Knowledge and Wisdom Spell the End to Anti-Semitism

October 2007

by gaiaguys' Vivienne Legg


Intrigues, inciting revolutions and wars worldwide, stirring up discord, megalomania, murder, betrayal of friendships, greed, exploitation of anti-Semitism, cruelty, and creeping into a level of power which has grown so great it cannot be grasped and perceived by Earth humans any more! These are among the shocking charges made in 1980, by the Plejaren extraterrestrials, of the Israelis (respectively, their authorities, military and secret service).

"Their distant descendents now, today's Israelis, respectively their responsible ones and their myrmidons can - like the U.S.A. - commit the worst crimes pitilessly and unhindered and with their secret services and military, right before the eyes of the world at large, and even with their approval."  -  Semjase, contact 136, 1980

The following material, largely drawing from the work of scholarly Jewish writers, shows that these charges, made by the still conscientiously avoided Plejaren extraterrestrials, are clearly rivalled in seriousness by what Jewish writers themselves have written about Israel and major strains of Jewish religious and political practice. The profound political influence of certain fundamentalist or other Jewish sects and movements in our shared history, and in the current time, is logically the reason for the degree of attention given this topic both by the extraterrestrials and these Jewish writers, and the need for this subject to be tackled now. 

The Plejaren have told us that Earth's bloody history has been characterised by religious enslavement at the hands of ancient extraterrestrial humans who set themselves up as creator gods, and that these gods exploited and misled Earth humans by means of all religions. One individual they name as a relatively recent and barbaric pusher of this millennia-old deceit, which continued to be steered and fanned by the Giza Intelligences (Bfath) until May 1978, is a man they called Jehovah "the Cruel" ("the Unjust", "the Barbarian") who especially attempted to exploit and oppress the gypsies of the Nile and those from the vicinity of the Mediterranean and Red Seas, known in the Lyran language as the ancient Hebraons. Contemplating the history and nature of the deception of Earth humanity by these renegade advanced humans should help us to finally defuse these dangerous political movements, using logic, reason and understanding.

(Henn - a.k.a. Jehovah, right, sketched on December 3rd, 1975, by the Plejaren, Semjase.)j

In the current period, Straussianism, as described in part three of this article, serves as a particularly dangerous example of this influence. It is also a well defined example of how religion is still being cynically exploited as a political tool by those who consider themselves to be gods or god-like men.

It has to be said that, while not proving the authenticity of the evil document known as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the very research which logically supports the above Plejaren contentions about the Israelis also shows why it is that we, gaiaguys, disagree with the strident assertion of the Plejaren and their contact person, Billy Meier, that it, has nothing at all to do with the truth.

Important : For an adequate understanding of this material, the reader must read the articles and chapters, and even books, referred to below, and not merely the contents of this compilation.

Judging from the information provided by the writers quoted below, and according to FIGU�s own texts, stating the truth about Israel is a dangerous business. In contact 136 Billy interrupted Semjase�s inflammatory 1980 explanation, �Billy: Man alive, you must be damned cautious about what you say here, because all of this could be interpreted as being neo-fascist and anti-Jewish. You also know that anti-Semitic machinations and the like constantly lead to legal procedures and even worse.� A studious reading of the material will show that cries of anti-semitism have become a very effective and convenient method of derailing honest scrutiny of the negative components of Israeli and Jewish fundamentalist policy. Anyone who attempts it seemingly has to live with the label.

Two of those who have attempted it and have lived with the label are Jewish researchers, Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. Shahak was an Israeli chemist who himself suffered under the Nazis as a child in Poland.

One of the prominent rabbis quoted by Shahak and Mezvinsky is Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh from the Jewish Chabad Hassidic movement. Hassidism, according to Shahak, is a continuation of Jewish mysticism.

Encyclop�dia Britannica 2002 :Hassidism, also spelled Chasidism
(from Hebrew hasid, �pious one�), a pietistic movement within Judaism that began in the 18th century in southeastern Poland (Volhynia and Podolia) and persists today in small but vigorous groups, especially in the United States and Israel. Hasidism was a reaction against an orthodox religious system that had, many felt, become rigidly legalistic and in which the spiritual yearnings of the common people were lost. Rather than emphasize Talmudic learning, Hasidism made an appeal to emotionalism and anti-intellectualism. 

The Chabad movement is one of the most important branches of Hassidism which, according to Shahak, in his 1994 book,  Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, has, "hundreds of thousands of active adherents who are fanatically devoted to their 'holy rabbis ...".  Rabbi Ginsburgh is one who speaks freely of Jew�s genetic-based, spiritual superiority over non-Jews. This sentiment is clearly expressed in the Hatanya, the fundamental book of the Chabad movement.  Shahak  writes, "According to this book, all non-Jews are totally satanic creatures 'in whom there is absolutely nothing good'. Even a non-Jewish embryo is qualitatively different from a Jewish one. The very existence of a non-Jew is 'inessential', whereas all of creation was created solely for the sake of the Jews." Rabbi Ginsburgh wrote a chapter of the 1995 book  Blessed the Male, written in praise of Baruch Goldstein, another Chabad Hassids member, who, in Israel and elsewhere, is a much revered mass murderer of Arabs. "The story of the massacre committed by Baruch Goldstein in the Patriarchs' Cave in Hebron on February 25, 1994, is well known. Goldstein entered the Muslim prayer hall and shot worshippers mostly in their backs, killing 29, including children, and wounding many more." (See chapter 6 of Shahak and Mezvinsky's Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel. The Blessed Male contained eulogies of Goldstein and halachic (Jewish religious law) justifications for the right of every Jew to kill non-Jews.

According to Shahak, some of the holy Hassidic rabbis, "have acquired a very considerable political influence in Israel, among the leaders of most parties and even more so in the higher echelons of the army."

Referring to an interview with Rabbi Ginsburgh which appeared in an April 26, 1996 Jewish Week (New York) article, Shahak and Mezvinsky wrote (In Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel.), 

�Changing the words 'Jewish' to 'German' or 'Aryan' and 'non-Jewish' to 'Jewish' turns the Ginsburgh position into the doctrine that made Auschwitz possible in the past. To a considerable extent the German Nazi success depended upon that ideology and upon its implications not being widely known early. Disregarding even on a limited scale the potential effects of messianic, Lubovitch [Hassidic] and other ideologies could prove to be calamitous.�

In his 1994 book Israel Shahak wrote, �In my view, Israel as a Jewish state constitutes a danger not only to itself and its inhabitants, but to all Jews and to all other peoples and states in the Middle East and beyond.� and, �Another ominous factor is that Israeli influence in the USA political establishment is also increasing. Hence accurate information about Judaism, and especially about the treatment of non-Jews by Israel, is now not only important, but politically vital as well.�

Before continuing it is important to further address the issue of anti-Semitism. Most people who have carefully read the previously mentioned notorious Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion even once would be outraged at its contention that Jewish conspirators would deliberately exploit anti-Semitism; this idea amongst the worst of its alleged vile slanders against the supposed Jewish/Zionist authors. But, regardless of that document's authenticity, it is now clear that political Zionists promoted the exploitation of anti-Semitism as has been revealed by some very angry Orthodox, as well as secular, anti-Zionist Jews, among others. Here is what Neturei Karta, a group of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem, have to say about the Zionists. (These Orthodox oppose Zionism because they believe it constitutes disobedience to God which will result in the delaying of Redemption.)

"It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all the lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did - They intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to the concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this. (See the books Perfidy, Min Hameitzor, etc.). The Zionists continue to practice this strategy today. They incite anti-Semitism and then they present themselves as the 'saviors'". From Why Orthodox Jews Are Opposed To a Zionist State.

This theme was reflected in the writing of Theodore Herzl, the father of modern Zionism.

�Whoever can, will, and must perish, let him perish. But the distinctive nationality of Jews neither can, will, nor must be destroyed. It cannot be destroyed, because external enemies consolidate it.�Theodore Herzl, from his 1896 introduction to The Jewish State. (This edition published in 1946 by the American Zionist Emergency Council)

(Israel Shahak has documented an enlightening history of Jewish persecution of Jews in chapter 7 of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel.. Other Jewish writers have also expanded on this theme. See part four below.)

