Talk:Contact Report 512: Difference between revisions

From Future Of Mankind
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--[[User:Sheila|Sheila]] 17:32, 8 May 2011 (BST)
--[[User:Sheila|Sheila]] 17:32, 8 May 2011 (BST)
== Spartan said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I would like to have a talk with those people who work at the religious sectarian organisation. Why do they manipulate people and how?
--[[User:Spartan|Spartan]] 22:47, 10 May 2011 (BST)
== Sheila said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Hi Spartan they lead people astray with everything they say and everything they do because they can.  Some people feel powerful knowing they've hookwinked others and laugh about how stupid the minions are.  This has been going on for centuries.  Question everything you know or think you know.
For example when General Petraeus came out recently stating that UN workers had been killed due to the backlash of Terry Jones' Koran burning.  People really fell for that.  Why wasn't anyone questioning what the UN workers had done to lose their lives?  Instead the media spouted propaganda which came directly from the military.  So what sticks out in the western world's minds?  That General Petraeus apologized for the Koran burning (by some religious freak, who he had no control over).  And the media did not expound the real reason for the uprising which was in retaliation for operations of Western military forces which are blamed for killing and mistreating civilians!  The international contractors who are seen by many as enriching themselves and fueling corruption at the expense of ordinary Afghans!
The Koran burning was used as a tool to fuel the religious right and it worked.
--[[User:Sheila|Sheila]] 16:50, 11 May 2011 (BST)
== Cat said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
We purchased a Vista almost 2 years ago and straight away placed thick black tape over the camera knowing there was the ability in this technology (HD TV's etc) to spy on you.  Most people are too dumb to believe it but we've still got our old analog TV also and won't be renewing it.  This link just proves what we already knew.  And in one of the Contact Notes, Billy is told Vista was created with the help of the NSA (I think) and Windows for the purpose of spying on people.  Anything newer, is sure to have even better capabilities.  Scary.
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 09:24, 12 May 2011 (BST)
== Markvd said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Which civilization has the most dominating food court? That is the first place to conquer. :)
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 22:49, 12 May 2011 (BST)
== Gheezy said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
this contact report, especially the 2nd part is true.  The more means we have to communicate the more spying can be done.  Telephones have always been known to be tapped, the internet has so many venues to conduct spying on ordinary people.  As technology progresses, we lose more of our privacy.  The new thing to look out for is cloud computing, which would store and allow people to spy on others through networking.  HDTV's now can connect to the internet, which in turn could result into spying.  Smartphones have tracking devices that are designed for "emergency" tracking, giving off people's locations for those that can see it.  The more I read the more valid Meier becomes.
--[[User:Gheezy|Gheezy]] 15:50, 13 May 2011 (BST)
== Markvd said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I understand Gheezy keeping tabs on suspects that type in odd things on the internet but some of these agencies are straight up stalkers of an unnatural kind. :) I can't say all that have these capabilities have hired the best men or women that utilize this for only good purposes.
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 21:43, 13 May 2011 (BST)
== Jamesm said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Is the Internet our first coarse-matter "Storage Bank"?
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 01:30, 14 May 2011 (BST)
== Moonwalker said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
We need to focus on all the good that humans are doing inorder to attract positive vibrations. All your talk ofgloom and doom is greatly over stated and affects people's emotions by brining on guilt and regret which serves no one.
I have yet to hear any positive words from you Billy and Ptaah. Maybe you don't realize your consatant negative words are a formof Gewalt.
--[[User:Moonwalker|Moonwalker]] 07:46, 14 May 2011 (BST)
== DebrisThereOf said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Hi lads and lassies...
Paul here .. i just taught id share a meditation verse i wrote , its based on the verses that billy advises one to mutter to oneself a few minutes daily to bring about a positive change.
its inspired by billy and resembles his own.
after learning whats in this report i feel its neccesary so let me know if you`s like it!
--[[User:DebrisThereOf|DebrisThereOf]] 21:32, 22 May 2011 (BST)
== Jamesm said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Thats nice Paul, thanks.
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 23:52, 22 May 2011 (BST)
== DebrisThereOf said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
janet- I feel they have to drive it home.
look how lnog it took to whip the core group into shape in the early days/reports, and most of us arent as spiritualy along as some of those!
so they do it for a reason .
i used to think ..
damb! not another gloomy report about how dumb we are ... but it starts to sink in and really
effect positive changes in your life along with the entire teachings.
most people have no clue what their missing out on with this material!
after reading this report its clear how the U.S where able to shut down some of irans computers in their nuclear facility a few months ago.
--[[User:DebrisThereOf|DebrisThereOf]] 00:46, 24 May 2011 (BST)
== Visible-melon said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Check out this link to a patent for subliminal mind control through monitors and T.Vs! It shows how it is done:
"Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors"
It looks like it was filed in 2001. Maybe we should use devices made before then? The other patents on the page are interesting also.
I found it from "dutchsinse" on youtube:
He studies HAARP activity showing up on weather radars. You should check out his videos also.
--[[User:Visible-melon|Visible-melon]] 21:40, 27 June 2011 (BST)
== Jamesm said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Thanks Visible-melon, very relevant and further proof that Meier speaks the truth as usual.
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 23:07, 28 June 2011 (BST)
== Markvd said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Watch out for those 3D TV's man are they real. :) I shall revert to black and white HD.
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 23:38, 28 June 2011 (BST)
== Alive said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Heck, Visible Melon looks very melon in 3D television.
--[[User:Alive|-- M --]] 15:47, 29 June 2011 (BST)
== Allah. said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Ha ha ha ha ha
--[[User:Allah.|Allah.]] ([[User talk:Allah.|talk]]), Endless Desert,  13:59, 11 June 2013 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 11:59, 11 June 2013

