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We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys.net) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

Please read this explanatory word about our translations

(Original translation  - July 2005. Corrections and improvements made - March 2007. New material added July, 2007)

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Kontactberichte V6p70


Contact Reports Volume 6 page 70




230th contact. Wednesday. October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM



Billy Dann wieder einmal etwas wegen des Erdmondes resp. bezüglich der ersten angeblichen Mondlandung der Amerikaner, die am 20. Juli 1969 gewesen sein soll.


Billy Then once again something concerning the Earth's Moon, respectively in regard to the first alleged Moon landing of the Americans, which is supposed to have happened on July 20th, 1969.


Dieses Theater-Spektakel wurde ja nur veranstaltet um der Politik willen und um angeblich vor der Sowjet-Union einen Riesenerfolg erzielt zu haben, weil die Russen damals bereits kurz davor standen, den Amis mit einer bemannten Mondlandung zuvorzukommen.


This theatre spectacle was indeed only staged for political reasons and allegedly in order to have obtained a giant success before the Soviet Union because, at that time, the Russians already stood shortly ahead of the Yankees, coming before them with a manned Moon landing.


Nach dem amerikanischen Riesenschwindel mit der angeblichen Mondlandung aber, die in Amerika auf geeignetem Gelände filmisch getürkt wurde, fanden dann nachträglich tatsächlich bis 1972 fünf Mondlandungen statt.


But after the gigantic American swindle with the so-called Moon landing, which was cinematically faked in a suitable place in America, up to 1972,  five Moon landings actually subsequently came about. 


Um diese Landungen aber vorzubereiten und durchführen zu können, benötigten die Amis mehr Zeit, als ihnen diese bis 1969 zur Verfügung stand.


However, to be able to prepare and accomplish these landings, the Yankees required more time than they had at their disposal before 1969.


Daher und eben auch der Politik wegen wurde der Riesenschwindel inszeniert und die ganze Menschheit schändlich betrogen.


For this reason, and also even because of politics, this gigantic swindle was staged and all of humanity shamefully deceived.


Wird dieser Schwindel eigentlich nie aufgedeckt?


Will this swindle actually never be uncovered?


Auch nimmt es mich wunder, warum die Amis eigentlich nie etwas davon hören liessen, dass es am Süd- und Nordpol des Mondes grosse Gebiete gibt, wo ständiger Tag herrscht, wie ich gesehen habe, als mir in meiner frühen Jugend im Jahre 1946 von Sfath und dann 1975 auch von Semjase die Möglichkeit geboten wurde, den Mond aus der Nähe zu betrachten und den Raumfahrt-Gerümpel zu sehen, den die Erdlinge dorthin transportierten.


Also it makes me wonder why the Yankees actually never allow anything to be heard regarding that on the South Pole and North Pole of the Moon there are big areas where daytime permanently rules, as I had seen, as in my earlier youth in the year 1946 from Sfath, and then in 1975 also from Semjase who provided the possibility to behold the Moon from up close and to see the aerospace-junk that the Earthlings had transported there.



582. Die Lügengeschichte der angeblich ersten Mondlandung wird wohl nicht mehr aus der Welt zu schaffen sein.



582. The story of lies, of the alleged first Moon landing, is surely never more able to be worked out of the world.


583. Und bezüglich der stetigen Taggebiete am Mondsüdpol und -nordpol ist zu sagen, dass auch ich nicht verstehe, warum darüber öffentlich nichts erwähnt wird.


583. And regarding the continuous daytime area on the Moon's South Pole and North Pole is to say, that I also don't understand why nothing is publicly mentioned about that.




The below is an unofficial translation of a short excerpt from an outstanding article by core-group member Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer, which was published in FIGU Special Bulletin #28 in September 2006. www.figu.org/de/figu/bulletin/s28/nasa.htm  Hans's article includes various selected excerpts from the Contact Reports which go into some detail about the Apollo 11 hoax, and the below translation has been made to demonstrate that - due to FIGU's unique status - irresponsibly publishing everything known to be true could result in fatal danger to the FIGU members at the SSSC. Had someone openly asked FIGU whether people had landed on the Moon in 1969, FIGU would have had to have somehow avoided giving a straight answer or would have had to say something like, "FIGU Switzerland distances itself from claims that the Apollo 11 Moon landing was not genuine." Logic suggests that there may indeed still be other matters of equal or even greater sensitivity that might elicit the a similar reply, and for the same prudent reasons.