Thinking people will realise that the worst reaction to such a revelation and the associated information would be to persecute and mistreat Jewish people in any way. Reasonable people will also realise that any such reaction would itself be inhumane and irrational. Similarly, reasonable people will realise that only an elite few of those who identify themselves as Jewish are fully conscious of these inhumane doctrines and policies and the remainder would, presumably, be horrified (if not fearful). Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky explain how few Jewish people, who do not read Hebrew, are even aware of the extent of the fundamentalist or Zionist philosophy. Education is obviously essential. Only knowledge and wisdom will lead to the end to the mindless, blind persecution both at the hands of those who truly do deserve the title "anti-Semitic" and also at the hands of those who mindlessly or maliciously apply it to those who attempt to highlight the actual, dangerous wrong-doing - as it pertains to the welfare of the planet - of any who identify themselves as Jews.

Our focus, and that of the Plejaren extraterrestrials, on the role which Israel and USAmerica play in the precarious and frightful state of world affairs today does not for a moment mean that we think no other groups and peoples share responsibility for it, or that no others actively, or passively, support these groups. Shahak and Mezvinsky identify a clear, specific example. "Gush Emunim rabbis [powerful Israeli sect leaders], politicians and ideological popularizers have routinely compared Palestinians to the ancient Canaanites, whose extermination or expulsion by the ancient Israelites was, according to the Bible, predestined by a divine design. This genocidal theme of the Bible creates great sympathy for Gush Emunim among many Christian fundamentalists who anticipate that the end of the world will be marked by slaughters and devastation." In regard to a Gush Emunim rabbi and his followers who succeeded in obtaining funding for their activities from Christian fundamentalists in the United States, they write,  "As Jewish fundamentalists who abominate non-Jews, they forged a spiritual alliance with Christians who believe that supporting Jewish fundamentalism is necessary to support the second coming of Jesus. This alliance has become a significant factor in both U.S. and Middle Eastern politics." You can see a powerful example of this fundamentalist Christian support by following this link about Christians United for Israel.

So, as the Plejaren and Billy Meier explain in regard to their own writings, the USAmericans and Israelis are named in particular because they, along with their supporters and hangers on, simply represent the greatest threat to world peace at the current time, and thus they warrant the special focus.

We obviously have a moral obligation to point to these resources, especially in the context of increasing bloodshed and other horrors at the hands of the US and Israel, unhesitatingly and disgracefully supported by our country, Australia, in particular. I find it increasingly bizarre that this ultimately unavoidable and critical component of the Meier case is so routinely ignored by supporters and attackers alike. I  know that I would have never been so compelled to increase my knowledge about it had it not been for what is commonly seen as this highly �politically incorrect� Plejaren stance on Israel and the Jews. I have been forced, by my interest in this remarkable and manifestly humane and non-racist extraterrestrial case, to get myself an education. I encourage you to do the same.

So the following is a presentation of a range of articles, books and summaries which I have discovered or compiled as a result of my attempt to get to the truth about this vital topic. It is merely the result of my own arduous, amateur attempt to collate accurate and unbiased material. It is by no means complete, nor optimal, nor does my drawing from certain texts imply that I think everything written by their authors corresponds to the truth. In fact you will see that, in part, these texts significantly contradict each other. It's worth taking particular note of these differing positions since those differences are themselves instructive. How is it, for example, that sociologist Benjamin Ginsberg, who attributes the profound political influence of Jewish people in the past centuries - ie. their peculiar relationship to the state - as the cause for anti-Semitism, virtually neglects to mention the anti-social components of Jewish fundamentalist teachings? Also, note how the Encyclopaedia Britannica conforms to Shahak and Mezvinsky's assertions about censorship.  Needless to say it is the responsibility of every reader to test and scrutinise the sources for her/himself and to continue the journey from there. There is plenty of other helpful information, on which I base my own views, to which I have not referred directly but which will turn up for anyone serious about pursuing the topic.

 I have quoted heavily because, at this point in my learning, it is simply the best way to convey the information most accurately.

Please remember, this page is really just a glorified index of essential articles and books which you really do NEED to read for a well-rounded understanding.

 "Those people, especially Germans, who were silent and did not condemn Nazi ideology before Hitler came to power are also, at least in a moral sense, guilty for the terrible consequences that followed. Similarly, those who are silent and do not condemn Jewish Nazism, as exemplified by the ideologies of Goldstein and Ginsburgh, especially if they are Jews, are guilty of the terrible consequences that may yet develop as a result of their silence." - Israel Shakak and Norton Mezvinsky, 1999, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

As Billy Meier said in relation to his comments about the 2006 Israel/Lebanon war,

"Every human who knows these things, and thereby the truth of the facts, and is silent over them, makes himself guilty of irresponsibility and of a crime against all humans who come to death or damage through political, militaristic, religious, sectarian, war-related, criminal and terrorist behaviors and actions."

"He who is silent is not only cowardly and not neutral, rather also absolutely irresponsible."  - Billy Meier, contact 430, July 11th, 2006

Part 1 - The dangerous doctrines of Jewish fundamentalism

Part 2  - The world power of these groups

Part 3 - Straussianism

Part 4  - Exploitation of anti-Semitism

Part 1 - The dangerous doctrines of Jewish fundamentalism

Gore Vidal on Israel Shahak :"Needless to say, Israel's authorities deplore Shahak. But there is not much to be done with a retired professor of chemistry who was born in Warsaw in 1933 and spent his childhood in the concentration camp at Belsen. In 1945, he came to Israel; served in the Israeli military; did not become a Marxist in the years when it was fashionable. He was - and still is - a humanist who detests imperialism whether in the name of the God of Abraham or of George Bush. Equally, he opposes with great wit and learning the totalitarian strain in Judaism." -  Introduction to Israel Shahak's 1994 book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years.

Shahak is also praised for his analysis and his courage by Noam Chomsky (with whom he has shared a podium), and Edward Said, among others.

The following quotes and paraphrasing are largely drawn from Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky's 1999 book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

The following are some important introductory points made by Shahak and Mezvinsky.

In chapter one they write, "Almost every moderately sophisticated Israeli Jew knows the facts about Israeli Jewish society that are described in this book. These facts, however, are unknown to most interested Jews and non-Jews outside Israel who do not know Hebrew and thus cannot read most of what Israeli Jews write about themselves in Hebrew. These facts are rarely mentioned or are described inaccurately in the enormous media coverage of Israel in the United States and elsewhere. The major purpose of this book is to provide those persons who do not read Hebrew with more understanding of one important aspect of Israeli Jewish society." 

In their preface Shahak and Mezvinsky note the glaring double standard when it comes to discussion of Jewish Fundamentalism as compared to Christian and Islamic Fundamentalism. "Although possessing nearly all the important social scientific properties of Islamic and Christian fundamentalism, Jewish fundamentalism is practically unknown outside of Israel and certain sections of a few other places. When its existence is acknowledged, its significance is minimized or limited to arcane religious practices and quaint middle European dress, most often by those same non-Israeli elite commentators who see so uncompromisingly the evils inherent in Jewish fundamentalism's Islamic and/or Christian cousins." Shahak and Mezvinsky note "...the dismissal of the perniciousness of Jewish fundamentalism to peace and to its victims by those who are otherwise knowledgeable and astute and so quick to point out the violence inherent in other fundamentalist approaches to existence."

Shahak and Mezvinsky argue that sensitive parts of Talmudic literature have been censored by being toned down and falsified in English and other language translations (and are only selectively passed on to students by their rabbis). In their introduction they write how, " a result, we have ourselves translated all of the texts from talmudic literature that we have quoted in the book." In chapter 4 they explain how accurate descriptions of, for instance, Lurianic cabbalistic doctrines (ie. mystical teachings accepted by various Jewish sects) are to be found in numerous studies written in Hebrew, but in other languages such descriptions are almost absent. For instance, according to the Kabbala, the Earthly embodiment of Satan is every non-Jew. Non-Hebrew writers have minimised the role of Satan. In their preface Shahak and Mezvinsky  wrote how, "...Jewish mysticism, the Lurianic Cabbala, Hassidism and the teachings of Rabbi Kook [an important figure behind the illegal settlement movements] contain basic ideas about Jewish superiority comparable to the worst forms of anti-Semitism.",  and that book shelves full of books on these topics in the English speaking world and elsewhere do not reflect this fact, and readers are therefore misled. "The scholarly authors of these books, for example [Prof] Gershon Scholem, have willfully omitted reference to such ideas.�

Keeping this in mind, Scholem's observations still shed significant light on the picture. In his book Kabbalah, Scholem writes  "...for the three-hundred-year period roughly from 1500 to 1800 (at the most conservative estimate) the Kabbalah was widely considered to be the true Jewish theology ...Through the Diaspora, the number of (Jewish) folk customs whose origins were kabbalistic was enormous..."

