The Contact Reports of "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Preliminary English language transliteration - Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, U.S.A.F. (Ret)


Reference Listing


Maurice Osborn


[Tuesday, January 28, 1975, 2:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier – qualities                                     <1 - <5

Semjase                                               <6 - <8

Meier - reason chosen as a contactee                  <9 - <11
Charlatans & frauds                                   <13 - <18

Meier’s mission                                       <19 - <22

Religion                                              <39 - <56

Charlatans & frauds - false contactees                1-11
Religion                                              12-16

Photographs of craft                                  17-18
Pleiadians/Plejaren / Extraterrestrial humans         19-23
Hyperspace propulsion system and "Null-time"          24-26
Other life forms in other star systems                27-33
Barbaric/dangerous extraterrestrials                  34-38
Creation - laws of "God" – defined                    40-59
Talmud Jmmanuel:           60-66
Future Contacts / "Thought Transmission"              67-79

[Monday, February 3, 1975, 10:10 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Meier - thinking capabilities                         1-25
Other extraterrestrials visit Earth                   26-28
UFO "abductions"                                      29-37
Barbaric/dangerous extraterrestrials                  38-51
False contactees                                      53-66
7 important people to Meier's mission                 67-68

[Saturday, February 8, 1975, 3:03 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier has "finished writing his book"                 1-4

Deceivers                                             6-9
Pleiadians/Plejaren                                   10-17

Why they don't reveal themselves publicly             18-26

Talmud Jmmanuel                                       30-32
Life span of humans                                   33-34

Pleiadians/Plejaren - life span                       35-36
Semjase's age - 330 years                             37-44



[Saturday, February 15, 1975, 1:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier - "strong thought force"                        1-3

Security                                              4-8

Knowledge of all Earth languages ever spoken          9-24

Beamship hyper-drive                                  26-42

Comets - some hurled through space                    43-49

Hyper-drives                                          50-60

Beamship - "protection-beam-belt"                     61-69

Gravity & effects on/in beamships                     70-78
Earth humans - barbarous, greed & want for power      79-83
Other extraterrestrial intelligences                  84-94

Earth humans need to unite against intruders          95-99
Spiritual reason & wisdom of Earth humans             100-101
Malona - planet destroyed by war                      102-105

[Sunday, February 16, 1975, 11:41 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase


Meier’s mission                                       1-8
False religion & lack of spiritual progress           9-24

Chronology of Earth's history - current "history"     27-30
The Great Flood (The Deluge) - 10,079 years ago       31-36

Destroyer planet - origin of & extensive details      37-57
Venus and Moon origins                                58-63
Destroyer planet – affects caused                    64-134

Earth history                                         135-187
[Sunday, February 23, 1975, 10:30 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

7 main stages/periods of development                  6-45

Talmud Jmmanuel and Isa Rashid, co-discoverer         50-55

[Tuesday, February 25, 1975, 6:02 p.m.
Contact person: Semjase
Semjase's new beamship                                2-4
Meier forbidden to photograph inside craft & Semjase  5-7
Confidentiality                                       8-12

M.R. [Isa Rashid] and the Talmud Jmmanuel             22-48

"Spiritual healers" - many are cheats                 76-79
Uri Geller, George Adamski and Karl Michalek          80-92

Witnesses not allowed                                 94-99

Origins of the many human races                       100-143

Giants & titans once lived on Earth                   144-151
Meier and his group                                   156-165

A "spirit world"                                      168-173

Reincarnation                                         174-185

Ability to communicate with spirits                   186-192

Mediums - only a few capable of contacting spirits    193-200
Voices heard on tape recordings                       201-210

Pleiadians/Plejaren – bases and stations              215-223
"Ghost music" - music compositions transmitted        224-232

Meier will be allowed to take pictures                241-257

Meier to form a group which will inform leaders       261-276
Ozone layer depletion                                 277-303

[Tuesday, March 18, 1975, 3:04 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase


Matter/rough-material stuff                           2-14

Spiritual energy                                      15-24
Conditions for questions being asked & answered       25-43
Molecular biology                                     44-64
Brain acids - carry spiritual wisdom                  65-79
Mental illness                                        80-90

Theory of Relativity and Hyperspace                   91-108

The mass of objects increases in relation to speed    109-119
Time travelers - occasionally appear from the past    120-129

Dangers of speed                                      130-152
Extraterrestrials have influenced technology          153-157