Es ist ein schöpferisches Gesetz, dass sich fruchtbarer Samen allmählich im stillen entwickelt, um eines Tages kraftvoll ans Licht der Welt zu stossen.


It is a creational law that fertile seeds gradually, quietly develop to one day powerfully thrust into the light of the world.


Anfang der 1990er Jahre waren in den Medien plötzlich vereinzelte Meldungen und Informationen zu vernehmen, die einen möglichen Betrug, bewusste Fälschung oder eine politisch motivierte Inszenierung der ersten angeblichen Mondlandung in den Raum stellten.


At the start of the 1990’s, suddenly there were isolated reports and information to examine in the media that a possible deception, deliberate falsification, or a politically motivated staging of the first alleged Moon landing had been put in place.


In der FIGU-Kerngruppe wurde dieses Thema bereits früh und Jahre zuvor schon besprochen und durch die ausserirdisch-plejarischen Quellen erläutert.


In the FIGU core group, this theme was already discussed earlier and years before, and elucidated by the extraterrestrial Plejaren sources.


Gemäss dem eindringlichen Rat der Plejaren und der Ebene Arahat Athersata wurde jedoch damals auf eine Veröffentlichung der Wahrheit und der tatsächlichen Fakten über die fingierte erste US-Mondlandung verzichtet.


However, pursuant to the urgent advice of the Plejaren and the Arahat Athersata level, at that time, a publication of the truth and the actual facts about the feigned first U.S. Moon landing was abandoned.


Zu gross waren die Gefahren lebensgefährlicher Angriffe auf das Center und die Mitglieder in Hinterschmidrüti.


The dangers of life-threatening attacks on the centre and the members in Hinterschmidrüti were too great. 


Vor allem auch darum, weil verschiedene an dieser manipulierten Mondlandung beteiligte Personen kurzerhand durch inszenierte Unfälle oder Krankheiten usw. ermordet worden waren, wenn sie ihr Schweigen zu brechen versuchten.


Above all, this was also because various persons participating in the manipulated Moon landing had been abruptly murdered through staged accidents or illnesses, and so forth, when they attempted to break their silence.


Durch eine frühzeitige Enthüllung konnten als Folge selbst kriegerische Handlungen nicht ausgeschlossen werden.


Even military action could not be ruled out as a consequence of premature exposure.


Nachdem sich die kritischen Stimmen jedoch weltweit ausgeweitet hatten und sogar aus wissenschaftlichen Kreisen die Zweifel und Kritik an der Raumfahrttechnik der 1960er Jahre immer stärker wurden, hat sich in diesen Belangen auch für die FIGU die Situation grundlegend geändert.


However, after the critical voices had spread worldwide, and, even from scientific circles, the doubt about, and criticism of, the space travel technology of the 1960’s became ever stronger, the situation in these matters had also fundamentally altered for FIGU.


Durch die rasante Entwicklung wurde eine Veröffentlichung und offene Nennung der vorliegenden plejarischen Informationen zu einem der grössten Schwindel der Menschheitsgeschichte möglich.


Because of this rapid development, publication and open naming of the available Plejaren information then became possible regarding one of the greatest swindles in human history.

More on the Apollo 11 conspiracy.

203rd contact - 1985

Added July 17th, 2007

Ptaah conveys advice to Billy from the High Council about why the release of the very sensitive hoaxed Apollo 11 "Moon landing" information could endanger him, the group members, the mission and could even cause war-like actions. This clearly demonstrates that such sensitive material of world wide significance must sometimes be withheld and/or talked around.

(From p.1, vol. 7, 240th contact, Mon, December 30th, 1991)

Eduard, sei gegrüsst.


1. Eduard, I greet you.

Billy Es freut mich, dich schon wieder zu sehen, Ptaah.

Billy It pleases me to see you already again, Ptaah.

Sei ebenfalls gegrüsst, doch was führt dich schon nach zehn Tagen wieder hierher?

I likewise greet you, but what leads you here again already, after ten days?

2. Mein Herkommen ist etwas verfrüht, denn eigentlich beabsichtigte ich, erst in einem Monat dich wieder zu besuchen.


2. My coming here is somewhat premature because I actually first intended to visit you again in a month.

3. Dringende Umstände aber erfordern mein frühzeitiges Erscheinen im Auftrage des Hohen Rates.

3. But urgent circumstances require my early appearance under the instructions of the High Council.

4. Es hand...

4. It deal...

Billy Was kann es denn so Wichtiges geben, dass du in dessen Auftrag herkommen musst?

