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Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 8


Zweihundertachtundneunzigster Kontact


Dienstag, 20. März 2001, 18.39 Uhr


Seiten 241 & 242



Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports Volume 8


298th Contact


Tuesday, March 20th, 2001, 6:39PM


pages 241 & 242




Billy … Kannst du mir von den Tierseuchen BSE und Maul- und Klauenseuche etwas darüber sagen, wie sich diese eigentlich so weltweit verbreiten konnten?


Can you tell me something about the animal plague BSE  (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, a.k.a. “Mad Cow Disease”) and hoof and mouth disease, how they could have actually spread so widely across the world?



15. Das Verschulden trifft die Engländer resp. jene verantwortlichen Engländer, die um des Profites Willen die Seuchen bewusst verbreiteten oder verbreiten liessen.



15. The fault lies with the English, respectively those responsible English people who, from a desire for profit, knowingly spread the diseases, or allowed them to be spread.


16. Von diesen Ver­antwortlichen muss von be­wusst gewis­senlosen krimi­nellen Elemen­ten gesprochen werden, denn sie haben in vollem Wissen die Seuchen verbreitet, in­dem sie in alle Welt infiziertes Fleisch expor­tierten oder ex­portieren liessen.


    16. Of these responsible ones, deliberately unscrupulous criminal elements must spoken of, because they have spread the diseases in full knowledge, in that they have exported the infected meat to the whole world, or allowed it to be exported.


    17. Auch wurde von ihnen bewusst verseuchtes Ge­tier, wie speziell Rinder und Schafe, zu Tier­mehl verarbei­tet oder die Erlaubnis dafür erteilt, wonach dann dieses verseuchte Tiermehl ebenfalls an viele Orte der Erde exportiert wurde, und zwar in mehr als 100 Länder, wie wir feststellen konnten.


    17. Also, deliberately infected livestock from them, such as specific cattle and sheep, were processed into livestock meal, or the permission was granted for that, thereafter, then, this infected livestock meal was likewise exported to many areas of the Earth, and indeed to more than 100 countries, as we can determine.


18. Eine Handlungsweise, die auf reiner Profitgier und Verantwortungslosigkeit basiert und zudem nicht nur als gewissenlos kriminell, sondern gar als verbrecherisch bezeichnet werden muss.


18. A course of action that is based on pure greed for profit and irresponsibility, and which must not only be designated as unscrupulously criminal, but even felonious.


        Billy  Aha. Auch in dieser Form ganz im Sinne dessen, wie die Engländer zu früheren Zeiten durch Mord, Tot­schlag, Krieg und Völkerdezimierung oder Völkerausrottung ihre Kolonien und das Commonwealth geschaffen haben, unter dem Deckmantel des Gemeinwohls und des Wohlergehens, was jedoch richtig gesehen nur gerade auf die Engländer selbst gemünzt war.


       Billy  Ah-ha. Also, in this way, in the same sense that the English in earlier times created their colonies and the Commonwealth through murder, homicide, war and the depletion or extermination of populations under the veil of common good and prosperity, which however, when properly viewed, was only aimed at the English themselves.



19. Womit du die Sache beim Namen nennst.



19. Whereby you call the matter by its name.


More about some of the technical triggers of BSE  can be found in the subsequent (299th) contact: www.gaiaguysnet/meierv8p246-8.htm


(related reading)

Sydney Morning Herald

Human mad cow infection could hide for 50 years

Date: June 24 2006

Jennifer Cooke


INFECTION with the lethal prions that cause the human form of "mad cow" disease could last more than 50 years before symptoms appear, research based on an old cannibal disease from Papua New Guinea shows.

During that time, victims with silent infection could pass on the prions via blood transfusions, organ or tissue donations or insufficiently sterilised metal surgical instruments.

In a unique piece of research which continues the meticulous records that have tracked the epidemic of kuru - the "shivering" disease - since 1957, Australian, British and PNG researchers tracked a group of 11 former cannibals dying from the always fatal prion disease between 1996 and 2004.

Forming the tail-end of the epidemic, they were all born before 1950 and took part in endocannibalism, a ritual in which the whole body of deceased relatives was consumed as a sign of love and respect. The ritual was eradicated by Australian authorities by 1960.

The data gathered on these victims and published today in The Lancet have provided a model using actual cases instead of the usual mathematical modelling for future predictions for those infected after eating beef products contaminated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The human equivalent of BSE is variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD).

Apart from the emerging epidemic of vCJD, in which 192 people have died since 1995 - mainly in Britain, but also in France, Ireland, Canada, the US, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Italy, Hong Kong and the Netherlands - kuru is the only other major human epidemic of prion disease with an oral transmission route.

British prion experts, including Professor John Collinge from University College London, and Professor Michael Alpers from Curtin University - the Australian kuru expert who has followed the disease since arriving in PNG in 1962 - calculated the minimum incubation period for kuru starting at 1960 to the birth year of the last recorded patient.

That minimum incubation time ranged from 34 to 41 years but in men it was calculated to be between 39 and 56 years - and possibly up to seven years longer.

For vCJD it might be even longer, because the infection was transmitted between species, from cows to humans, which usually takes longer than infection within the same species.

Australian prion experts have closely monitored the decade-old vCJD epidemic, and have long recognised from continuing kuru cases that incubation periods could top 50 years.

A professor of pathology and a CJD expert at the University of Melbourne, Colin Masters, commented yesterday: "These new data reinforce our need to maintain vigilance over potential risks to the safety of Australia's blood supply, since it has now been demonstrated that vCJD can be transmitted by blood transfusions."

In an accompanying editorial, The Lancet stated: "Any belief that vCJD incidence has peaked and that we are through the worst of this sinister disease must now be treated with extreme scepticism."



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