Aquarian Age - brings great changes, religions        158-166
Creation - behaves neutrally; creates life            167-169

Age is controlled by genetics and environment         170-176

Talismans, amulets, metals, crystals, and stones      177-193

Origins of first life - atmosphere & amino acids      194-195
Jmmanuel and Talmud Jmmanuel – retrieved              196-206

Doubters of the Pleiadians/Plejaren                   208-238

[Friday, March 21, 1975, 4:18 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Pleiadians/Plejaren - humans like us                  1-14

Natural barbarism – usefulness                        15-29
Scientists - danger in their misuse of knowledge      30-35

UFOs (beamships) - "distorter screen"                 38-54
Meier asks if he can tape record Semjase's voice      55-69
Talmud Jmmanuel – doubters                            71-99

Pleiadians not interested in responding to doubters   100-114
History of Mankind                                    115-162

Age Of Aquarius ("Golden Age")                        163-212

Meier exhorted to begin his mission of teaching       213-260








[Wednesday, March 26, 1975, 3:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Spiritual Teachings                                   1-265
Spirit within humans                                  1-19

Happiness                                             20-33
Wisdom and spirit                                     34-43
Creation                                              44-56
Love and wisdom                                       57-76
Peace                                                 77-92
Sense and function of the spiritual teachings         93-115
Religions' false teachings                            116-136

Perception of other human beings                      137-192
Truth and ignorance                                   193-211
Awareness of oneself, the spiritual consciousness     212-265
Semjase informs Meier that he is the prophet          266-270

Talmud Jmmanuel                                       272-276
Semjase wants copies of Meier's photos & film         277-283

Meier’s character                                     284-291

[Tuesday, April 15, 1975, 3:40 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Meier again exhorted to form a group                  3-20
Meier often exhausts himself from manual labors       21-42
Meier given permission to take more photos            43-45
Pleiadian scientists have analyzed the photos & film  46-53

Spiritual Teachings                                   54-149
Nature & qualities of a spiritually developing person 54-71
Spiritual intellect & material intellect              72-77
Nature & qualities of the spirit within humans        78-97
All experiences are hidden in the subconscious        98-110
Awareness of one's spirit through meditation          111-116
Material life is a ladder to the spiritual life       117-137
Religious philosophies - monstrous confusions         138-149

Meier hears the sounds and sees a strange UFO         150-158

[Sunday, April 20, 1975, 3:11 p.m.
Contact person: Semjase

Photos taken of Semjase's beamship must be destroyed  1-11

Doubters                                              12-27
Crystals & minerals brought from other worlds         28-36

254 stars in the Pleiades star system                 37-38
Semjase sent her thoughts about people in photos      41-108

Semjase's remarks on the book                         109-122






[Friday, April 25, 1975, 5:20 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Semjase returns the book "Living From The Spirit"     1-6
Semjase decides to destroy the film from April 20     7-20
Semjase suggests using his influence on other craft   21-24

Semjase agrees to bring Meier stones & crystals       25-28

Pleiadians want to limit the number of pictures       29-35

Meier asks for photos of other planets - denied       36-39
Authorities & military feel threatened by UFOs        40-50

[Tuesday, April 29, 1975, 2:00 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Semjase suggests that Meier "raise a center"          51-61

Semjase comments on our "stupid & primitive" laws     62-67

Possibility of allowing "Mr. J." to be informed       68-106

No photos of craft permitted                          107-110

Meier tells Semjase she destroyed the wrong pictures  111-121

[Thursday, May 1, 1975, 3:57 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Pleiadians are not perfect and make mistakes          5-45

Meier urged to give a lecture on spiritual cognitions 46-66
Meier urged to keep certain things among the group    67-79
Astral travel claims are deceit, lies or delusions    80-99
Semjase proposes an experiment of spirit imaging      100-106

[Saturday, May 3, 1975, 8:17 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase

Notice of having to eliminate the weather-fir tree    1-25

Crystals & stones allowed to be analyzed              26-32

Eavesdropping on Meier’s conversation with Mr. J      37-38

[Friday, May 9, 1975, 2:48 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Due to films, forms of life had to be eliminated      1-8

Military personnel investigated landing sites         9-11
Pleiadians eliminated memories in this respect        12-18

Meier unable to be hypnotized, with "defense block"   30-48

George Adamski - fraudulent contactee                 49-65
Pleiadians have 2 ways to know the future             66-73

