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[[Category:Contact Reports]]
'''Excerpt from the 585th Contact of Good Friday, April 18, 2014 from the Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports'''

'''Block 13 book, pages 356-357'''

'''German to English translation by Larry Driscoll'''

'''Date: January 30, 2016'''

The German equivalent is yet to be added but is on the way.
== Introduction ==
* Contact Reports volume: 13 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 13)
* Page number(s): 356-357
* Date/time of contact: Friday, April 18, 2014
* Translator(s): Larry Driscoll
* Date of original translation: January 30, 2016
* Corrections and improvements made: N/A
* Contact person: [[Ptaah]]

=== Synopsis ===

Ah, you are already waiting, I have thought that I might even be here before you. However be greeted dear friend, and may you also be welcomed into my office. Actually, I have not expected you until tomorrow for the corrections work.  
Billy and Ptaah discuss the influence from the Plejaren Federation sent to Earth humans without their knowledge since 1844 by means of a type of technical telepathy.

'''This is the entire contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.'''

1. I do greet you as well Eduard, my good friend, and thank you for your welcome.
== Contact Report 585 Translation ==
2. I am here in terrestrial space from today’s evening until tomorrow’s evening because I devote myself to some things which interest me, so I come to you now, in order tomorrow afternoon after the corrections work to have more time at my disposal to pursue my interests.  
3. Furthermore Florena has said to me that you have some questions which refer to earlier spoken facts and about which I still should explain some things
| style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | English || style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | German
4. We could discuss these right away at the beginning of our conversation, if it suits you.
| '''Billy:''' Ah, you are already waiting, I have thought that I might even be here before you. However be greeted dear friend, and may you also be welcomed into my office. Actually, I have not expected you until tomorrow for the corrections work.
| '''Billy:''' Ah, du wartest schon, habe gedacht, dass ich noch vor dir hier sei. Sei aber gegrüsst, lieber Freund, und sei auch willkommen in meinem Bau. Eigentlich habe ich dich erst morgen zur Korrekturarbeit erwartet.
| '''Ptaah:'''1. I do greet you as well Eduard, my good friend, and thank you for your welcome.
Naturally, on some questions I have also copied excerpts from earlier reports which I want to show you, on the other hand I have however also still another thing, such as for example the matter, that you have sent in the last century to terrestrial scientists, apparatus-hypnotic, development impulses regarding technology in general as well as medicine and especially electronics, whereby an enormously fast development in all of these areas has occurred. Your father Sfath has already in 1945 and you then also in 1975 many times forbid me to openly mention or write something about the real reason for the sending of these impulse to terrestrial scientists. Naturally, about this I have obliged, because you have indeed said to me that I would only be permitted to openly speak, if Earthlings would direct questions to me regarding this. This now has occurred several times in the last two weeks, whereupon I then also have given the correct answer, which hopefully was not incorrect.  
| '''Ptaah:''' 1. Auch dir sei mein Gruss, Eduard, mein guter Freund, und danke für dein Willkomm.
| 2. I am here in terrestrial space from today’s evening until tomorrow’s evening because I devote myself to some things which interest me, so I come to you now, in order tomorrow afternoon after the corrections work to have more time at my disposal to pursue my interests.
| 2. Da ich seit heute abend bis morgen abend im irdischen Raum bin, weil ich mich einigen Dingen widme, die mich interessieren, komme ich jetzt zu dir, um morgen nachmittag nach der Korrekturarbeit mehr Zeit zur Verfügung zu haben, um meinen lnteressen nachzugehen.
5. Your silence regarding this applies only to the time up until now, when you would be some Earthhumans about the reason for our actions regarding the sending of impulses to terrestrial scientists.  
| 3. Furthermore Florena has said to me that you have some questions which refer to earlier spoken facts and about which I still should explain some things.
6. As this is now clearly occurring, like you say, is it also the time for giving the explanation for this, subsequently I can now on my part explain that the entire undertaking of the impulse transmissions to many thousands of terrestrial scientists served to aid, in a very short time, the overall technological, medical and electronic development and to bring it to useful position for the mission.  
