(Minor translation improvements made in February 2007)
1.The Gods of the Earth Were Human
2.OM � The Book of Books � The Book of Truth
The Jschwjsch is Human
OM Kanon 3:14 Der JHWH ist Mensch, und �ber ihm thronet und schwebet unmessbar hoch die Sch�pfung in Allmacht aller Sch�pfung, und ihr ist in Kraft, Wissen, Liebe und Weisheit nichts Vergleichbares im Universum.
The JHWH is human, and immeasurably high over him reigns, and is suspended, the Creation in the omnipotence of all Creation, and there is nothing comparable to the Creation in power, knowledge, love and wisdom in the Universe.
OM canon 3, verse 14.
J H W H = JSCHWJSCH (Erkl�rungen, seite 13)
JHWH stellt die Schreibform der Benennung JSCHWJSCH dar. JSCHWJSCH aber ist ein Wort aus einer auf der Erde l�ngst vergessenen Sprache, dem LYRANISCHEN. Diese Sprache wurde nicht auf der Erde kreiert, sondern in einem fernen Sternensystem, und von Raumfahrern zur Erde gebracht.
JSCHWJSCH als Wortbegriff stellt einen Titel dar, der in die irdischen Sprachen mit W e i s h e i t s k � n i g �bersetzt wird. Weisheitsk�nig aber bedeutet, dass dieser Titel von einem Menschen getragen wird, der in der Erkenntnis, Auslegung und Befolgung der sch�pferischen Gesetze und Gebote h�chstm�glichst bewandert und gebildet ist und gestreng den sch�pferischen Gesetzen und Geboten lebt und absolutes Vorbild ist all jenen, die noch belehrt werden m�ssen und den Wissens-, K�nnens-, Weisheits-, Liebe- und Logik- stand eines Weisheitsk�nigs noch nicht erlangt haben.
Ein Weisheitsk�nig, ein JSCHWJSCH also, lebt als absolutes Vorbild im Sinne der sch�pferischen Gesetze und Gebote, und er verf�gt �ber das einem Menschen h�chstm�gliche Wissen und K�nnen im Bezuge auf das Wissen selbst als aber auch hinsichtlich der Liebe, der Weisheit und der Logik.The introduction to OM (the book of books, the book of truth, produced by Billy Meier during the period that the Plejaren were officially involved in his mission here on Earth), explains that JHWH describes the written form of the title JSCHWJSCH, which is a word from Lyran, a language long forgotten on the Earth. This language was not created on Earth but on a far star system and was brought to Earth by space travellers. The word JSCHWJSCH is a title which, in the Earth languages, translates as �king of wisdom�. This means that this title is carried by a human who is skilled and trained in the highest possible knowledge, interpretations and adherence to the Laws and Directives of Creation. An JHWH is an absolute model to any who must still be taught, and who have not yet obtained, through their own effort, the level of knowledge, ability, wisdom, love and logic of a king of wisdom.
OM, takes several canons to explain in no uncertain terms that the role of the JHWH is as a teacher and instructor of the people and of the prophet, that he is not a ruler, nor is he all-knowing, and he is certainly not the Creator. He tolerates no worship. Adoration, worship and prayer are never appropriate to direct at the JHWH, or to the prophet, but only to Creation.
Kanon 2:8 Nicht ist verehrungsw�rdig und anbetungsw�rdig der JHWH, denn dies geb�hret allein der Sch�pfung.
9. Und nicht ist verehrungsw�rdig und anbetungsw�rdig der Propheten, denn dies geb�hret allein der Sch�pfung.
10.Und nicht sind verehrungsw�rdig und anbetungsw�rdig die Geistf�hrer des Propheten, denn dies geb�hret allein der Sch�pfung.
The JHWH is not worthy of worship and adoration as these are only appropriate for Creation.
And the prophet is not worthy of worship and adoration, as these are only appropriate for Creation.
And the prophet's spiritual guides are not worthy of worship and adoration, as these are only appropriate for Creation.