Encyclopaedia Britannica 2002 � �... According to Gershom Gerhard Scholem, a modern Jewish scholar of Kabbala, Luria's influence was surpassed only by that of the Sefer ha-zohar. Lurianic Kabbala developed several basic doctrines: the �withdrawal� (tzimtzum) of the divine light, thereby creating primordial space; the sinking of luminous particles into matter (qellipot: �shells�); and a �cosmic restoration� (tiqqun) that is achieved by the Jew through an intense mystical life and unceasing struggle against evil. Lurianic Kabbalism was used to justify Shabbetaianism, a Jewish messianic movement of the 17th century.

Lurianic Kabbala also profoundly influenced the doctrines of modern Hasidism, a social and religious movement that began in the 18th century and still flourishes today in small but significant Jewish communities. "

Shahak goes into more explosive detail about the censoring of religious texts in his book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years. 

Shahak and Mezvinsky's explanations about Israel's politically influential Gush Emunim sect provide an instructive example of their overall message. Gush Emunim formed in 1974 from the followers of the prominent and revered Palestinian Rabbis Kook (senior and junior ) whose teachings were entirely based on the Kabbala and whose political influence can be demonstrated in the success, with the help of then Defence Minister Peres, of their well defined political plan of initiating new Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories and expanding already existent ones. �Having achieved settlement policy successes, Gush Emunim rabbis cleverly conducted a number of political intrigues and were able to achieve domination of the NRP [National Religious Party].� Its �semi-secret rabbinical council� has continued to make policy decisions �based upon their belief in certain innovative elements of ideology not openly advocated or detailed but derived from their distinct interpretation of Jewish mysticism, popularly known as Cabbala.� �� cabbalistic texts, as opposed to Talmudic literature, emphasize salvation for only Jews.� 

Gush Emunim influence is very strong in Israel. Shahak and Mezvinsky's Note on Bibliography and Related Matters explains,  "About one half of Israel's Jewish population supports Gush Emunim. The support, especially monetary, from Jews in the diaspora is also of great importance." In chapter 4, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel.they write that, during the time of the (March 1978) Israeli invasion of Lebanon the military rabbinate in Israel, clearly influenced by the ideas of the two Rabbis Kook, exhorted all Israeli soldiers to �follow in the footsteps of Joshua and to re-establish his divinely ordained conquest of the land of Israel. This exhortation of conquest included extermination of non-Jewish inhabitants.� "Gush Emunim continues to encourage Israeli authorities to deal cruelly with Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The refusals of Prime Ministers Rabin, Peres and Netanyahu to advocate the evacuation of even a single Jewish settlement is attributable primarily to the influence of Gush Emunim.�

According to Shahak and Mezvinsky, the Gush Emunim Rabbis who are cited as authorities in their book, and who are referred to by Gush Emunim researcher Professor Urial Tal (who is also referred to in their book), are not obscure or fringe rabbis but are important Israeli figures.

The National Religious Party and the Gush Emunim sect, both highly influential in Israeli politics, are based on the ideology of the Rabbis Kook. The elder Kook's teaching �assumes the imminent coming of the Messiah and asserts that the Jews, aided by God, will thereafter triumph over the non-Jews and rule over them forever. (This, it is alleged, will be good for the non-Jews.) All current political developments will either help bring this about sooner or will postpone it. � In Chapter 1 they explain how the National Religious Party adheres to the same ideals as the Haredi (who are the more religiously extreme Israeli religious Jews), " relating to the Jewish past and, more importantly, to the future when Israel's triumph over the non-Jews will allegedly be secure. The differences between the NRP and the Haredim stem from the NRP's belief that redemption has begun and will soon be completed by the imminent coming of the Messiah."

According to the Kabbala, the first messiah, a "son of Joseph", a militant figure, "...will prepare the material preconditions for redemption. The second Messiah will be a spiritual �son of David� who will redeem the world by spectacular miracle making.�

Rabbi Kook, the elder, as one of his innovations, identified his group of followers as the collective �son of Joseph�.

Another of Kook�s innovations was to do with Jews who lacked wisdom and correct faith. � Kook postulated that the collective Messiah would ride upon these Jews, exploit them for material gains and redeem them where possible. ��.the Gush Emunim rabbis assert, this one messianic sect has to handle and lead the ass-like Jews, who have been corrupted by satanic Western culture with its rationality and democracy and who refuse to renounce their beastly habits and embrace the true faith. To further the process, the use of force is permitted whenever necessary.�

�The elder Rabbi Kook did not disguise his joy over the loss of lives in World War I; he explained that loss of lives was necessary 'in order to begin to break Satan's Power.'"  

One of Gush Emunim�s important leaders, Rabbi Shlomo  Aviner said, While God requires other normal nations to abide by abstract codes of justice and righteousness, such laws do not apply to Jews.� Shahak and Mezvinsky continue, �Haredi  rabbis often cited this idea in their writings, but they strictly reserved its glaring consequences for the yet-to-come messianic age. The Halacha [Jewish religious law] supports this reservation by carefully distinguishing between two situations in discussing codes of justice and righteousness. The Halacha permits Jews to rob non-Jews in those locales wherein Jews are stronger than non-Jews. The Halacha prohibits Jews from robbing non-Jews in those locales wherein the non-Jews are stronger. Gush Emunim dispenses with such traditional precautions by claiming that Jews, at least those in Israel and the Occupied Territories, are already living in the beginning of the messianic age.�

(Moses Hess, who, as described in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, was the, "German journalist and socialist who influenced [communists founders] Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and who was an important early proponent of Zionism", wrote, in his Rome and Jerusalem, 1862 : �The Messianic era is the present age, which began to germinate with the teachings of Spinoza, and finally came into historical existence with the great French Revolution. With the French Revolution, there began the regeneration of those nations which had acquired their national historical religion only through the influence of Judaism.�)

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner is further quoted saying, "We must live in this land even at the price of war. Moreover, even if there is peace, we must instigate wars of liberation in order to conquer it [the land].� In the second chapter of his1990 book Intifada Responses  he posed and answered a single question; 'Does the Halacha permit inflicting the death penalty upon Arabs who throw stones?' His answer was that inflicting such a punishment is not only permitted but is mandatory. This punishment, moreover, is not reserved for stone throwers but can be invoked for other reasons." (The stone throwing punishment includes Arab children who throw stones). He also asserted that a rabbinical court or a king of Israel "has 'the power to punish anyone by death if it is believed that the world will thereby be improved' The rabbinical court or king of Israel can alternatively punish non-Jews and wicked Jews [a term used to include informers] by beating them mercilessly, by imprisoning them under the most severe conditions and/or by inflicting upon them other extreme suffering.�

Relying on the important, authoritative, codification of Talmudic Law by Moses Maimonides, and on the Halacha, Gush Emunim Rabbi Israel Ariel stated, A Jew who killed a non-Jew is exempt from human judgment�"

At a 1992 symposium organised and underwritten by the Israeli Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Education, the major symposium speaker was Rabbi Shlomo Goren who argued that Judaism forbade granting even a small amount of autonomy to the Palestinians.  �According to Goren, the Halacha considers the denial of Judaism to be the gravest Jewish sin and enjoins pious Jews to kill those infidels who deny Judaism.� "Goren reassured his audience that, undeterred by widespread infidelities,'the process of redemption, already underway for one hundred years, cannot be reversed when Divine Providence awaits us all the time.'"

The following is an example of how censorship has been applied to this material. From Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years - " In 1962, a part of the Maimonidean Code referred to above, the so-called Book of Knowledge, which contains the most basic rules of Jewish faith and practice, was published in Jerusalem in a bilingual edition, with the English translation facing the Hebrew text. The latter has been restored to its original purity, and the command to exterminate Jewish infidels appears in it in full: 'It is a duty to exterminate them with one's own hands.' In the English translation this is somewhat softened to: 'It is a duty to take active measures to destroy them.' But then the Hebrew text goes on to specify the prime examples of 'infidels' who must be exterminated: 'Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoq and Baitos and their pupils, may the name of the wicked rot'. Not one word of this appears in the English text on the facing page (78a). And, even more significant, in spite of the wide circulation of this book among scholars in the English-speaking countries, not one of them has as far as I know, protested against this glaring deception."