| 3. Ausserdem hat mir Florena gesagt, dass du einige Fragen hast, die sich auf früher besprochene Fakten beziehen und worüber ich noch einiges erklären soll.
7. Specifically, I address the development of computer-information-and internet technology, which especially were aided to a great extent, because they are in the present and future time of enormous meaning and absolute importance for the fulfillment of your mission.  
| 4. We could discuss these right away at the beginning of our conversation, if it suits you.
| 4. Das könnten wir gleich zu Anfang unseres Gesprächs besprechen, wenn es dir genehm ist.
8. This development could however only occur in the new age because in earlier times were the possibilities for this still not given, subsequently then the six ancient prophets could only bring the teachings orally, which however were extensively falsified by those able to write, according to their own interpretations and were handed down in this way.  
| '''Billy:''' Naturally, on some questions I have also copied excerpts from earlier reports which I want to show you, on the other hand I have however also still another thing, such as for example the matter, that you have sent in the last century to terrestrial scientists, apparatus-hypnotic, development impulses regarding technology in general as well as medicine and especially electronics, whereby an enormously fast development in all of these areas has occurred. Your father Sfath has already in 1945 and you then also in 1975 many times forbid me to openly mention or write something about the real reason for the sending of these impulse to terrestrial scientists. Naturally, about this I have obliged, because you have indeed said to me that I would only be permitted to openly speak, if Earthlings would direct questions to me regarding this. This now has occurred several times in the last two weeks, whereupon I then also have given the correct answer, which hopefully was not incorrect.
9. This, if the writing of Judas Ischkerioth is left aside.
| '''Billy:''' Natürlich, zu einigen Fragen habe ich auch Auszüge aus früheren Berichten rauskopiert, die ich dir vorlegen will, anderseits habe ich aber auch noch andere Dinge, so z.B. die Sache, dass ihr im letzten Jahrhundert den irdischen Wissenschaftlern apparaturell-hypnotisch Entwicklungsimpulse in bezug auf die allgemeine Technik sowie die Medizin und speziell die Elektronik habt zukommen lassen, wodurch sich eine ungeheuer rasante Entwicklung auf allen diesen Gebieten ergeben hat. Dein Vater Sfath hat mir bereits 1945 und ihr dann auch ab 1975 mehrmals untersagt, die effective Begründung für diese Impulsübertragung an die irdischen Wissenschaftler offen zu nennen oder etwas darüber zu schreiben. Daran habe ich mich natürlich gehalten, denn ihr habt mir ja gesagt, dass ich erst darüber offen reden dürfe, wenn von Erdlingen diesbezügliche Fragen an mich gerichtet würden. Das ist nun in den letzten zwei Wochen mehrmals geschehen, worauf ich dann auch die richtige Antwort gegeben habe, was hoffentlich nicht falsch war.
10. Therefore, then in the new age from 1844 in general the technology of Earthhumans etc. had reached a certain development, and furthermore it was determined in advance by the ‘Arahat Athersata’ level that the last valid mission of teaching spreading of Nokodemion should find its beginning as of the year 1937 and then we were directed by this level via the ‘High Council’ to aid the medical as well as the overall technological, computer-,information- and internet development on the Earth
| '''Ptaah:''' 5. Your silence regarding this applies only to the time up until now, when you would be asked by some Earthhumans about the reason for our actions regarding the sending of impulses to terrestrial scientists.
| '''Ptaah:''' 5. Dein diesbezügliches Schweigen bedingte nur die Zeit bis dahin, da du von irgendwelchen Erdenmenschen nach dem Grund unseres Handelns in bezug auf die lmpulsübertragung an die irdischen Wissenschaftler gefragt würdest.
11. However in the entire development of all areas of research and knowledge etc., an approximate equilibrium was to be created, therefore all forms of development must be taken into account so that not an unbalanced but a generally widespread development resulted.  
| 6. As this is now clearly occurring, like you say, is it also the time for giving the explanation for this, subsequently I can now on my part explain that the entire undertaking of the impulse transmissions to many thousands of terrestrial scientists served to aid, in a very short time, the overall technological, medical and electronic development and to bring it to useful position for the mission.
