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<noinclude>Comments on [[Taljda]]
== Can anyone make artcal about Taljda? ==
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== Drekx Omega said ... ==
I want to know what race she is and what is her role.
== Kit Varela said ... ==

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Taljda should be of special genesic interest to all Earth people who are of the Chinese racial type, including the Japanese....
As she is of that same racial type, with yellow skin and dark hair, having originated on planet Nissan, near Lasan, in the Lyra star system...

About 26,000 years ago, colonists from Nissan came to Earth and settled, becoming the Chinese and Japanese nations, aeons later...
Taljda comes from the planet Njsan in the Lyra System. Her race is similar in appearance to the Chinese and Japanese since they have the same ancestors. She observed some of the atrocities perpetrated during the first Gulf War and it badly affected her psyche. She had to return to her planet to recover from the shock of what she saw.

The Lyra star system possesses several origin planets, from which all Humans derive their genetic makeup...
- Resource:

In Light, Drekx Omega
--[[User:Epicn2l|Kit Varela]] 20:31, 11 June 2012 (BST)
--Drekx Omega 20:32, 21 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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Of linguistic interest and remembering the connection between the ancient Lyran dialect and those of the old German Earth language:
The name Taljda is pronounced; "TAL-YE-DA."
In German the letter "J" pronounced as the letter "Y."
Likewise the famous Plejara named Semjase..
again the "y" pronounciation for the second syllable of the name that means; "demi-goddess."
--Drekx Omega 20:54, 21 August 2010 (BST)
== Mark said ... ==
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Thanks for the info Drekx Omega. My ? is how did you find that out and what planet are you from? :) j/k I know from the contact reports they were overpopulated so I guess they decided Earth would be a nice place to settle. China hasn't gotten the memo on overpopulation thus they must know so Earth won't suffer a similar fate as past generations have.
--Mark 22:44, 21 August 2010 (BST)
== Terran said ... ==
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Why is there no mention of the GFL, mass landings, care taker governments, etc. in any of the Meier material?
--Terran 06:58, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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The Plejaren are not mandated to educate Earth people on the planned First Contact, as that role has been assumed by the from 1994, when the Plejaren offically "retired" from their Earth overseer role...and passed the baton over.
The purpose behind the Meier contacts was to provide Earth humanity with a re-introduction to their roots, with objective evidence of their ET origins...
The Plejaren were never intended to "land on the Whitehouse lawn," as it were...
Unlike the Sirian (from planet Samanet, which orbite Sirius B) contact mission, which was briefly alluded to in the Chapter 6 Extraterrestrials data, which covers some imformation about the projected timeline leading to a planned contact...then suggested as the year 2000, but revised later, following interference from the human elites.
The Samanet Sirians are Galactic Humans, like the Plejaren and gifted Sfath with a Sirian scout ship.
The Chapter 6 section I refer to is titled; "Peaceful ET race to officially visit Earth - 35.P1068-1083."
Here is an extract from this important data:
"Nearly all Pleiadians will retire from the Earth if an unknown human race starts to visit the Earth from the cosmos. The Pleiadians have determined that this will probably occur before 2000 if unanticipated factors before then do not put this enterprise in question. If these negative factors do not develop, humanity on Earth will first officially meet human beings from other worlds around 2000. The first public appearance of these strange visitors will cause horror and panic because of false information concerning extraterrestrials and unreasonable people. But, there will be no danger from these human-like forms because they will be peaceful and harmless. Their culture and spiritual state will be superior to Earth humans." end quote.
These "unknowns" are my people, the Samanet I'm a starseed..
The contact mission was put back several times and is now imminent.
The quote above was from the chapter 6 link here:
--Drekx Omega 09:54, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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I am a Sirian starseed, as mentioned in my answer to Terran.
If you would like to learn more about this, you can visit my blog on the Sirian Star System and contribute your views, if you want to.
--Drekx Omega 10:05, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Jamesm said ... ==
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Drekx, in the interests of truth, we know there are no starseeds and therefore you must be a fraud or even suffering from delusion. I hope you overcome this problem soon.
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 10:15, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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There is a very interesting contact report posted on this excellent website, which covers the subject of the arrest of MIB renegades by Sirian security on the surface of Mars, in 2006...
Topic covered by Ptaah in this contact report:,_Mars_and_Meteors
--Drekx Omega 10:19, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Neckel said ... ==
