecting the best combination every time.
Overpopulation therefore doesn't represent the only breakage on Earth in this respect, because in over-regulated areas such as the European Union, straddled with legalese where all the answers are given out because competition is fierce and the quality of work isn't usually particularly advanced, old and young are equal. Employers may even prefer to take on a young individual because they're easier to manage, fresher, mouldable and tolerate being told what to do, less independence. Official statistics in these areas indicate the younger and older are unemployed and the middle age group are the ones used. On Erra its different in that they don't have Earth's rapid Ageing affliction and therefore don't have a rapidly changing economy; individuals can be employed in the same sector for their entire lives and progress onto incredibly perfect profound achievements unhindered by restrictive opportunities. Their rough predetermined outline of future life can be much stronger and robust than ours because there is more guarantee and a much wider collection of possibilities afforded to them.

Environmental selection and election

The selections depend on Schwingungen[6] (swinging waves).

  • The spirit-form does not designate. It's designated according to fine-material laws and natural processes including opportunity (this is a more robust approach to natural selection).
  • Children haven't necessarily pre-determined their parents, its more than that.
  • Parents can be an influence in who their children will be, but its not a given/rule. The Hindu connection between father and son is not unconditional.
Nurture, mothering and fathering plays a role in the spirits pre-ordinate development decisions for the new personality, in terms of the ego, consciousness etc. which will be created, because it can see the future and evaluate the outcomes well in advance of the physical unfolding of the future.
  • Causal foreordination (fügungsmässig) cannot be influenced or steered.
Its a naturally occurring process dependant on the sum total of all previous incarnations.
  • Consciousness-evolution related development isn't based in coarse-materialism, it's a fine-material based science. Knowledge, wisdom and learning can occur anywhere.
The cultural arrangement and standard of agreements a human treasured in any previous life may influence where that individual is re-born.
  • It's not necessarily the language spoken or material particulars but instead the general cultural style, aptitude, temperament, standard of living, style of existing, quality of exchange (confrontation, permissible, tolerance etc), tendencies, standard of opportunities and arrangement of liberties. Including what opportunities may have been blocked off nationally, traditionally, culturally.

Gender Allocation

The gender is not determined by impregnation, but instead by the spirit-form's personality that enters the embryo, which begins on the 21st day of pregnancy.

  • It's the new personality that's been created by the comprehensive consciousness block (Gesamtbewusstseinblock) that steers and directs the developing embryo in order to either remain a female body or to become a male body.
  • The process is made possible by the spirit’s force or power.
Therefore it's the spirit form that is responsible for the necessary impulses for this process.
  • However it's not the spirit-form itself that decides the gender.
It’s the new personality and its various aspects, goals etc; that determine the baby’s gender.

Common misconceptions

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why

  • After death, the material consciousness is deleted, erased, lost upon death and the Fluidal Force is much too weak. So for an individual looking to store something, perhaps burying it in a sealed container for finding, using, discovering in a future incarnation to get a clue, inkling, suggestion, indication even to initialise the search let alone then reading into the discovered written text to then develop the cognitions that were intended by a personality in a previous life. Its not something that can happen.[7]
  • There is a real story of Merlin available.[9]
    By its very inclusion itself indicates we don't necessarily incarnate in the same place, family, community, culture etc.
  • The relative stability of the class system of the 19th century has given way in the overpopulated 21st century to utter bedlam, mayhem and random increasingly unpredictable actions and decisions by individuals.[citation needed]
    There are many little trinkets, pieces, dimes, pearls and tidbits not included in the cannon, yet lovingly incorporated in the foundational basics of the essential premise of the so called 'meier case' information itself, inside the basic composition with a small filament of separation. Which traditionally has been frowned upon in discussion due to not being considered important or interesting enough yet freely, accessible, openly available due to its presence in this basic compound, attained after just a year of reading.[citation needed]
    Former kings of entire nations, Pharaohs, celebrated authors, celebrities and historically influential personalities, in past lives, today during their present incarnation may well for example work down at the local fast-food take-away as a calm manager or down at the local department store as their reasonable supervisor. They may be found as the business owner of a successful cleaning company. Work as project manager of road vehicles at the local sewage treatment plant. Died on the Titanic ocean liner or passed in the past during testing of an important medicine we use today. They may have equally been tasked in a past life with the overlooked yet important role of digging, for a large cities sewage system, vital for its ongoing existence.[citation needed]
    What we have done in previous lives generally aligns to our present lives but not necessarily neatly and a local economy is not always particularly supportive of a similar layup of exchanges, aside the fact that we had already done that in previous life so need not repeat it. We may have been famous, rich, pioneering in a past life, may be so in a future life, but in this life we may be recognised more for simplicity, the interesting ways in which is goes.[citation needed]
    The theoretical injustice of it all is overrided by a natural law that prevents remembering previous lives.[citation needed]

Further Reading

External source reading