12. In accordance with the instructions of the ‘Arahat Athersata’ level our specialists, like technologists and engineers etc., developed an apparatus, which made it possible to deposit, by apparatus, specific, hypnotic impulses into certain Earthhumans, like especially selected researchers and particular scientists of all areas of knowledge as well as also the, many and diverse, technologically talented, individuals of different specialist fields, in order to aid in all areas the necessary development and as a result to create the necessary technology through which your mission could spread out into the entire world, which indeed actually has occurred and also will occur in the future.
| 6. Da dies nun offenbar, wie du sagst, geschehen ist, ist auch die Zeit der Erklärung dafür gegeben, folgedem ich nunmehr meinerseits erklären kann, dass das ganze Unternehmen der lmpulsübermittlungen an viele Tausende von irdischen Wissenschaftlern dazu diente, die gesamte technische, medizinische und elektronische Entwicklung in sehr kurzer Zeit zu fördern und auf einen für die Mission nutzbaren Stand zu bringen.
13. The development of computer- and internet systems and all of the other things connected to them stood then to be given top priority.  
| 7. Specifically, I address the development of computer-information-and internet technology, which especially were aided to a great extent, because they are in the present and future time of enormous meaning and absolute importance for the fulfillment of your mission.
| 7. Speziell spreche ich dabei die Entwicklung der Computer-, Informations- und lnternetztechnik an, die speziell darum in grossem Mass gefördert wurde, weil sie für die Erfüllung deiner Mission in der heutigen und zukünftigen Zeit von enormer Bedeutung und von unumgänglicher Wichtigkeit ist.
14. The hypnotic, sending of impulses for the development of all necessary areas of knowledge and development therefore was not without thought, but a precise, carefully considered action so that your teaching-mission could spread out into the world.  
| 8. This development could however only occur in the new age because in earlier times were the possibilities for this still not given, subsequently then the six ancient prophets could only bring the teachings orally, which however were extensively falsified by those able to write, according to their own interpretations and were handed down in this way.
15. Regarding this, without our impulse-like development intervention with the Earthhumans, the entire development in every respect would only very gradually advance and would have taken still several more centuries before the position would be reached which is given today.
| 8. Diese Entwicklung konnte jedoch nur in der Neuzeit stattfinden, denn zu früheren Zeiten waren die Möglichkeiten dazu noch nicht gegeben, folgedem die sechs alten Propheten die Lehre nur mündlich bringen konnten, die jedoch von Schreibkundigen nach eigenen Interpretationen gründlich verfälscht und in dieser Weise überliefert wurden.
16. Unfortunately have occurred from the whole matter of very accelerated development also extremely malicious, negative and bad factors, which particularly have arisen regarding atomic-, rocket, drone- and other weapons in general and other technologies as well as chemistry, industrial-, Earth orbit- and communications technologies etc., through which much disaster was brought and will be brought in the future over terrestrial humanity as well as in regard to the planet itself, the entire nature and fauna and flora and the climate.  
| 9. This, if the writing of Judas Ischkerioth is left aside.
| 9. Dies, wenn vom Geschriebenen des Judas Ischkerioth abgesehen wird.
17. The stupidity, power conduct, greed for profit, and highhandedness, egoism and religious-sectarian faith delusion as well as hate, inhumanity and everywhere ruling illogic etc., allows the understanding and reason of Earthhumans to decline, consequently from all development and all progress in each area  enormously much disaster is caused and has even brought about the gross climate change.  
| 10. Therefore, then in the new age from 1844 in general the technology of Earthhumans etc. had reached a certain development, and furthermore it was determined in advance by the ‘Arahat Athersata’ level that the last valid mission of teaching spreading of Nokodemion should find its beginning as of the year 1937 and then we were directed by this level via the ‘High Council’ to aid the medical as well as the overall technological, computer-,information- and internet development on the Earth.
18. The stupidity of terrestrial responsible scientists, militaries and technologists as well as all of those, who shamefully abuse as filthy profiteers for the sake of power and pleasure, everything to the detriment of all human, animal, insect and plant life and the planet as well as its resources and climate, unfortunately recognizes no limits and in no way whatsoever responsibility.      
