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From Future Of Mankind
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<span style="color:Blue">I think it was explained somewhere that Earth already had its own religions pre confident arrival (there were many prior visits) and that the Earth natives are around 5 million years old, not that it matters because its difficult to identify one from another in equality multi-cultural societies so we're all valued at the lowest common denominator and by nation. So the treasure (interest) is that only this 50 million or so individuals whose spirit forms were originally created on other worlds and much further back in time have ever experienced another world in their evolution, the natives have never experienced space and many other things, and then this is deeper and more concealed the coordinates of how we can suppose that a firm dedicated interest in space, UFO's and various previously never unravelled sciences are particularly interesting to some individuals, specifically those that have never experienced it before - [[Contact_Report_251]] "As our very profound investigations have shown, he is a purely Earth-created individual and this may, in part, be the reason for his UFO enthusiasm and the fact that he is so easily deceived." - ''The Science fiction film business is a multi-billion dollar industry (but only when its heavily fictional and delicately estranged precisely and from the reality in an educational format and has an old-lyrian protagonist as the actor) ~ don't be too blasé about the value of what has been identified here.''
<span style="color:Blue">I think it was explained somewhere that Earth already had its own religions pre confident arrival (there were many prior visits) and that the Earth natives are around 5 million years old, not that it matters because its difficult to identify one from another in equality multi-cultural societies so we're all valued at the lowest common denominator and by nation. So the treasure (interest) is that only this 50 million or so individuals whose spirit forms were originally created on other worlds and much further back in time have ever experienced another world in their evolution, the natives have never experienced space and many other things, and then this is deeper and more concealed the coordinates of how we can suppose that a firm dedicated interest in space, UFO's and various previously never unravelled sciences are particularly interesting to some individuals, specifically those that have never experienced it before - [[Contact_Report_251]] "As our very profound investigations have shown, he is a purely Earth-created individual and this may, in part, be the reason for his UFO enthusiasm and the fact that he is so easily deceived." - ''The Science fiction film business is a multi-billion dollar industry (but only when its heavily fictional and delicately estranged precisely and from the reality in an educational format and has an old-lyrian protagonist as the actor) ~ don't be too blasé about the value of what has been identified here.''

<span style="color:Blue">But what has never been spoken about ever before by Ptaah (or maybe I am wrong) are the economic disadvantages faced by the former extraterrestrials (degenerated and reincarnated, unknowing of what they). That they may struggle to work up the enthusiasm necessary to push through a life long career in any normal discipline, may struggle generally. But when we get to the actual space age, these individuals would theoretically be more employable than any other, an natural intuitive grasp of various matters, only the politics and legal correctness as well as historical inactivity may yet again place them at a further economic disadvantage. I know the Plejaren have heavily researched it all many thousands of years ago but they are only alluding to a much smaller and less substantial amount of this collected data, for what its worth. We all end up sorting ourselves out eventually anyway apparently, the Earth statistics clear that up, but it still remains to be announced by Ptaah that those individuals are much more valuable to society than they are currently given the credit for, recognised and offered more substantial suitable employment and positions in communities, listened to better, even though that would not be possible as we have already covered.</span><span style="color:DarkBlue"> This is where we can theoretically agree that Religious people have been greedily greeding themselves on that position and possibility irresponsibly and giving knowledgeable individuals a bad name, for a long time.</span>
<span style="color:Blue">But what has never been spoken about ever before by Ptaah (or maybe I am wrong) are the economic disadvantages faced by the former extraterrestrials (degenerated and reincarnated, unknowing of what they). That they may struggle to work up the enthusiasm necessary to push through a life long career in any normal discipline, may struggle generally. But when we get to the actual space age, these individuals would theoretically be more employable than any other, an natural intuitive grasp of various matters, only the politics and legal correctness as well as historical inactivity may yet again place them at a further economic disadvantage. I know the Plejaren have heavily researched it all many thousands of years ago but they are only alluding to a much smaller and less substantial amount of this collected data, for what its worth, and we can deduce great worth. ~We all end up sorting ourselves out eventually anyway apparently, the Earth statistics clear that up, we don't need to labour that injustice here, but it still remains to be announced by Ptaah that those individuals are much more valuable to society than they are currently given the credit for, recognised for and offered more substantial suitable employment and positions in communities, listened to better, even though that would not be possible as we have already covered, or else it would constitute a normal evolution.</span><span style="color:DarkBlue"> This is where we can theoretically agree that Religious people have been greedily greeding themselves on that position and possibility irresponsibly and giving knowledgeable individuals a bad name, for a long time. And that science-fiction film makers are putting those future Earth natives (unguided) discovering new worlds in the future at increased risk of estrangement to the risks, selfish even if it is as profitable as religion.</span>