Predictions for Switzerland 1975-1977                 74-101

Semjase leaving for some time, will use telepathy     104-116


[Thursday, May 15, 1975, 9:34 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Spiritual Teachings - nature & term of The Creation   1-24
The nature & qualities of a "spiritualized person"    25-100
Warning of laying basic stones near an avalanche      101

Talmud Jmmanuel’s definition of prayer                105-121

Interpretation of the "Lord's Prayer"                 122-135
Meier asks Semjase to evaluate a man named F.O.       136-140

Semjase asks Meier if he failed a mission             141-143
Semjase wants to demonstrate her craft for the group  146-163

[Friday, May 16, 1975, 2:09 p.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase

Spiritual characterization of the person F.O.         1-26

[Tuesday, May 20, 1975, 10:14 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Meier’s contact with Arahat Athersata for a book      1-24

Meier gives Semjase 2 writings to read and judge      25-31

Group members find Meier's writing style too harsh    32-50
Meier studied thoroughly by the Pleiadians            52-53

Analysis of a birth horoscope of Meier by a woman     54-61

Semjase speaks about the character of Meier           62-93

[Tuesday, May 27, 1975, 2:06 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Meier's financial concerns                            1-17
Proposition to bring Meier crystals to sell           18-22
Radiations are absorbed by all material things        23-26

Meier’s character                                     27-32
Pleiadians technically able to withdraw radiations    33-39

Meier’s problems                                      40-51

[Wednesday, May 28, 1975, 6:17 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Publisher Karl Veit want to visit Meier               1-7
Knowing the future is useless                         8-14

Meier critical of Contact conversations being omitted 15-17

Meier figures out the subconscious-retrieval machine  18-28

Semjase ponders removing his knowledge, Meier objects 29-62

Meier offers alternate solution                       63-77

Precious stones could become dangerous for humans     78-106

Minerals are receivers & transmitters of emotions     107-117

Process for neutralization & clarification of stones  118-119

[Tuesday, June 3, 1975, 10:44 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
excerpts in And Still They Fly!, pages 30-31,35

Meier told to have others in group help him           1-11

Laws of sex & matrimony still valid today             12-34

Pleiadians have more spiritual laws for criminals     35-39

Earth was once a penal/exile planet                   40-42

Pleiadians are monogamous and procreate               43-50
Christian doctrine of the virgin birth false          51-65

Women may become impregnated without a man            66-74

Laws of Pleiadian marriage & procreation              75-87

Meier asks about underdeveloped humans loving others  88-103

Pleiadians are connected to an alliance of planets    104-108

Earth's neighboring planets were formerly occupied    109

Claims by people of having flown in UFOs are false    110-118

Claims of contacts with spiritual beings also false   119-130

A booklet by Gloria Lee has some value                131-143

Meier asked to produce a guide for understanding it   144-148
Semjase sometimes feels that Meier is a Plejaren      149-150

[Saturday, June 7, 1975, 9:08 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Conditions for Pleiadians to contact an Earth human   1-18
Matters regarding H.J. and a woman visiting Meier     19-31

"Religion" vs. "Relegeon" - defined                   32-38
"Evolution" - 2 meanings                              39-41

The spirit that dwells within humans                  42-44

"The spirit continues after the material death        45-47

Analysis of Gloria Lee's book                         51-56

Semjase went to Mars and obtained precious stones     57-65

[Monday, June 16, 1975, 1:46 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase


No demonstrations of beamship                         1-10
High Council has agreed to Meier's suggestion         11-13

Meier rebuked for not beginning his lessons           14-25

Semjase informs Meier that he is not coerced          26-41

Meier is the first human in 2000 years to be chosen   42-47

Former prophets became enraged                        48-51

Pleiadians are unable to financially assist Meier     52-56

Mission of the Pleiadians - to help Earth humans      57-70

Communication with the dead, mediums, & séances       71-96

There are only 4 true spiritualists/mediums on Earth  97-98

[Wednesday, June 18, 1975, 4:11 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Semjase is tasked to the moon and other planets       1-8
America & Russia will be cooperating on space lab     9-22
Pleiadians have helped projects fail space lab        23-32
Other extraterrestrials visit Earth and interfere     33-40
Some descendents of ancient Pleiadians still exist    41-53

