Women Development Department Sindh(Pakistn): Difference between revisions

From Future Of Mankind
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Created page with '- The Website: http://www.sindh.gov.pk/wdd/index.htm Address: Sindh Secretariat 1, 7th Floor, Karachi | Tel: 021- 9213889-90; Fax: 021-9213886 Email: womenfeedback@sindh.gov.p...'
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Replaced content with "The Website: http://www.sindh.gov.pk/wdd/index.htm; address: Sindh Secretariat 1, 7th Floor, Karachi | Tel: 021- 9213889-90; Fax: 021-9213886; email: womenfeedback@sindh.gov...."
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- The Website: http://www.sindh.gov.pk/wdd/index.htm
The Website: http://www.sindh.gov.pk/wdd/index.htm; address: Sindh Secretariat 1, 7th Floor, Karachi | Tel: 021- 9213889-90; Fax: 021-9213886; email: womenfeedback@sindh.gov.pk  (Completed)
Address: Sindh Secretariat 1, 7th Floor, Karachi | Tel: 021- 9213889-90; Fax: 021-9213886
Email: womenfeedback@sindh.gov.pk  (Completed)  
"From: Adam Issa-Sunna
Organization(unformal): Future of Mankind;
Website: www.futureofmankind.co.uk
Van der Takstraat 126,
3071LM Rotterdam;
The Netherlands
Tel: 0031 010 8423218;
Mobile: 0031 0 650908931
To: The Board
Women Development Department
Sindh Secretariat 1, 7th Floor; Karachi | Tel: 021- 9213889-90; Fax: 021-9213886
Government of Sindh, Sindh; Pakistan
It is with gratitude for your magnanimous commitment to the well-being of the societies in Sindh, and your representative service to Sindh and Pakistan, that i turn to you.
Your website is just excellent  - and much needed!
It indeed provides comprehensive data on the challenges and structure of your department and its main organs, while touching on questions of regional and national character  -  in the current context of worldwide unprecedented economic, climatic and environmental turmoil  -  and also offering sound and exhaustive analyses on other women related actual issues.
The efforts to preserve the crucial balance between Human needs and the imperatives of the environment in Sindh are also commendable, but still more should be done.
Gracious Ladies,
I have joined a small group of world citizens with great concern for Human Beings and for Earth itself, to address you with this information, formal request and indeed plea.
It must be noted, that our initiative has the endorsement of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization( ISESCO; Dr. Fariq Billal, Director of the Science Department ): www.isesco.org.ma
It is now indeed clear, that the greatest threat to Mankind and Earth comes from Overpopulation, which is growing at an exponential rate.
We are convinced, that a world wide, democratic( applying and mandatory to each and all ), scientific and rigorously monitored Birth Control is the only humane, logical, mature and ethical answer to this unprecedented, but largely foreseen challenge.
The whole world and the state of Sindh would certainly be greatly served by such awareness.
Please seriously consider the document  'To Earth Humans'  -  also available in full, original version here:
We see this document as a highly ethical, rational and humane answer to the here and elsewhere expressed concern.
The document has been submitted to US Ambassadors in every Nation, to President Obama, to Vice-President Biden, and to Secretary of State Clinton.
It is as well being forwarded to all countries and their gouvernments; to universities, institutes and research centers worldwide; to all major NGO's dealing with population and development; to influencal citizens, international figures and retired senior leaders  -  like Reverend Desmond Tutu, Mr Nelson Mandela, Mr. Al Gore, Mr. Gorbatchev, Mr. Boutros Ghali...
I also took the liberty to add here a video presentation of this issue, made by one of our volunteers, Mr. Barreto:
Allow me now to draw your attention to the following:
-  Billion people face famine by mid-century, says top US scientist
Times Online, March 23, 2009: "Famines affecting a billion people will threaten global food security during the 21st century, according to a leading US scientist.
Nina Fedoroff, the US State Department chief scientist, is convinced that food shortages will be the biggest challenge facing the world as temperatures and population levels rise. Food security in the coming years, she said, is "a huge problem" that has been met with little more than complacency. "We are asleep at the switch," she said.
Her warning echoes comments by John Beddington, Britain's chief scientist, last week in which he forecast a "perfect storm" of food, water and energy shortages by 2030.
Dr Fedoroff, who advises Hillary Clinton, said famines that strike a billion people are quite possible in a world where climate change has damaged food production and the human population has risen to nine billion.
Population levels have already exceeded seven billion and are expected to rise to nine billion by the middle of the century unless action is taken."
- BBC: Earth population 'exceeds limits'
Tuesday, 31 March 2009, UK: " There are already too many people living on Planet Earth, according to one of most influential science advisors in the US government.
Nina Fedoroff told the BBC One Planet programme that humans had exceeded the Earth's "limits of sustainability".