OM, Kanon 5:17 Die Sch�pfung ist unendliche Kraft, unmessbare Gr�sse und unmessbares Geheimnis, und keine menschliche Kraft vermag sich ihr zu n�hern.
The Creation is infinite power, of immeasurable size and the immeasurable secret, and no human power is able to come near to it.
J H W H =JSCHWJSCH (Erkl�rungen, seite 13)
Der Titel JSCHWJSCH wurde schon zu sehr alten Zeiten zur Erde gebracht, schon vor Millionen von Jahren, und stets hatte er einen f�hrenden und guten Klang. Unter den Raumeinwanderern waren jedoch leider auch Elemente, die sich unrechtm�ssig selbst zu JSCHWJSCHs erhoben hatten, ohne dass sie daf�r qualifiziert und gebildet waren. Und sie waren es, die in Machtgier schwelgten und sich dementsprechend benahmen. Sie legten sich neue Titel zu, die von den Menschen der Erde verstanden wurden, so n�mlich die Titel von Kr�ften, die die Sch�pfungskraft verk�rpern sollten. Sch�pfer war die naheliegendste Benennung, die dem Menschen der Erde am plausibelsten war, weshalb sie sich also auch in dieser Form benennen und feiern liessen. Der Schritt zur Verehrung und Anbetung war dann nur noch klein. Die Verf�lschung des Titels JSCHWJSCH zum Sch�pfer war vollumf�nglich gelungen, samt den damit verbundenen Konsequenzen.
The OM introduction explains further that the title JSCHWJSCH was brought to Earth millions of years ago and it was always associated with leadership and goodness. But unfortunately among the space travellers were also elements who unlawfully raised themselves as JSCHWJSCHes without being qualified and trained as such. They indulged their desire for power, and behaved accordingly. They gave themselves new titles which were understood by the people of Earth. They gave themselves the titles of powers which the power of Creation embodies. �Creator� was the closest title that was most plausible to the Earth people and so they had themselves called this, and celebrated as such. From there it was only a small step to praise and worship. The adulteration of the title JSCHWJSCH, so that it became Creator, was extensively successful along with the associated consequences.
Kanon 20:48 Und es ist weder der JHWH noch der Prophet strafend oder straffordernd, und sie �ben weder Gewalt noch Zwang, noch belehren sie, dass ge�bet werden soll Gewalt oder Zwang.
Kanon 20:175 Denn G�tter und G�tzen fordern Untert�nigkeit und Dem�tigung vor ihnen, und sie schaffen Gewalt und Zwang, und also Ausbeutung und Versklavung durch Angst und Furcht, die da erzeugen Unfreiheit und Willensbruch im selbst�ndigen und selbstentscheidenen Denken und Handeln.
OM says that neither the JHWH nor the prophet exercise force or coercion, nor do they teach that force or coercion should be exercised. Neither are they punishing, nor do they demand punishment. But gods and idols demand subordination and humiliation before them, and they create force and coercion, and therefore exploitation and enslavement through angst and fear which produces bondage and breaking of the will in the case of independent and self-determining thoughts and behaviour.
Kanon 6:3 Es besagen die Gesetze und Gebote der Sch�pfung, dass eine jegliche Herde eines Leittieres bedarf.
4. Und ein jegliches Heer bedarf eines F�hrers.
5.Und ein jegliches Volk bedarf einer weisen Leitung.
6. Und ein jegliches Menschengeschlecht bedarf eines weisen K�nigs.
7. Ein jegliches Menschengeschlecht bedarf eines weisen, wissenden, in Liebe, Pflicht, K�nnen und in Erkenntnis und Ratgebung gebildeten K�nigs, so also des Wesiheitsk�nigs.
OM explains that the role of the genuine JHWH is in accord with the laws and directives of Creation, because one of the laws of Creation, as explained in canon 6, is that every herd requires a lead animal, every army needs a leader, and every people requires a wise leadership. And so every humankind requires a wise, knowing king - a king of wisdom - who is developed in love, obligation, cognizance and advice giving.