<span style="color:Blue">I find the study of evolution the most interesting of all, they explain it like no other author ever, they explain something about the age of the spirit-form and the characteristics of each consciousness evolution stage in a chart which lists primary life, reasoned life, intellectual life, real life etc ([[Contact_Report_006]] line 50 table), while not all are capable of getting past some of those stages, others, a smaller minority are capable with only a small assistance and acknowledgement, assuming the education is available to them, and its only going to be possible through the family for education equality and education quality and teacher limitations reasons. Its also interesting that the Earths middle ages have somehow partially reset the sequence, which may be where the emotionalism is formed from, but due to those former globalisation/civilizations a smaller minority have then boosted the sequence into what is described as an [[Earth#A_very_accelerated_development_with_a_massive_overpopulation_problem|accelerated development]].
<span style="color:Blue">I find the study of evolution the most interesting of all, they explain it like no other author ever, they explain something about the age of the spirit-form and the characteristics of each consciousness evolution stage in a chart which lists primary life, reasoned life, intellectual life, real life etc ([[Contact_Report_006]] line 50 table), while not all are capable of getting past some of those stages, others, a smaller minority are capable with only a small assistance and acknowledgement, assuming the education is available to them, and its only going to be possible through the family for education equality and education quality and teacher limitations reasons. Its also interesting that the Earths middle ages have somehow partially reset the sequence, which may be where the emotionalism is formed from, but due to those former globalisation/civilizations a smaller minority have then boosted the sequence into what is described as an [[Earth#A_very_accelerated_development_with_a_massive_overpopulation_problem|accelerated development]].

Revision as of 12:39, 27 January 2017

Editors comments. Keep it neat by putting comments in the chat section.

Index addition requests please

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Before I dig into it and change it, thought I'd run it by you. Dark cloud high above earths atmosphere. Space doesn't work like this to me, I mean wording it this was frankly everything is above earths atmosphere including what the universe, sun anything you like and the atmosphere is a wafer thin filament really just a tiny little shell, if there were a dark matter cloud anywhere near it we would have discovered it long ago with binoculars from the ground. I think this is meant to read dark matter cloud far out in space and that is why voyager 1 the very distant travelling probe had to discover it, what do you think, or have I missed something.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 16:59, 17 January 2017 (GMT)

Ah, if you are referring to CR165, then it seems that I screwed up a bit with that entry, which I have now fixed. The "dark cloud drifting high in Earth's atmosphere" didn't actually point to the correct place so I've put the relevant line number for the discussion. The story should make sense now, in that the cloud drifted to Earth from Io. Well spotted.

--Stevel (talk) 16:56, 18 January 2017 (GMT)

Well done, good work.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 13:23, 20 January 2017 (GMT)

Should one find information about foreign humans living on the moon. Please create an entry, thank you.
--Daniel Leech (talk) 14:08, 1 January 2017 (GMT)

I've observed Florena doesn't feature anywhere in the index. Along with Zafenatpaneach and I'm sure many others, I always thought that these individuals must hold a position not far from pivotal as far as the whole operation is concerned.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 19:45, 21 January 2017 (GMT)

I really don't know how I overlooked this. They should indeed be listed in the index. There are many that should be mentioned. I have now started and done Florena.... so to speak.

