We (Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine of www.gaiaguys.net) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

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Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Block 6    Seiten 436 - 437 & 443 - 444

Zweihundertachtunddreisigster Kontact

Samstag, 18. Mai 1991, 00.55 Uhr

Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Volume 6  Pages 436 - 437 & 443 - 444

238th Contact

Saturday, May 18th, 1991, 12:55AM


(Fortsetzung von Billy und Ptaah)

(Billy and Ptaah continue)

Billy ... Vorhin sprachen wir von den Amerikanern, die mit der angeblichen Mondlandung im Jahre 1969 ihr gesamtes Volk und die ganze Welt zum Narren gehalten haben.

BIlly ... Earlier we spoke of the Americans, who, with the alleged Moon landing in the year 1969, made fools of their entire population and the entire world.

Das war ja nicht das einzige Mal, wie du mir damals auf der Grossen Reise erklärt hast, worüber ich aber schweigen soll.

That was indeed not the only time, as you explained to me that time on the great voyage, and about which I was to remain silent.

Es handelte sich dabei jetzt um die Vorkommnisse am 7. Dezember 1941, als die Japaner den Gross-Angriff auf den Hawail-Hafen Pearl Harbor durchführten, wobei das Flaggschiff ARIZONA und viele andere amerikanische Schiffe versenkt und Tausende Menschen getötet wurden.

Now, it deals, thereby, with the events on December 7th, 1941, as the Japanese executed the great attack on the Hawaiian harbor, Pearl Harbor, whereby the flagship ARIZONA and many other American ships sank and thousands of humans were killed.

Du sagtest mir damals im Jahre 1975, dass ich über die wahrheitlichen Vorkommnisse so lange nicht sprechen dürfe, bis sich das Geschehen zum fünfzigsten Male jähre.

You told me then, in 1975, that I was not permitted to speak about the actual occurrences until the events reached the fiftieth year memorial.

Am kommenden 7. Dezember dieses Jahres ist es nun soweit, dass das damalige Geschehen 50 Jahre zurückliegt.

On the coming 7th of December this year, it will be so far along, that the events of that time lie 50 years ago.

Ptaah 803. Das entspricht der Richtigkeit, also kann jetzt auch über diese üble Machenschaft der Amerikaner gesprochen werden.

Ptaah 803. That corresponds to that which is correct, therefore, now these evil machinations of the Americans can be spoken about.

Billy Gut, wenn ich mich noch richtig erinnere, so erklärtest du mir damals, dass die amerikanische Regierung durch ihre Spione und durch die ClA
vollumfänglich darüber informiert gewesen sei, dass die japanische Luftwaffe am 7. Dezember 1941 in den frühen Morgenstunden die amerikanische Flotte in Pearl Harbor angreifen und mit Sicherheit zerstören würde.

Billy Good. If I still remember correctly, you explained to me at that time, that, through their spies and through the CIA, the America government was fully comprehensively informed that the Japanese Air Force would attack the American fleet in Pearl Harbor in the early morning hours of December 7th 1941 and would certainly destroy it.

Dies würde praktisch ohne Gegenwehr der Amerikaner geschehen, weil diese an einer Abwehr überhaupt nicht interessiert seien.

This would happen practically without the Americans' resistance because they were not at all interested in a defence.

Deiner Erklärung gemäss opferten die Verantwortlichen der damaligen amerikanischen Regierung Tausende von Marinesoldaten und sonstigen Armeeangehörigen sowie auch ihr Flaggschiff Arizona und viele andere Schiffe völlig bewusst und in der Absicht, einerseits um gegen Japan einen triftigen Angriffsgrund zu haben, um offiziell Atombombentests an wirklichen Objekten durchführen zu können, wofür die Städte Hiroshima und Nagasaki ausgesucht wurden, und zweitens um ihre kriegerische Macht und Grösse beweisen zu können, wenn sie zwei Städte atomar zerstörten und Hunderttausende Menschenleben mit nur zwei Bomben vernichteten und viele zu Krüppeln machten und Missgeburten programmierten, an denen ihre Wissenschaftler dann sachbezogene Studien treiben konnten.