According to Shahak and Mezvinsky, Professor Uriel Tal, also an expert in German Nazism, wrote (in Hebrew) the one significant and learned analysis of the Gush Emunim ideology. Foundations of a Political Messianic Trend in Israel published in English in 1985 in the Jerusalem Quarterly. (Uriel Tal (1926-1984) was professor of Modern Jewish History and holder of the Jacob M. and Shoshana Schreiber Chair of Contemporary Jewish History at Tel Aviv University.)  In his analysis he quotes Rabbi Yehuda Amital, "an outstanding Gush leader who was appointed minister without portfolio in the Israeli government in November 1995, by then Prime Minister Peres and who served in that capacity until June 1996. Peres described Amital as a moderate".  The text is Amital's "On the significance of the Yom Kippur War [1973]."

�Therefore, Amital claims, this is the focus of the Yom Kippur War: 'The gentiles are fighting for their mere survival as gentiles, as the ritually unclean. Iniquity is fighting its battle for survival. It knows that in the Wars of God, there will neither be a place for the Satan, nor for the spirit of defilement, nor for the remains of Western culture, the proponents of which are, as it were, the secular Jews. ' The participation (direct or indirect) of all the oil-consuming countries in the struggle in the Middle East, he says, indeed, reinforces the messianic dimension of the war.� [This was alluded to by former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter in his book War on Iraq.

�In conclusion, we are presented with a political messianism in which the individual, the people and the land arrive at an organic union, bestowed with absolute holiness. It is based on a metaphysical comprehension of political reality, which is expressed by a conception of the totality of time and place. The danger of this totalistic outlook lies in its leading to a totalitarian conception of political reality�because it leaves neither time nor place for the human and civil rights of the non-Jew. - Uriel Tal

In chapter 4 Shahak and Mezvinsky point to a modern and influential expression of these discussed attitudes which is, "evident in the teachings and writings of the late 'Lubovitcher Rebbe,' Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who headed the Chabad [Hassidic] movement and wielded great influence among many religious Jews in Israel as well as in the United States. �What Rabbi Scheerson taught either was or immediately became official, Lubovitch, Hassidic belief."

Encyclopaedia Britannica 2002� �Hasidism suffered a staggering blow when huge numbers of eastern and central European Jews were put to death by the Nazis during World War II. The few tzaddiqim [Hasidic leaders] who survived emigrated to Israel or the United States and established new followings. The most successful was the Lubavich sect headed (1950�94) by the Russian-born Menachem Mendel Schneerson, which numbered about 200,000 in the late 20th century.�

Schneerson, in a speech published in 1965 said, "The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species"."A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews. 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth' [Genesis 1:1] means that [the heavens and the earth] were created for the sake of the Jews, who are called the 'beginning.' This means everything, all developments, all discoveries, the creation, including the 'heavens and the earth�are vanity compared to the Jews. The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim. � A non-Jew�s entire reality is only vanity. �The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews. � "

In Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, in regard to the, "Lubavitcher rabbi, M.M. Schneurssohn [Schneerson], who leads this powerful world-wide organisation from his New York headquarters." Shahak wrote,"In Israel these ideas are widely disseminated among the public at large, in the schools and in the army. (According to the testimony of Shulamit Aloni, Member of the Knesset, this Habbad [Chabad] propaganda was particularly stepped up before Israel's invasion of Lebanon in March 1978, in order to induce military doctors and nurses to withhold medical help from 'Gentile wounded'. This Nazi-like advice did not refer specifically to Arabs or Palestinians, but simply to 'Gentiles', goyim.) A former Israeli President, Shazar, was an ardent adherent of Habbad , and many top Israeli and American politicians - headed by Prime Minister Begin - publicly courted and supported it. This, in spite of the considerable unpopularity of the Lubavitcher rabbi - in Israel he is widely criticised because he refuses to come to the Holy Land even for a visit and keeps himself in New York for obscure messianic reasons, while in New York his anti-Black attitude is notorious.

The fact that, despite these pragmatic difficulties, Habbad can be publicly supported by so many top political figures owes much to the thoroughly disingenuous and misleading treatment by almost all scholars who have written about the Hassidic movement and its Habbad branch. [Shahak especially points at German-Jewish religious philosopher, Martin Buber, in relation to this.] This applies particularly to all who have written or are writing about it in English. They suppress the glaring evidence of the old Hassidic texts as well as the latter-day political implications that follow from them, which stare in the face of even a casual reader of the Israeli Hebrew press, in whose pages the Lubavitcher rabbi and other Hassidic leaders constantly publish the most rabid bloodthirsty statements and exhortations against all Arabs."

Encyclopaedia Britannica 2002 �Many Hasidic leaders gained considerable renown, among them Jacob Isaac (d. 1815) of Lublin, Pol., popularly believed to be clairvoyant. He revived earlier stirrings of messianic hopes by declaring that the Napoleonic Wars were a prelude to messianic redemption that could be hastened by the use of magic.�

Shahak and Mezvinsky explain that Ariel Sharon, who had been the principal architect of Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and became Israel's Prime Minister in 2001, was Rebbe Schneerson�s favourite senior politician. Sharon likewise publicly praised Schneerson. (Sharon, while Israeli Defence Minister, was also responsible for the wholesale slaughter of Arab civilians in Lebanese refugee camps.)

In keeping with the goal of demonstrating that the Plejaren extraterrestrial's comments about the Israelis are not racist, and in defence of our claim that Billy Meier's statement that, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has nothing to do with the truth, is wrong, I turn to further important quotes from Shahak's Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years.

"In Chapter 5 we shall deal in detail with the hostile attitudes and deceptions practised by classical Judaism against non-Jews. But more important as a social feature is the profit motivated deception practised by the rich Jews against poor fellow Jews (such as the dispensation concerning interest on loans). Here I must say, in spite of my opposition to marxism both in philosophy and as a social theory, that Marx was quite right when, in his two articles about Judaism, he characterised it as dominated by profit-seeking - provided this is limited to Judaism as he knew it, that is, to classical Judaism which in his youth had already entered the period of its dissolution. True, he stated this arbitrarily, ahistorically and without proof. Obviously he came to his conclusion by intuition; but his intuition in this case - and with the proper historical limitation - was right."

It has been argued that Marx got his ideas about Jews and Capitalism from Moses Hess. As noted by Israeli political scientist, professor Shlomo Avineri, in THE MAKING OF MODERN ZIONISM: The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State, "Hess wrote one of the harshest statements that has ever been made by a Jew about Judaism." "In the year 1845 Hess's essay,  'On Capital,' appeared, which contains very severe pronouncements regarding the Jews and identifying Judaism with capitalism."

In Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel Shahak and Mezvinsky define Jewish fundamentalism as, "the belief that Jewish Orthodoxy, which is based upon the Babylonian Talmud, the rest of talmudic literature and halachic literature, is still valid and will eternally remain valid.  Jewish fundamentalists believe that the Bible itself is not authoritative unless interpreted correctly by talmudic literature. Jewish fundamentalism exists not only in Israel but in every country that has a sizeable Jewish community."  In Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, Shahak writes that the legal system of classical Judaism,  practiced by virtually all Jews from the 9th century to the end of the 18th, is maintained today by Orthodox Judaism which makes use of manageable, authoritative codifications of talmudic law. He draws from these in his explanations excerpted below. He writes, "It is however correct to assume that the compilation referred to reproduces faithfully the meaning of the talmudic text and the additions made by later scholars on the basis of that meaning."

"(4) Deception in business. It is a grave sin to practice any kind of deception whatsoever against a Jew. Against a Gentile it is only forbidden to practice direct deception. Indirect deception is allowed, unless it is likely to cause hostility towards Jews or insult to the Jewish religion. The paradigmatic example is mistaken calculation of the price during purchase. If a Jew makes a mistake unfavorable to himself, it is one's religious duty to correct him. If a Gentile is spotted making such a mistake, one need not let him know about it, but say 'I rely on your calculation', so as to forestall his hostility in case he subsequently discovers his own mistake.