| 10. Da also in der Neuzeit ab 1844 durch die Erdenmenschen die allgemeine Technik usw. eine gewisse Entwicklung erreicht hatte und zudem durch die Ebene ‹Arahat Athersata› vorausbestimmt war, dass die letztgültige Mission der Lehreverbreitung des Nokodemion ab dem Jahr 1937 ihren Anfang finden sollte, wurden wir durch die Ebene via den ‹Hoher Rat› angewiesen, die medizinische sowie die allgemein technische, computer-, informations- und internetzmässige Entwicklung auf der Erde zu fördern.
19. With them belongs also the majority of terrestrial mankind, who just think about their own well-being and do not concern themselves about the fact that gradually however certainly each and every thing is destroyed, consequently Earthhumans themselves slowly but surely destroy all of their life basis which always occurs more rapidly the faster the terrestrial population increases.  
| 11. However in the entire development of all areas of research and knowledge etc., an approximate equilibrium was to be created, therefore all forms of development must be taken into account so that not an unbalanced but a generally widespread development resulted.
| 11. Damit aber in der gesamten Entwicklung aller Forschungs- und Wissensgebiete usw. ein ungefähres Gleichmass entstand, mussten alle Entwicklungsformen berücksichtigt werden, damit sich nicht eine einseitige, sondern eine allgemeinumfassende Entwicklung ergab.
20. The fact is then, that the raging human overpopulation is the reason for each and every evil which already  for decades results in a steadily further increase and ultimately leads to inevitable catastrophe, if not finally everything is stopped and guided into correct courses and everything necessary is taken up and strictly implemented.  
| 12. In accordance with the instructions of the ‘Arahat Athersata’ level our specialists, like technologists and engineers etc., developed an apparatus, which made it possible to deposit, by apparatus, specific, hypnotic impulses into certain Earthhumans, like especially selected researchers and particular scientists of all areas of knowledge as well as also the, many and diverse, technologically talented, individuals of different specialist fields, in order to aid in all areas the necessary development and as a result to create the necessary technology through which your mission could spread out into the entire world, which indeed actually has occurred and also will occur in the future.
21. The fundamental evils of all the whole matter are the overpopulation as well as the irresponsibility of all of those Earthhumans, who in no way adapt themselves to the creative-natural laws and guidelines and hence they themselves create more and more destroying and destruction.  
| 12. Der Anweisung der Ebene ‹Arahat Athersata› gemäss entwickelten unsere Spezialisten, wie Techniker und Ingenieure usw., eine Apparatur, die es ermöglichte, auf bestimmte Erdenmenschen, wie speziell ausgesuchte Forscher und besondere Wissenschaftler aller Wissensgebiete wie auch vielfältig technisch Begabte diverser Spezialgebiete, apparaturell gezielt hypnotische Impulse abzusetzen, um auf allen Gebieten die notwendigen Entwicklungen zu fördern, um dadurch alle notwendige Technik zu schaffen, durch die deine Mission in die ganze irdische Welt hinaus verbreitet werden konnte, was sich ja tatsächlich auch so ergeben hat und weiterhin ergibt.
| 13. The development of computer- and internet systems and all of the other things connected to them stood then to be given top priority.
| 13. Die Entwicklung des Computer— und lnternetzwesens und alle damit verbundenen anderweitigen Dinge stand dabei im Vordergrund.
The eyes and ears and reason of Earthlings are unfortunately closed.
| 14. The hypnotic, sending of impulses for the development of all necessary areas of knowledge and development therefore was not without thought, but a precise, carefully considered action so that your teaching-mission could spread out into the world.
| 14. Die hypnotische Impulsübermittlung zur Entwicklung aller notwendigen Wissens- und Entwicklungsgebiete war also keine unbedachte, sondern eine präzise bedachte Handlung, um deine Lehre—Mission in die Welt hinaustragen zu können.
| 15. Regarding this, without our impulse-like development intervention with the Earthhumans, the entire development in every respect would only very gradually advance and would have taken still several more centuries before the position would be reached which is given today.
| 15. Ohne unsere diesbezüglichen impulsmässigen Entwicklungseingriffe wäre bei den Erdenmenschen die gesamte Entwicklung in jeder Hinsicht nur sehr schleichend vorangeschritten und hätte noch einige weitere Jahrhunderte gedauert, ehe der Stand erreicht worden wäre, der heute vorgegeben ist.