According to your explanation, those responsible, in the American government of that time, quite consciously sacrificed thousands of Marines and others belonging to the Army, as well as their flagship Arizona and many other ships, and with the intention, on one hand, to have a convincing basis for attack against Japan in order to be able to carry out official atom bomb tests on real objects, for which the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were sought out, and secondly, to prove their war power and greatness, when they atomically destroyed two cities and annihilated hundreds of thousands of human lives with only two bombs, and made many cripples and programmed birth defects, on which their scientists could then drive forward relevant studies.

Also schickten die damalige amerikanische Regierung und eingeweihte Wissenschaftler, Militärs und sonstige Verbrecher voll bewusst ihre eigenen Leute in den Tod, liessen eine ganze Flotte zerstören und begingen ein Kriegsverbrechen ohnegleichen mit der Zerstörung von Hiroshima und Nagasaki und mit der Ermordung von Hunderttausenden von Menschen sowie deren Verstümmelung und hervorgerufenen Missgeburten, ohne dass die Weltöffentlichkeit bisher die Wahrheit erfahren hat und ohne dass die Amerikaner dafür zur Rechenschaft gezogen worden wären, wie dies auch in vielen anderen Fällen von Kriegsverbrechen und Menschheitsverbrechen der Fall war, die die Amerikaner begangen haben.

Therefore, the then American government and the initiated scientists, military and other kinds of criminals, quite consciously sent their own people to death, let an entire fleet be destroyed and committed a war crime without compare with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and with the murdering of hundreds of thousands of humans, as well as their mutilation and evoked birth defects, without the truth being known until now in the public world, and without the Americans having been brought to justice for that, as it was also with many other cases of war crimes and crimes against humanity which the Americans have committed.

Ptaah 804. Davon sprach ich damals, das ist richtig.

Ptaah 804. That is what I spoke about then. That is correct.

805. Die Wahrheit wird aber auch bei den Amerikanern nicht einfach verblassen, sondern ans Licht streben, wodurch früher oder später auch deren Greueltaten offenbar werden, auch wenn diese noch so verschleiert und verheimlicht und in Wahrheitsverleugnung erstlich immer in Verschwiegenheit ihre Handhabung finden.

805. But the truth about the Americans will also, however, not simply fade away, rather it will strive for the light, whereby sooner or later their atrocities will also be exposed, even if they are so shrouded and made secret and, in the denying of truth, are initially always managed in silence.

Billy Richtig gekonnt hast du das wieder einmal gesagt, daher müssen wir auch darüber wohl nicht weitere Worte verlieren. ...

BIlly You've once again said that quite skillfully, therefore we certainly don't have to lose further words about that ...

p443 - 444

Billy ... Jetzt hätte ich aber nochmals eine Frage bezüglich Pearl Harbor resp. hinsichtlich den Atombomben-Abwürfen über Hiroshima und Nagasaki.

Billy ... Now, I still have another question regarding Pearl Harbor, respectively in regard to the dropping of the atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Du sagtest, dass die Amerikaner damit geliebäugelt hätten, dass die Japaner damals am 7. Dezember 1941 ungehindert und ohne Gegenwehr die im Hafen liegenden Schiffe der amerikanischen Pazifik-Flotte angreifen und zerstören konnten, um dadurch einen Grund zu haben, um japanische Städte mit Atombomben zu vernichten, um dadurch einerseits notwendige Tests an lebenden und toten Objekten durchführen zu können, und um andererseits militärische Macht zu demonstrieren.

You said that the Americans had thereby toyed with the idea that, then on December 7th, 1941, the Japanese, unhindered and without defence, could attack and destroy the ships of the American Pacific fleet lying in harbor, to thereby have a basis to annihilate Japanese cities with atom bombs, and thereby, one one hand, to be able to carry out necessary tests on living and dead objects, and on the other hand to demonstrate military power.

Irgendwo ist nun aber in deiner Erklärung ein Wurm drin, denn zur Zeit, als Pearl Harbor wurde, zusammenbombardiert da gab es noch keine Atombombe.