Comments on Contact Report 512 <comments />

Markvd said ...

Good luck evil doers trying to conquer the entire universe. You would need an infinite life span that can remember past foolishness. I can't wait to gather food recipes across the the vastness of space. The food recipe hunter is coming to a planet near you. :) No raw stuff please.

--Markvd 14:19, 5 May 2011 (BST)

Alive said ...

I think Pleiarens's number of civilizations based on the location of a civilization, not on the race, language, common ancestry, or government. So if several thousand Libyan psychos from Terra make a colony in Mars, Pleiarens would say that there are two civilizations in this Solar system, although those psychos in Mars keep on using Arabic, singing Libyan national anthem, and worshipping Qadafi as their God.

---- M -- 15:11, 5 May 2011 (BST)

Zameen said ...

Alive that is hardly true and silly. You sir are sill like John Cleese of Monty Python.

--Zameen 22:48, 5 May 2011 (BST)

Les Gabriel said ...

What constitutes a High or low civilization, is it technology or spirituality ?

--Les Gabriel 23:42, 5 May 2011 (BST)

Cat said ...

Is this internet spying ONLY when the computer is in use? If it's turned off but still plugged in or the battery has some life in it, it's able to pick up what's being said in your home? Scary thought. Talk about invasion of privacy. We've discussed this in our family and are going to remove all electronic media from our home for 2 weeks and play board games, do more family stuff and see how much better we feel for it. I'm sure the radiation being emitted is doing us harm as well as all the other nonsense going on with the secret service spies grrrrrr!!!

--Cat 05:12, 6 May 2011 (BST)

Markvd said ...

What is this internet spying you speak of they can barely understand themselves how will they understand anything else. Translate using low IQ for maximum 007 spy capabilities. I doubt they have many valedictorians working for our current security around the world. They usually hire the follow the leader types. :)

--Markvd 05:39, 6 May 2011 (BST)

Alive said ...

Zameen (may I call you "Lord Zameen"?),

Thank you for your flattery. Your words were not only from correctness, but also from sharpness and accuracy. John Cleese is one of my favorite comedians and for some people he is more famous than Jesus Christ (I do not know why).

---- M -- 13:32, 6 May 2011 (BST)

Zameen said ...

Alive, please never refer to me as lord. that is icky. Zameen is taken from a creole word that means "my friend" and I will be nothing more or less than yours my friend

--Zameen 23:46, 6 May 2011 (BST)

Alive said ...


I just want to know, what is the name of the language which the word "zameen" came from? Thank you for your information, my Lord.

---- M -- 08:29, 7 May 2011 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Sheila said ...

Thank you James for the proof that this really is happening right now. Nothing like a lawsuit to shine the light.

--Sheila 18:07, 7 May 2011 (BST)

Zameen said ...

Alive, it is actually Zami which comes from the Haitian creole language. Saka fet zami?= whats going on my friend? originally I thought it was Zameen. so I just kept it and went with it

--Zameen 19:03, 7 May 2011 (BST)

Alive said ...

Okay, my Lord. Di ou mesi.

---- M -- 20:11, 7 May 2011 (BST)

Zameen said ...

Alive- tre bien

--Zameen 21:52, 7 May 2011 (BST)

Sheila said ...

Hi Les Gabriel, I would think that high civilization means high spirituality. Currently our technology which seemed highly evolved to us, but compared to other worlds is lacking in ethical standards and the required spirituality. This is also one reason why the Ps don't want us to leave our planet and wreak havoc in the universe. Our people have so much to learn spiritually before we can be classified as a spacefaring nation.

--Sheila 17:32, 8 May 2011 (BST)

Spartan said ...

I would like to have a talk with those people who work at the religious sectarian organisation. Why do they manipulate people and how?

--Spartan 22:47, 10 May 2011 (BST)

Sheila said ...