Billy What can be of such importance that you must come here on its instructions?

5. Das wollte ich gerade erklären.


5. That is what I wanted to explain just now.

6. Bei unserem Treffen am 18
Mai dieses Jahres sprachen wir von gewissen vorkommnissen, die sich auf US Amerika bezogen.

6. At our meeting on the 18th of May this year we spoke of certain events which relate to US America.

7. Wie üblich informierte ich darüber den Hohen Rat, wie dies immer der Fall ist, wenn es sich um Belange handelt, die auf der Erde von weltweiter Bedeutung sind.

7. As usual, I informed the High Council about that, as is always the case when it deals with matters which are of worldwide significance on the Earth.

8. In diesem Fall tat ich das aber erst vor wenigen Tagen, weil ich zuvor einfach nicht die Möglichkeit fand dazu infolgendessen, dass ich nach unserem Treffen am 18 Mai unverzüglich ins DAL Universum hinüberwechselte und erst kürzlich wieder zurückkam.

8. But in this case I did that only a few days ago because I simply did not find the possibility to do so earlier because I immediately transferred over into the DAL universe after our meeting on the 18th of May and only briefly returned again.

9. Nun aber hat sich der Hohe Rat mit unserem Gespräch befasst in bezug auf die erwähnten Vorkommnisse im Jahre 1969.

9. But now the High Council has occupied itself with our dialogue in regard to the mentioned events in the year 1969.

10. Diesbezüglich musss ich dir nun leider mitteilen und dich darauf aufmerksam machen, dass der sich mit diesem Geschehen befassende Teil unseres Gespräches unter keinen Umständen publik gemacht werden und also nicht an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen darf.

10. In regard to this I must now unfortunately communicate to you and make you attentive to this; that the part of our conversation which concerned these events may under no circumstances be made public and therefore may not be publicised.

11. Wir erhielten die dringende Ratgebung des Hohen Rates, diese Gesprächspassage aus dem Bericht entfernen zu lassen durch dich oder durch unsere eigene Initiative.

11. We received the urgent advice of the High Council to have you remove these passages of conversation from the report or to remove them through our own initiative.

12. Der Hohe Rat erklärte, dass die durch unser Gespräch erwähnten Erklärungen zu sehr schwerwiegenden und weltweiten politischen Auswirkungen führen würden, wenn du diese veröffentlichen würdest.

12. The High Council explained that the explanations mentioned through our conversation would lead to very grave and world wide political effects if you were to publish this.

13. Nicht nur, dass du dadurch unnötig dein Leben aufs Spiel setzen würdest, weil die Mörder des Geheimdienstes der USA auf dich angesetzt würden, sondern die Auswirkungen der Wahrheit könnten sogar zu schweren kriegerischen Handlungen führen.

13. Not only that you would thereby unnecessarily risk your life because the murderers of the USA's secret service would be set onto you, rather that the effects of the truth could even lead to grave acts of war.

14. Also ist durch die Ratgebung des Hohen Rates dringend geboten, dass die entsprechende Passage aus dem Kontakt ebenso heraus genommen und entfernt wird wie auch ein weiterer diesbezüglicher Hinweis auf das genannte unglaubliche Vorkommnis.

14. Therefore it is urgently directed, through the advice of the High Council, that the corresponding passage be taken out of the contact and removed, just as further evidence also must be removed in regard to this, about the named unbelievable events.

15. Es werden auch alle Gruppenglieder angehalten, über diese Angelegenheit absolutes Stillschweigen zu wahren, wenn sie von dir über die Geschenen bereits informiert worden sind und die Kontakt Notizen bereits erhalten haben.

15. Also all the group members are urged to keep absolutely silent about these matters if they have already been informed by you about the events and have already received the contact notices.

16. Dies ist von dringender Notwendigkeit, denn gemäss den Angaben des Hohen Rates haben die Amerikaner alles derart arrangiert, dass der gewaltige Betrug weltweit keinerlie Zweifel erregt und als tatsächliche Wahrheit gilt.

16. This is of urgent necessity, because, according to the statements of the High Council, the Americans have arranged everything so that, worldwide, the enormous deceit excites no doubt at all and is taken as the actual truth.