--Stevel (talk) 15:52, 22 January 2017 (GMT)

Thank you.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 11:49, 27 January 2017 (GMT)

Emotionalism would theoretically be there, worth knowing. The term is probably crucial to understanding how the more immediate patch of future is now unravelling.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 11:49, 27 January 2017 (GMT)


Talk about it.

Perhaps it's a good idea to go with the flow... If scientific discovery relies on prior discovery leading to further discovery then becoming normal then leading to something else and so on and so fourth.
--Daniel Leech (talk) 21:40, 2 January 2017 (GMT)

I am wondering what you make of it all Stephan. I want to speak personally and about myself with what I think of it. I think that it's really quite deplorable how it's all turned out in many ways. It was forecasted this way, even many thousands of years ago, that everything would not only be this way, have to be this way, but on many worlds and civilisations this would probably occur this way at these stages of development with this layup of knowledge at this time in this sequence. The fact that Billi is hated around the world is a good sign because it demonstrates that it's hit the absolute correct and corresponding nerve. It has been unfair and cruel for them and I only have respect for what they have put up with, but really it comes down to Eduard himself and his bravery knowing what he knows about his future and being given all this information and then doing his utmost best with the circumstances, all of which really at most levels leave much to be desired and he hasn't got wealthy out of it and famous for the all right reasons, he is not loved around the world for it, but only by a smaller minority, there has been hideous backlash, and he has revealed all their secrets, all our secrets. The pictures were destroyed and there were many other aspects that have been destroyed, it's not too dissimilar a reflection of how we've destroyed most of everything in our immediate environment over the last hundred and fifty years, makes me wonder why the time was elected for it, but then there's that feature in history where new habits die old. It's very interesting and I have to admit to my reality-estranged-naivety to much of it, even though I've read it and studied it independently for as long as I have, but in this admission I have then after looking inwardly been able to then look outwardly again and appreciated more than before that the Plejaren are more right than I ever first recognised, everything they say about our habits, society, politics, media, you name it, whatever, it's all been spot on really, but only much later was I able to look more at those other things. We forget history very quickly and I have studied various histories and prompted by Ptaah studied various other things I would have never have thought of studying and anyway, it's been the most interesting thing I could ever have found and none of this mentions the secret sciences which has been strange lets word it that way but also really quite normal and under-rated, we should have a better dose of it in society, and as we evolve further and further of course it would be natural that these various subjects would become more revealed as seams of knowledge. Not many know this but a few hundred years ago the general consciousness of individuals was so low comparatively to today that they were sort of delirious and partially instinctive in their mentality and very simple and reaching to grasp what we today take for granted, if I can word it this way, well today comparatively we have really made a bounty of progress though it's difficult to compare, and tomorrow our reaching into these various new areas of today will tomorrow be the standard yet again and then again comparatively it will be hard to quantify, and so anyway, I read some of the things the Plejaren sometimes say and it fits neatly into what I expect, my expectations are increased clarity more than anything else. I suppose there were a few special inventions that they eventually came across which really did seal the deal for them as a civilisation and I suppose we would normally run into that ourselves, but there really is only a minority on earth that would soon run into these things, on mass this would not happen for maybe another ten or hundred thousand years, so when Billy explains the codex and the evolutionary boost I get that too. Anyway there are many interesting things that Billy knows and has written about, I would dearly love to know more but I realise I do have to accept what I am and where I am and what it is. I think some individuals would really benefit from some of the explanations and others would benefit from just allowing it all in and seeing what happens though they are few and far between and I still have no idea how individuals such as myself would have even discovered it in the first instance or even for that matter it been written in anticipation and selectively worded in a special way so as to receive the recipient but those mysteries are for teams with spaceships probably. Also I think this information for some should be the very last thing in their lives they ever review, at an old age or even at all, and I think that in a few hundred years and even after tremendous revolutions it will still be the case that some individuals should never be made aware of its full parameters. Eventually over a succession of thousands of years the entire population of a world would inevitably become acquainted with these various acknowledgements even if at arms length or whatever they could tolerate and in this way it would be a natural unfolding, and so when it comes to sceptics their recommendation as mine is to not initiate anyone forcefully until they are ready for it, and on some level this is why I think the situation has been deplorable and been given a hard time, with all the speculation and talking shows etc thrown at whoever just so happens to have their ear in the right direction to receive the tiny little vibrations, it's been a shock and a realisation that some were not necessarily looking for or wanted and the really bad part of it all is that now the private sector of the world has been thrown a light year ahead of the public sector and that's also aside interesting particularly dangerous. Anyway enough for today, Have a nice day, write something we chat about an interesting specific and or subject.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 20:27, 21 January 2017 (GMT)