Contact with Karl & Anny Viet will occur soon         55-66

[Wednesday, June 25, 1975, 2:37 p.m.]
Contact person: Semjase

Pleiadians take Meier on a flight to Saturn           3-46

Meier told of being taken on a much greater journey   47-48

[Friday, June 27, 1975, 10:47 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact persons: Semjase, Quetzal

Meier meets the Plejaren station leader Quetzal       1-2
Quetzal reiterates about Gloria Lee's book            3-19

Quetzal says that special orders are to be followed   20-31

Pleiadians about 3000 years ahead of Earth humans     32
If a person disregards a law, it harms others too     33-46
Comments on the character & tendencies of H.J.        47-54
Pleiadians insist reports be published word-for-word  55-70

Things explained once should not need repetition      71-75
"By no means do we exercise dictatorial measures      76-80

[Monday, July 7, 1975, 10:37 a.m.]
Contact person: Semjase
Pleiadians destroyed the motor when Veits visited     3-12

Anny Veit's work deemed highly by the Pleiadians      14-19

Meier is warned that he is being watched              20-32

Pleiadians are the highest developed creatures here   33-43

Contactees with beings from Venus are deceivers       44-47

Comets, wandering planets & wandering stars           48-68

Venus - atmosphere, surface, climate, history, etc.   69-122

Other solar system planets contain no human life      123
Karl Michalek & George Adamski, fraudulent contactees 124-142

Gloria Lee's book should not be spread as is          143-146

Contact reports should be censored of personal data   147-152

Notice of Meier’s upcoming "great journey" in space   153-155

Photos Meier took of Saturn trip turned out bad       156-159

Pleiadians have a special apparatus for taking photos 160-162

[Tuesday, July 15, 1975, 9:46 a.m.; thought transmission]
Contact person: Semjase
Meier told to prepare for his great journey           1-8
Hyperspace travel possible by advanced technology     9-14

Asket known by Semjase                                15
"Great-space-fitted ship" "great-spacer" to be used   16-18

Pleiadian ancient home was the Ring Nebula of Lyra    19-33

They will travel to "a barrier of this Universe"      34-37

A task is connected to the universe barrier           38-39

[Thursday, July 17, 1975, 10:14 a.m.]
Contact persons: Semjase, Ptaah, Asket, Nera
Meier's "Great Journey" with the Pleiadians           1-7

Travel first to Venus                                 8-11
Apparatus for taking photos outside the craft         12-16

Semjase uses a second camera purchased on Earth       17-19
Meier proposes Semjase go out for an evening with him 20-23

Pleiadians don't use personal identification papers   24-29
Venus - description of atmosphere and landscape       30-40
They visit Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Mars    41-42

Meier observes the linking of Apollo & Soyuz          43-50

Earth humans are at the beginning of space travel     51-57
Meier becomes anxious of the tiny space capsules      58-59

Meier takes photos of the Apollo-Soyuz docking        60-70

They approach the great-spacer spaceship              71-81

Meier questions Semjase on how she knows Asket        82-87

Meier given permission to publish his Asket reports   88-90
Pleiadians obtained higher technology for hyperspace  91-100

Meier asks about a letter to K. Veit from E. Schroder 101-109

Semjase & Meier enter the great-spacer                110

Semjase & Meier move thru the spaceship               111-114

Mount Everest not the highest mountain on Earth       115-129

Mt. Chimborazo in Ecuador was important to ETs        130-132
Semjase & Meier move to the control center            133

Salutation ceremonies, Meier to meet IHWH Ptaah       134-138

Great-spacer - speaker system of the control center   139-140
Semjase tells Meier not to call Ptaah 'Dear God'      141-148

Great-spacer, cupola's cockpit control center         149-155

Ptaah - Semjase's father, speaks to Meier in German   156-161

Meier & Ptaah then speak in modern Greek              162-168

Ptaah explains to Meier about being called a prophet  175-179

Hyper-leap 500 light years from Earth near Pleiades   180-190

Photo screen brought to control center by an android  191
Android - speaks to Meier, wishing him success        192-194

Hyper-leap to Orion Nebula, 1,800 light years away    195
Hyper-leap to Crab Nebula, 3,150 light years away     196

Hyper-leap to Horsehead Nebula, 1,810 light years     197-199

Hyper-leap to the "Eye of God", Ring Nebula of Lyra   200-201

A series of several hyper-leaps, 20 seconds apart     202-205

Meier asks Semjase to write letter for Meier's group  206-218
Meier observes in Semjase certain female traits       219-228



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