17. Wahrheitsaufdeckende Informationen wurden inzwischen auch bereits durch sehr massiven Druck des Geheimdienstes zur Dementierung gezwungen und im Keime erstickt.

17. Already, in the meantime, through the very massive pressure of the secret service, truth-uncovering information was also already forced to be contradicted and nipped in the bud.

18. Öffentliche Publikationsorgane, die die Wahrheit aufdeckten, wurden gezwungen, ihre öffentlichen Informationen in diesr Angelegenheit zu dementieren und als reine Erfindung und als Fiktion darzustellen, also als eine von Alpha bis Omega erfundene Geschichte.

18. Public organs of publication which uncovered the truth were forced to contradict their public information in this matter and to describe it as pure invention and as fiction, therefore as an invented story, from beginning to end.

(Anmerkung Ptaah vom 7. Oktober 2004: Bis heute hat sich die Sachlage dermassen ergeben, dass die Wahrheit nun doch veröffentlicht werden kann.)

(Note from Ptaah from October 7th 2004: Up to today the situation has developed such that the truth can now be published.)

Billy Das ist ja allerhand - das schlägt dem Fass den Boden kaputt. Ich wäre dafür, dass wir die Geschichte doch veröffentlichen.

Billy That is indeed quite something. That takes the cake. I would rather that we still publish the story.

19. Dies würde sehr viele Gefahren heraufbeschwören, denen du ebensowenig gewachsen wärst wie auch alle Gruppenglieder nicht.


19. This would give rise to very much danger with which you would no more be able to cope than would the group members.

20. Es würde gar die Mission gefährden.

20. It would even endanger the mission.

Billy Dann ist es fraglos, dass ich das entsprechende Gespräch aus dem Kontaktbericht entfernen werde, wie ich auch dafür besorgt sein werde, dass keinerlei Informationen über das Geschenen hinausgetragen werden.

Billy Then there is no question that I will remove the corresponding conversation from the contact report just as I will also take care that no information at all about the events will be conveyed.

Du kannst dich darauf verlassen.

You can rely on that.

Ich danke dem Hohen Rat für seine Bemühungen und für seine ratgebende Weitsicht.

I thank the High Council for its efforts and for its farsighted advice.

Also aber danke ich auch dir, dass du dich extra herbemüht hast, um mich zu warnen - auch wenn ich es als leidig empfinde, dass man über diese weltweite kriminelle Handlung nun schweigen muss.

Therefore, however, I also thank you that you have taken the extra effort to come here to warn me, even when I feel it is wretched that one must now be silent about this worldwide criminal behaviour.

Aber vorbei, vergessen.

But it is past, forgotten.

Wenn du nun aber schon hier bist, mein Freund, würdest du mir da vielleicht zwei oder drei Fragen beantworten ...

But as you are now already here, my friend, would you maybe answer two or three questions for me ....

More on the Apollo 11 conspiracy.

357th contact - 2004


This little project might help serve to cover up "the aerospace-junk that the Earthlings had transported there."

The New York Times

NASA plans lunar spectacular

April 12 2006

By Warren Leary in Washington


A NASA spacecraft will deliberately crash into the moon in January 2009, a collision so violent it will be visible on Earth through a telescope.

The impact will help scientists search for water that might be lurking in deep, dark craters.

In part, the aim of the mission - announced by NASA on Monday - is to help find landing sites for human exploration, a goal announced by the US President, George Bush, in 2004.

Early lunar missions identified abundances of hydrogen in craters near the south pole that are permanently shielded from sunlight, leading to speculation that the hydrogen was bound with oxygen in the form of water.

If shadowed areas on the moon contain water ice*, NASA officials said, they would be prime landing sites for humans. Water can be broken apart to produce hydrogen for rocket fuel and oxygen for fuel and breathing.

The spacecraft - the first to strike the moon since NASA's Lunar Prospector in 1999 - will be part of a previously announced mission in which a larger craft, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, will fly around the moon to map its surface. Both craft will be launched on the same rocket in October 2008, but the smaller impact craft will circle the Earth and moon for 90 days before slamming into the moon's south pole.

The project is called LCROSS, for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite. Its manager, Daniel Andrews, of NASA's Ames Research Centre in California, said the upper stage of the rocket that sends the orbiter to the moon would be used as an impact vehicle.