| 16. Unfortunately have occurred from the whole matter of very accelerated development also extremely malicious, negative and bad factors, which particularly have arisen regarding atomic-, rocket, drone- and other weapons in general and other technologies as well as chemistry, industrial-, Earth orbit- and communications technologies etc., through which much disaster was brought and will be brought in the future over terrestrial humanity as well as in regard to the planet itself, the entire nature and fauna and flora and the climate.
| 16. Leider haben sich aus dem Ganzen der sehr beschleunigten Entwicklung auch äusserst bösartige, negative und schlechte Faktoren ergeben, die sich insbesondere in bezug auf die Atom-, Raketen—, Drohnen— und sonstige allgemeine Waffen— und sonstige Technik sowie die Chemie, die |ndustrie—, Erdorbit— und die Kommunikationstechnik usw. ergeben haben, durch die viel Unheil über die irdische Menschheit sowie in bezug auf den Planeten selbst, die gesamte Natur und deren Fauna und Flora und das Klima gebracht wurde und weiterhin gebracht wird.
| 17. The stupidity, power conduct, greed for profit, and highhandedness, egoism and religious-sectarian faith delusion as well as hate, inhumanity and everywhere ruling illogic etc., allows the understanding and reason of Earthhumans to decline, consequently from all development and all progress in each area enormously much disaster is caused and has even brought about the gross climate change.
| 17. Die Unvernunft, das Machtgebaren, die Profitgier und die Selbstherrlichkeit, der Egoismus und der religiös—sektiererische Wahnglaube sowie Hass, Unmenschlichkeit und allüberall herrschende Unlogik usw. liessen der Erdenmenschen Verstand und Vernunft verkümmern, folglich aus aller Entwicklung und allem Fortschritt auf jedem Gebiet ungeheuer viel Unheil angerichtet und gar der krasse Klimawandel herbeigeführt wurde.
| 18. The stupidity of terrestrial responsible scientists, militaries and technologists as well as all of those, who shamefully abuse as filthy profiteers for the sake of power and pleasure, everything to the detriment of all human, animal, insect and plant life and the planet as well as its resources and climate, unfortunately recognizes no limits and in no way whatsoever responsibility.
| 18. Die Unvernunft der irdischen verantwortlichen Wissenschaftler, der Militärs und Techniker sowie all derer, welche alles zum Schaden allen menschlichen, tierischen, getierischen und pflanzlichen Lebens und des Planeten sowie dessen Ressourcen und des Klimas schändlich urn des schnöden Mammons, der Macht und des Vergnügens willen missbrauchen, kennt leider keine Grenzen und keinerlei Verantwortung.
| 19. With them belongs also the majority of terrestrial mankind, who just think about their own well-being and do not concern themselves about the fact that gradually however certainly each and every thing is destroyed, consequently Earthhumans themselves slowly but surely destroy all of their life basis which always occurs more rapidly the faster the terrestrial population increases.
| 19. Dazu gehört auch das Gros der irdischen Menschheit, das nur auf sein eigenes Wohl bedacht ist und sich nicht darum kümmert, dass langsam aber sicher alles und jedes zugrunde geht, folglich die Erdenmenschen selbst langsam aber sicher alle ihre Lebensgrundlagen zerstören, was immer schneller geschieht, je schneller die irdische Bevölkerung wächst.
| 20. The fact is then, that the raging human overpopulation is the reason for each and every evil which already for decades results in a steadily further increase and ultimately leads to inevitable catastrophe, if not finally everything is stopped and guided into correct courses and everything necessary is taken up and strictly implemented.
| 20. Tatsache ist dabei, dass die grassierende menschliche Überbevölkerung der Grund jeder und aller Übel ist, die sich schon seit Jahrzehnten ergeben, stetig weiter anwachsen und letztendlich zur unausweichlichen Katastrophe führen, wenn nicht endlich alles gestoppt und in die richtigen Bahnen gelenkt und alles Notwendige ergriffen und strikte durchgeführt wird.
| 21. The fundamental evils of all the whole matter are the overpopulation as well as the irresponsibility of all of those Earthhumans, who in no way adapt themselves to the creative-natural laws and guidelines and hence they themselves create more and more destroying and destruction.
| 21. Die Grundübel des Ganzen sind die Überbevölkerung sowie die Verantwortungslosigkeit all jener Erdenmenschen, die sich in keiner Weise in die schöpferisch—natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote einfügen und daher immer mehr Zerstörendes und Zerstörungen selbst schaffen.
| '''Billy:''' The eyes and ears and reason of Earthlings are unfortunately closed.
| '''Billy:''' Die Augen und Ohren und die Vernunft der Erdlinge sind leider verschlossen.
* E-mail from Larry