(5) Fraud. It is forbidden to defraud a Jew by selling or buying at an unreasonable price. However, 'Fraud does not apply to Gentiles', for it is written: 'Do not defraud each man his brother'; but a Gentile who defrauds a Jew should be compelled to make good the fraud, but should not be punished more severely than a Jew [in a similar case].

(6) Theft and robbery. Stealing (without violence) is absolutely forbidden - as the Shulhan 'Arukh so nicely puts it: 'even from a Gentile'. Robbery (with violence) is strictly forbidden if the victim is Jewish. However, robbery of a Gentile by a Jew is not forbidden outright but only under certain circumstances such as 'when the Gentiles are not under our rule', but is permitted 'when they are under our rule'. Rabbinical authorities differ among themselves as to the precise details of the circumstances under which a Jew may rob a Gentile, but the whole debate is concerned only with the relative power of Jews and Gentiles rather than with universal considerations of justice and humanity. This may explain why so very few rabbis have protested against the robbery of Palestinian property in Israel: it was backed by overwhelming Jewish power."

In chapter one of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, Shahak and Mezvinsky explain that Fundamentalist Jews wield much greater political power in Israel than their percentage of the population might appear to warrant. (And it is growing.) One reason for this influence is the "special affinity of all the religious parties, perceived since 1980 as fundamentalist, to Likud and other secular right-wing parties. This affinity, especially between Likud and the Haredi religious parties, based upon a shared world outlook, is at the crux of Israeli politics."

Part 2  - The world power of these groups

It's all very well to relay the nature of extremist religious doctrine in relative isolation and abstraction, but the real reason for concern logically lies in how it coincides with the degree of the political influence possessed by its adherents, locally and globally. This following section deals with the latter.

Israel Shahak wrote in his 1997 book, Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policy, "The bulk of the organized US Jewish community is totalitarian, chauvinistic and militaristic in its views. This fact remains unnoticed by other Americans due to its control of the media, but is apparent to some Israeli Jews. As long as organized US Jewry remains united, its control over the media and its political power remain unchallenged."

Meanwhile, the Orthodox anti-Zionist Neturei Karta group, in their article, Why Orthodox Jews are Opposed to a Zionist State, wrote,  �The Zionists have enough control over the American news media to make sure that only their side of the story is heard." And in their text of a talk entitled, Zionism and Judaism � Let Us Define Our Terms, we read, �The pious Jews of whom Neturei Karta is only one of many are seasoned veterans in the anti - Zionist struggle. We, of all people know how hard it is to break through the media black out, especially in the United States.� "Zionist propagandists are always given to bullying tactics and censorship. It is very helpful in this regard to read former Congressman Findley's book, They Dared to Speak Out. It is the sorry record of the immense resources that the Zionist lobby invested in destroying the careers of politicians all across the United States who had voiced some qualms about this nation's subservience to Israel."

 �More strangely still, the [protocols] forger introduces whole passages which are devoted simply to attacking liberal ideas and to extolling the landed aristocracy as an indispensable bulwark of monarchy. These passages are so conspicuously un-Jewish in spirit that they have caused real embarrassment to the editors of the Protocols.� - Norman Cohn, Warrant For Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Pelican, Harmondsworth, 1970


(Shahak - "Haredi ideology clashes with Zionism on certain principles. Two major examples are the Zionist aims to concentrate all Jews, or as many as possible, in and to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. These aims or dogmas contradict the Haredi interpretations of the Talmud and talmudic commentaries. Because of the perceived contradiction, Haredim have consistently proclaimed, and still proclaim, their strong opposition to Zionism; they claim that the state of Israel is merely another diaspora for Jews, and they avoid using Zionist symbols.")

In his 1996 book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, Roger Garaudy, a leading French Communist, summarises a little from the above-mentioned They Dared to Speak Out. (Garaudy had had 40 books published by the big publishing houses but was shunned after publishing this one which was written based on his research into Israel's Invasion of Lebanon, in 1978.)

The entire following extensive excerpt is from Garaudy�s Part 3 III - The Political Use of the Myth.

There is no shortage of examples where the Israeli-Zionist lobby succeeds in imposing on the U.S. an attitude which is unfavorable to American interests but useful for Israeli policy.

Here are some examples:

The president of the Senate Foreign Affairs Commission, Senator Fullbright, decided to summon the main Zionist leaders before a committee which threw some light on their underground activities. He summed up the results of his enquiry in a "Face the Nation" interview on C.B.S., 7 October 1973: "The Israelis control policy in Congress and in the Senate". He added: "Our colleagues in the Senate, about 70% of them, make up their minds more under the pressure of a lobby than from their own vision of what they consider to be the principles of liberty and justice."

In the next elections Fullbright lost his seat as senator.

Since Senator Fullbright's enquiry, the Zionist 'lobby' has continued to strengthen its grip on American policy. In his book, 'They Dare to Speak Out', (published in 1985 by Lawrence Hill and Co.) Paul Findley, who had a seat in the U.S. Congress for 22 years, described the current working and power of the Zionist 'lobby'. This veritable 'branch of the Israeli government' controls Congress and Senate, the Presidency of the Republic, the State Department and the Pentagon as well as the media and it exercises its influence in the universities as well as in the churches.

There is no shortage of examples showing how the Israelis' demands take priority over the interests of the U.S.: On 3 October 1984 the House of Representatives repealed, by a majority of 98%, all limitations to exchanges between Israel and the U.S. in spite of the unfavorable report of the Ministry of Commerce and the opposition of all the unions (p. 31). Every year, whatever the restrictions on other areas of the budget, credit for Israel is increased. The degree of espionage is such that the most secret dossiers fall into the hands of the Israeli government. Adlai Stevenson (former presidential candidate in the U.S.) wrote in the winter '75 - '76 issue of 'Foreign Affairs': 'Practically no decision concerning Israel can be taken, or even discussed, at executive level, without being immediately known about by the Israeli government.' (p. 126) In spite of the refusal of the Secretary of State for Defense, founded on American law, to deliver to Israel, during its offensive in Lebanon, fragmentation bombs (a weapon used against civilians), the Israelis get them from Reagan and use them on two occasions in Beirut to massacre the population. (p. 143)

In 1973 the American admiral Thomas Moorer (head of combined military H.Q.) testifies: The Israeli military attache in Washington, Mordecai Gur (future commander-in-chief of the Israeli forces), asks for planes armed with a very sophisticated missile (called 'Maverick') from the U.S.. Admiral Moorer remembers that he said to Gur: 'I cannot deliver these planes to you. We only have one squadron. And we swore to congress that we needed them.' Gur said to me, 'Give us the planes. As for Congress, I'll take care of it.' That's how', the Admiral adds, 'the only squadron equipped with Mavericks went to Israel.' (p. 161)

On 8 June 1967 the Israeli air force and navy bombard the American ship 'Liberty' (equipped with very sophisticated detectors) to prevent it from detecting their invasion plans for the Golan. 34 sailors are killed and 171 wounded. The ship is overflown for 6 hours and bombarded for 70 minutes. The Israeli government excuses itself for this 'error' and the matter is closed. It is only in 1980 that one of the eyewitnesses, Ennes, an officer on the bridge of the Liberty, can establish the truth, destroying the 'official' version of the 'error', ratified by the 'commission of enquiry' at the time, chaired by Admiral Isaac Kid. Ennes proves that the attack was deliberate and that it was a question of murder. Admiral Thomas Moorer, while Ennes' book was smothered by the Zionist 'lobby', explains why this crime was kept quiet: 'President Johnson feared the reaction of the Jewish electorate...' . The Admiral adds: 'The American people would go crazy if they knew what had happened.' (p. 179)

In 1980 Adlai Stevenson, having sponsored an amendment demanding a reduction of 10% in military aid to Israel in order to force them to stop setting up colonies in the occupied territories, reminded us that 43% of American aid went to Israel (3 million inhabitants) for its arms, to the detriment of 3 billion people starving in the world.

Adlai Stevenson concluded, 'The Prime Minister of Israel has a lot more influence over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East than he has in his own country.' (p. 92)

Any thing goes for the Zionist lobby: from financial pressure to blackmail, from boycotting the media and publishers to death threats.