On the 12th November 2003 JHWH Ptaah said that Iraq will only have peace when the US the English and the UN powers pull out of the country. If this doesn�t happen then not only numerous lives will be lost by the military, but also UN personnel, diplomats, members of aid agencies, terrorists, suicide assassins, innocent women, children, men, reporters, tourists and also guerilla fighters who position themselves to defend against the occupying forces. Ptaah explains that the USA spreads itself like noxious vermin over the world. The United States of America must withdraw its military from where it has spread itself around the world in its push for world domination. It must pull back into the United States. England should also withdraw. And Israel must give the Arabs their land back. He says that through these actions alone can international terrorism be quieted and defeated. And it�s all the same whether the terrorism comes from the United States of America, England, Israel or the known terrorist organizations. (scroll to bottom of this article for context of excerpts from Ptaah)
Kanon 25:5 Es ist der JHWH h�chster Geistf�hrer �ber verschiedene Menschengeschlechter, die da sind lebend auf verschiedenen Welten, und es ist der Prophet h�chster Geistf�hrer �ber den Menschengeschlechtern einer Welt.
The JHWH is the King of Wisdom of the humankind of three worlds. So he is the highest spiritual leader over various different humankinds who are living on different worlds, while the prophet is the highest spiritual leader over the humankind of a world. The JHWH is the only JHWH for the Earth humankind and for the far-travelers from the depths of the universes, who are there as his helpers and guardians. Amongst human beings there is nothing of equal form to the JHWH. He is the instructor for the prophet and for the humankind.
Kanon 25:20 Und so der JHWH ist wissend, k�nnend und weise und voller Liebe durch die eigene Kraft der eigenen Erkenntnis, so also ist auch der Prophet, dem nichts geschenket ist an Wissen, Weisheit und K�nnen und Liebe, sondern der dem JHWH und allem anderen Leben gleich, durch eigene Kraft, in sich selbst die Erkenntnis keimen und werden lassen musste.
42. Und nicht ist also im Auftrage der Sch�pfung ein Mensch zu Menschen gesendet als Belehrer, sondern es sendet sich der Mensch selbst als Belehrer zu seinesgleichen, wenn er ist gen�gend gewachsen in Erkenntnis, wenn er ist wissend und k�nnend in gutem Masse und Geistf�hrer also, und wenn er ist in sich selbst berufen als Geistf�hrer, so er keiner Berufung und keiner Ernennung bedarf von h�herer Warte, weil da diese Warte niemals ist gegeben.
The JHWH isn�t simply given his knowledge, wisdom, ability and love. He, along with all other life, must let the cognition germinate through his own power and effort. And so the JHWH is knowing, able, wise and full of love through his own power of his own cognition. And the JHWH was not dispatched by Creation but came through his own will. And this is so for the prophet too. A human sends himself as a teacher to his own kind when he is sufficiently developed in cognition, is knowledgeable in good measure and able, and is therefore a spiritual leader and feels that, from within himself, he is called as a spiritual leader. He never requires a calling or appointment from any higher viewpoint.
OM, Kanon 20:43 Und es sprichet weiter der JHWH zum Propheten: Belehre die Menschen, dass nicht sind alle Sch�tze des Wissens, des K�nnens, der Liebe, der Wahrheit und der Weisheit der Sch�pfung beim JHWH und beim Propheten, den die Sch�tze und die Geheimnisse der Sch�pfung sind unermesslich und niemals erfassbar f�r einen Menschen, denn die Sch�pfung ist das unmessbare Geheimnis.
In OM canon 20 the JHWH is instructing the Prophet. He tells the prophet he must teach the people that the JHWH and the Prophet do not have all the wealth of knowledge, ability, love, truth and wisdom of the Creation, because the treasures and secrets of Creation are immeasurable and never comprehensible for a human. This is because the Creation is the immeasurable secret.