However, now there is a worm somewhere in your explanation, because at the time that Pearl Harbor was bombarded flat, there were still no atom bombs.

Meines Wissens jagten die Amerikaner offiziell die erste Atombombe testmässig erst im Monat Juli 1945 in die Luft, etwa drei Wochen zuvor, ehe Hiroshima vernichtet wurde, so der erste Atomsprengkörper also ca. Mitte Juli explodiert oder eben detoniert sein dürfte.

To my knowledge the Americans officially launched the first atom bomb for tests first in the month of July 1945, in the air, some three weeks before Hiroshima was annihilated, so the first atomic explosive therefore exploded in about the middle of July, or was even permitted to be detonated.

Meines Wissens war es eine Uran-Bombe, wie die, die auf Hiroshima abgeworfen wurde, während Nagasaki mit einer Plutonium-Bombe zerstört wurde.

To my knowledge it was a uranium bomb, like that which was dropped on Hiroshima, while Nagasaki was destroyed with a plutonium bomb.

Hierbei wäre es auch einmal wichtig zu wissen, wie hoch die Anzahl der tatsächlichen damaligen Toten angegeben werden muss, denn den Behauptungen der Amerikaner usw. ist wohl kein Glaube zu schenken, die für Hiroshima von 260000 Toten sprechen und von Nagasaki von 75000.

Hereby, it would also be important to finally know how high the number of the actual dead at that time was, which must be accounted for, as the assertions of the Americans, and so forth, which speak of 260,000 dead for Hiroshima and 75,000 in Nagasaki, cannot be given any credibility at all.

Dies sind aber wohl Zahlen, die nicht der Wahrheit entsprechen.

These are indeed numbers that do not accord with the truth.

Die Bomben entsprachen damals in etwa 20 Kilotonnen TNT, wenn ich mich richtig entsinne, heute jedoch sollen in etwa solche Bomben 100000 Kilotonnen TNT entsprechen.

The bombs corresponded, at that time, to about 20 kilotons of TNT, if I remember correctly. However today these sorts of bombs are supposed to correspond to 100,000 kilotons of TNT.

Ptaah 826. Ich sehe schon, ich muss dir noch einige Erklärungen abgeben, obwohl ich das eigentlich nicht vor hatte.

Ptaah 826. I see already that I must give you some further explanations, even though I actually did not plan on that.

827. Natürlich stimmen deine Angaben, und auch mit deinem ulkigen Wurm hast
du natürlich recht.

827. Naturally your statements are true, and also you are naturally correct with your amusing worm.

828. Der erste Atomsprengkörper der Amerikaner detonierte am 16. Juli 1945 auf dem Versuchsgelände von Alamogordo in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.

828. The first atomic explosive device was detonated by the Americans on July 16th, 1945 on the Alamogordo testing grounds in the United States of America.

829. Nichtsdestoweniger jedoch wussten die amerikanischen Wissenschaftler und alle Verantwortlichen der Regierung bereits zum Beginn des Jahres 1941, dass um die Mitte des Jahres 1945 herum die Kernwaffenversuche im Bezuge auf eine erste detonationsfähige Bombe derart gereift sein würden, dass der erste Versuch durchgeführt werden konnte, der ja dann auch tatsächlich zur vorgesehenen Zeit stattfand und gelang.

829. Nevertheless, the American scientists and all the responsible ones of the government already knew, however, at the beginning of the year 1941, that somewhere around the middle of the year 1945 the nuclear weapon test, regarding the first bomb capable of being detonated, would be ready to the extent that the first attempt could be carried out, which indeed then also actually took place at the intended time, and succeeded.

830. Und was lag für die Amerikaner wohl näher, als diese A-Bombenversuche gleich an den geeigneten Objekten weiterzutesten, so wie dies bereits fünf Jahre zuvor bestimmt worden war.

830. And what could be easier for the Americans than to immediately further test these A-bombs on suitable objects, as it had been already determined five years before.