Paul Findley concludes: 'Whoever criticizes Israeli policy can expect painful and incessant reprisals and even the loss of his means of existence by the pressure of the Israeli "lobby". The President is afraid of it. Congress gives in to all its demands. The most prestigious universities see to it that in their programs there is nothing which opposes it. The media giants and the military chiefs give in to its pressure.' (p. 315)

Source: Hearings, Part 9, 23 May, 1963"

Garaudy goes on to explain how this Zionist political influence is also present in France.

The power of the Zionists, at any rate, is clearly also felt by Jewish writers who dare to speak out. USAmerican writer, Judy Andreas, in Zionism Is Nobody's Friend, writes,   

"It is a grave mistake to believe that all Jews are supporters of Zionism. There have been many vocal critics as well as some who have, for reasons of fear and intimidation, not been as vocal. I will mention some of these courageous voices and my apologies to those I omit. Anti-Zionist writers such as John Sack, Alfred Lilienthal, Benjamin Freedman, Israel Shamir, Israel Shahack, Norman Finkelstein, Henry Makow, Ralph Schoenman, Lenni Brenner, Victor Ostrovsky, Henry Meyer and Jack Bernstein are only of few of this group. These man have dared to speak out and have, as a result, been forced to suffer vicious attacks from groups like the 'Anti-Defamation League' (ADL). Despite its appealing name, this group specializes in slander and defamation."

"Our history books are replete with blank pages. There is a virtual media blackout on some of the most prescient occurrences that have led to the untenable situation in today's world. In the late 1800's, the Zionists schemed to take over Arab Palestine. Most people are not aware that the Jews had not controlled Palestine since the days of the Roman Empire and that the small group of Arab Jews who lived in Palestine got along well with their Muslim hosts and never expressed any desire to overthrow the Ottoman rulers and set up a nation called Israel. This movement came strictly from influential European Zionists."

"For the readers who have dismissed what I have written so far, I ask you to turn your attention to the work of Benjamin Freedman.  Freedman was an American millionaire who severed ties with his fellow Zionists years after the war. He went on to dedicate much of his life and fortune, from the Woodbury Soap Company, to exposing the truth about both World Wars and the Zionist grip on America. This is easily verified. Do not let knee jerk reactions close your mind. I know how distressing this is. Growing up Jewish, I have 'walked that walk'. I have felt the sorrow and disbelief. It is important, however, that we begin to write some real history on those blank pages in your school syllabus."

Benjamin Freedman said the following in a 1961 speech.  - "The Jews at that peace conference, when they were cutting up Germany and parcelling out Europe to all these nations that claimed a right to a certain part of European Territory, the Jews said 'How about Palestine for us?' And they produced, for the first time to the knowledge of the Germans, this Balfour Declaration. So the Germans, for the first time realized, 'Oh, that was the game! That's why the United States came into the war.' And the Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered this terrific reparation that was slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and they were determined to get it at any cost."

Freedman warned against a third world war designed to give world power to Talmudists.  �If the Talmudists of the world say they are willing to see another world war fought to establish 'God's chosen people' in 'their promised land' to rule the world from Palestine, then it is time to tell the grass roots of the United States population what all the excitement is about�.

While barely acknowledging the religious factors - as documented by Shahak and Mezvinsky  - which contribute to anti-Semitism, prominent U.S. Jewish intellectual and sociologist, Benjamin Ginsberg wrote a remarkable account, published in 1993, of the influential role Jews have played in history. Ginsberg writes as if oblivious to the Jewish Nazism described by Shahak and Mezvinsky. In The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State he attributes, as the prime cause for anti-Semitism, resentment and suspicion towards Jews caused by their historically peculiar relationship to the state.

 " ... The problem is that Jews as a group are more successful than virtually all the others. Indeed, Jews are extremely successful outsiders who sometimes have the temerity to rub it in. As one outraged right-wing columnist noted recently, a Yiddish synonym for dullard or dope is 'goyischer kopf', that is, someone who thinks like a non-Jew."

"Jews played key roles in constructing a number of the most important states to emerge in the Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds over the past 700 years. These have included an extraordinary variety of regimes running the gamut from absolutist through liberal to Socialist governments. For many of these states, Jews were crucial in building and staffing institutions of extraction, coercion, administration, and mobilization. As we shall subsequently see, these relationships between Jews and the state have been the chief catalysts for organized anti-Semitism."

(Paradigm Publishers writes, "Benjamin Ginsberg is the David Bernstein Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of American Government at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author or coauthor of a number of books including Presidential Power: Unchecked and Unbalanced; Downsizing Democracy: How America Sidelined Its Citizens and Privatized Its Public; and Politics by Other Means. Ginsberg is a frequent political commentator from his perch in Potomac, Maryland." )

Ginsberg - "Today, though barely 2% of the nation's population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and most influential newspaper, the New York Times. In the late 1960s, Jews already constituted 20% of the faculty of elite universities and 40% of the professors of elite law schools; today, these percentages doubtless are higher."

 �During and after the Thirty Years War, [from 1618] virtually all the major states in Central Europe and Scandinavia found it necessary to make use of the resources and talents of Jews to compete with their rivals.�

�Jews continued to serve absolutist states in these ways through the nineteenth century. The most prominent of these Jews, of course, was the Rothschild family whose name came to be synonymous with international finance. The founder of the dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild of Frankfurt, was the chief financial agent for William IX, elector of Hesse-Cassel. During and after the Napoleonic wars, Mayer dispatched his sons to the major financial capitols of Europe - London, Paris, Vienna, and Naples. Nathan Rothschild, who headed the London branch of the family, saved William IX's fortune by investing it in England and served the British government by transferring millions of pounds in gold to the British army in Spain. In the decades after the war, governments became increasingly dependent upon foreign borrowing - an activity that the Rothschilds came to dominate. Between 1818 and 1832, Nathan Rothschild handled 39% of the loans floated in London by such governments as Austria, Russia and France. Similarly, the Vienna and Paris branches of the family raised money and sold bonds for the Hapsburgs, Bourbons, Orleanists, and Bonaparts. By mid-century, the entire European state system was dependent upon the international financial network dominated by the Rothschilds.�

Ginsberg also distinguishes himself by outlining the dominant role of Jews in the creation of the USSR.

This degree of political influence in history, as described by Ginsberg, was also unreservedly described by 19th century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, himself an advocate for socialism who, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, provided the Conservative Party with a twofold policy of Tory democracy and imperialism. Disraeli came from a Jewish family who had converted to Christianity, which enabled him to take the position as Prime Minister.

Benjamin Ginsberg on Benjamin Disraeli - "These Jewish political and business elites helped to consolidate the liberal regime in Britain by reconciling conservative forces to democratic politics and by expanding the resources and popular base of the British state. The key figure in this process was Benjamin Disraeli. " (Ginsberg explains how the central propaganda force for Disraeli's Imperialist push was the Reuters news agency, "the chief purveyor of information on world events to the entire British press", founded by Israel Beer Josaphat who changed his name to Paul Reuter.)

Disraeli, writing in 1844, refers, in the following quote, to the revolution of 1848, launched shortly after the appearance of The Communist Manifesto. Disraeli explained that he wrote this book, Coningsby, as fiction only so that it would be read by the people.

�You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews; that mysterious Russian diplomacy which so alarms western Europe is organised and principally carried on by Jews; that mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany, and which will be, in fact, a second and greater Reformation, and of which so little is as yet known in England, is entirely developing under the auspices of Jews, who almost monopolise the professorial chairs of Germany. ...�

Disraeli wrote the following in his political biography, Lord George Bentinck.

�When the secret societies, in February 1848, surprised Europe, they were themselves surprised by the unexpected opportunity, and so little capable were they of seizing the occasion, that had it not been for the Jews, who of late years unfortunately have been connecting themselves with these unhallowed associations, imbecile as were the governments the uncalled-for outbreak would not have ravaged Europe. But the fiery energy and the teeming resources of the children of Israel maintained for a long time the unnecessary and useless struggle. If the reader throws over the provisional governments of Germany, and Italy, and even of France, formed at that period, he will recognise everywhere the Jewish element.

One more from Disraeli from Lord George Bentinck, 

"Destruction of the Semitic principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether in the mosaic or in the christian form, the natural equality of man and the abrogation of property, are proclaimed by the secret societies who form provisional governments, and men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them. The people of God co-operate with atheists; the most skilful accumulators of property ally themselves with communists; the peculiar and chosen race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes of Europe! And all this because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes to them even its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure."

