The dreadful abuse of public trust that we have painstakingly detailed for you now in this web site could never have happened without the cover of secrecy and public ignorance that preceded the invention of the World Wide Web. And without it, it seems a forgone conclusion that this fiasco would have been successfully buried by all the powerful participants.

We believe that this direct form of communications will transform our society in ways as yet unimaginable, and recognise that the start of a exponential curve is ostensibly flat. We live in hope, and in the abiding faith in the intrinsic sense of fair play evinced by our sisters and brothers in the case of a disgusting miscarriage of natural justice.
As you can see, we depend enormously on the hard research and professional talents of many others. We provide this information to you in the spirit of Freedom of Information and the right to know. We are grateful and appreciative of the unwitting assistance that this work provides, and we have attempted - in good faith - to attribute these efforts to the best of our ability. We are not happy about our so-called infringement of other people's "intellectual property rights" and are prepared to remove anything that is felt to be legally unacceptable. But we recognise that copyright legislation is woefully behind the times, given that we are encouraged to avail ourselves of material on the Internet which cannot legally be 'saved' to read off-line without the written permission of the publishers.

Television stations run programs in the wee small hours of the night because people are expected to videotape them.

Audio cassette players are equipped with high speed dubbing facilities in order to copy tapes, and books borrowed from public libraries state that it is forbidden for them to be lent.

Does that make our common sense attitude here a form of civil disobedience ?

Click here for a particularly loony example of intellectual property rights gone mad.

We were surprised to see that the New York Times web page requires a subscription to view.

The Sydney Morning Herald  is more philanthropic. Read all about it for free.

Before we started getting postal deliveries in 1996, I spent nineteen years driving a 13 km daily round trip to buy the paper we had delivered from Sydney, which is really invaluable to us in the bush, and is far more comprehensive than the electronic version. Surely journalism is about justice, so I hope we can continue to provide our Internet viewers with these excerpts.


Sydney Morning Herald's ICON

February 20th, 1999

The Net

Wounded bulls

By David Higgins 

"You can't rely on selling creative products in an online world." " Welcome to the reality of the 21st century."



Sydney Morning Herald

Fairfax wins quality award

July 6th, 2004

The Sydney Morning Herald has won the print industry's most prestigious international award for quality. Fairfax Printers at Chullora won the award which is promoted by Ifra, the leading organisation for newspaper and media production. As a result of the award the Herald is admitted to the International Newspaper Quality Club for 2004-06, one of only 50 newspapers worldwide to receive the honour. The Herald's sister publications, The Age and The Newcastle Herald, were also admitted - the only other papers in Australia to be honoured.


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