831. Es brauchte also dazu nur die geeigneten Objekte, die zu zerstören schon fünf Jahre zuvor beschlossen wurde, als damit gerechnet werden konnte, dass im Jahre 1945 der erste Atombombenversuch gelingen würde.

831. To that end, it only thus needed the suitable objects, which it had been decided five years earlier would be destroyed, as it could be thereby reckoned that the first atom bomb test would succeed in the year 1945.

832. Japan war für einen solchen weiteren Versuch von Kernwaffen wie geschaffen, waren die Japaner den Amerikanern doch in vielerlei Hinsichten recht unbequem und auch eine potentielle Gefahr.

832. Japan was, for one such further test of atomic weapons, as good as done, because the Japanese were, for the Americans, in many kinds of regards, still quite discomforting and also a potential danger.

833. Also kam es nun nur noch darauf an, dass man mit den Japanern in Kriegshandlungen eintreten konnte, um sie dann zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt mit den Bombardierungen auf Hiroshi und Nagasaki in die Knie zu zwingen, wenn die Atombomben so weit entwickelt waren, dass sie eingesetzt werden konnten.

833. Therefore it only now depended on one being able to enter into a war activity with the Japanese in order to bring them to their knees at a given time with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, if the atom bombs were developed so far that they could be employed.

834. Also begannen die Amerikaner mit den Japanern langwierige Verhandlungen und stellten Forderungen, die von den Japanern unter keinen Umständen erfüllt und also nicht akzeptiert werden konnten.

834. Thus the Americans began drawn-out negotiations with the Japanese, and made demands which the Japanese could not fulfil under any circumstances, and which therefore could not be accepted.

835. Ganz im Gegenteil; die amerikanischen Forderungen an Japan waren voll bewusst darauf ausgerichtet, dass die Japaner dazu nein sagen mussten und als endgültige Antwort nur mit einem Kriegs-Angriff ihre Ehre verteidigen konnten.

835. Quite the contrary; the American demands of Japan were quite consciously formed in such a way that the Japanese had to say no to them, and, as a final answer, could only defend their honor with a war-like attack.

836. So kam es, dass der japanische Angriff auf Pearl Harbor erfolgte und dass die Amerikaner keine Gegenwehr leisteten.

836. So it came to be that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor succeeded and that the Americans offered no defence.

837. Hätten die Amerikaner den Angriff nämlich gestoppt, dann hätte dies das schnelle Ende Japans bedeutet, wodurch der gesamte Plan für die zukünftige Bombardierung der Städte Hiroshima und Nagasaki ins Wasser gefallen wäre, und zwar eben für jene Zeit, wenn die Atombombe dann entwickelt war.

837. Had the Americans namely stopped the attack, then that would have meant the quick end of Japan, whereby the entire plan for the future bombardment of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have fallen through, and indeed precisely for that time when the atom bomb was then developed.

838. So also bauten die Amerikaner einen fünf jährigen Plan auf, liessen die Japaner Pearl Harbor angreifen und zerstören, opferten Tausende von Menschen, fanden so den Weg, um selbst auch in den Zweiten Weltkrieg eintreten zu können, was sie auch noch aus andern Gründen wollten, und gestalteten alles so, dass Amerika in jeder Beziehung zur grössten Weltmacht wurde.

838. So the Americans therefore constructed a five-year plan, let the Japanese attack and destroy Pearl Harbor, and sacrificed thousands of humans, thus finding a way to enter the Second World War themselves, which they also still wanted on other grounds, and configured everything so that America, in every respect, became the world's greatest power.

839. Eine Position, die von Amerika schon im letzten Jahrhundert angestrebt wurde und die auch heute und in Zukunft noch mit allen bösen Mitteln beizubehalten versucht wird.

839. A position that was already striven for in the last century by America, who also today and into the future will still try to maintain it with every evil means.

Billy  Mit dieser Antwort bin ich zufrieden; sie vervollständigt mir das Bild der Geschehen.