Hi Spartan they lead people astray with everything they say and everything they do because they can. Some people feel powerful knowing they've hookwinked others and laugh about how stupid the minions are. This has been going on for centuries. Question everything you know or think you know. For example when General Petraeus came out recently stating that UN workers had been killed due to the backlash of Terry Jones' Koran burning. People really fell for that. Why wasn't anyone questioning what the UN workers had done to lose their lives? Instead the media spouted propaganda which came directly from the military. So what sticks out in the western world's minds? That General Petraeus apologized for the Koran burning (by some religious freak, who he had no control over). And the media did not expound the real reason for the uprising which was in retaliation for operations of Western military forces which are blamed for killing and mistreating civilians! The international contractors who are seen by many as enriching themselves and fueling corruption at the expense of ordinary Afghans! The Koran burning was used as a tool to fuel the religious right and it worked.

--Sheila 16:50, 11 May 2011 (BST)

Cat said ...

We purchased a Vista almost 2 years ago and straight away placed thick black tape over the camera knowing there was the ability in this technology (HD TV's etc) to spy on you. Most people are too dumb to believe it but we've still got our old analog TV also and won't be renewing it. This link just proves what we already knew. And in one of the Contact Notes, Billy is told Vista was created with the help of the NSA (I think) and Windows for the purpose of spying on people. Anything newer, is sure to have even better capabilities. Scary.

--Cat 09:24, 12 May 2011 (BST)

Markvd said ...

Which civilization has the most dominating food court? That is the first place to conquer. :)

--Markvd 22:49, 12 May 2011 (BST)

Gheezy said ...

this contact report, especially the 2nd part is true. The more means we have to communicate the more spying can be done. Telephones have always been known to be tapped, the internet has so many venues to conduct spying on ordinary people. As technology progresses, we lose more of our privacy. The new thing to look out for is cloud computing, which would store and allow people to spy on others through networking. HDTV's now can connect to the internet, which in turn could result into spying. Smartphones have tracking devices that are designed for "emergency" tracking, giving off people's locations for those that can see it. The more I read the more valid Meier becomes.

--Gheezy 15:50, 13 May 2011 (BST)

Markvd said ...

I understand Gheezy keeping tabs on suspects that type in odd things on the internet but some of these agencies are straight up stalkers of an unnatural kind. :) I can't say all that have these capabilities have hired the best men or women that utilize this for only good purposes.

--Markvd 21:43, 13 May 2011 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Is the Internet our first coarse-matter "Storage Bank"?

--Jamesm 01:30, 14 May 2011 (BST)

Moonwalker said ...

We need to focus on all the good that humans are doing inorder to attract positive vibrations. All your talk ofgloom and doom is greatly over stated and affects people's emotions by brining on guilt and regret which serves no one. I have yet to hear any positive words from you Billy and Ptaah. Maybe you don't realize your consatant negative words are a formof Gewalt.


--Moonwalker 07:46, 14 May 2011 (BST)

DebrisThereOf said ...

Hi lads and lassies... Paul here .. i just taught id share a meditation verse i wrote , its based on the verses that billy advises one to mutter to oneself a few minutes daily to bring about a positive change. its inspired by billy and resembles his own. after learning whats in this report i feel its neccesary so let me know if you`s like it!


--DebrisThereOf 21:32, 22 May 2011 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Thats nice Paul, thanks.

--Jamesm 23:52, 22 May 2011 (BST)

DebrisThereOf said ...

janet- I feel they have to drive it home. look how lnog it took to whip the core group into shape in the early days/reports, and most of us arent as spiritualy along as some of those!

so they do it for a reason . i used to think .. damb! not another gloomy report about how dumb we are ... but it starts to sink in and really effect positive changes in your life along with the entire teachings. most people have no clue what their missing out on with this material!

after reading this report its clear how the U.S where able to shut down some of irans computers in their nuclear facility a few months ago.

--DebrisThereOf 00:46, 24 May 2011 (BST)

Visible-melon said ...

Check out this link to a patent for subliminal mind control through monitors and T.Vs! It shows how it is done: "Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors" It looks like it was filed in 2001. Maybe we should use devices made before then? The other patents on the page are interesting also. I found it from "dutchsinse" on youtube:

He studies HAARP activity showing up on weather radars. You should check out his videos also.

--Visible-melon 21:40, 27 June 2011 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Thanks Visible-melon, very relevant and further proof that Meier speaks the truth as usual.

--Jamesm 23:07, 28 June 2011 (BST)

Markvd said ...

Watch out for those 3D TV's man are they real. :) I shall revert to black and white HD.

--Markvd 23:38, 28 June 2011 (BST)

Alive said ...

Heck, Visible Melon looks very melon in 3D television.

---- M -- 15:47, 29 June 2011 (BST)

Allah. said ...

Ha ha ha ha ha

--Allah. (talk), Endless Desert, 13:59, 11 June 2013 (CEST)