Kanon 25:8 Und also ist gegeben dadurch, dass der JHWH kann sammeln gr�ssere Erfahrung als der Prophet, so der JHWH dem Propheten gleichet als ein Vaterfreund, dessen gr�sseren Weisheit und Erfahrung sich einordnet der Prophet.
14. Also bestehet nicht Hierarchie unter den Lebensformen nach sh�pferischem Sinn, und also bestehet nicht Hierarchie zwischen dem Propheten und dem JHWH, und also bestehet nicht Hierarchie zwischen irgendwelchem Leben oder zur Sch�pfung.
In a Creational sense there exists no hierarchy among life-forms and therefore this applies with the prophet and the JHWH, and it also applies between different life or [and] to the Creation. But the JHWH can gather greater experiences than the prophet, so the JHWH is like a father-friend to the prophet whose greater wisdom and experience organises the prophet.
People express frustration or cynicism at the fact that, although hundreds of day time photos and film clips exist of the extraterrestrial craft visiting Billy Meier, the current Plejaran do not let themselves be seen or photographed. The Plejaran have explained to Billy Meier why this is, and reasons are also laid out in OM. Because the JHWH is a physical human being he can, of course, be touched and seen, but he guards against being seen or felt by any people who still require instruction in the laws and directives of Creation. This is because he does not tolerate worship and adoration, nor does he desire it. There are people who erroneously seek to worship and adore the JHWH, the prophet and their helpers, and so the prophet and the guards and helpers of the JHWH also refrain from moving about directly among the people.
OM, Kanon 7:14 Also bleibet der JHWH dem noch zu belehrenden Menschen unsichtbar und ungreifbar, und so auch alle seine ihm Angeordeneten, die Helfer und W�chter, so die noch zu Belehrenden nicht zur Verehrung und Anbetung neigend werden, und so der Mensch allein durch Verstand und Vernunft und durch Wissen, Wahrheit, Liebe und Weisheit um seine Existenz wissend werde, gleichermassen er auch zu tun hat im Wissen um die Existenz der Sch�pfung.
Canon seven explains. Therefore the JHWH remains invisible and ungraspable to people who still require the instruction in the laws and directives of Creation. And so do all those who are under the JHWH's orders who are the helpers and guards. This is so that the people still requiring instruction do not lean towards worship and adoration. And so the human only becomes knowledgeable about their existence through understanding and reason, through knowledge, truth, love and wisdom. In the same way the human must also gain knowledge concerning the existence of Creation.
Kanon 20:34 Also ist ihnen gegeben nur der Weg, dass sie lernend sein m�ssen und erkennend in sich selbst und durch eigene Kraft, ohne dass sie die Zeichen ber�hren oder in ihre N�he treten k�nnen, so sie allein wissend werden durch die Erforschung der Wahrheit in ihrem Innern.
This requirement to learn through our own efforts, enquiry and reason is also stressed in an explanation for why the JHWH and the prophet don�t provide signs to convince people. We must become knowing, only through searching for the truth inside ourselves.
Of course, as mentioned, there has been a mass of evidence for the comings and goings of the Plejaran in their ships, not to mention what they have left behind in the form of information which could not reasonably have come from Earth sources. For the ship activity we need only look at the daytime photographs produced by one-armed Billy Meier well before the age of personal computers, and without financial resources or assistance, as well as the independent witness accounts of people who have been in the vicinity of the centre in Switzerland and those involved in Meier�s work. You can read about the evidence and scientific analysis of the photos and other evidence at Michael Horn�s web site. Guido Moosebrugger's And Still They Fly is essential reading for learning about the evidence and the more personal witness accounts.