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..... As far as i know, no contact will be "iminent", as the Plejaren told those who wanted to land in 2000 to wait a 100-200 years more before doing that, because all the Ufologists and the religions create delusions and that we were not ready yet for an official contact with extraterrestrial humans. One race, i do not know what race anymore (I have to check the contact notes again), but certainly not from Sirius, wanted effectively to land on the planet in 2000 for a contact..... but the Plejaren warned them not to do it and they listened to the Plejaren....
By the way, Billy has still regular contact with the Plejaren.
--[[User:Neckel|Neckel]] 10:22, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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The great majority of Earth Humans descended from ET ancestors, originally...
An example given above was that wave of colonists from the planet Nissan..
Others came from different planets in the Lyra system, in earlier periods...we call them "ancient Earth souls."
Some ET colonists came more recently, and we call them "starseed." All Earth humans are from off-world, though, as Darwin's theory that we issued from apes, is complete hogwash...
NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, JAMES...although Earth is an island in the cosmos and one visited frequently..
--Drekx Omega 10:29, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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you said:"..... As far as i know, no contact will be "iminent", as the Plejaren told those who wanted to land in 2000 to wait a 100-200 years." end quote.
The Plejaren do not want you to treat their words as religious rit, to be observed to the letter...they want you to think for yourself and become self-realised, under the creational laws.
The whole process of First Contact is dependent on the raising of earth human consciousness...freeing humanity from religious delusions, barbaric wars, environmental degradation and economic slavery to debt.
The Plejaren have often made the future appear grim, so as to stimulate a raising of concerns among the readers of the contact notes, so that they will become more active in addressing the real issues...
Prophecies can be altered, timelies can be changed, with consciousness raising...the purpose behind the messages...
Also, as I said, the Plejaren are unofficially involved in this process now...their official overseer role has lapsed to others.
Please try to think for yourself, rather than treating everything written in the notes as a religious text with unbreakable wording, that requires your absolute compliance, as this is not what the Plejaren seek....
--Drekx Omega 10:45, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Neckel said ... ==
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Interesting words from someone who believes in Hatonn and 2012 ect...... i do not believe anything and i went trough a phase of big sceptiscisme before realizing that the case Billy Meier is real........ We will see if your "friends" will land soon or not ;)
--Neckel 11:03, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
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Drekx Omega,
I've checked your website, which unfortunately has images of that impostor Jesus Christ and reading further it mentions "temples" on the surface of your planet another reference to what the Plejaren look upon with disgust.
Also, if what you are saying that the Sirians are taking over in educating Earth humans, then why in Contact Report 141 does the Plejaren went out of their way to bring to Earth the Hasters? Theses human ET's are from the planet Haster in the Garon system of the JENAM galaxy 483 million light years from Earth.
They are about 1,120 years ahead in evolution, but live in the same time-level as the SOL system and are currently based under the North Sea. So if these Hasters are here on Earth to instruct Earth humans, then someone is not telling the truth?
89. However, this now means that the Haster inhabitants can freely move among the Earth people because their vibrations turn out to be bearable with those of the Earth people, but only briefly
90. The Haster inhabitants cannot remain in the direct range of the vibrations of the Earth people for more than 17 hours; otherwise, they begin to lose control of themselves.
91. But since they have this 17-hour possibility, they have decided that they will seek contact with one or several people of the Earth for their study purposes and also for the instruction of the Earth people, but certainly with no more than three people, who must remain silent about it for their lifetimes, which is why especially upright people are to be selected for these contacts, who can be completely trusted.
Therefore, to verify your credentials, please answer the following question. Do you believe that when the victims of interferences (religions, DNA manipulation and other ills) are resolved by themselves, that the abuser's negative links to these negative Cause and Effect are also resolved automatically or still remains negatively unbalanced as far as spiritual evolution is concerned?
--Hawaiian 11:55, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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In response to Hawaiian, the abuser's negative links (blind religions, distorted sciences) to these negative Cause and Effect factors are not resolved automatically and an effort must still be made to bring evolutionary balance, even if the abused subject managed a semblance of self-correction, alone and unaided....
Incidentally I live near the North Sea, coincidentally...East Anglia.  :-)
--Drekx Omega 19:53, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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I am a guest on the website you visited and not the owner, who is a Canadian who believes in Hatonn, etc...
I do not believe in Hatonn, nor am I a religious follower of the false church, rest assured...
He (the site owner) likes my esoteric and political messages and places them for public discourse...20 blogs to date...