Revision as of 20:30, 3 July 2016

This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.


  • Contact Reports volume: 13 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 13)
  • Page number(s): 356-357
  • Date/time of contact: Friday, April 18, 2014
  • Translator(s): Larry Driscoll
  • Date of original translation: January 30, 2016
  • Corrections and improvements made: N/A
  • Contact person: Ptaah


Billy and Ptaah discuss the influence from the Plejaren Federation sent to Earth humans without their knowledge since 1844 by means of a type of technical telepathy.

This is the entire contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.

Contact Report 585 Translation

English German
Billy: Ah, you are already waiting, I have thought that I might even be here before you. However be greeted dear friend, and may you also be welcomed into my office. Actually, I have not expected you until tomorrow for the corrections work. Billy: Ah, du wartest schon, habe gedacht, dass ich noch vor dir hier sei. Sei aber gegrüsst, lieber Freund, und sei auch willkommen in meinem Bau. Eigentlich habe ich dich erst morgen zur Korrekturarbeit erwartet.
Ptaah:1. I do greet you as well Eduard, my good friend, and thank you for your welcome. Ptaah: 1. Auch dir sei mein Gruss, Eduard, mein guter Freund, und danke für dein Willkomm.
2. I am here in terrestrial space from today’s evening until tomorrow’s evening because I devote myself to some things which interest me, so I come to you now, in order tomorrow afternoon after the corrections work to have more time at my disposal to pursue my interests. 2. Da ich seit heute abend bis morgen abend im irdischen Raum bin, weil ich mich einigen Dingen widme, die mich interessieren, komme ich jetzt zu dir, um morgen nachmittag nach der Korrekturarbeit mehr Zeit zur Verfügung zu haben, um meinen lnteressen nachzugehen.
3. Furthermore Florena has said to me that you have some questions which refer to earlier spoken facts and about which I still should explain some things. 3. Ausserdem hat mir Florena gesagt, dass du einige Fragen hast, die sich auf früher besprochene Fakten beziehen und worüber ich noch einiges erklären soll.
4. We could discuss these right away at the beginning of our conversation, if it suits you. 4. Das könnten wir gleich zu Anfang unseres Gesprächs besprechen, wenn es dir genehm ist.
Billy: Naturally, on some questions I have also copied excerpts from earlier reports which I want to show you, on the other hand I have however also still another thing, such as for example the matter, that you have sent in the last century to terrestrial scientists, apparatus-hypnotic, development impulses regarding technology in general as well as medicine and especially electronics, whereby an enormously fast development in all of these areas has occurred. Your father Sfath has already in 1945 and you then also in 1975 many times forbid me to openly mention or write something about the real reason for the sending of these impulse to terrestrial scientists. Naturally, about this I have obliged, because you have indeed said to me that I would only be permitted to openly speak, if Earthlings would direct questions to me regarding this. This now has occurred several times in the last two weeks, whereupon I then also have given the correct answer, which hopefully was not incorrect. Billy: Natürlich, zu einigen Fragen habe ich auch Auszüge aus früheren Berichten rauskopiert, die ich dir vorlegen will, anderseits habe ich aber auch noch andere Dinge, so z.B. die Sache, dass ihr im letzten Jahrhundert den irdischen Wissenschaftlern apparaturell-hypnotisch Entwicklungsimpulse in bezug auf die allgemeine Technik sowie die Medizin und speziell die Elektronik habt zukommen lassen, wodurch sich eine ungeheuer rasante Entwicklung auf allen diesen Gebieten ergeben hat. Dein Vater Sfath hat mir bereits 1945 und ihr dann auch ab 1975 mehrmals untersagt, die effective Begründung für diese Impulsübertragung an die irdischen Wissenschaftler offen zu nennen oder etwas darüber zu schreiben. Daran habe ich mich natürlich gehalten, denn ihr habt mir ja gesagt, dass ich erst darüber offen reden dürfe, wenn von Erdlingen diesbezügliche Fragen an mich gerichtet würden. Das ist nun in den letzten zwei Wochen mehrmals geschehen, worauf ich dann auch die richtige Antwort gegeben habe, was hoffentlich nicht falsch war.
Ptaah: 5. Your silence regarding this applies only to the time up until now, when you would be asked by some Earthhumans about the reason for our actions regarding the sending of impulses to terrestrial scientists. Ptaah: 5. Dein diesbezügliches Schweigen bedingte nur die Zeit bis dahin, da du von irgendwelchen Erdenmenschen nach dem Grund unseres Handelns in bezug auf die lmpulsübertragung an die irdischen Wissenschaftler gefragt würdest.
6. As this is now clearly occurring, like you say, is it also the time for giving the explanation for this, subsequently I can now on my part explain that the entire undertaking of the impulse transmissions to many thousands of terrestrial scientists served to aid, in a very short time, the overall technological, medical and electronic development and to bring it to useful position for the mission. 6. Da dies nun offenbar, wie du sagst, geschehen ist, ist auch die Zeit der Erklärung dafür gegeben, folgedem ich nunmehr meinerseits erklären kann, dass das ganze Unternehmen der lmpulsübermittlungen an viele Tausende von irdischen Wissenschaftlern dazu diente, die gesamte technische, medizinische und elektronische Entwicklung in sehr kurzer Zeit zu fördern und auf einen für die Mission nutzbaren Stand zu bringen.