"We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the global population; the planet can't support many more people," Dr Fedoroff said, stressing the need for humans to become much better at managing "wild lands", and in particular water supplies. "
-  "On Thin Ice", a one-hour special on PBS; APRIL 17 and 18, 2009
Seventy-five percent of the world's fresh water is stored in glaciers, but scientists predict climate change will cause some of the world's largest glaciers to completely melt by 2030.
This will increase global competition for food and water and threaten international security.
In a special one-hour on PBS report, Host David Brancaccio travels to the Gangotri Glacier in the Himalayas and Montana's Glacier National Park to see the melting and to examine the consequences. Brancaccio talks with Lester Brown about the effects of melting glaciers of India's food supply."
- The French see it already looming:  "The world could run out of oil in 20 years.
This grim scenario is not the prediction of environmentalists, but of Michel Mallet, the general manager of French energy giant Total's German operations.
In an interview, Mallet calls for radical reduction of gas consumption and a tax on aviation fuel."[...]
- While Mr. Porritt has to put aside all diplomacy and political correctness on this very one: "UK POPULATION MUST FALL TO 30M! ", says Porritt.
The Sunday Times; March 22, 2009 : "JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown's leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society.
Porritt said: "Population growth, plus economic growth, is putting the world under terrible pressure." [...]
- And this petition has it the same way:
"In the 6 seconds it takes you to read this sentence 24 people will be added to the earth population; before you've finished this, that number will reach 1000; within an hour 11,000; by day's end 260,000; before you go to bed two nights from now the net growth in human numbers will be enough to fill a city the size of san francisco.
It took 4 million years for humanity to reach the 2 billion mark; only 30 years to add a third billion and now we are increasing by 100 million every single year.
No wonder they call it the human race.
Solution birth control: quality of life not quantity..."
- It is interesting to note, that Islamic Nations are a step ahead in this awareness:  "Muslim Ulama & Implementing Restrictive Family and Population Policies" (Year 2005)
Dear Mothers, Sisters, Spouses; fellow Earth citizens,
We certainly need to break the taboo hanging above the topic of human reproduction, population, respectively overpopulation.
More emphasis must be put on the crucial role played by overpopulation in the current, deplorable state of Earth global affairs.
We all indeed know, that everything needs management; ourselves and our number are not and can not be an exception.
Nothing is endless and all requires rational use, care and maintenance - including earth's resources.
Today, the shortages of clean water, food, minerals and other basic life's items, pollution and the destruction of the environment are obvious.
We, Humans, and the ways we go about life, put too much stress on Earth.
The signs are overwhelming.
In addition to that, we now know, that the end of the petroleum age is quickly approaching: http://www.theyfly.com/VOLCANOES.htm
This world definitely needs a worldwide, democratic - valid for all individuals, social classes and nations - rational, responsible, scientific and rigorously monitored birth control.
Some, however, may still say, "multiply yourself" is written in The Bible.
Indeed: Genesis 1:22:
God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth.".
Well, we certainly shall argue here, that reason is also given to us, so that we can know, judge and decide when we 'have multiplied enough'.
And again, the Commandment could as well be: "multiply yourself with wisdom and reason and knowledge and care and management."
Besides, if we keep procreating the way we now do, there wouldn't be much animals, fish, trees, "birds" left "on the earth"!
Overpopulation has indeed a deeper spiritual dimension.
It's a shame that governments, but also political parties in general, as well as businesses do not acknowledge "the signs on the wall", i.e. the overpopulation problem and the interconnected threat to our future, and therefore they do not deal with the root of the problem.
The fact that most of the environmental protection organizations, as well as the main religions, shy away from becoming active and recognizing and clearly naming overpopulation as the main problem and multiplier/disseminator for the other big problems like famine, climate change, migration, wars, epidemics, criminality, etc., is extremely scandalous.
Do please endorse us and  -  most importantly  -  do strongly advocate a rational, democratic and scientific birth control world wide.
Our major petition calling for such a world wide birth control is to be found here : http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Special:Petition
With gratitude for the Honor of your Service
And sincere Respect,
Adam Issa-Sunna."

Revision as of 18:29, 14 August 2012

The Website: http://www.sindh.gov.pk/wdd/index.htm; address: Sindh Secretariat 1, 7th Floor, Karachi | Tel: 021- 9213889-90; Fax: 021-9213886; email: womenfeedback@sindh.gov.pk (Completed)