And Theodor Herzl, considered the Father of Modern Zionism, wrote "When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; and at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse."  - The Jewish State � The Jewish Question 1896 -  (This edition published in 1946 by the American Zionist Emergency Council, Essential Texts of Zionism.)


�I promise to revenge the Freemasonry, as well as in general as in special cases. I join additionally to be as a support pillar for the Order, to help my Brothers with all my heart and all power, to obey the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem. And if I may be of shortcoming of any of my duties than subject my self to destruction with the same weapon that is given to me to take revenge, as an honor to the Order, and as reward for my diligence, my fervency and my perseverance." 

- excerpt from 9th Degree Initiation ceremony, (Royal Arch) Scottish Rite Freemasonry


 "For the good of Masonry, generally, but the Jewish nation in particular."

Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor - (Royal Arch Degree)


"How the simple Mason plies

Tool to Temple, see it rise!

Princes of Jerusalem,

How we mock and scoff at them!


Boaz broken,

Jachin gone,

Freely spoken


All above

Is overthrown

For the love

Of Babalon."

 - Stanza 1, Song of the Perfect Initiate,  Council of Princes of Jerusalem

Ordo Templi Orientis


 "Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabbalah."

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob B�hme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols."





Part 3 - Straussianism

"I never imagined when I wrote my first book on Strauss that the unscrupulous elite that he elevates would ever come so close to political power, nor that the ominous tyranny of the wise would ever come so close to being realised in the political life of a great nation like the United States. But fear is the greatest ally of tyranny".  - Shadia Drury (a leading scholarly critic of Strauss) Interview with Danny Postel, Noble lies and perpetual war: Leo Strauss, the neo-cons, and Iraq  (October 18th 2003)

Strauss believed that religion is a noble lie necessary to control the masses, and that we need the fear of God to civilise us. He argued that "philosophers" are a natural elite who lie to deceive the masses for their own good. Drury writes, "Strauss goes so far as to say that dissembling and deception � in effect, a culture of lies � is the peculiar justice of the wise."

 "As [Gershom] Scholem explains, this [Shabbetaian] doctrine is connected to the idea that 'the elect are fundamentally different from the crowd and not to be judged by its standards. Standing under a new spiritual law and representing as it were a new kind of reality, they are beyond good and evil'. Strauss's philosopher-prophet is a secularized version of the same conceit."  - Shadia Drury

In Leo Strauss and the American Right, Shadia Drury reiterates that the power and influence in Washington of Strauss's students is well-documented. Among these are people who became choreographers of the "War on Terror" including Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff. Notably, Drury reports that Strauss thought that a political order can only be stable, " ... if it is united by an external threat ;and following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no external threat exists, then one has to be manufactured."

Drury and others refer to an article in the June 17th, 1996 Time magazine in which Strauss (1899-1973) was listed as possibly one of the most influential and powerful figures in Washington, D.C. and as the intellectual godfather of the Republican party's 1994 "Contract with America". Meanwhile, Pulitzer Prize Winning historian, Professor Gordon S. Wood, described Straussianism as, "the largest academic movement in the twentieth century". Strauss reputedly graduated more than a hundred doctoral students in political philosophy and many of them, in turn, graduated others.

Drury argues that the German-Jewish Leo Strauss�s thought is a secularised version of Jewish mysticism and that he was often described as a Kabbalist because of the secretive nature of his work. As Drury and other writers point out, Strauss was also an unabashed proponent of the three most notorious shapers of the Nazi philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, and Carl Schmitt. Strauss, not unlike certain kabbalistic Messianic Fundamentalists Jews, hated modernity, Liberalism, democracy and America. "His claim to fame is an eccentric thesis according to which philosophers can never afford to say just what they mean." In his view a real philosopher must communicate subtly and secretly to the few who are fit to receive his message, (partly to avoid persecution).

Straussians are accused of a cult-like avoidance of open discussion of their ideas. Strauss believed truth had to be kept from the masses. He claimed that he himself, in America, had to be secretive like the ancient philosophers, and write in code.  Straussians concern themselves with secretly passing on teaching to individuals, one at a time, "to superior acolyts, through hints and allusions". This is reminiscent of the approach of Jewish philosopher Maimonides about whom Strauss wrote. Drury explains, "In the introduction to The Guide of the Perplexed, he [Maimonides] warns his readers that his book is filled with hints, equivocations, and even contradictions; he insists that nothing in it is haphazard and all of his diction is chosen with 'great exactness and exceeding precision.' ...Maimonides explains that the seventh reason why there are contradiction in his text is the desire to reveal some things and to conceal others. In particular, where discussion of law is concerned, 'the vulgar must in no way be aware of the contradiction'. ..." Strauss considered Maimonides a Straussian. ("Thanks to Strauss's ingenuity, Maimonides emerges as an atheist and a heretic who was devoted to the care and protection of Judaism for political reasons.")

"Strauss advocated a social order steeped in religiosity, a hierarchically ordered society intended to reflect the inequalities of nature, and emphasized civic virtue, fanatical devotion and unqualified commitment." He believed that religion links the political order to ultimate truth or reality, and this provides that order with an exalted status that inspires citizens to fight and die in its defense. "The gods of "shuddering awe" are necessary to civilize humanity ..." (Drury writes that in view of the perceived necessity of religion, Strauss-inspired, Neo-con Irving Kristol has encouraged the Republican Party to embrace the religious right, including vocal anti-Semites.)  Drury writes how Strauss, distinguishing himself from other conservatives, believed that "tradition is the conscious creation of philosophers, law-givers-prophets, or what Nietzsche called Supermen", by means of some "glorious myth, noble lie, or pious fraud".

Drury's chapter 2 explains Strauss's position on Judaism, being, "... his conviction that assimilation is both impossible and undesirable, his celebration of Jewish nationalism, his rejection of Enlightenment wisdom, and his endorsement of religion as a political tool." Although superficially sounding like an Orthodox Jew with, for instance, his distinct anti-modernist views, Strauss
was not Orthodox, nor was he a political Zionist, but Jewish identity was paramount to him and he upheld Jewish Orthodoxy. Drury writes that Strauss made persecution the basis for Jewish identity and encouraged Jewish students that they should suffer for it. He believed persecution is good and wholesome because it maintains the uniqueness of the Jewish people. The existence of Israel with achieve this (persecution). Irked at the suggestion that it is a racist state, he gave explicit support for the state of Israel. Drury explains that, although highly regarded as a scholar of Jewish thought, Strauss's reverence for Judaism was, "little more than a veneer adopted for political purposes".

Drury, In the interview, Noble lies and perpetual war: Leo Strauss, the neo-cons, and Iraq, said:

 "The effect of Strauss�s teaching is to convince his acolytes that they are the natural ruling elite and the persecuted few. And it does not take much intelligence for them to surmise that they are in a situation of great danger, especially in a world devoted to the modern ideas of equal rights and freedoms. Now more than ever, the wise few must proceed cautiously and with circumspection. So, they come to the conclusion that they have a moral justification to lie in order to avoid persecution."

"For Strauss� The rule of the wise is intended as an antidote to modernity. Modernity is the age in which the vulgar many have triumphed. It is the age in which they have come closest to having exactly what their hearts desire � wealth, pleasure, and endless entertainment. But in getting just what they desire, they have unwittingly been reduced to beasts."

"To be clear, Strauss was not as hostile to democracy as he was to liberalism. This is because he recognises that the vulgar masses have numbers on their side, and the sheer power of numbers cannot be completely ignored. Whatever can be done to bring the masses along is legitimate. If you can use democracy to turn the masses against their own liberty, this is a great triumph. It is the sort of tactic that neo- conservatives use consistently, and in some cases very successfully."

In Leo Strauss and the American Right Drury noted, �There is an uncanny resemblance between Strauss�s view of the philosopher-prophet and the Sabbation conception of the Messiah".

