Anti-Logos: Difference between revisions

From Future Of Mankind
Daniel Leech (talk | contribs)
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| Es ist das Antilogos in vielfacher Form.  
| Es ist das Antilogos in vielfacher Form.  
| It is the force of evil, the 666, which is against the truth of [[Creation]], against the truth of the Spirit and against the obedience to the laws and commandments.  
| It is the force of evil, the 666, which is against the truth of [[Creation]], against the truth of the Spirit and against the obedience to the laws and recommendations.  
| Es ist die Gewalt des Bösen, die 666, das da ist wider die Wahrheit der Schöpfung, wider die Wahrheit des Geistes und wider die Befolgung der Gesetze und Gebote.  
| Es ist die Gewalt des Bösen, die 666, das da ist wider die Wahrheit der Schöpfung, wider die Wahrheit des Geistes und wider die Befolgung der Gesetze und Gebote.  
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| In eighth succession is created the Anti-Logos in total, the thing as man of untruth, of disgrace, of destruction, and of death.
| In eighth succession is created the Anti-Logos in total, the thing as man of untruth, of disgrace, of destruction, and of death.
| In achter Folge ist gezeugt das Anti-Logos im Totalen, das Ding als Mensch der Unwahrheit , der Schmach, der Zerstörung und des Todes.  
| In achter Folge ist gezeugt das Anti-Logos im Totalen, das Ding als Mensch der Unwahrheit, der Schmach, der Zerstörung und des Todes.  
| Before him are seven embodiments of mighty ones, within themselves Anti-Logos, seven children of evil, working in the murder of truth, and bloodthirstily murdering mankind numbering in manifold millions.
| Before him are seven embodiments of mighty ones, within themselves Anti-Logos, seven children of evil, working in the murder of truth, and bloodthirstily murdering mankind numbering in manifold millions.
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*[ (The page has since been deleted due to unsuitable extra content)]
*[ (The page has since been deleted due to unsuitable extra content)]

Latest revision as of 09:38, 4 August 2024

Excerpt from the book, Prophetien und Voraussagen (Prophecies and Predictions).

Copyright 1982/1996

Lines 1 to 21 of 87

Telepathically received from the Petale spirit plane by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, Thursday, January 29, 1976 01:05 AM.

English German
It is the child of evil, the child of ruin, that is the deadly opponent against knowledge, wisdom and truth, and the opponent against love, peace, respect and harmony. Es ist das Kind des Bösen, das Kind des Verderbens, das da ist tödlicher Widersacher wider Wissen, Weisheit und Wahrheit, und Widersacher wider Liebe, Friede, Ehrfurcht und Harmonie.
It is the Anti-Logos in manifold form. Es ist das Antilogos in vielfacher Form.
It is the force of evil, the 666, which is against the truth of Creation, against the truth of the Spirit and against the obedience to the laws and recommendations. Es ist die Gewalt des Bösen, die 666, das da ist wider die Wahrheit der Schöpfung, wider die Wahrheit des Geistes und wider die Befolgung der Gesetze und Gebote.
The IT is HE - in the embodiment of the mighty ones, in lawlessness, lust for power and bloodthirstiness, in the Anti-Logos. Das ES ist ER - in Verkörperung Mächtiger, in Gesetzeslosigkeit, Herrschsucht und Blutrunst, im Anti-Logos.
Power of evil with lying forces, wonders and signs and diverse seduction, deception, lying and betrayal, toward unrighteousness and erroneous teaching by those who get lost in the erroneous knowledge of the Anti-Logos, because they do not accept the love for truth unto salvation. Macht des Bösen mit lügnerischen Kräften, Wundern und Zeichen und allerlei Verführung, Täuschung, Lug und Betrug, zur Ungerechtigkeit und Irrlehre bei denen, die verlorengehen im Irrwissen des Anti-Logos, weil sie die Liebe zur Wahrheit nicht annehmen zur Rettung.
It is the child of destruction, the Anti-Logos, the malicious, confusing, sneaking, lurking and deadly. Es ist das Kind der Zerstörung, das Anti-Logos, das Bösartige, Verwirrende, Schleichende, Lauernde und Tödliche. Es ist das Kind der Vernichtung, mordend der Wahrheit, 666, Anti-Logos.
In eighth succession is created the Anti-Logos in total, the thing as man of untruth, of disgrace, of destruction, and of death. In achter Folge ist gezeugt das Anti-Logos im Totalen, das Ding als Mensch der Unwahrheit, der Schmach, der Zerstörung und des Todes.
Before him are seven embodiments of mighty ones, within themselves Anti-Logos, seven children of evil, working in the murder of truth, and bloodthirstily murdering mankind numbering in manifold millions. Vor ihm sind sieben Verkörperungen Mächtiger, in sich selbst Anti-logos, sieben Kinder des Bösen, wirksam im Mord der Wahrheit, und mordend, blutrünstig den Menschen in vielfacher Millionenzahl.
It is the child of evil, the Anti-Logos, born of the womb of her, the God-honourer, begotten in falsehood and lying by the monastery-brother. Es ist das Kind des Bösen, das Anti-Logos, geboren aus dem Leib der Gottverehrerin, gezeugt in Falschheit und Lug vom Klosterbruder.
Born at an insignificant place, against sunrise, around the seventh hour, abandoned, brought to the East, where he was to die of gnawing bowels. In unscheinbarem Orte geboren, gegen Sonnenaufgang, um die siebente Stunde, ausgesetzt nach Osten gebracht, da es sterben soll an nagenden Eingeweiden.
But it is rescued, taken in and nourished by the creepy one that is never satisfied with lying, betrayal and falsehood. Es ist aber gerettet, aufgenommen und genährt vom Schleichenden, das nie satt ist von Lug, Betrug und Falschheit.
The child of evil in manifold form, the now and the previous, is the double of Jmmanuel in pretense, but it is not the double. Das Kind des Bösen in vielfacher Form, das Jetzt und das Zuvor, ist das Doppel Jmmanuels zum Scheine, so es aber doch nicht is das Doppel.

More from the same book

"...Anti-Logos, as has been prophecied since times of old: Criminal fundamentalism, over-population, anarchism, despotism, sectarianism, criminality as well as terrorism and all other imaginable evils of every form.  The Anti-Logos is the unstable, able to be out-pictured by every human being, who falls for him. It is the no-good, the degenerating, the lack of the spiritual, the damning, the cursing, and the destroying and annihilating, the untruthful, the non-love, the lack of peace and the disharmonic, this all in all is called Anti-Logos; that which is unjust, and unreasonable, that which is illogical and the non-creative.  But you, Man of this Earth, you do not understand this truth, because you are driven into confusion by error teachings, allowing yourself to be led astray by religious cults, to hope for the never appearing miracles; hoping for a creative god, who is only a human being, and who shall bring to you the kingdom of Spirit in all Its splendor.  Oh, Man of this world, how erringly you go and walk along in your delusion; while seeing you are blind, and while hearing you are are dumb, because a creative god does not bring you salvation but you alone through your own consciously correct and responsible action, if you align yourself with truth and free yourself from the Anti-Logos.  The kingdom is not with a creative god, but in the Spirit and in the consciousness, in the Spirit which as part of Creation resides within you and ever walks in harmony with Creation, even if you do not become aware of it, because you do not want to recognize it.  You will not find peace in a creative god, because only within yourself you are able to find it, if you align yourself according to the laws of Creation."

Extra comment not in this book: It also in this context represents a period of time in history.