7. Specifically, I address the development of computer-information-and internet technology, which especially were aided to a great extent, because they are in the present and future time of enormous meaning and absolute importance for the fulfillment of your mission. 7. Speziell spreche ich dabei die Entwicklung der Computer-, Informations- und lnternetztechnik an, die speziell darum in grossem Mass gefördert wurde, weil sie für die Erfüllung deiner Mission in der heutigen und zukünftigen Zeit von enormer Bedeutung und von unumgänglicher Wichtigkeit ist.
8. This development could however only occur in the new age because in earlier times were the possibilities for this still not given, subsequently then the six ancient prophets could only bring the teachings orally, which however were extensively falsified by those able to write, according to their own interpretations and were handed down in this way. 8. Diese Entwicklung konnte jedoch nur in der Neuzeit stattfinden, denn zu früheren Zeiten waren die Möglichkeiten dazu noch nicht gegeben, folgedem die sechs alten Propheten die Lehre nur mündlich bringen konnten, die jedoch von Schreibkundigen nach eigenen Interpretationen gründlich verfälscht und in dieser Weise überliefert wurden.
9. This, if the writing of Judas Ischkerioth is left aside. 9. Dies, wenn vom Geschriebenen des Judas Ischkerioth abgesehen wird.
10. Therefore, then in the new age from 1844 in general the technology of Earthhumans etc. had reached a certain development, and furthermore it was determined in advance by the ‘Arahat Athersata’ level that the last valid mission of teaching spreading of Nokodemion should find its beginning as of the year 1937 and then we were directed by this level via the ‘High Council’ to aid the medical as well as the overall technological, computer-,information- and internet development on the Earth. 10. Da also in der Neuzeit ab 1844 durch die Erdenmenschen die allgemeine Technik usw. eine gewisse Entwicklung erreicht hatte und zudem durch die Ebene ‹Arahat Athersata› vorausbestimmt war, dass die letztgültige Mission der Lehreverbreitung des Nokodemion ab dem Jahr 1937 ihren Anfang finden sollte, wurden wir durch die Ebene via den ‹Hoher Rat› angewiesen, die medizinische sowie die allgemein technische, computer-, informations- und internetzmässige Entwicklung auf der Erde zu fördern.
11. However in the entire development of all areas of research and knowledge etc., an approximate equilibrium was to be created, therefore all forms of development must be taken into account so that not an unbalanced but a generally widespread development resulted. 11. Damit aber in der gesamten Entwicklung aller Forschungs- und Wissensgebiete usw. ein ungefähres Gleichmass entstand, mussten alle Entwicklungsformen berücksichtigt werden, damit sich nicht eine einseitige, sondern eine allgemeinumfassende Entwicklung ergab.
12. In accordance with the instructions of the ‘Arahat Athersata’ level our specialists, like technologists and engineers etc., developed an apparatus, which made it possible to deposit, by apparatus, specific, hypnotic impulses into certain Earthhumans, like especially selected researchers and particular scientists of all areas of knowledge as well as also the, many and diverse, technologically talented, individuals of different specialist fields, in order to aid in all areas the necessary development and as a result to create the necessary technology through which your mission could spread out into the entire world, which indeed actually has occurred and also will occur in the future. 12. Der Anweisung der Ebene ‹Arahat Athersata› gemäss entwickelten unsere Spezialisten, wie Techniker und Ingenieure usw., eine Apparatur, die es ermöglichte, auf bestimmte Erdenmenschen, wie speziell ausgesuchte Forscher und besondere Wissenschaftler aller Wissensgebiete wie auch vielfältig technisch Begabte diverser Spezialgebiete, apparaturell gezielt hypnotische Impulse abzusetzen, um auf allen Gebieten die notwendigen Entwicklungen zu fördern, um dadurch alle notwendige Technik zu schaffen, durch die deine Mission in die ganze irdische Welt hinaus verbreitet werden konnte, was sich ja tatsächlich auch so ergeben hat und weiterhin ergibt.
13. The development of computer- and internet systems and all of the other things connected to them stood then to be given top priority. 13. Die Entwicklung des Computer— und lnternetzwesens und alle damit verbundenen anderweitigen Dinge stand dabei im Vordergrund.
14. The hypnotic, sending of impulses for the development of all necessary areas of knowledge and development therefore was not without thought, but a precise, carefully considered action so that your teaching-mission could spread out into the world. 14. Die hypnotische Impulsübermittlung zur Entwicklung aller notwendigen Wissens- und Entwicklungsgebiete war also keine unbedachte, sondern eine präzise bedachte Handlung, um deine Lehre—Mission in die Welt hinaustragen zu können.