When the 2000-kilogram used rocket slams into a crater at about 9000kmh, Dr Andrews said, it should send up a 1 million kilogram plume of vapour and debris rising 48 to 64 kilometres above the surface. About 15 minutes later the trailing spacecraft, loaded with equipment to determine chemical composition, will fly through the plume, taking and relaying data before it hits the moon.

"We're going to see the impact," Dr Andrews said, "and then fly through the plume while looking into the crater and also looking sideways 90 degrees out into space to see the plume material against the darkness."

The mission will not be NASA's first attempt to do geological studies by smashing robotic probes into distant bodies. In 1999 scientists decommissioned the orbiting Lunar Prospector probe by crashing it into the moon's south pole, but it disappointed them by producing little or no debris because of its shallow impact angle.

The robotic moon missions are the first steps in NASA's plans to return astronauts to the moon by 2018 as a stepping stone to Mars.

Let's face it. Earthlings are not WELCOME on the Moon. And no wonder.

Sydney Morning Herald

Lack of *ice freezes moon colony hopes

Date: October 21 2006
Richard Macey

TWO Australians have helped dash dreams that future explorers could live on the moon for months, mining ancient ice to make water, oxygen and rocket fuel.

Orion, NASA's next manned space program, will return astronauts to the moon before the end of the next decade, 50 years after Apollo. Later crews would establish a permanent base, probably at the moon's south pole, staying six months at a time.

The south pole became the favourite choice for a base after probes in the 1990s found evidence that the floors of frozen polar craters, where the sun never shines, were covered in ice.

Astronauts could mine the ice, melting it for water or breaking it into hydrogen and oxygen, making air to breathe and fuel to get home. Mining ice would dramatically reduce the need for expensive cargo rockets delivering supplies from Earth.

But a team of scientists, including two Australians, says that after scanning polar craters with a powerful radar, they have found no evidence of ice.

Led by Dr Donald Campbell, an Australian astronomer at Cornell University in the US, they used the giant 300-metre Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico to fire radar pulses at the moon.

After bouncing off the lunar surface the signals were picked up in West Virginia, and analysed for tell-tale "reflections" from ice.

A second Australian, Nick Stacy, a radar specialist with the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, said yesterday the reflections from the dark floor of the 19-kilometre polar crater Shackleton were no different than those from lunar landscapes baked in scorching sunshine, where no ice could survive.

This suggested both areas were probably covered by nothing more exciting than boulders.

In 1994 Clementine, a moon orbiter, used a radar to scan the lunar pole, finding there could be 10 square kilometres of ice in Shackleton. Four years later Lunar Prospector detected hydrogen. If the hydrogen was from water, 1.5 per cent of the soil in the chilly craters could be ice.

But Dr Stacy said his team's radar looked into craters "that have not seen the sun for billions of years" and found nothing looking like ice. He admitted they were disappointed. Finding ice would have been "very significant for exploration" of the moon.

He said there could be particle-sized ice, too small to be seen by radar, in the lunar soil, but it would be harder to mine. He hoped probes by the US and India in 2008 would resolve the debate. The team's results appear in this week's Nature.

(If you believe it, I believe it.)

Sydney Morning Herald

WA physicist hands Apollo tapes to NASA
November 3, 2006

A West Australian physicist will hand over copies of tapes from the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing to the American-based National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

NASA misplaced the original computer tapes containing data from experiments on moon dust during the Apollo 11 expedition, with astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins.

But fortunately Perth-based physicist Professor Brian O'Brien had more than 100 copies of the tapes, sent to him to analyse while the mission was taking place.

The tapes came with him to WA in 1971 when he moved from the US to become the first director of the state's Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and have been stored at Curtin University ever since.

He received an email from the Kennedy Space Centre on Friday, saying it was doing research on the effects of jets on moon dust for future missions and needed some of the tapes.

Mr O'Brien said he would send over a selection of tapes, including the "critical" tape which has four days' worth of data, including from the time when the astronauts left the moon.

The quality of the tapes would have to be tested before they could be sent over to be archived at NASA, he said.

© 2006 AAP

An out-take from the first (faked) Moon landing, salvaged from the cutting room floor?

NASA officially announces extraterrestrial structures and ruined cities on the Moon, and the program to remove the photographic evidence!

A nicely airbrushed shot of the South Pole from Encarta via NASA

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