I can only echo some of the things you said. With each passing day the depth of our problems is becoming more and more apparent to me, to the point that I can't even begin to put it into words anymore. As much as I would like to scream about all of this info from the rooftops, and as much as I have, in the past, wondered why the hell the Plejaren haven't done this and that, I am seeing that they have finally pursued this whole thing in the only way that can possibly succeed. The way that they have fathomed this whole mess out is truly... gobsmacking, which in itself has helped me to see the scale of our mess. Like the teachings themselves, it's a gradual unfolding. You can't just hit someone with all this stuff and expect them to get it.

Reading through the info again that Zafenatpaneach has provided... well, these secret groups have control of everything! It has certainly reinforced my understanding that printed material, even in little bits here and there, may be more useful than electronic based stuff.

It would seem that 'we', as a genetically manipulated race of humans, were not meant to make it. We were meant to die out naturally after we had completed our task of war-fighting for the Sirians. They obviously didn't count on us escaping. The introduction of our Ur religions, were again, supposed to ensure our demise in a natural causal way (while taking advantage of our fears at the same time). To then attempt to bring about a reversal of all that requires a level of knowledge and wisdom, and love(!), that could bring one to tears. This multi-millennium mission.

--Stevel (talk) 00:32, 26 January 2017 (GMT)

Well formed that, I enjoyed reading it.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 13:10, 26 January 2017 (GMT)

The introduction of our Ur religions, were again, supposed to ensure our demise
in a natural causal way (while taking advantage of our fears at the same time).
To then attempt to bring about a reversal of all that requires a level of
knowledge and wisdom, and love(!), that could bring one to tears.
This multi-millennium mission.

I think it was explained somewhere that Earth already had its own religions pre confident arrival (there were many prior visits) and that the Earth natives are around 5 million years old, not that it matters because its difficult to identify one from another in equality multi-cultural societies so we're all valued at the lowest common denominator and by nation. So the treasure (interest) is that only this 50 million or so individuals whose spirit forms were originally created on other worlds and much further back in time have ever experienced another world in their evolution, the natives have never experienced space and many other things, and then this is deeper and more concealed the coordinates of how we can suppose that a firm dedicated interest in space, UFO's and various previously never unravelled sciences are particularly interesting to some individuals, specifically those that have never experienced it before - Contact_Report_251 "As our very profound investigations have shown, he is a purely Earth-created individual and this may, in part, be the reason for his UFO enthusiasm and the fact that he is so easily deceived." - The Science fiction film business is a multi-billion dollar industry (but only when its heavily fictional and delicately estranged precisely and from the reality in an educational format and has an old-lyrian protagonist as the actor) ~ don't be too blasé about the value of what has been identified here.

But what has never been spoken about ever before by Ptaah (or maybe I am wrong) are the economic disadvantages faced by the former extraterrestrials (degenerated and reincarnated, unknowing of what they). That they may struggle to work up the enthusiasm necessary to push through a life long career in any normal discipline, may struggle generally. But when we get to the actual space age, these individuals would theoretically be more employable than any other, an natural intuitive grasp of various matters, only the politics and legal correctness as well as historical inactivity may yet again place them at a further economic disadvantage. I know the Plejaren have heavily researched it all many thousands of years ago but they are only alluding to a much smaller and less substantial amount of this collected data, for what its worth, and we can deduce great worth. ~We all end up sorting ourselves out eventually anyway apparently, the Earth statistics clear that up, we don't need to labour that injustice here, but it still remains to be announced by Ptaah that those individuals are much more valuable to society than they are currently given the credit for, recognised for and offered more substantial suitable employment and positions in communities, listened to better, even though that would not be possible as we have already covered, or else it would constitute a normal evolution. This is where we can theoretically agree that Religious people have been greedily greeding themselves on that position and possibility irresponsibly and giving knowledgeable individuals a bad name, for a long time. And that science-fiction film makers are putting those future Earth natives (unguided) discovering new worlds in the future at increased risk of estrangement to the risks, selfish even if it is as profitable as religion.