--Drekx Omega 19:58, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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What I described was not life on planet Erra, but life on planet Samanet....
The "temples" on the surface are not used for "religious worship," but rather serve as harmonically proportioned tools in the co-ordination of geomantic sciences that relate to the maintenance of the good order of nature...
In summary, weather control devices using aetheric and manasic impulse technology, linked to the minds of the ritualists involved...
In this case, the Sirians...
Similar technologies were used on Earth in Atlantean times...a remnant of that culture being that the Pharaohs of Khemet were expected to maintain the good order of nature and would be blamed for pestilence, drought and flood, in spite of loosing true knowledge of the science to antiquity...
--Drekx Omega 20:09, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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"Also, if what you are saying that the Sirians are taking over in educating Earth humans, then why in Contact Report 141 does the Plejaren went out of their way to bring to Earth the Hasters?"
Because they are specialist members of the same Galactic Federation, serving alongside the Sirians and many others...
I would also like to remind everyone here that nobody should treat the contact reports as if they were bible texts, to be quoted and held as a rod to smite unbelievers with....
Each report contains data that may be spot on, may be mis-translated, may even be in error...
And frequently scenarios described a decade ago as a future projection prophecy, may be revised and modified, closer to the time....
One example being the date for WW3, which the Plejaren have projected, yet is still subject to change, as human consciousness permits...
There are multiple timelines and the one we are now on leads to the golden age, in spite of outward appearances to the contrary...
It all depends on human consciousness growth and always remains flexible to factors governed within the creational laws...
Federation plans are being revised continually, so if a certain report, say, in 1976, said something then, it may not be played out closer to the time it was eluding to...
Prophecy can be changed and so can plans and that includes cosmic plans....
--Drekx Omega 20:26, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
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1. In response to Hawaiian, the abuser's negative links (blind religions, distorted sciences) to these negative Cause and Effect factors are not resolved automatically and an effort must still be made to bring evolutionary balance, even if the abused subject managed a semblance of self-correction, alone and unaided....
Incidentally I live near the North Sea, coincidentally...East Anglia.  :-)
1-q. Obviously the Hasters have no negative links to Earth humans except being linked in similar evolutionary level attributes without the negative influences done to them. It is a logical strategic “arrangement” not just for both parties on each side of this equation, (Haster humans = Earth humans), but more importantly other factions both benevolent and malevolent involved since and before the Creator Overlords co-created the manipulated warriors currently living here.
So in essence, where does your affiliation stand on this matter, what negative links are your mission trying to resolve if any, is it mutual or singular or in any way related to those responsible for many degenerative factors against Earth humans? What are you trying to accomplish and would your mission preclude any type of intervention should the need arise in “preserving” those both Earthly and ET from completing their missions for Creational harmony?
2.  Because they are specialist members of the same Galactic Federation, serving alongside the Sirians and many others...
I would also like to remind everyone here that nobody should treat the contact reports as if they were bible texts, to be quoted and held as a rod to smite unbelievers with....
2-q. What type of “specialists” are these Hasters and also what are yours? Are you speaking of the same Plejaren Federation referred by you as the “Galactic Federation”? These are questions that will be forwarded to FIGU for further analysis as it opens up a slew of “optional” approaches that, depending on each motivational attribute(s) at their particular level of evolution, becomes chaotic without proper guidance and application and can be very dangerous as well.
So far, you have answered most of my questions unfailingly, but have not made any suggestions or attempted some type of commitment incorporating one’s linkage to mutually assist the dilemma facing the most oppressed, degenerated environment in the DERN universe.
Now, referencing to Contact Reports can sometimes appear to “become” similar to biblical quotations, it is a guide which requires logical assumptions in order to clarify and establish if there are parallel “intent” for matters outside of these Notes. It is not a rod to smite unbelievers, but more like a slap to invoke awareness in others who need such a jolt of good medicine!
--Hawaiian 23:04, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Hawaiian-correction copy said ... ==
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Correction copy
1. In response to Hawaiian, the abuser's negative links (blind religions, distorted sciences) to these negative Cause and Effect factors are not resolved automatically and an effort must still be made to bring evolutionary balance, even if the abused subject managed a semblance of self-correction, alone and unaided....
Incidentally I live near the North Sea, coincidentally...East Anglia.  :-)