�JHWH Ptaah lists the U.S. President George W. Bush, Great Britain�s Prime Minister, Tony Blair and Israel�s Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon among the most dangerous terrorists threatening the world now. He says that the guilt for Iraq is carried by them. It is also carried by all their supporters and all those who �pull on the same cord�. He said that together with the open terrorist organizations, like Al Qaida, these state powerful terrorists will cause such trouble on Earth like has never been since time immemorial. They will achieve this with the help of their executives, the secret services and the military. But rationality on this Earth can prevail. George Bush, Tony Blair and Arial Sharon and their fanatical followers must be freed from their positions, and not be replaced by the same kind of war mongers, if we are to prevent such a world-wide catastrophe breaking out over the Earth and humanity. In rationality we must stand together as one and throw the state powerful criminals from their positions and replace them with peace loving, worthy, respectful, righteous powers. If this does not happen then there will be an evil end. �(scroll to bottom of this article for context of excerpts from Ptaah)
In OM canon 31, the prophet Henok reports on the comings and goings of the JHWH of his time, 9 308 years before the time of the prophet Jmmanuel.
Kanon 31:55 Und es leben der JHWH und seine Helfer an erdenfremdem Orte, von wo er �ber die Erde und die Menschengeschlechter wachet, und von wo er oder seine W�chter also erscheinen im singenden Lichte, so also durch die L�fte schwebend.
56. Und also erscheinet von jenem Orte herkommend der JHWH durch die L�fte alleine oder mit seinen Heerscharen, und also in der ganzen St�rke seiner Macht, und den Himmel bedeckend mit den strahlenden Lichtschiffen, die da ohne Segel aber singend fliegen in den L�ften.
The JHWH and his helpers live on a place strange to Earth, from where he watches over the Earth and the humankind, and from where he or his watchers therefore appear in singing lights, so therefore they are suspended through the air. And so the JHWH appears from any place coming through the air alone or with his assembled host, and therefore in the entire strength of his power, and the Heaven is covered with the radiating light ships which are there without sails but are flying, singing in the air.
Kanon 2:14 Achtet, �bet und bringet jedoch Respekt und Ehrfurcht entgegen allem Leben, so auch dem JHWH der irdischen Menschengeschlechter und auch dem Propheten und des Propheten Geistf�hrer.
While we should not worship the JHWH or the prophet, who are only human and don�t come near to Creation, OM teaches that we must pay attention to, exercise and bring respect and reverence towards, all life. And this means that we should also respect and revere the JHWH of the Earthly humankind and also the Prophet and the prophet�s spiritual guides. The JHWH and prophet are due the respect and reverence of the people of the Earth. But the Creation is due the honor, respect and reverence of the JHWH, the Prophet and the people.
Canon 2 says that the JHWH and the Prophet reveal the laws and directives of the Creation. They do this in free recognition and fulfillment of the obligation for the fulfillment of the laws and directives of Creation. The JHWH does not rule over humanity and does not use force or coercion. The Earth human should have no gods or idols, but instead only the JHWH of the Earth, over whom the Creation, in immeasurable greatness, is suspended. The JHWH and prophet are the bringers of the laws and directives to the humankind, and their wishes and advice should be followed and respected because they come from the laws and directives of Creation, which should always be adhered to. The human should not abuse the teachings of the JHWH and the Prophet as they are the true knowledge, interpretations and advice of the sevenfold order that springs forth out of the laws and directives of Creation.
�JHWH Ptaah said that the majority of people want peace and freedom and the preservation of life. The majority of people are not big criminals against humanity. It is only a few state powerful terrorists and their henchmen who exercise terrorism through the power of secret services, through the military and all their supporters. Such is the case in the United States and in Israel. These few totally irresponsible, powerful criminals against humanity - thoughtless and unscrupulous murderers - hurl people into death, need and misery and destruction. It is incomprehensible that the people let this happen and do not rise up against the murderous dictators. Murderous state powers who are chosen by the people are also such dictators. They abuse their power through war, state terrorism, murder and destruction�.(scroll to bottom of this article for context of excerpts from Ptaah)
The teaching of the Plejaran was apparently also carried through 2000 years ago by the prophet Jmmanuel as written down by Judas Iscariot in the text, Talmud Jmmanuel. A key teaching distinguishing Jmmanuel�s words in the Talmud Jmmanel from those in the New Testament book of Matthew (shown to be a distortion), concerns the highest law of all - the law of Creation. The following is from Talmud Jmmanuel, chapter 23, The Greatest Commandment.