Billy  I am satisfied with this answer; you completed the picture of events for me.


gaiaguys' suggested further reading:

"Critics - including many Japanese and some Americans - believe US President Harry Truman's government had other motives: a wish to test a terrifying weapon ... "


Sydney Morning Herald

Japan's nuke attack 'couldn't be helped'
June 30, 2007 - 5:59PM

The 1945 atomic bombings of Japan by the United States "couldn't be helped" as they led to the end of World War II, Japan's defence minister said.

Government officials in Japan - the only nation to suffer an atomic bombing - typically express sympathy for the victims, but avoid criticising the attacks out of consideration for Tokyo's ties with Washington, its closest security ally.

However, Defence Minister Fumio Kyuma went further in discussing the bombing.

"My understanding is that it ended the war and that it couldn't be helped. I don't intend to despise the United States for it," he said in a speech near Tokyo, Kyodo news agency reported.

"When it was dropped on Nagasaki, it was a tragedy," he was also quoted as saying.

Kyuma, 66, said he does wonder why the United States had to use the bombs when its victory against Japan was evident, but added that Washington may have used them to try to prevent the Soviet Union from entering the war against Japan.

Japan has been criticised for stressing its status as victim because of the atomic bombings and failing to acknowledge its own war atrocities.

Kyuma, whose electoral district includes Nagasaki, is known for his outspokenness, and he has angered Washington with a string of comments after assuming his post last September.

The ruling party parliamentarian has said the United States was wrong to start the war in Iraq and has criticised Washington for not having a post-war strategy.

© 2007 Reuters, Click for Restrictions

Sydney Morning Herald
Atomic bombing of Japan 'inevitable'
July 1, 2007 - 6:49AM

Defence Minister Fumio Kyuma said the US atomic bombing of Japan during World War II was inevitable, in comments that drew sharp criticism from survivors.

"I understand that the bombing ended the war, and I think that it couldn't be helped," Kyuma said in a speech at a university in Chiba, just east of Tokyo.

The US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki near the end of WWII, in the world's only nuclear attacks.

Kyuma, who is from Nagasaki, said the bombing caused great suffering in the city. Part of his speech was aired by public broadcaster NHK.

He also said he did not resent the US because the bombs prevented the Soviet Union from entering the war with Japan, according to Kyodo News agency.

It is rare for Japanese cabinet ministers to make such remarks, which were quickly criticised by atomic bomb victims.

However, Kyuma said later his comments had been misinterpreted. He told reporters he had meant to say the bombing "could not be helped from the American point of view".

"It's too bad that my comments were interpreted as approving the US bombing," he said.

On August 6, 1945, the US dropped a bomb, nicknamed Little Boy, on Hiroshima, killing at least 140,000 people in the world's first atomic bomb attack.

Three days later, it dropped another atomic bomb, Fat Man, on Nagasaki. City officials say about 74,000 died.

Japan, which had attacked the US at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, surrendered on August 15, 1945.

Bombing survivors have developed various illnesses, including cancer and liver diseases, from radiation exposure.

"The US justifies the bombings, saying they saved American lives," said Nobuo Miyake, 78, director-general of a group of victims living in Tokyo. "It's outrageous for a Japanese politician to voice such thinking. Japan is a victim."

Kyodo quoted Nagasaki mayor Tomihisa Taue as saying: "The use of nuclear weapons constitutes the indiscriminate massacre of ordinary citizens, and it cannot be justified for any reason."

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tried to play down Kyuma's comments.

"I understand he explained American views in those days," Kyodo quoted Abe as saying. "At any rate, it is Japan's mission to abolish nuclear weapons, and Japan is playing a key role at the UN."

In the US, the bombs are widely seen as a weapon of last resort against an enemy that was determined to fight to the death but instead surrendered unconditionally, six days after Nagasaki was attacked.

Critics - including many Japanese and some Americans - believe US President Harry Truman's government had other motives: a wish to test a terrifying weapon and the need to strengthen Washington's hand against Moscow in what would become the Cold War.

In January, Kyuma called the US decision to invade Iraq a "mistake" because it was based on the false premise that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Kyuma later said those remarks, too, were misinterpreted. He said he meant to say that he thought at the time the US needed to be "more cautious".



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