I find the study of evolution the most interesting of all, they explain it like no other author ever, they explain something about the age of the spirit-form and the characteristics of each consciousness evolution stage in a chart which lists primary life, reasoned life, intellectual life, real life etc (Contact_Report_006 line 50 table), while not all are capable of getting past some of those stages, others, a smaller minority are capable with only a small assistance and acknowledgement, assuming the education is available to them, and its only going to be possible through the family for education equality and education quality and teacher limitations reasons. Its also interesting that the Earths middle ages have somehow partially reset the sequence, which may be where the emotionalism is formed from, but due to those former globalisation/civilizations a smaller minority have then boosted the sequence into what is described as an accelerated development.

I'd like a little more of this type of talk, and I'd like to know what the Plejaren are looking to achieve overall and post-fact, in hindsight achieve, more direct, it would help me understand how I could help, my preliminary assessment is that this is all they can do, anyone can do and that its the most anyone can offer, theories and info but nothing real and nothing that will make the actual future any better or any different than what it was always going to be, for thousand of years, no change.

I just read all of that back to myself, it was not meant to be read as whiney and moany, if it did, never my intention. I write as neutrally as possible here, it would be nice to begin to read more, much more, about some of the much higher evaluations they have made, it would be ideal if it were safe for that, I'd appreciate and like that very much, and I aim to encourage Earth individuals instead, if they can dedicate themselves to wording these matters tidily, I want to place value in the very highest interesting features.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 11:49, 27 January 2017 (GMT)

Thank you conversation

Thank you for refusing cheap products

Hello, nice to meet you Stevel. This is good work I have seen. Thank you very much Stevel for your efforts, they really will be valued by many, and you have identified many areas I didn't know about.

You notice I placed anchor points, added links to the contact report number and linked some of the subjects to the Meier encyclopia. Has this been ok with you?, I thought I ought to ask before assuming any further having only done A so far. To me this makes the index more appealing to be regularly used by the readers of the website because they can click and click and the experience flows better if they don't have to then bring up a new tab manually and then remember the number and find the information they were looking for. But I was going to let it settle before I linked everything. Let me know.

I will step back and allow you the space necessary to make all the various evaluations, ...for now, we speak again later.

Again great work, thank you so much I really enjoy reading.


Hello Daniel. Nice to meet you too, although I think we have replied to each other's comments on here in the past unless there are several Daniels. My name is Stephan Lane.

Thank you very much for contributing to the index. It is much appreciated and in fact a relief for me as I didn't relish the prospect of doing all of that myself. What you have done is exactly what I had envisaged, so be my guest and continue. This is the first time I have created/edited Wiki pages so it started out as a mess but is now looking good. If you find any mistakes or index entries that are inappropriate in some way, feel free to modify/delete them.

My hope for this index is to not only provide another means of finding information that can sometimes be difficult to pin down with one or two search words, but to also give folk an idea of the enormity of Billy's contacts simply by browsing through.

Best regards.


Good. Thank you Steve, please continue with the valuable work. I remember, now I think about it, yes there are many Daniels apparently, its good to be with you.

You're familiar with the MHRA style guide for indexing.

Its a good way of assessing the enormity of the works. And you have presented it beautifully.

An Index is a good idea and a Contact Report Index is a good idea.


(Archived Dec 2016)

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--Daniel Leech (talk) 10:25, 2 January 2017 (GMT)

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Anchors are important with what you have done with the index page because of the shear volume of information and locating it easily by links. You can see how I have done that if you get around to that later, by looking at the code used on the linked page.

Thanks for the valuable work. Daniel.