Encyclopaedia Britannica 2002�The movement that developed around Shabbetai Tzevi became known as Shabbetaianism. It attempted to reconcile Shabbetai's grandiose claims of spiritual authority with his subsequent seeming betrayal of the Jewish faith. Faithful Shabbetaians interpreted Shabbetai's apostasy as a step toward ultimate fulfillment of his messiahship and attempted to follow their leader's example. They argued that such outward acts were irrelevant as long as one remains inwardly a Jew. Those who embraced the theory of �sacred sin� believed that the Torah could be fulfilled only by amoral acts representing its seeming annulment. Others felt they could remain faithful Shabbetaians without having to apostatize.

After Shabbetai's death in 1676, the sect continued to flourish. The nihilistic tendencies of Shabbetaianism reached a peak in the 18th century with Jacob Frank, whose followers reputedly sought redemption through orgies at mystical festivals.�

(Drury - "Likewise, Strauss often tells us that philosophy is a manifestation of eros."  "Strauss points out that the greatest philosphers, those who manage to rise above convention altogether, are pederasts.")

Drawing on Gershom Scholem's Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism Drury continues,

"Sabbatianism was a popularization of Kabbalistic ideas. It is named after Sabbatai Zevi, who is also called the 'false Messiah'. But in the middle of the seventeenth century, he was believed by many Jews to be the real Messiah. He was a charismatic figure who traveled widely, and declared himself to be the Messiah. Wherever he went, people fell before him in ecstasy. Gershom Scholem describes Zevi as a man pursued by demons who alternated between euphoria and melancholy. His psychic exuberance led him to violations of the moral law. In times of normal lucidity, he was deeply troubled by his transgressions. His disciple, Nathan of Gaza, convinced him that these transgressions were part and parcel of his messianic mission. According to Nathan, there is a connection between the Messiah and the forces of darkness. As we have noted earlier, there are numerological clues for this connection. Nathan explained that from the beginning of time, the soul of the Messiah was held captive in the realm of darkness. The Messiah must therefore descend into the crucible of sin to wrench his soul from the darkness that holds him captive. In this way, Nathan gave Zevi's transgressions a millenarian significance. He convinced him that the law does not apply to him. Evil was sanctified as having a significant role in the process of redemption. In this way, the doctrine of the holy sin was born. As Scholem explains, this doctrine is connected to the idea that 'the elect are fundamentally different from the crowd and not to be judged by its standards. Standing under a new spiritual law and representing as it were a new kind of reality, they are beyond good and evil' Strauss's philosopher-prophet is a secularized version of the same conceit. The standards of the law that apply to all humanity cannot apply to the noble liar. The philosopher-prophet is the secular messiah who descends to the depths of nihilism and bears the yoke of the terrible truth for the sake of humanity. He represents a reality that transcends the law, a reality that is beyond good and evil. From the abyss of nihilism he brings forth God and his law. In so doing, he provides a political and this-worldly solution to man's infirmities. He is the savior of humanity, the only messiah we can rationally expect. His lies are sanctified by the law because they are necessary to the bliss of humanity, and his sins are absolved by the law because they are holy sins. Strauss accepts the Machiavellian doctrine according to which moral considerations have no place in politics and power. This explains why he was compelled to undermine Maimonides�s insistence on the moral perfection of the philosopher-prophet. Strauss�s political ideal is a nightmare that leaves us entirely at the mercy of cunning and ambitious priests, who are more terrifying than Dostoevsky�s Grand Inquisitor.�


"The whole basis of our theory is the Qabalah ..." .Ordo Templi Orientis prophet,  Aleister Crowley, in Magic in Theory and Practice

Part 4 Exploitation of anti-Semitism

Returning to the topic of Jewish exploitation of anti-Semitism, the following is the opinion and research of Australian Rabbi Gedalya Liebermann, one of many writers who have studied this horror.  

�This boycott hurt Germany like a fly attacking an elephant - but it brought calamity upon the Jews of Europe. At a time when America and England were at peace with the mad-dog Hitler, the Zionist 'statesmen' forsook the only plausible method of political amenability; and with their boycott incensed the leader of Germany to a frenzy. Genocide began, but these people, if they can really be classified as members of the human race, sat back.� 

He goes on to explain how the Zionist leaders were offered the opportunity to move the Jewish people out of harm's way and how the Zionists responded. 

�The answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments: a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees. b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a 'Jewish State' at the end of the war. c) No ransom will be paid This response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.� 

Rabbi Liebermann explains how this pattern was repeated over and over.

And in Neturei Karta's Why Orthodox Jews Are Opposed to a Zionist State they provide the following.  "Here are two replies given by Leaders of the Zionists during World War II, when they were asked for money to help ransom Jews from the Nazis. Greenbaum said 'One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland.' (G-d forbid). Weitzman said, 'The most important part of the Jewish people is already in the land (of Israel) and those who are left, are unimportant (May we be spared).'

Also, in Neturei Karta's published text of a lecture by Rabbi Yisroel David Weiss, is the following: �Second, the suffering of the Jewish people in the Second World War in Europe created extraordinary sympathy among the peoples of the earth and it was this sincere and commendable sympathy that has been incessantly exploited by the Zionist propaganda machine since 1945."

Prominent civil rights activist and Marxist writer, Lenni Brenner, in Zionism in the Age of the Dictators wrote, " - Prior to the Nazis, German Zionism was no more than an isolated bourgeois political cult. While the leftists were trying to fight the brownshirts in the streets, the Zionists were busy collecting money for trees in Palestine. Suddenly in 1933 this small group conceived of itself as properly anointed by history to negotiate secretly with the Nazis, to oppose the vast mass of world Jewry who wanted to resist Hitler, all in the hope of obtaining the support of the enemy of their people for the building of their state in Palestine. Smolar and their other Zionist critics saw the ZVfD as merely cowardly, but they were quite wrong. Any surrender theory explains nothing of the pre-Hitler evolution of Zionist racism, nor does it go far in explaining the WZO�s endorsement of their stance. The truth is sadder than cowardice. The plain fact is that Germany�s Zionists did not see themselves as surrendering but, rather, as would-be partners in a most statesmanlike pact. ... They did not fight Hitler before he came to power, when there was still a chance to beat him, not out of any degree of cowardice, but out of their deepest conviction, which they had inherited from Herzl, that anti-Semitism could not be fought. Given their failure to resist during Weimar, and given their race theories, it was inevitable that they would end up as the ideological jackals of Nazism."

Israel Shahak - "In the last 40 years the number of non-Jews killed by Jews is by far greater than the number of the Jews killed by non-Jews. The extent of the persecution and discrimination against non-Jews inflicted by the 'Jewish state' with the support of organised diaspora Jews is also enormously greater than the suffering inflicted on Jews by regimes hostile to them. Although the struggle against antisemitism (and of all other forms of racism) should never cease, the struggle against Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism, which must include a critique of classical Judaism, is now of equal or greater importance." - 1994, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years.

What do the Plejaren extraterrestrials wish for the Earth Humans?

"1. For the earth humans, we wish that they, in all love and reason, tend toward bringing an end to all aggression, acts of violence and wars, as well as all criminality, all hate, all discord, every bondage as well as any craving for vengeance and retaliation."

"9. True peace as well as true love and freedom should finally prevail on Earth and among all human beings regardless of skin color, race and faith, without hate, revenge, jealousy, craving for retaliation, privation, misery, murder, homicide, terror and wars."

"11. It must finally come to an end on Earth that human beings with other forms of conviction as well as different faith, skin color and race are hated, pursued, tortured and killed."

"14. Most urgently, the earth human must learn to bear his own responsibility and consciously act in a progressive manner in accordance with this. It can no longer persist that the responsibility is simply shifted onto someone or something else, because the individual is responsible for all of his own thinking, feelings and actions. The individual must recognize and adhere to his responsibility, because only when the individual begins recognition of his responsibility and adheres to his responsibility will the next person be prompted to do the same, whereby others, in turn, will join in, and finally the whole of Earth's mankind will be taken up by it."

From What the Plejarans Wish for the Earth Humans, presented by Quetzal in Contact Report 215 on Saturday, February 28, 1987, at 2:09 AM.


gaiaguys' suggested further reading:


The Bible Unearthed:Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts
by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silverman

United States of America Public Law 108-332, being the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004.

" ... the Office (To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism) shall assume the primary responsibility for-- '(1) monitoring and combating acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incitement that occur in foreign countries ..." 

`Education Day, U.S.A.'

    "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as `Education Day, U.S.A.'. The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities."

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Posted: March 2, 2010

Michael Horn