1-q. Obviously the Hasters have no negative links to Earth humans except being linked in similar evolutionary level attributes without the negative influences done to them. It is a logical strategic “arrangement” not just for both parties on each side of this equation, (Haster humans = Earth humans), but more importantly other factions both benevolent and malevolent involved since and before the Creator Overlords co-created the manipulated warriors currently living here.
So in essence, where does your affiliation stand on this matter, what negative links are your mission trying to resolve if any, is it mutual or singular or in any way related to those responsible for many degenerative factors against Earth humans? What are you trying to accomplish and would your mission preclude any type of intervention should the need arise in “preserving” those both Earthly and ET in completing their missions for Creational harmony?
2.  Because they are specialist members of the same Galactic Federation, serving alongside the Sirians and many others...
I would also like to remind everyone here that nobody should treat the contact reports as if they were bible texts, to be quoted and held as a rod to smite unbelievers with....
2-q. What type of “specialists” are these Hasters and also what are yours? Are you speaking of the same Plejaren Federation referred by you as the “Galactic Federation”?
These are questions that will be forwarded to FIGU for further analysis as it opens up a slew of “optional” approaches that, depending on each motivational attribute(s) at their particular level of evolution, becomes chaotic without proper guidance and application and can be very dangerous as well for both parties.
So far, you have answered most of my questions unfailingly, but have not made any suggestions or attempted some type of commitment incorporating one’s linkage to mutually assist the dilemma facing the most oppressed, degenerated environment in the DERN universe.
Now, referencing to Contact Reports can sometimes appear to “become” similar to biblical quotations, it is a guide which requires logical assumptions in order to clarify and establish if there are parallel “intent” for matters outside of these Notes. It is not a rod to smite unbelievers, but more like a slap to invoke awareness in others who need such a jolt of good medicine!
--Hawaiian-correction copy 23:11, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Terran said ... ==
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Why have the Sirians not provided the types of proofs for their representatives here to verify their authenticity as genuine contactees in a manner similar to what the Plejaren provided Billy Meier. Such as photographs, videos, sound recordings, metal samples, prophecies etc.?
--Terran 23:49, 22 August 2010 (BST)
== Drekx Omega said ... ==
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In response to Terran, the Samanet Sirians are here for a different purpose than the Plejaren, in so far as the Plejaren role was to provide objective proofs as well as historical and spiritual corrections...
They used a very unique ancient Earth Soul (Meier) to accomplish what, by and large, has succeded in placing Earth evolution upon a timeline that leads to a more positive future, as opposed to destructive war and oblivion, as was the case without their input...
They were never here to "save" humanity, although the cause and effect of their presence has weighed in favour of a type of "saving," in terms of educating many to a higher awareness..thus Earth humans helping themselves, and respect for freewill always honoured.
In contrast, the Sirians and the Galactic Federation have a much closer mission to complete on Earth, again within the remit of freewill. BUT EVOLVING FREEWILL....
As human consciousness expands, freewill is expressed that allows that closer aid, to help humanity help themselves...
Because of the Plejaren, so many more Earth humans are resisting the negative steriotypes of "aliens" being "invaders" seeking to control. So a closer fear-free protocol can be permitted, which would have been impossible a decade or more ago...
The Plejaren Federation is part of a greater cosmic union, known as the Galactic Federation..which in turn has higher representation, linking the 3rd density with much higher densities of lifeforms...
The Plejaren were mandated to speak about their experiences with Meier, primarily. His role is unique in that sense, as the most advanced ancient Earth Soul on earth....however, the Sirians have their own contacts among a few different types of Souls on Earth, which have a more direct genetic-family link...they are called "starseeds" and although incarnated on Earth, are not strictly linked with this planet alone, within creational laws..
This leads on to some important data:
There is a cosmic energy that can alter the genetic makeup of all human beings, including Earth humans, so that they may be released from planetary bondage...the Sirians are working with this energy to "save" Earth humanity from destruction, within Creational law, freewill parameters...
That cosmic vril (life force) emminates from the galactic core in pulses and is alluded to in contact report 1987, the year of the "harmonic convergence."
Please note that Quetzal claimed to be unaware of this EM lifeforce, in spite of Billy's reassurance that he had been briefed on the veracity of it's truth, gleaned by him from the memory banks of Henok.
Billy was stating an esoteric and scientific truism and that important truth is one that will be revealed by the Sirian GFL First Contact mission to Earth Humanity. It is one of the most significant contact reports in relation to the evolutionary destiny of Earth humans.
The Sirians have a historic duty to aid Earth human genetic correction, in a spirit of love and compassion. This will bring peace to Earth and the cosmos and allow Earth to flourish and gain membership of the Galactic Federation of Light.
--Drekx Omega 09:48, 23 August 2010 (BST)
== Movella said ... ==
== Markvd said ... ==