15. Regarding this, without our impulse-like development intervention with the Earthhumans, the entire development in every respect would only very gradually advance and would have taken still several more centuries before the position would be reached which is given today. 15. Ohne unsere diesbezüglichen impulsmässigen Entwicklungseingriffe wäre bei den Erdenmenschen die gesamte Entwicklung in jeder Hinsicht nur sehr schleichend vorangeschritten und hätte noch einige weitere Jahrhunderte gedauert, ehe der Stand erreicht worden wäre, der heute vorgegeben ist.
16. Unfortunately have occurred from the whole matter of very accelerated development also extremely malicious, negative and bad factors, which particularly have arisen regarding atomic-, rocket, drone- and other weapons in general and other technologies as well as chemistry, industrial-, Earth orbit- and communications technologies etc., through which much disaster was brought and will be brought in the future over terrestrial humanity as well as in regard to the planet itself, the entire nature and fauna and flora and the climate. ndustrie—, Erdorbit— und die Kommunikationstechnik usw. ergeben haben, durch die viel Unheil über die irdische Menschheit sowie in bezug auf den Planeten selbst, die gesamte Natur und deren Fauna und Flora und das Klima gebracht wurde und weiterhin gebracht wird.
17. The stupidity, power conduct, greed for profit, and highhandedness, egoism and religious-sectarian faith delusion as well as hate, inhumanity and everywhere ruling illogic etc., allows the understanding and reason of Earthhumans to decline, consequently from all development and all progress in each area enormously much disaster is caused and has even brought about the gross climate change. 17. Die Unvernunft, das Machtgebaren, die Profitgier und die Selbstherrlichkeit, der Egoismus und der religiös—sektiererische Wahnglaube sowie Hass, Unmenschlichkeit und allüberall herrschende Unlogik usw. liessen der Erdenmenschen Verstand und Vernunft verkümmern, folglich aus aller Entwicklung und allem Fortschritt auf jedem Gebiet ungeheuer viel Unheil angerichtet und gar der krasse Klimawandel herbeigeführt wurde.
18. The stupidity of terrestrial responsible scientists, militaries and technologists as well as all of those, who shamefully abuse as filthy profiteers for the sake of power and pleasure, everything to the detriment of all human, animal, insect and plant life and the planet as well as its resources and climate, unfortunately recognizes no limits and in no way whatsoever responsibility. 18. Die Unvernunft der irdischen verantwortlichen Wissenschaftler, der Militärs und Techniker sowie all derer, welche alles zum Schaden allen menschlichen, tierischen, getierischen und pflanzlichen Lebens und des Planeten sowie dessen Ressourcen und des Klimas schändlich urn des schnöden Mammons, der Macht und des Vergnügens willen missbrauchen, kennt leider keine Grenzen und keinerlei Verantwortung.
19. With them belongs also the majority of terrestrial mankind, who just think about their own well-being and do not concern themselves about the fact that gradually however certainly each and every thing is destroyed, consequently Earthhumans themselves slowly but surely destroy all of their life basis which always occurs more rapidly the faster the terrestrial population increases. 19. Dazu gehört auch das Gros der irdischen Menschheit, das nur auf sein eigenes Wohl bedacht ist und sich nicht darum kümmert, dass langsam aber sicher alles und jedes zugrunde geht, folglich die Erdenmenschen selbst langsam aber sicher alle ihre Lebensgrundlagen zerstören, was immer schneller geschieht, je schneller die irdische Bevölkerung wächst.
20. The fact is then, that the raging human overpopulation is the reason for each and every evil which already for decades results in a steadily further increase and ultimately leads to inevitable catastrophe, if not finally everything is stopped and guided into correct courses and everything necessary is taken up and strictly implemented. 20. Tatsache ist dabei, dass die grassierende menschliche Überbevölkerung der Grund jeder und aller Übel ist, die sich schon seit Jahrzehnten ergeben, stetig weiter anwachsen und letztendlich zur unausweichlichen Katastrophe führen, wenn nicht endlich alles gestoppt und in die richtigen Bahnen gelenkt und alles Notwendige ergriffen und strikte durchgeführt wird.
21. The fundamental evils of all the whole matter are the overpopulation as well as the irresponsibility of all of those Earthhumans, who in no way adapt themselves to the creative-natural laws and guidelines and hence they themselves create more and more destroying and destruction. 21. Die Grundübel des Ganzen sind die Überbevölkerung sowie die Verantwortungslosigkeit all jener Erdenmenschen, die sich in keiner Weise in die schöpferisch—natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote einfügen und daher immer mehr Zerstörendes und Zerstörungen selbst schaffen.
Billy: The eyes and ears and reason of Earthlings are unfortunately closed. Billy: Die Augen und Ohren und die Vernunft der Erdlinge sind leider verschlossen.


  • E-mail from Larry