Das gr�sste Gebot
31. Da aber die Pharis�er h�rten, dass Jmmanuel den Sadduz�ern das Maul gestopft hatte, versammelten sie sich und hielten einen Rat.
32. Und einer unter ihnen, ein Schriftgelehrter, versuchte ihn und fragte: �Jmmanuel, welches ist denn das vornehmste Gebot im Gesetz? �
33. Er aber sprach und fragte: �An wessen Gesetz denkst du, an das des Kaisers, oder denkst du an das Gesetz Gottes, oder denkst du an das Gesetz der Sch�pfung?�34. Der Schriftgelehrte aber sprach: �Ich denke an die Gesetze der drei. �
35. Jmmanuel aber sprach: �Das h�chste Gebot im Gesetz der Sch�pfung ist das: Erringe die Weisheit des Wissens, so du weise die Gesetze der Sch�pfung befolgen m�gest.
36. Das h�chste Gebot des Gesetzes Gottes aber ist das: Du sollst Gott als den Herrscher der drei Menschengeschlechter achten und seine Gesetze befolgen, denn er ist der Weisheitsk�nig der drei Menschengeschlechter und ein guter und gerechter Ratgeber.
37. Das h�chste Gebot des Kaisers Gesetzes aber ist das: Du sollst dem Kaiser gehorsam sein und seine Gesetze befolgen und ihm den Zehnten geben, denn er ist der Herrscher �ber das Volk und dessen H�ter und Besch�tzer.
38. Dies sind die vornehmsten und gr�ssten Gebote der Gesetze der drei, bestimmet nach ihrer Art.
39. Das andere aber ist das und dem ersten gleich: Du sollst als Allmacht nur die Sch�pfung nennen, denn sie allein ist best�ndig in allen Dingen und darin also zeitlos.
40. Gott und der Kaiser sind verg�nglich, die Sch�pfung aber ist unverg�nglich.41. In diesen zwei Geboten h�ngt das ganze Gesetz und die Propheten. 42. Die Gesetze Gottes und des Kaisers sind menschliche Gesetze, so sie unter den Menschen Ordnung und Recht halten sollen.
43. Die Gesetze der Sch�pfung aber sind die Gesetze des Lebens und des Geistes; also sind sie unverg�nglich und best�ndig.
The Greatest Commandment
31. But when the Pharisees heard that Jmmanuel had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered and deliberated.
32. And one among them, a scribe, tested him by asking, Jmmanuel, which is the foremost commandment in the law?"
33. Jmmanuel asked in return, "Whose law are you thinking of, the law of the emperor, or are you thinking of the law of god, or are you thinking of the law of Creation?"
34. The scribe said, "l am thinking of the laws of all three."
35. But Jmmanuel said, "The highest directive in the law of Creation is this: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge, so that you may wisely follow the laws of Creation.
36. "But the highest commandment of the law of god is this: You shall honor god as the ruler of the three human lineages and obey his laws, for he is their king of wisdom and a good and just counselor.
37. "And the highest command of the laws of the emperor is this: You shall be obedient to the emperor, follow his laws and give to him the tithe, because he is the ruler over the people and their guardian and protector.
38. "These are the foremost and greatest commandments in the laws of the three, as applied to their categories.
39. "But the other directive, equal to the first, is this: You shall consider only Creation as omnipotent, for it alone is constant in all things and therein is timeless.
40. "The emperor and god are transitory, but Creation is eternal.
41. "Upon these two directives depend the entire law and the prophets.
42. "The laws of god and those of the emperor are human laws and are intended to maintain law and order among the people.
43. "But the laws of Creation are the laws of life and the spirit and, therefore, they are eternal and constant.
4.True State of Earth Humanity
5.The Creation Itself is Your Spirit
(for more commentary from JHWH Ptaah please go to Plejaran Leader Condemns Terrorism.)