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well done Drekx keep up the good work, very inspirational.
Have they encountered the master chef of the entire Dern universe. Can recreate any food to exact specification existing in material worlds. :) Top that.  
Looking forward to meeting my space family and all of the other 5th dimentional beings of light.
--Movella 10:36, 23 August 2010 (BST)
== MarksmanR said ... ==
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Drekx, starseeds do not exist, you are not a Sirian starseed, you are not in contact with Sirians, the Sirians are not in contact with the Plejaren and are not part of their federation, and you cannot access the storage banks.
You falsify FIGU information with your own and with false new-age and religious ideas and stories. You're either a big deliberate liar or you're delusional.
--[[User:MarksmanR|MarksmanR]] 17:28, 23 August 2010 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
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Upon further analysis, this so called Dretz Omega, although quite accomplished in disseminating correctly many of the materials brought forth by Billy and the Plejaren and my accomplished friends here on this site, he or she FAILS to bring any more awareness or support this mission!
For one, why do someone try to DECEIVE Billy's work by using a website that depicts images of one of the most evil manifestations (Jesus Christ) created by the Giza Intelligence (New Testament) that murdered millions, if not billions of Earth humans and distorted Jmmanuel's teachings. And to further support this assumption, why do you use the religious term "SOUL" in your answers, which by Creational definition, soul DOES NOT EXIST, only the Spirit?
Dretx Omega, you should be ashamed of your attempts to discredit BEAM, the Plejaren and others by posing as some Sirian to assist Earth humans through parallel assumptions combined with subtle references and distortions, designed to  sway others off course to satisfy you delusional quest of a uncontrollable EGO!
You have not addressed the last set of questions posed to you and only scratched the surface without much deeper understanding of the complexity regarding these issues, therefore, why would the Plejaren "hand off" this mission to you or the Sirians if you DO NOT understand the issues in the first place?
So, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for supporting this mission and exposing the continuing effort by others to distort and manipulate BEAM's important messages. Aloha
--Hawaiian 19:12, 23 August 2010 (BST)
== Dave said ... ==
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Oops. You forgot to use a different ip address Movella, or should I say Drekx Omega. Pathetic.  Check the recent changes log.
--Dave 20:16, 23 August 2010 (BST)
== Terran said ... ==
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That's all very interesting but I didn't ask about that information.
What I asked was:
Why have the Sirians not provided the types of proofs for their representatives here to verify their authenticity as genuine contactees in a manner similar to what the Plejaren provided Billy Meier. Such as photographs, videos, sound recordings, metal samples, prophecies etc.?
Could you answer this question?

--Terran 20:37, 23 August 2010 (BST)
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 23:26, 11 June 2012 (BST)

Latest revision as of 22:26, 11 June 2012

Can anyone make artcal about Taljda?

I want to know what race she is and what is her role.

Kit Varela said ...


Taljda comes from the planet Njsan in the Lyra System. Her race is similar in appearance to the Chinese and Japanese since they have the same ancestors. She observed some of the atrocities perpetrated during the first Gulf War and it badly affected her psyche. She had to return to her planet to recover from the shock of what she saw.

- Resource:

--Kit Varela 20:31, 11 June 2012 (BST)

Markvd said ...

Have they encountered the master chef of the entire Dern universe. Can recreate any food to exact specification existing in material worlds. :) Top that.

--Markvd 23:26, 11 June 2012 (BST)